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February 23, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-23

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d; possibly local rain
older Thursday. Fri-




Ann Arbor's Water Supp
Dilemma; False Prophet.

No. 102




Unofficially Named As Appointees To Cabinet

)ver 3001
)se Holding Them May
e Forced To Withdraw
rom The University In
wo Or Three Days
re Feb. 13, Given
Ldditional 2 Weeksj

Ann Arbor Banks To Cash
Checks Only When Drawn
AgainstNew 'Trust Funds

otes Carried At
erest Does Not
t Fund Charge
7 300 students will be
aw from the Univer-
or three days unless
on of the terms of
d tuition notes still
,rranged. In spite of
y 319 students have
during the past week.
ginally fell due Feb.
holding them have
an additional two
niversity in which to
cording to the notes
ed by the students,
unable to make the
payment must with-
y rumored, however,
authorities are seek-
3ngexents which will
lent note holders to
d last week that the
notes, installed ap-
years ago, have be-
used during the de-
e additional clerical
makes them unsatis-
shier's office handles
nasmuch as the serv-
charge, is insufficient
the bookkeeping and,
i the money taken
was pointed out by
tkins, assistant sec-
niversity, that of the
rred tuition notes an
ber of holders may
t the University and
their withdrawal
reached the cashier's
lost of these students
terde in the fall in-
nain for only one




_ i

Admission Cut
For Slide Rule,
Dance To Be Held March
31 In Union Ballroom;j
Tickets On Sale Soon
At a meeting of the committee for
the Slide Rule dance, annual formal
of the engineering college to be held
March 31 in the Union ballroom, a
price of $2.50 for this year's tickets
was established. This is in keeping
with the general trend on the cam-
pus, committeemen stated, which
calls for lower prices on all dances
this year. It is $1.00 cheaper than
last year's dance.
Tickets are to be placed on sale
within the next few days at the Un-
ion, Slater's and Wahr's, as well as
at the University Club in Detroit.
Richard N. Cogger, '33E, general,
chairman, stated that this is the
fourth annual Slide Rule dance to
be sponsored by the Michigan Tech-
nic, engineering students' publica-
More than a dozen orchestras have
sent in bids to date, according to
Cogger, including Jan Garber, Henry
Theis, Ace Brigade, Hal Kemp, Bar-
ney Rapp, Emerson Gill, and the
Casa Loma orchestra which furnish-
ed the music for last year's party.
Michigan Banks Reveal
Reopening casures
DETROIT, Feb. 22.-VP)-Here are
what some Michigan banks plan to
do tomorrow, the opening day for the
states closed institutions under a
proclamation of Gov. William A.

Suspect Held
For .Grilling In
Store Robbery
Czmolnck Remains Silent;
Has Prison Record On
Breaking-Entering Count
A possible solution to the theft of
$3,000 worth of merchandise. from
the Swisher Grocery Co. Saturday
was announced .by police. yesterday
with the arrest of John Czmolnck,
'33, of Detroit.
On the morning of the robbery Of-
ficer William' Hitchingham, patrol-
ling his beat, noticed a car parked
on West Washington Street. Hitch-
ingham recorded the car license and
after the robbery was discovered later
in the morning the license was
checked. The owner of the car, it was
found, was Czmolnck, and he was
brought to the County Jail to be held
for investigation.
Czmolnck refused to talk, but a set
of 1933 license plates was discovered
in the car. Police believe that-these
were kept in case a "quiick exchange".
of lic nses should ever bneces .
Cztmolnck has seied timein the
state prison at Jackson on charges
of grand larceny and breaking and
entering. No date has been set for his
First Issue Of
Union Bulletin
Out Tomorrow
Will Discuss Activities In
Detail And Outline Plans
For The Future
The first issue of the University of
Michigan Union bulletin, a four-page
paper detailing Union activities, will
make its -appearance tomorrow, John
H. Huss, '33, recording secretaryof
the Unioh, announced yesterday.
The bulletin is primarily intended
to acquaint students with the activi-
ties of the Union, Huss said. It will
take up the activities or the Union
in detail, discuss the various tourna-
ments being run off at the present
time, and tell of other work being
done now with a brief outline of
plans for the future.
One of the features of the publica-
tion will be an article on the Student
Council entitled, "The Return of the
Prodigal Son.d
Announcement is made in the bul-
letin of the first of a projected series
of, Sunday afternoon- discussion
groups to be held in the lobby of the
,Union and led by prominent men
from outside the campus. The first
of these discussions will be held
March 12 and will be addressed by
James K. Watkins, Michigan grad-
uate and Detroit Police Commis-
An article on the Student Good-
Will Fund by Huss, chairman of the
drive, is also included.
This publication is being put out
by the executive council of the
Union and is edited by Edward Mc-
Cormick, '34, chairman of the Union
publicity committee. It will be dis-
tributed to fraternities, and will be
obtainable at the main desk of the
Union as well as several other points
about the campus.
Dr. Ruthven Buys Farm
To Go Horseback Riding

Miller Describes
German Gun Used
At SiegeOfParis
Likening the German gun used
in the offensive on Paris to a trem-
mendous internal combustion engine I
which the power of Niagara Falls
would be inadequate to operate, Col.
Henry W, Miller described the -events
leading to the use of the famous bat-
tery and its operation before a ca-
pacity crowd in Natural Science Au-
ditorium last night.
Col. Miller whop is .an internation-
ally recognized ordnance authority,
chief of staff of the United States
railroad artillery during the earlier
years of the war and later in charge
of all heavy artillery, spoke through
the sponsorship of the student
branch of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers. Besides his
war-time experience he has written
five books now in general use in the
ordnance division of the United
States Army and a book for popular
sale entitled "The Paris Gun."
The inevitability of the war was
explained by referring to the French
attitude toward Germany dating
back to the campaigns of 1870. From
this period Col. Miller traced the
development of heavier artillery.
Loeal World War
Veterans Honored
Wth the awarding of the Order of
Purple Heart, the Washington bi-
centennial medal, to 26 ocal World
War veterans and an initiation ban-
quet for members of the second Con-
gressional district, the local unit of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars played.
an important part in Ann Arbor's
observance of George Washington's
birthday yesterday.
Prof. John H. Muyskens, of the
speech department, delivered a dedi-
cation address at the investiture
ceremony in which Maj.-Gen. Guy M.
Wilson, of the 32nd Division, assisted
by Maj. Basil D. Edwards, head of
the military science department, and
Capt. Kenneth L. Hallenbeck, of the
National Guard, presented veterans
with the award at 4 p. m. in Hill
Congressman-.elect John Lehr de-
livered the main address at the in-
itiation banquet of Veterans of For-
eign Wars from the second district
in the evening at Masonic Temple.

Completes ,His
Cabinet Choice
Unofficial List Includes
Two Republicans; Roper
Revealed As Tenth
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22.-(P)-It
was authentically revealed today that1
President-Elect Roosevelt had just
completed a Cabinet of national pat-
tern .and turned to other major ap-
Barring an unexpected shift at the
last minute, three of those to sit
around the White House council table
with the next executive will be from
the East, three from the South, two
from the Midwest and two from the
Of the ten, but one name had re-
mained a secret until now-that of!
Daniel C. Roper, of South Carolina,
as Secretary of Commerce.
Homer Cummings, of Connecticut,.
is understood to be slated for Gov-.
ernor General of the Philippines,
putting at rest reports that Mre
Roosevelt intended to leave in that
high post, for the time being, at
least, his distant relative, Theodore'
Roosevelt, Jr.'
Norman H. Davis, by invitation of
the President-Elect in New York to-
day, will remain as head of the
American delegation to the Geneva
Arms Conference, assuring continu-
ity of this Country's policy there.
Although only the first two of the
10 have been formally announced,
the Cabinet set-up is accepted in
Washington to be:
State-Cordell Hull, of Tennessee.
Treasury-William H. Woodin, of
Pennsylvania and New York.
War-George H. Dern, of Utah.'
Justice-Thomas J. Walsh, of
Postoffice-James A. Farley, of
New York.
Navy-Claude A. Swanson, of Vir-
Interior-Harold Ickes, of Illinois.

State's 530 Banks Ready
For Reopening; Amount
Of Cash Available To
Depositors Is Unsettled
Limited Business
Will Be Continued
Detroit House Will Keep
5 Per Cent Withdrawal
Ruling; Other Cities To
Employ Similar Plans
DETROIT, Feb. 22. - (P) - The
question of 'how much money will be
available to depositors in Michigan's
banks tonight remained largely un-I
settled, as the state's 530 institutions
prepared for reopening. Under the
terms of Gov. William A. Comstock's
proclamation, all banks, closed for
the, past eight days under an un-
precedented emergency order, must
reopen Thursday for limited business.
The Detroit Clearing House Associa-
tion, -however, has announced that
the 5 per cent withdrawals permitted
depositors .since last Thursday will
be continued -virtually - extending
the holiday as it was proclaimed last
Tuesday by the governor.



Amendment Is
Offered Senate
Van Eenenaam Initiates
Measure In Form Of A
Joint Resolution-

Depositors To Wi
5 Per Cent, Tram
To New Account;
Checks Will Be Rf


Agriculture-Henry A.
Commerce---Daniel C.
South Carolina.
Labor-Miss Frances
New York.

Wallace, of
Roper, of
Perkiis of

Out-state, where banks generally
have been closed during the emer-
gency holiday, bankers were in
lengthy conferences, seeking to de-
termine the limitations which will be
placed on withdrawals and other'
business, and seeking interpretations
of the terms laid down in the gov-
ernor's second proclamation, issued
Tuesday. '
Detroit Will 4cad '
Generally, it wvas believed, the out-
state banks would follow the leadu of
Detroit, permitting no more than 5
per cent withdrawals, and conducting'
an otherwise limited business until
expected state and national legisla-
tion is passed. Such national legisla-
tion passed the Senate today, and
similar action is before the Michigan
House of Representatives.
Several cities have already an-
nounced plans for permitting with-
drawals of 5 per cent, among them
Grand Rapids, Flint, Pontiac, Lan-
sing, Muskegon, and Ann Arbor. Port
Huron has decided upon 3 per cent
withdrawals, but elsewhere midnight
conferences were awaited to deter-
mine restrictions under which the
general reopening will be held.
Today-a legal holiday-saw no
let-up in the numerous conferences
of bankers and state officials, seek-
ing to terminate as rapidly as pos-
sible the emergency holiday that fol-
lowed Governor Comstock's procla-
mation last Tuesday of an "acute
emergency" in the affairs of the
Union Guardian Trust Co., a Detroit
Rudolph E. Reichert, state bank-
ing commissioner, stated that pas-
sage of the state banking bill now
before the House "should restore con-
fidence in the state's banks" and said
establishment of new laws for bank-
ing operations, giving the state au-
thority to dictate a plan of opera-
tion to banks in unsound condition,
awaited only the Legislature's action.
Couzens' Measure Adopted
Meanwhile, in Washington, the
Senate adopted without debate the
resolution introduced by Sen. James
Couzens (Rep., Mich.) authorizing
the comptroller of the currency to
adopt any emergency regulations for
national banks that are applied to
state institutions by state legisla-
tures. The proposal would remain in
effect only one year. Such action,
Michigan banking officials said, would
give the banking commissioner and
Governor Comstock absolute power
in banking operations when emer-
gency conditions arise.
Under the Michigan plan now be-
ing considered, the state would be
given authority to step into a bank
that is approaching unsound condi-
tion and restore the situation by lim-
iting deposit withdrawals, sequester-
ing slow assets, and establishing trust
deposits. Slow assets would be liqui-
dated when they return to normal
values and the proceeds would be
paid to depositors. Thus, the bank-

A constitutional amendment to
permit county home rule and to set
up alternative forms of county gov-
ernment, drafted by Professors
'homas H. Reed and Arthur W. Bro-
mage, of the political science depart-
ment, was initiated in the form of a
joint resolution yesterday in the
State Senate, it was learned last
The measure was introduced by
Sen. Gordon F. Van Eenenaam, Rep.,
of Muskegon. If it passes both houses
by the required two thirds majority,
it will be submitted to the people in
the spring elections.
Was Part of Report
The amendment was drafted by
Professors Reed and Bromage as part
of a report prepared by them at the
request of Ex-Governor Brucker's
Commission of Inquiry into County,
Township, and School District Gov-
One of the recommendations made
in this report was that county boards.
of supervisors be altered in order to
take the majority power , from the
hands of rural minorities and placet
it with city majorities, in counties
where rural minorities under the
present system are able to elect a
majority of the boards' members.
This recommendatioi, regarded by
Profe sors Reed and Bromage asf
fundamental, was rejected by the
Governor's commission when it made
its preliminary report in December.
The recommendation is included in
the amendment introduced yesterday
by Senator Van Eeenenaam.
Other Proposals
The proposed amendment would
authorize the electors of any county
to frame, adopt, or amend a charter
for its government, which charter,
in addition to naming the number
of supervisors and the method of
their election, could provide for the
continuance or discontinuance of the
organized townships in the county,
and the transfer of any or all of the
powers now exercised by townships
or township officers to officers of the
county or state; for the election or
appointment of all constitutional
county officers; for the election or
appointment of a general county exe-
cutive; for the exercise by the county.
of local legislative and administrative
powers; and for the organization of
a court or courts to take the place
of the present system of justice of
the peace.

Situation Is Called
Highly Complicat
Proclamation Issued
Clearing House; Lo
Retailers Aroused; '
Send Customers Let

The Ann Arbor Clearing House
Association last night announced
that its members, which include all
the banks in Ann Arbor, would cash
checks only when they were drawn
on "trust funds" to be created by the
individual depositor's withdrawing 5
per cent from his regular account
and opening a new account with this
Withdrawn money in the trust de-
posit departments of the banks.
The clearing association announced
further that all checks which have
been written during the past week
are to be returned to the ones who
made them, and that new checks,
drawn on the "trust funds," are to
be issued in their place.
Complete Proclamation
The proclamation of the clearing
house follows in full:
"The situation regarding checks
in transit is hopelessly complicated
by the governor's proclamation. To
clarify this situation the bank de-
partment has proposed the following
"1. Return all such checks to the
point of issue.
"2. Issue. new checks subject to
whatever limitations are imposed by
the individual banks upon which the
checks are drawn.
"To provide funds for the payment
of such new checks will of necessity
require the opening of a new account
in the trust deposit department in
which may be deposited the 5 per
cent that is being refunded present-
ly, together with any new funds that
have been deposited since Feb. 11
and that are hereafter deposited.
"Ann Arbor's Clearing House As-
Announcement Irks Retailers

rThe University Oratorical Contest
is open to women as well as to men,
it was announced yesterday.j



Marriage Can Be Millstone Or
Life Preserver, Says Lecturer


"Don't be too anxious to get mar-
'That was the warning Dr. W. 0.,
Stevens, headmaster of Cranbrook
School, issued to college men last
night in a lecture at the Union open-
ing a series of vocational talks which
are being sponsored by the Student
"When a young man marries he
hangs something around his neck-a
millstone, a doughnut, or a life pre-
server. Only too frequently it is a
millstone or a doughnut, for the life
preserver type of women is willing to
wait until a man has established
himself in his career."
Character and personality are two
of the most valuable assets which a
young man going out into the busi-

the young man upon leaving college
is "findng himself," said Dr. Stevens.
Too many want to step into their
desired careers immediately, without
climbing the ladder, and as a result
fail to make the mark.
Choosing a field of specialization
too soon is one of the greatest errors4
made by a large number of students
today, continued Dr. Stevens. Fre-
quently a student who takes a pre-
medical or pre-law course, finds later
that he is more interested in some
other field of work. Mistaking some
particular talent as a career is the
cause of this early specialization, said
Dr. Stevens.
"Develop all of your possible abili-
ties, however," advised Dr. Stevens,
"for one can never tell when he
might be forced to fall back on some
sideline or hobby to pay for his

'Hedda Gabler'
To Open Today
At Lab. Theatre
Ibsen Play To Have Four
Night Run; 1890's Are
Depicted In Settings
Play Production's presentation of
Henrik Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler" will
open at 8:30 p. m. today at the Lab-
oratory Theatre for a four day run.
The last showing will be made Mon-
day night.
A preview presentation of the
drama was held last night.
The title role of Hedda will be
played by Vivian Cohen, '33; J. Vin-
cent Doll, '33, will have the part of
Judge Brack; Edward Freed, Grad.,
Tesman, Hedda's husband; Mary
Pray, '34, Mrs. Elvsted; Glad Diehl,
'33, Aunt Julia; Charles Harrell, '34,
Eilert Lovborg; and Billie Griffiths,
'35, Berta.
The production will be done in set-
tings and costumes of the 1890's, the
period in which the play was written.
Special costumes have been designed
and executed for this presentation by
Frances Louise Young, special stu-

The announcement was first made
last night at a meeting of more than
300 retail merchants in the Chamber
of Commerce Building. and aroused
a storm of discussion and contro-
versy. Many retail merchants claim-
ed that they had already accepted
checks which the signers, particu-
larly if they are students in the uni-
versity, would not be able to cover
by only 5 per cent withdrawal of
After a lengthy discussion of the
situation, the Chamber of Commerce
decided to print a form letter which
retail merchants may send to their
customers." In substance, the letter
will say that while it is impossible to
cash checks which have been written
during the past week, the makers of
these checks are under obligation to
pay them even if a 5 per cent with-
drawal of their total deposits will
not now cover the sum. Some mer-
chants indicated that they would
keep such checks instead of "return-
ing them to the point of issue," as
the clearing house statement asks.
Walz Makes Statement
William Walz, president of the Ann
Arbor Savings Bank, said that all
checks made out on the newly cre-
ated "trust funds" would be marked
"trust fund" by the signers, so that
a distinction could be made between
these checks and those already writ-


"This 5 per cent withdrawal of de-
posits," he said, "will put three-quar-
ters of a million dollars into circula-
tion in this city, provided that the
people use the money and do not
horde it. This whole situation came
upon us unexpectedly. We were to-
tally unprepared for it. I, for one,
never expected to see the day when
the banks of Ann Arbor would have
to limit withdrawals. It is because
we were so unprepared for the situa-
tion, that it is taking so much time
to clarify the condition. Thus far
the merchants and the citizens have
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