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February 22, 1933 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-22

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Sunday Afternoon Tea
Held At Lawyers Club
Miss Della McCallum, director of
the Lawyers' Club, and Miss Bertha
Flynn, assistant director, entertained
residents of the club at tea Sunday.
in the Lounge. Olive Randall, '33, of
Martha Cook, poured. The tea table
was made attractive by a centerpiece
of red roses.

Dr. Franklin Hong
At Jewish R

Committee On
Third Spring
Parley Meets
Purposes Of Education To
Be General Topic Of
Student Discussion
Plans for the third Spring Parley
to be begun- April 1 at the League
were furthered at an informal meet-
ing held in the Mendelssohn Theatre
lobby last night.
"Put the professors on the spot,
ask them questions which can not
or will not be answered in class,"
were key ideas of the members con-
vening at this second parley meet-
Having adopted, after much dis-
cussion, the general topic of "What
is the purpose of education?" the
committee plans to hit upon a com-
bination of general conference, jury
plan and commission, which will in-
corporate the best features of each.
The purpose of this parley, as of
last year's, is to stimulate individual
The Spring Parley was begun in
1931 and has had two previous ses-
sions. Last year's parley was attend-
ed by about 400 faculty and student
members and aroused much interest
on other university campuses.
Recently Masschusetts Institute of
Technology, having become interest-
ed in the plan, invited members of
last year's committee to explain the
general plan there.'
Although the topic of last year's
parley differed in that the general
subject was a philosophy of life, it
is expected that the same general
questions will arise out of the ques-
tion chosen, since education and the
idea of why and how we live are so
closely connected.
'Tha r~nfccn~n .l~n nr. ^-, . . :.

Carnival Chairman

Sororities Give
Dinners FetiM
Rushing Guests i
Engagement Of ElIzabethl
Gilkey To Daniel Thom'as
Announced At Soro s
Sororities are entertaining at many
novel rushing dinners this week. Sev-
eral are holding tea dances and
formals over the holiday and week-
Spring flowers and harmonizing,
tapers will decorate the tables at a
rushing dinner tonight at Alpha Phi.
Week-end guests included Mrs.,
J. D. Bicknell, of Muskegon, who wasI
visiting her daughter Ellen; Hortense
Bumpus, '32, of Monroe, and two
members of the Michigan State chap-
ter of Alpha Phi. Winnifred Pike, '35,
June Biggers, '34, and Martha Vin-.
cent, '36, spent the week-end at their
homes in Detroit, while Katherine
Schnelzer, '34, visited in Saginaw.
Alpha Epsilon Phi entertained six
guests at a rushing dinner last night.

Just One Of Qzruplets

Gaily Colored
Sweaters Help
Brighten Suits
Ofecourse you can't believe the
weather. It may be the first rustle
of spring and then again it may be a
breeze that might sweep us off our
feet with all the mildness of a cy-
clone. Yet, illusion or not, it makes
I us scan our wardrobes with a cal-
culating eye and decide that some-
thing in the way of brightening is
For instance, a bright blouse or
sweater for a dark skirt, or if you are
fortunate enough to have a light one,
a dark top is good such as a light
beige skirt and a cocoa brown blouse.
Many of the soft blouse details are
being developed into sweater fashions
that have bows, cowl necklines and
soft puffed sleeves. A white hand-
knitted sweater, known as a sweater-
blcuse because of its softer fullness
of a blouse, may be worn "tucked
in" and is ideal for suits. It has a
soft cowl neckline and triangular in-
sertions of black at the shoulders
and elbows.
Another crocheted woolen blouse
in an open-work stitch is distin-
guished by a series of crest on the
sleeves in a multi-puffed effect look-
ing for all the world like a snail's
shell. It's worked in beige, red and
Blouses are in all varieties of
styles, materials and trimmings but
whether they are sheer or sturdy,
frilly and feminine, or tailored and
mannish, they must be crisp and
fresh as a new leaf.

Many Jewish students attende
Hillel Foundation reception Su
afternoon. The reception wa
honor of Dr. Leo Franklin, of De
and the Hillel League. Miss Mi
Stern of Detroit, poured. The I
was decorated with spring flowE

from ,

The "Perfect"



Jean Berridge, '33Ed, Chi Omega,
is vice president of the Women's
Athletic Association, and automa-
tically chairman of the Penny Car-
Annual Penn
Carnival To Be
Held Mareli 11
Prize Will Be Awarded
To Most Original Booth;
Offer Maty Amusements
The Penny Carnival will be held
Saturday, March 11, according to
Jean Berridge, '33, vice-president of
W. A. A. and automatically general
chairman of the carnival, and defi-
nite plans for it are now under way.
Chairmen assisting Miss Berridge are
Virginia Lee, '34, decorations; Mar-
jorie Oostdyk, '35, booths; Marie


-Associated Press Photo
Joan Gale, who appeared in a song
and dance act with her three sisters'
as the "Gale Quadruplets" in New
York musical revues, arrived in
'Hollywood recently to work in mo-

"Fine Imported Horn Buttons
'The New Lyolene Neckline!
*The Double-Breasted
"Regulation" Coat!
The Full-Length Swagger!
:The New "Fitted Back" Coat
"Full, Wide-lapping Hemlines
*Guaranteed Silk Linings!

The processors chosen to partici-
pate in the discussion will be chosen Murphy, '35, publicity; Barbara
beause theyarse n liked b th s Bates, '35, entertainment; and Marie
dent body and because they have Metzger, '35, floor arrangements.

even in class rooms intrigued their;
interest. Although the names have
not yet been chosen, they will prob-
ably be selected at the next meet-
Faith Ralph, '33, acting as secre-
tary of last night's meeting, eMpha-
sized the desire of the parley to in-
terest all student groups, to have not
only representatives.from all groups
at the conference when it is held in
April, but to get their active parti-
cipation now while the plans are still
being formed. A central committee
was not completely chosen, therefore,
but only a small committee With the
idea of addingrto it as numbers are
added to the group.
Those chosen this far to draw up
motions to be voted on by the whole
group are: Jule Ayers, '33, Marvin
Chapman, '36, Esther Pearch Ed.,
Edward Litchfield, '36, Joe Griggs,
Grad., Robert Hayes,. '33E, and Bar-
bara Hall, '34.
George Crockett, L, acted as tem-
porary chairman this -week, while
Jule Ayers presided last week.



w he re ToSGT

Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Silver
Dollar"; Majestic, "Heritage of the
Desert"; Wuerth, "Night of June 13."
Play: "Hedda Gabler," premiere,
8:30 p. m., Laboratory Theatre.
Lectures: Dr. W. O. Stevens on
"Possibilities of Vocations," 8 p. M.,
Union; Col. H. W. Miller on "The
Paris Gun," 8 p. m., Natural Science
Exhibits: Persian architecture pho-
tographs, Architecture Building; Fine 1
Printing, General Library; Leather
Book Bindings, William Clements
Dances: Tea dancing, 3 to 5 p. m.,
League grill; Tea dance, 3:30 p. m.
to 5:30 p. in., Zeta Tau Alpha, closed.
Dr. Purdom Addresses
Graduates At Luncheon
Dr. Luther T. Purdom, director of
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
spoke yesterday at the graduate
luncheon on the work the bureau+
does in institutions outside of Ann
Arbor. The luncheon was held at
12:15 p. m. in the Russian Tea Room
of the League.

Following tradition, each sorority
and dormitory will decorate one of
the booths to occupy the main part
of the gymnasium. The one carrying
out in the most original manner, the
idea of the booth selected will re-
ceive a prize. Jig-saw puzzles will be
a new attraction, while the . well-
known fortune-telling, fish-pond,
frost-bites, and shoe-shining booths
will also offer amusement. There isF
to be dancing in part of Waterman
gymnasium for a few cents a num-'
ber. The entertainment to be pre-
sented upstairs in Sarah Caswell An-
gell Hall is another traditional fea-
ture of the carnival.
Houses are urged to make plans for
their booths immediately, for a meet-
ing of athletic managers at which
final arrangements are to be made
will be announced soon.
The Penny Carnival is the oldest'
tradition now continued by Michigan
women. It has always been a popular
event and with the present financial
situation students here are looking
forward to it more than ever. As has
been the custom, a small fee will bet
charged, while the products of the
booths may be obtained for a mini-
mum sum in keeping with the penny
Ramblers Club Will
Hold Hike Saturday
The Ramblers Club will meet at
2:30 p. m. Saturday in Palmer Field
House for a combination drive and
hike along the Dexter River Road.
The outing will be under the direc-.
tion of Prof. Russell C. Hussey of the
geology department, who will point
out certain geological formations.
Professor Hussey has advised all who
attend to wear old clothes, for some
of the districts to be covered are to
be heavily overgrown.
Transportation accommodations for
25 have been made. All interested
are urged to call Elizabeth Shull, '33,
at 7905, as soon as possible.
Dates for formal sorority initiation
should not be set before March 10,
according to Evelyn Neilson, presi-
dent of Panhellenic Association. "It
is not compulsory," Miss Neilson said
yesterday, "March 10 to 12 was mere-
ly set as the most likely time for
sorority initiations."

Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph L. Gilkey, of
Plainwell, announce the engagement'
of their daughter, Elizabeth Haley
Gilkey, '33, to DanielaRobert Thomas,
Jr., '32, son of Mr. and Mrs. Danielj
R. Thomas of Kansas City. The en-
gagement was announced Feb. 14 at
a dinner given for Miss Gilkey at her
sorority, Collegiate Sorosis. Mr.
Thomas is now in the East attendingE
Harvard Law School.
Delta Gamma freshmen are giving
a formal dance at the house Friday
from 9:30 to 1 o'clock. Music will be
supplied by Pete Blomquist's orches-
tra. Chaperons are Mrs. C. Reynolds,
Mrs. A. C. Tennant, Mrs. E. A. Barn-
ard, and Mrs. I. Boone-Gross.
Madelyn Coe, '34, is chairman of
the dance, and Sue Calcutt, '35, has
charge of the decorations. The lat-
ter will be in red, white, and blue'
in honor of Washington's birthday.
Six rushees were entertained at
dinner Sunday at Phi Sigma Sigma.
Mrs. B. L. Kitchen of Monroe was
a house guest of Sigma Kappa last
week-end. Mr. G. P. Shapland, Helen
Shapland, and Mrs. W. W. Gunkle, all
of Detroit, were guests at Sunday
dinner. The society will entertain
,five guests at a rushing dinner in
patriotic motif. tonight,
Theta Phi Alpha held its annual
election of officers Monday night.
Those who will fill capacities for the
year are Dorothy Reeves, '34, presi-
dent; Margaret Phalan, '35, vice-
president; Marie Heid, '35, treasurer,
and Elizabeth Immel, '35, recording
Zeta Tau Alpha will hold a tea
dance from 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. today
at the chapter house, at which Mrs.
Mary Tuller, house mother, will
chaperon. The background for dec-
orations will be in red and black.
Pete Blomquist's orchestra will fur-
nish dance music. Monday night the
sorority held a rushing party for
seven guests. Cream tapers and red
sweet peas were used as table dec-

tion pictures.
IDancing Instruction
Lessons in beginning dancing start-
ed last night in the ballroom of the
League. Miss Ethel McCormick, so-
cial director, is in charge of the
classes and instructs them herself.
The lessons are a continuation of
the idea inaugurated last semester
and are being continued at the re-
quest of students. Classes are also
being held in intermediate and ad-
vanced dancing this term.
A series of eight lessons are given
for $3. "We'll guarantee that any-
one with any sense of rhythm at all
will know how to dance after the
completion of the eight lessons," Miss
McCormick said today. Anyone in-
terested still may sign up for them.
Facuhy-Alumni Dance
To Be Held Wednesday
Plans for the next of a series of
faculty-alumni dances have been
completed with the announcement
that this dance to be held at 9 p. mn.
Wednesday in the Union, will carry
out a special George Washington
theme. The usual dinners will pre-
cede the dance. Mrs. A. C. Fursten-
berg and her committee are in charge
of arrangements. The March faculty-
alumni dance will be held March 29.



are destined for a Brilliant
Fashion Career this Spring

Chic and sophisticated
permanents created to
complement the shape
of your head.

Throw off the three - quarter
rnilftary cape and you have a
swanky side-button jacket and
skirt costume. Of tweed fabric
in grey, new brown hyacinth
and light navy.
Another model is a three-piece
consisting of jacket and two
skirts - one matches the jacket
the other skirt is a harmonious
contrast - two costumes in one.

Sketched from Stock


Complete .....


Duplicate Bridge Games
Inaugurated At League
The first of the series of weekly
bridge matches to be played at 8
p. m. Tuesday was held last night
at the League. Duplicate bridge was
played, the games being run under
the Mitchell movement. Silver cups
will be presented to the two winning
pairs each week. The games cost 25
cents and are intended for students,
faculty, and townspeople.



NOW - Goodyear's presents-



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girls who have worn these
fine stockings will be glad to
snow that they can now be
aad at the College Shop -
xnd other girls will want to
Iry them, too.
3tham Gold Strip stockings
ire exquisitely sheer and fine
ind they have that garter
°un-stop feature which you'll
.ike. In the leading shades
for Spring.


Formerly Priced $10.95, $14.75 and $16.95


f or

__________________________________________________________________________ -- -j

SIZES 11 to 38




Just Received
The New
Punched Briar







Anni Arbor women are acquainted with our "Clear-Away" Events!
They know we have just what we advertise -and they know that the
values are exactly as stated. Come early-no limit and no reservations.

Prepares for Definite Employment.

The briar leather is decidedly new itself - and this new
style will appeal to the smart college miss. The shade is
n nn 1 t r ,* %YA tat + Idc n iia 1117 ' urith c nr~ n,hic




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