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May 28, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-28

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I , 5A 'cI o e5I 4,M li[ tl I A~1 t rn,, ,, uao.,v I
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postnaster-Genral.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school y'ar by carrier, $4.00; by
mal, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylton Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
St., New York, N. Y.
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR. .................... BRACKLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR.......... ..........CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris,
John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George Van Vleck,
Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie
Murphy, Margaret Phalan.'
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Marjorie Western.
REPORTERS: Caspar S. Early, Thomas Groehn, Robert
D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Manuel Levin, Irving
- F. Levitt, David G. Macdonald, S. Proctor MGeachy,
John O'Connell, George . Quimby, Floyd Rabe. Mitchell
Raskin, Richard Rome, Adolph Shapiro, Marshall D.
Silverman, L. Wilson Trimmer, William F. Weeks.
Marjorie Beck, Frances Carney, Dorothy Gies, Jean Hn-
mer, Florence Harper, Marie Held, Margaret Hiscock,
Eleanor Johnson, Hilda Laine, Kathleen Macntyre,
Josephine McLean, Marjorie Morrison. Mary O'Neill,
Jane Schneider, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margare Spencer
- , Telephone 2-1214
IPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, W.Graf ton Sharp
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Npel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Scacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
lnd, Jack Eroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume,
Allen Knusi, Russell Rad, Lester Skinner, Robert
Ward. Meigs W. Bartmess, William B. Caplan, Willard
Cohodas, R. C. Devereaux, Carl J. Fibiger, Albert
Gregory, Milton Kramer, John Marks, John I. Mason,
John P. Ogden, Robert Trimby, Bernard Rosenthal,
Joseph Rothbard, Richard Schiff, George R. Williams.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmy, Billie Grifliths, Catherine McHenry, May See-
fried, Virginia McComb, Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman,
Lillain Fine, Minna Gien, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose.
SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1933
With Regard To
The Sewagye Plan.
T IS our conviction that considera-
tion of the sewage plant charter
amendment to be decided upon in tomorrow's
special election must induce the voters to act
Two things will be accomplished by a "yes
vote, as the backers of the measure are pointing
out. In the first place present pollution of the
Huron River would be terminated, to the benefit
not only of Ann Arborites but of this whole por-
tion of the State. A need of every community
that would be truly modern is adequate sewage
disposal, by some means other than those which
contaminate its environs.
The second accomplishment of a favorable vote
would be the partial solution of Ann Arbor's im-
mediate problem of unemployment. The city and
Stte have reached the end of their resources in
caring for the local poor, and dire straits are in
the near offing for them unless the work they are
so willing to do is made available. The Recon-
struction Finance Corporation has given its last
pure relief dollar, and can no longer make loans
for other than self-financing projects. The sewage
disposal plant, which would be operated on a
public utility basis, would fall in this category.
Thus money to construct it could be borrowed
with consequent employment of many men.
The State consented to construction of the
plant several years ago. The people of Ann Arbor
authorized its building in the April election, al-
though they refused then to adopt the charter
amendment providing for its financing as a pub-
lic utility. It now being apparent, however, that
this is-the only way in which the plant can be
financed, the voters should adopt it cheerfully,
mindful of the advantages it will bring. It would
probably be the best way in the long run, any-

Sixty per cent of those who vote tomorrow must
vote affirmatively if the measure is to pass. So
everyone favoring it is urged to visit the polls.
Screen eflections
Four stars means extraordinary;nthree stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
About the best thing that can be said for "The
Barbarian" is that it contains dialogue written
by Anita Loos which is extremely clever in spots.
Louise Closser Hale, mentioned a short time ago
in this column for her ability to be successfully
humorous, puts these lines across very nicely in
"The Barbarian."
The next best thing that can be said for it is
that it is far-fetchedly unusual. We are told that
screen fans like to witness the impossible-if that

more perfect subject to be whisked away over the
desert sands on a fiery steed than Myrna Loy.
Reginald Denny does well as the jilted English
fiance too, since he always had a perennially
lilted expression.
So, in the final analysis, "The Barbarian" is
an amusing picture to see. "Song of the Nile,"
which you have probably already heard on your
radio, is the beautiful theme song of the picture.
You will find it interrupting your innermost
thoughts for hours after you have seen the pic-
ture. Don't rush out and buy a one-way passage
to Cairo, however, as you probably will find things
there much different from the scenes of "The
-E. J. P.
Following is the program to be presented Tues-
day by Miss Angna Enters, distinguished dance-
mime. Miss Enters is being presented Monday
and Tuesday evenings in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre by Robert Henderson as a part of the
Dramatic Festival. She will be accompanied by
Kenneth Yost.
2. PEON'S HEAVENLY ROBE (from the cycle
"Land of the Plumed Serpent") First Time.
This movement from Miss Enters' Mexican cycle
of ancient and contemporary times is an abstract
fantasy on the naive Mexican peon's general re-
ligious attitude towards death. The accompani-
ment is an abstraction of the peon's associations
with certain sounds. The owl's hoot symbolizes
death. The melody played on the clay flute is an
authentic Mexican Indian dance air. The ratchet,
used in religious demonstrations to symbolize the
breaking of Judas' bones, is used here as a death
3. PIQUE-NIQUE-1860 dejeuner au bois, Delibes
A handy guide to the movements and expres-
sion of this item:
Dramatic Position No. 1 Aversion
Dramatic Position No. 2 Pleading
Grace Terror
Discernment Supplication
Joy or Gladness Grief
Freedom Tragedy
Listening Sorrow
Secrecy Remorse
Anticipation Resignation
Welcome Longing
Reproach Devotion
Defiance Nobility
Scornful dismissal Ecstacy
N. B.-Miss Enters will not engage in any cor-
respondence concerning the universal and ulti-
mate truth, not to say accuracy, of these "inter-
. There was in that sombre and brooding
mystery which pervades Eastern religion, espe-
cially that ramification of it which came under
the influence of the introspective mind of Russia,"
-W. J. Henderson in New York Sun
6. VIENNA-PROVINCIAL, 1910 (in homage to
Arthur Schnitzler).
A sequence in 3 movements: (1) Return from
Prayers. (2) The Party. (3) Return from Party.
N. B.-This sequence, though dedicated to the
memory of Arthur Schnitzler, is in no way related
to his writings.
First solo modern abstract dance without music
presented iri America, anticipating by several
years the modern dance in America.
". ..The dancer's movements are a processional,
of that woman's memories of the spiritual and
physical deaths life has eaten into her conscious-
ness. Her knees speak of the wearings of retrac-
ing ancient roads to the small, familiar ecstacies.
Over her face, which dances in a culminative,
evocative counterpoint to long arms gradually
pulled into a hypnotic darkness, steal shivering
recollections of childhood terrors suffering in the
face of a vast, cruel world, the first disillusioning
deaths of love, and then, triumphantly, a rigid
reflection of the irresistible glamour which the

dark unknown holds. The lustre of death begins
to dance in the eyes tired of life, the intolerable
circle of caroused wonders. 1Life, still undefeated,
tugs at the body, but the entranced feet and the
taut, seeking arms, the entranced face, are drawn
with a slight shudder into the darkness."-Louis
Kalonyme in "Arts and Decoration."
8. PIANO MUSIC, No. 4-Commencement
t. BOY CARDINAL-Spain, 16th Century
10. CAKE WALK-1897 .............Kerry Mills
11. QUEEN OF HEAVEN (French Gothic),
Gautier de Coinci
12. ENTR'ACTE (New York-1927)
Costumes designed and executed by Miss Enters.
Note-Miss Enters' "compositions" are protect-
ed by copyright.
Benn Levy's "Springtime for Henry" opened at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Friday and George Spel-
vin-you know good old Uncle George, the per-
sonality bqy-reviewed it for The Daily next
morning. We have no quarrel with Mr. Spelvin's
sentiments-but we do feel that they need a bit
of amplifying.
Mr. Spelvin terms the play, with more enthusi-
asm than exactitude, "immoral" and "baudy,"
and then goes on to explain that the immorality
and baudiness are not seriously intended. He is
precisely right, but it occurs to us that the casual
reader might miss his point and begin writing
letter signed "Indignant" and "Taxpayer."
"Old Subscriber," "Pro Bono Publico" and all
the others are prone to jump at conclusions from
the sound of words without bothering to read for

intensely moral writers-at odd moments. He is
a humanist, and that is about as moral as you
can get these days without going into pinafores
and long curls. He believes in general that his
fellow creatures are endowed with certain funda-
mental decencies and that each eventually works
out his ethical problems satisfactorily.
Sometimes, as in "The Devil Passes" or "Art
and Mrs. Bottle," Levy points up his Humanism;
sometimes he just goes giddy-gay and tosses
everythg to the winds Which of these moods
each new play will exhibit is unpredictable. Levy
cannot be divided into periods. He jumps the
philosophical fence continually, but always man-
ages to be extremely amusing. His plays leave
the audience feeling all bright and clean inside,
and that is what "Old Subscriber" is likely to
So much for "Old Subscriber." Perhaps what
we have said seems obvious; the need for saying
it becomes clear when it is explained that Detroit
audiences steered clear of "The Devil Passes"
when it was shown there last winter. The title
was too scarey--yet "The Devil Passes" is about
as vicious as a Sunday school tract or a map of
The easiest way for a reviewer to alienate all
his readers is to make comparisons with the Or-
iginal New York Cast (with no small pride at
having seen it), so we shall do just that. The
original cast was made up of Leslie Banks, Nigel
Bruce, Helen Chandler, and Frieda Innescourt,
all fine and noted actors. Robert Henderson's
cast is made up of actors just about twice as fine
and twice as noted. The only reason they do not
far outshine the New York Production is the re-
striction of time in repertory work.
"Springtime for Henry" here has rough spots
that it did not have there, but the Henderson
cast gives a decidedly more hearty and down-
right funny performance when at its best. There
is a racier tempo here, the fairy-tale quality of
the script is played up more by mannered acting.
The Ann Arbor cast brings out the fact that Levy
is merely having a field-day with his plot.
Any expression of our approval of Tom Powers,
Violet Heming, Rose Hobart, and Robert Lor-
raine would sound rather flat. So we'll content
ourselves with a passing nod to Mr. Powers' ver-
satility-Victor Hallam last week and Henry Dew-
lip this, Malvolio next month. There is evidently
nothing the man cannot do. -P. M.
Musical Events
Hope Bauer Eddy, contralto, pupil of Prof.
Arthur Hackett, accompanied by Leah Lichten-
walter, will give the following program in the
School of Music Auditorium, Monday evening,
May 29, at 8:15 o'clock, to which the general pub-
lie with the exception of small children is invited:
Beau Soir ...........................Debussy
Apres un Reve ......................... ..Faure
Le Mariage des Roses .................... Franck
Lamento Provencal ................... Paladilhe
Marinela ........................... ..Serrano
La Partida .............................Alvarez
Granadinas .. ...............Berrera y Callija
Nostalgia ............................ Anglada
Clavelitos . .. .. .. . . ...... . .. . .. . ... . .. .Valverde
Vier ernste Gesange . . ....._........... Brahms
Thy Beaming Eyes ...................MacDowell
The Gallias ............... ........... .Peterkin
The Player Queen ....................Carpenter
The Danza ........................... Chadwick
The Cry of Rachel .................... .,... Salter
vol - - - -__
About Books
"Whatever You Reap," by Anne Persv; the 1932
Hopwood poems, with an introuction by Max
Eastman. Published by Schuman's, Detroit.
The publication of these poems, winners of the
Avery and Jule Hopwood major awards here last
spring, is less an event in the field of contem-
porary poetry than it is the promise of an event
to come.
Application of the word "poetry" to anything
written by a Michigan student should be startling
enough in itself, but there are more things to be
said for Miss Persov's verses than that. Any at-
tempt at a purist definition of the words aside,
"Whatever You Reap" is decidedly good modern

poetry or verse or what you will. In other words,
it meets certain standards set up by Miss Per
sov's immediate predecessors. It is gaudy, it is
passionate, it is crisp and hard.
It is dangerous to attempt to generalize on any-4
thing as complex and debatable as modern poetry.
But when all the cults, trends, and isms are
stripped away, one basic motivation can be found
in it. Modern. poetry is self-conscious, intro-
Faced with self doubt as to their abliity to
write "beautiful" lines of the old variety, almost
all the moderns cultivate a studied subtle angu-
larity of feeling. Some slight dissonance or syn-
copation brings an air of artificiality and almost
apology into every line. The effect, whether pre-
cisely admirable philosophically or not, is dis-
tinctly pleasing to the modern ear. Perhaps it
will be discredited by a later age; perhaps, also,
it will thereafter be reinstated, just as restora-
tion literature is now finding a new vogue.
Whatever may be the merits of the case, Miss
Persov is clearly of and in her time. She is an
apt student of what is best and most representa-
tive; perhaps she will be more. Certainly there
is ripe promise in much of her book.
I think I would have given you my soul
If you had had more pity, been more kind.
You left me standing naked without cover;
I turned in self defense, and ran, my lover.
Compare those lines to Amy Lowell's on the
same subject, in "Crowned"-
The petals waned paler and shriveled
And dropped, and the thorns started through;
Bitter thorns to proclaim me your lover-
A diadem woven with rue.
There is also a pleasing likeness between Miss
Persov's taste and Sappho's (as shown in the
much-elaborated Miller-Robinson edition)-both
have joy in bright colors, fruits, garlands, and
subtleties. Miss Persov has probably patterned

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Chicago ..... $ 4.00 Philadelphia ..$12.35
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I . j , ,



. . . . . . . . . . . . .

La-dces . . . and gentle-men! This way please! Here it is!
Here it is! The most sensational! - amazing! - astound-

ing marvel of the age! The Ch erry-colored Cat!


pay a dime - two nickels - ten cents - to see the one
and only one! Step right up, folks! Have your dimes ready!
Tle great curiosity of the age is about to be revealed!"
Jud so the curiosity-seekers among the crowd, eager
to see something new and different, dish out the
dimes and follow the barker into his tent.
Ile lifts his land. Silence reigns. Excited eyes are focussed
on the bag. The string is unfastened. .. the bag is opened-
and out springs a black cat. "Bee-hold!" bawls the barker,

"The Cherry-colored Cat"

t!Hey, wait a minute!" yells a

spectator, "I paid to see a cherry-colored cat. That's a
black cat." "Well, bless my soul," replies the beaming
barker, "Ain't you never seen a black cherry?"
It may be fun to risk a dime at a side-show. But
when you lay out good money to try "TH lSc lean"
or "THATclean"... hoping to see something new
and different . . expecting to see the equal of
MIRACLEAN ... it's unfortunate if you do not

get your good money s worth.
value. You are entitled to it!

You deserve full

" clepan as d breath- of cfpring

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