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May 21, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-21

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SUNDAY, 1MAY 21~, 1933



CĀ®ULAEJĀ£ r IJI x . . a, xxa ~ .J xx-. -_v a .-..,- . .. .... .



school literature names the channels by which
tuition is spent, and anyone not satisfied that
he will receive full value for his money need not
sign up. Most of us believe we get a real bargain
all the way around.
Campus Opinion


Pubiished every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.1
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; byt
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.-
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Telephone 4925F
CITY; EDITOR......................BRACKLEY SHAW
WO1MEN' EDITOR.....................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris,
John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George Van Vleck,
Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
T1srbara Bates, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie
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SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Marjorie Western.
REPORTERS: Gaspar S. Early, Thomas Groehn, Robert
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Raskin, Richard Rome, Adolph Shapiro, Marshall D.
Silverman, L. Wilson Trimmer, William F. Weeks.
Marjorie Beck, Frances Carney, Dorothy Gies, Jean Han-
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Eleanor Johnson, Hilda Laine, Kathleen Maclntyre,
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ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
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Ward, Meigs W. Bartmess, William B. Caplan, Willard
Cohodas, R. C. Devereaux, Carl J., Fibiger, Albert
Gregory, Milton Kramer, John Marks, John I. Mason,
John P. Ogden, Robert Trimby, Bernard Rosenthal,
.Joseph Rothbard,, Richard, Schiff, George R. Williams.
n Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May See-
fried, Virginia Mc~onb, Meria Abbot, :Betty Chapman,
lain Fine, Minna Gfen, Cecil Poor, Carolyn Wose.
SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1933

Letters published in this column should not bea
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The d
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re- a
garded as conidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible.f
According to an editorial in The Daily of Mayd
18 Hitler "today occupies a more important place f
in the international limelight than he has everf
held." This may be granted if the statemente
means merely that he is in the limelight. How-a
ever, if it means that he is more esteemed and t
respected, I wholly disagree. Of all the living men
occupying a high position he is the most hated.
Is the world to forget, because of a speech by an
upstart, .that his followers-a lot of them row-
dies-have beaten, tortured, maimed, killed and
imprisoned thousands and thousands of their fel-..
low-Aryans? Is the world to forget that the Hitler
regime has caused starvation and suicides of
other thousands of non-Aryans, that thousands2
and thousands have fled Germany in order not to1
fall into the hands of a cold, ruthless unscrup-
ulous individual, in short that Hitler has accomp-
lished his purpose with bestial cruelty? In order
to become acquainted with what happened in
Germany since the advent of Hitlerism, I refer
the reader to the files of the'New York Nation,
the New Republic, the Living Age, the World To-
morrow, an article in Liberty of May 6, the Man-
chester Guardian, the London Times, etc., etc.
Now this same fellow Hitler makes a speech,
declaring that war is unthinkable. But who is
so naive as to place any reliance upon the words
of a man who has neither soul nor conscience?
This is what appeared in the New York Times of
May 16 (written from Berlin) by a thoroughly
reliable correspondent, Birchall: "Throughout
Germany 3,000,000 able-bodied German men of
military age marched and stood in military for-
mations for eight or twelve hours in the great
labor demonstration on May 1, looking for the
most part fresh and untired at the end. In this
mass were 600,000 uniformed drilled and trained
Nazi storm troops and 400,000 equally well-trained
Stahlhelmers, composed of younger veterans of
the World War."--All these men need is arms-
re-arming---in order to start another great war
and all the speeches of Hitler and his henchmen
are just so many words. In other words, his speech
settles nothing. The civilized world is against the
Hitler regime-and nothing can change its atti-
tude until Hitlerism is completely wiped out.
Incidentally your editorial asks "Why should
the nations of the world be concerned ii France's
security?" The answer to that question is very
simple: It is because of the greatness of French
civilization. In addition to .being great in i era-.
ture, art, and science, the French firmly beleve,
as we do, that every hxuman being has the right
to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness re-
gardless of race, religion, or colbr. There is n0
country in the world where there is more freedom
than in France, whereas in the Hitlerized Ger-
many of the day not a shred of freedom has been
left. The whole country is shivering with fear
and the Germans have become a people of slaves.
I subjoin a passage from a recent speech by Mr.
Owen Young: "I venture the statement that the
lamentable things happening in Germany today
have their seeds- in unfortunate clauses of the
Treaty of Versailles. But Germany will learn, too,
ithat she cannot disfranchis&= many hundreds of
her citizens, among whom may be counted the
oldest families, her most productive students, and
her most effective and loyal Workers both in peace
and war, by any ordinance or decree."
This means-I am writing for students-that
Germany may rightfully complain of injustice on
the part of the Allies with referience to the Treaty
of Versailles. On' the other hand the Hitler regime
has made itself guilty of the grossest injustice to-
wards hundreds of thousands of their own fellow
citizens. After that, what right has an utterly un-
just government to complain about injustice?
Down with Hitler!

rop in a 'chute.'" Again I crasles, in an
ttempt to stop a runaway;lae.
His berth with the air' crets is filled by his
ounger brother (extremely well-played by Tom
Brown) who of course falls in love with Sally,
ittle realizing that she and Dick have, ili the past,
been rather intimate-to say the least.
After Dick mends, he joins ,the brother and girl
again, only to find that they have married. Off
he rushes to Mexico, South: A.merica, China, and
all points south and west-a broken-hearted sol-
dier of fortune, losing "an eye here, a rib there,
and an arm or leg elsewhere."
In the meantime, Tom has become a transport
lier and finds himself transferred to Havana. As
would be expected, Dick happens to land in Ha-
vana, just after Tom has left on a two-day trip.
His happy reunion with Sally follows. Is it their
fault if they find they are still in love with each
other? What if they are in-laws; after all, this is
only a movie. But-another storm has arisen at
the crucial moment and Tom's plane is reported
down in the heavy gulf seas.
The rescue by Dick, the landing at Havana just
as his plane runs out of gas, his subsequent fare-
well as he leaves the young married couple-all
follow in short order. And the landing, by the
way, which is managed only after the police and
civic officials have lined up all available automo-
biles at the airport, is one of the silliest shots we
have ever witnessed on the screen. A dense fog
prevents the fliers from landing until the brilliant
airport official directs a unified sounding of horns
from the assembled cars. Unique, to say the least,
though a bit far-fetched. _ - -E. J. P.








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Musica- .vents



It seemed quite like Ol-Home Week" with
Maier and Pattison, the 41upding pianists, back
upon the Festival stag a e 'again. Except for a
different setting and a lareaudience, this after-
noon might have been 'piece-speaking" day at the
Little Red Schoolhouse. The "boys" do have such
a good time playing togctpher. They play very
well, too. An excess of goodness is sometimes a
bit cloying. It would be interesting to see if their
music wouldn't gc over just as well, in the
usual conception of a pure and simple art of
sound. From such a beautiful indication as the
Bach Concerta, one is imcliled to think that it
would. But all of it w 'a lot of fun, particularly
"Wasting Time," whichA" vaS,-played with a fine
sense for the dramatic nuances.
The Sibelius First Symphopy has an emotional
vitality that sustains it through the lengths that
become, in the works that follow it, rather tedious-
ly long. It suggests an interesting comparison with'
the Russian Tschaikovsky, somewhat through the
melodic structures, the solidifying use of the brass
choir, and the pounding rhythmic effects, but
more by -its expression of .the emotional charac-
teristics of his race. The best of Tschaikovsky is
national-just as Sibelius is at his best writing
with the, inspiration of his native folk songs in
ailiriid. ".:.; '
Because of' this duality, the John Powell "Nat-
chez- on-the-Hill,"- a setting of three Virginian
country dance turies, was a particularly appro-
priate balance for the better half of the pro-
gram. "The War-Whoop," "The Hog-Eyed Man,"
and the title tunle ,are neLddies whose catching
rhythms, immense vitality and historical signifi-
cance should be an inducement for further re-
search among the folk music which really belongs
to us. Too long has American inspiration come
from other lands. Composers like Powell, Harris,
and Charles Ruggles are showing that there is a
wealth of musical material situated within the
barren bounds of the "richest country in the
The Cowerby ballad is characteristically pleas-
ant music, showing the emotional refinement
that is always evident no matter how full he may
score. In comparison tothe Bach concerto, which
is chamber, music in its highest form, this work
seems insignificant. But it was a colorful and in-
teresting setting of the "Estmcre" legend which
embodied the pianos into the orchestral texture in
an unusually skillful manner.

Justice And
The Tuition Fee...
M UCH consternation is expressed in
some quarters at the discovery that
only $65 of each tuition fee is spent for academic
purposes. Criticism is levelled at the disbursement
of the remainder by the Health Service, the Union
and the athletic plant.
We believe that this criticism is a wholly na-
tural and understandable reaction immediately
following the acquisition of this information, but
we are of the opinion that careful consideration
of the expenditures must lead to the conclusion
that they are worthwhile and can fairly be re-
Consider them:
The $15 required of us for the maintenance ofJ
the Health Service may be regarded as insurance.
The adage, better to have it -nd not need it than
to need it and not have it, is a cogent argument
for its existence. Suffice it to say that an arrange-
ment whereby all members of a community may
by the payment of a nominal sum be guaranteed
adequate medical protection and care at all times
is one of the goals of every social worker in the
The $10 fee exacted by the Union is criticized
chiefly because many things sold there are as
costly as or costlier than elsewhere. Those wh9
advance this argument overlook the fact that a
number of attractive services are offered in the
Union for which no charge is made. The Univer-
sity's most comfortable library, containing among
other things the most complete assortment of
popular magazines on campus, is among these.
The Union receives approximately $25,000 from
students each year, and disburses more than $40,-
000 in student salaries. Thus in addition to its
function as a club it serves as a genuinely so-
cializing influence in the college community.
Only $5 of the Union fee is used for mainten-
ance, the rernainin $5 being employed for bond
retirement. Within two years these bonds will
have been paid, with the result both that prices
for services will be reduced and that the annual1
student fee will be lowered. Add this to what has
already been said and most students will agree
that the Union deserves what it gets.
The $7:50 paid int o the athletic fund is justified
by the multtude o privileges to which it entitles
one. That an inceluingly T:hrge number of stu-
dents have little e for a seasou ticket to Mich-
igan's athletic cotsts is no a'men t againt
payment of this fee. tr makes participation in
virtually every form of athletic activity possible
to University suet:; to a de-ree eualled by few
and surpassed by u other insitutions of higher
learning. Expe'ire ha shown Iia tunliinited

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I rYT+rr r" rrr-t rv mrir.r a wrrva r nti


-M. Levi (Born i Germany) "MERRY MOUNT"-

Editorial Comment
Walter Lippnnaun: "We have hleard ofce niore,
through the fog and din, the hysteria and ,the
animal passions of a great revolution, the au-
thentic voice of a genuinely civilized people."
New York Times: "Let it be gladly admitted
that the Chancellor's speech has done much to
appeask the spirit of hostility stirred in other
countries by his previous harangues and- actions,"
CorncH Daily Sun: "The Nazis have done far
more than was expected of them; it is now up to
the other haoins to throw away the arms of
the world-if, after all, they are seriously inter-
ested in the idea."
Ann Arbor Daily News: "Had not Hitler chosen
his words carefuly, there is reason to believe that
a neighbor of Germany's would have acted quickly
to precipitate a crisis. He did choose them care-
Screen Reflections
Four stars means exlraordlnary; tirce stars very
good; two star good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away fronui it.

Opera, because of the restrictions of its form,
can never be great iusic. Wagner caie the clos
est to -ppioaehlnga syntliesis; of toine an the
words of an operatic libretto but the result was
not opera-he himself termed it a "music drama."
"Merry Mount" in this sence, is significant. This
is one of the few. American operas to be written
from an original text. "Peter Ibbetson," "The
King's Henchman" and "The Emperor Jones" had
all appeared in various literary forms before they
were set to music. "Merry Mount" proves conclu-
sively that opera in English is not only a possi-
bility, but a success-provided the subject is a na-
tive one. The poetic and expressive libretto of Mr.
Stokes has been combined with Dr. l han son's at-
tractive music into a work that, if we cannot pr-
dict its lasting fame, will play an outstanding
part in the development of American musical art.
As an example -of a successful type of the oper-
atic form the Italian opera has gained an immor-
tal popularity chiefly because of the sensuous
beauty of its melodies. But Dr. Ha-nson's opera is
based upon subtle rhyt-hmi(C valriatioJS. Rhythm is
the most primitive of all the elements of music
and the one that has the fewest possibilities of
development. For that reason one doubts the last-
ing' qualities of its highly attractive music. Still
thiere arc sonic thrilling chord structures and hal'
"onic progressionls, particularly in the chorus
parts, and the chief idea of the work, the 'Mari-
gold" thieme, is hauntingly beautiful.
As to the performance, the Choral Union was
the st ar of the occasion. Some of the full choruses,
partieularly those of the Puritans, were breath
taking. Unfortunately, Mr. Thomas, who has been


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