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May 11, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-11

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lli~ Be Fcatur'pd IV, Ih'sun('icS

Eioyht Juniors '
Tapped For
MT : :A d

iteu, 11. A. A. Headi(

Ilarney Rapp Will
Appear At League
Iallrooi May 19
Barney Rapp and His New Eng-
landers, well-known 15-piece radio
orchestra, will appear May 19 at
the League in their first Ann Arbor
This nationally-famous orchestra
has just completed a successful sea-
son at the Book Cadillac Hotel in
Detroit and the Brown Hotel in
Louisville, Ky. They also have played

I lsi'alIatf

Of ()fli~er~,

Award Pr tiii la4 i flSYAre
Eight junior women were selected
for admission to Morta 'roard, na-
ticnal honorary society for senior
women, at 'he 25-year-old tapping
ceremony, enacted at the conclusion
of the joint League and Women',
Athletic Association installation ban-
quet held last night in the League
ballroom, before a crowd of 560
Those chosen to Mortarboard are:
Margaret Allen, Ada Blackman, Ruth
L'uhme, Marian Giddings, Harriet I
Jennings, Ruth Kurtz, Grace Mayer,
and Josephine McCausey. Old nem-
bcrs of the society stepped on the
ballroom floor, selected the prospec-
tive members, tapped them on the
shoulder, and presented them with
their senior caps, each carrying the
Miortarboard button. The women so
selected, who are traditionally cited
for "service, leadership, and scholar-
ship," were then formally announced
to the audience.
Dean Lloyd Speaks b
Recommending greater use by the
women of University facilities for
athletic and social development pro-
I vided for them, Dean Alice C. Lloyd
declared in a talk that these facilities
are among the most adequate in the

Billie Griffiths, '35, was officially
installed as W. A. A. president at the
banquet held in honor of the new
League and W. A. A. officers last

at the Hotel New Yorker. New York,
Alba Hotel, Palm Beach, Pavillion
Royale, Long Island, Chase Hotel,
St. Louis, and the Roseland Ball-
room, New York.
Having been heard over both the
Red and Blue Networks of the Na-
tional Broadcasting Company, Bar-
ney Rapp's band has received na-
tion-wide attention and was selected
as the feature band for the Kentucky
Derby Broadcast from Louisville,
Ky. During their recent engagement
in Detroit, they broadcast over radio
station WJR 18 times weekly.
The band has augmented its dance
engagements for many years by
appearances' at leading 'theatres
throughout the nation. All previous
records for attendance at the RKO
Downtown Theatre were broken re-
cently when Barney Rapp was fea-
tured on the program.
Carrying an extra attraction in
the few talented performers that ac-
company the band, his orchestra has
been in demand several times in the
past for class dances, but other en-
gagements have heretofore made the
price of bringing this orchestra to
Ann Arbor prohibitive.
Tickets, which are on sale at the
M-Hut, the League, the Den, and
the Parrot, are priced at $1.50 plus
the amusement tax.
Lca'rure To Feature
Bricker And Band

Union Officers
Will Be Named
At Celebration
Program By Union Band,
Supple nieted By TkS,
Will Entertain Alumni
The new president and secretary
of the Union for the school year
1933-34 will be announced at the
Family Banquet to be held at 6 p. in.
Saturday in the Union ballroom, it
was announced yesterday by John H.
Huss, '33, present recording secretary
of the Union.
Groups of 12 or more will be ad-
mitted to the banquet for only 85
cents, and a group of 6 may reserve
a special table, provided they make
application before tomorrow night.
Not only alumni of the University,
but other parents and any visitors
who may wish to attend the banquet
are welcome to come, it was an-
nounced by Union officials. An enter-
taining program, to be featured by
the revelation of next year's Union
officers, a speech by Dr. William 0.
Stevens, headmaster of Cranbrook
School of Bloomfield Hills, and a
talk by President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven will be supplemented with a mu-
sical program by the Union band,
under the direction of William Suth-
ers, '33D. The band will play a varied
number of Michigan, classical and
popular selections.
The Angell Hall elevator will be
available for use by parents and stu-
dents tomorrow and Saturday, it was
Moetion Pictures: Michigan, "A
Bedtime Story;" Majestic, "The Pen-
guin Pool Murder;" Wuerth, "No
Man of Her Own."
Drama: Comedy Club presents
"Murray-Hill," 8:30 p. In., Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Exhibitions: Selected paintings
from the Forty-Fifth Annual Artist's
Exhibition from the Chicago Art In-
stitute, 1 to 5 p. m., ~Alumni Me-
morial Hall; stained glass and mural
decorations by the D'Ascenzo Studios,
9 a. m. to 5 p. m., Architectural
Cleansing and Tissue Creams Blended
uand compoundd to meet your ovn
I knconditions.
300 South State Street

Luncheon Will
i other's Day
Entertainment for the Mother-
Daughter Luncheon to be held at
12:15 p. m., May 12, at the League
ballroom has been announced by
Betty Little, '35, chairman of the en-
tertainment committee. Marjorie Mc-
Clung, Spec. SM, will sing, and the
University Women's Glee Club will



Miss Violet Heming, brilliant New York star, is being featured in
the Dramatic Season At Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for thc third con-
secutive season, the only star to be so honored. Miss 11eming will
appear as Miss Smith in the all-star cast for Ben Levy's "Springtime
For Henry," to be followed by the role of Gilda, opposite Tom Powers
and Geoffrey Kerr in Noel Coward's "Design for Living."

Presentation of W. A. A. awards
by Dr. Margaret Bell was a feature of
the banquet. The award for the so-
rority swimming team was given to
the Chi Omega team, of which Ruth
Root, '35Ed, is captain; the basket-
ball team award was presented to
an independent team of which Char-
lotte Simpson, '34Ed, is captain. One
thousand point awards, the highest
W. A. A. honor given, went to Jean
Berridge, '33Ed, Jean Botsford, '33Ed,
Rita Gaber, '33, and Alice Goodenow,


also give selections. I Chuck Bricker and his hand will
Dean Alice Lloyd will address the play from 9 to 12 p. m. Saturday
guests on the subject of "How the night in the Ballroom of the League.
This is the same orchestra which
Modern girl has Adapted Herself to furnished the music for the Frosh
the Depression." Grace Mayer, '34, Frolic this year. They have come di-
president of the League will welcome rectly from the Mi-Hila dance at
the mothers. Other patronesses of Illinois.
Tickets for the informal affair are
the affair are to be Mrs. Alexander Ion sale for $1.00 at Slater's, Wahr's,
G. Ruthven, Miss Jeannette Perry, the M Hut, the Den, and the Parrot.
Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Miss Ellen Steven- and choral work by the whole band
son, Miss Ethel McCormick, Dr. Mar- will be a feature of the dance.
garet Bell, Mrs. Myra Jordan, Mrs. COUZENS HALL
E'sth er Cram, and Helen' Dewitt, '33.CUZNHAL
SC a e eOn Saturday, May 12, Couzens Hall

Alumnae Room of the League, of Among the guests seated at the
which Dorothy Backus, '33, is in peakers' table were Dean Lloyd, Dr.
charge. Bell, Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, Miss
Sunday, following the regular din- Ethel A. McCormick, Miss Emilye
ner, a tea will be given for all Delta White, Miss Hilda Burr, Helen De-
Zetas in Michigan and Ohio. Cath- Witt, '33, retiring League president,
eine Backus, of Ann A?,bor, is in Grace Mayer, '34, incoming League
charge. president, and the following other in-
KAPPA DELTA coming officers of the League and
Grace Bartling 36, Glenview, Ill., W. A. A.: Marian Giddings, '34, Nan
received the second degree of Kappa Diebel, '35, Hilda Kirby, '35, Ruth
Delta sorority Tuesday night. Kurtz, '34Ed, Mary Sabin, '35, Kath-
KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA leen Carpenter, '35, Mary Louise
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority Kessberger, '34, Charlotte Simpson,
honored its senior members at a din- '34Ed, Virginia Roberts, '35, Mary,
ner last night, at which time the sen- O'Brien, '35, Margaret Hiscock, '36,j
iors presented their chaperon, Mrs. Elizabeth Rich, '36, Billie Griffiths,
L. C. Doggett with a gift. -
The members of Sigma Kappa en-
tertained three guests at a rushing M O TH ER'S
dinner on Monday night. The tableM
decorations of pink sweet peas and Deiciou.
lavender tapers were arranged by
Eleanor Beers, '34.
The newly elected otfisers of Si;mna
Kappa were recently installed. They
are Dorothy Shapland, '34, presi-
dent; Lucille Jetter, '34; vice-pres-
ident; Eleanor Beers, '34, treasurer; Old Time CAN
and Carlotta Weitrechat, '34, record-
ing secretary. These delightful candi
--R P - -Mother's Day
and His NEW ENGL ANDIERtS Mary Lee will handle all detailsa
Michigan Leaque Ballroom W H A T S WEE
Friday, May 19E Washington Street
T ict,; tLea nut e , x.'a t 108 Eost'
$1.50 per' couple plus Lax I

'35, Marie Metzger, '35, and Alice
Goodenow, '34Ed.
Retiring Officers
Retiring officers of the League and
W. A. A., also seated at the Speak-
ers' table, were Jane Rayen, '33, Jo-
sephine McCausey, '34, Ruth Duhme,
'34, Margaret Keal, '33, Mary Bar-
nett, '33, Margaret Schermack, '33,
Ada Blackman, '34, Harriet Jennings,
'34, Vinselle Bartlett, '33, Janet Allen,
'33, Margaret Allen, '34, Barbara
Bates, '35, and Mary O'Brien, '35.

will hold its spring formal, the enter-
tainment for which is in charge of
Margaret Hadden, '33SM.

sly Fresh
DI ES Home Made
es are a most welcome
of mailing and guarantee delivery
- State and Liberty Streets

It's SHOES Like These That Make
The Smartest Shop on the Campus,..
W- li- e- e- eI-e".s
What Smart Looking,


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to market ...and became
an overnight success.
CONNIE unlines White
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for coolness...and per-
forates it in her cleverest
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,rte' -"
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II i

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