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May 11, 1933 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-11

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__________________________________________________________________ I


Wages Go Up In
Anticipation Of

Delegates To Nations 1 Farm Holiday Convention

Better Business
Raises Of From 5 To 2C
Per Cent' Announce:
By Eastern Concerns
Bread Price Rises
Steel Mills In Cleveland
Put Thousands of Em.
ploycs Back To Work
(By The Associated Press)
Thousands of employees went to
work today with lighter step and a
brighter outlook as a number of
manufacturers, encouraged by busi-
ness upturns, announced wage in-
creases ranging from 5 to 20 per
The raises were in keeping with
President Roosevelt's appeal to em-
ployers to keep wages up and fol-
lowed the trend established by other
employers earlier this week.
In Pennsylvania 10 per cent pay
boosts were announced by the Su-
preme Shirt Co. of Philadelphia and
the flour and feed brokerage firm of
George E. Rogers & Co., of Pitts-
burgh, while the Berkowitz Shirt Co.
of 'Uniontown added 5 per cent to
its weekly wages envelopes.
In Akron, O., the Goodyear Tire
& Rubber Co. announced that addi-
tional working hours would result in
an increase of 12/2 per cent.
The largest single wage boost-20
per cent-was announced by the
Planters Nut & Chocolate Co., of
Suffolk, Va.
Steel Mills Busy
From Cleveland came reports that
steel mills of that district had re-
called from 10,000 to 20,000 men to
work and provided employment for
5,000 more. Similar announcements
were made by other leaders in vari-
ous industries in different sections
of the country.
At Cleveland also, 10 member com-
,panies of the Independent Ice Cream
Manufacturers' A s s o i a t i o n an-
nounced a 10 per cent wage increase
for 400 men and women employes
Whose aggregate weekly pay is $7,500.
A 5 per cent wage increase was
instituted by the Ford dealers both
of Cleveland and Summit County
(Akron), for their 475 employes.
In order to reduce working hours
to :a straight 8-hour day, a group of
independent Cleveland bakers an-
neounced a 1-cent-a-loaf increase in
the price of bread. They said bakers
would suffer no loss in weekly pay
but that additional help would be
hired for the rush periods on week-
enms wh1wemIep1oy fdtmerly worked
as, much as 15 hours a day.
Sigma Rho Taii
Will Postpone
Speech Contest
Preliminaries for the Sigma Rho
Tau special project speaking contest
on welding have been postponed from
May 10 to some date in the near
future not yet determined, Prof.
Robert D. Brackett of the engineer-
ing college said yesterday.
The postponement followed the
decision of the Detroit section of the
American Welding Society that more
time should be allowed for research.
The finals will be postponed from
May 15 until October, Professor
Brackett said.
Speeches to be given in the contest
should be concerned with new appli-
cations of welding in industrial or
scientific processes, and should fol-
low the general rules for project
speaking contests. Money prizes

amounting to $50 will be offered for
tle best speeches.
The following men have submitted
speeches at this time: R. E. Wood-
hams, '34E, W. E. Eldred, '34E, Mar-I
vin Michael, '34E, Horace McBride,
Spec.E, R. L. Price, '33E, O. M. Gaunt,
'36E, W. W. Dallee, '36E, and S. Shel-
ley, '35E'
Illinois Students To
Protest Against Fee
URBANA, Ill., May 10-Students of
the University of Illinois will hold a
mass meeting'Tuesday night to pro-
test the $10 diploma fee which the
graduating seniors are. required to'
pay, according to plans made by aI
group of students at Theta Kappa
Phi fraternity.
Opinion is that the $10 fee, the
regular amount which has been
charged for several years, is too high
and more than covers the cost of
Prof. Philip Bursley of the French
department will be entertained at
luncheon today by the Universitya
of Michigan Alumni Club of Phila-

-Associated Press Photo
Hundreds of members of the Farm Holiday Asociation gathered in Des Moines, Ia., for the organ-
ization's first national convention. Milo Reno, president, is shown addressing delegates in a pavilion at
the Iowa state fair grounds.
- - -.-l---l--
Rivera, Mural Artist, Fired y Rockefeller
For Communist Art In Radio City Building

Health Service COLLEGIATE
Says Measles OBSERVE R
Has Increased MASON HALL
A student at Haverford offers this
Students Are In Excellent definition of a kiss: "A kiss is a
noun, though generally used as an
Condition Otherwise, interjection. It is never declined; it
Report States is more common than proper; used in
the plural and agrees with all gen-
The monthly report of the Univer- drs."
sity Health Service, issued yester- The Carnegie Tartan published this
day by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, di- poem:
rector, records a "normal" condition !"We laugh at all professors' jokes
of student health except for increas- No matter what they be;
ed measles. Contagious diseases re- Not because they're funny ones
Just because it's policy."
ported at the health service for April
were 38 in number this year, three Add these to your list of college
last year, and only one the year be- slanguage:
fore. Hung a pin-because engaged.
Dispensary calls decreased from Professional-athlete who has a
7,212 for April of last year to 7,171 job on the campus.
for that month of this year, but that Rushing-pursuing in a social way.
is an increase of 572 over April of SoftieL'-one who is unable to take
1931. The 715 physiotherapy treat- it.
ment for last month shows an in- Struggle- -a dance.
crease of about 100 over the corre- Took a powder-disappeared from
sponding months of 1931 and 1932. a delicate situation.
Each of the last three years shows Went down winging-tried hard
a death in the month of April. but missed.
A graphic idea of the use of the de-
partment is given by the followingThe enterprising students at St.
data for seven month periods. The Thomas College take out insurance
rates are based on groups of 1 000 policies against being called on in
students each. From September to class. For a down payment of 25
May of the school year 1930-1931, cents they may collect five dollars
there were 7,277 dispensary calls, 934 if the professor calls their name.
Health Service patients, 741 hospital Also students at the University of
and infirmary days, 21.5 surgical Missouri can insure themselves
operations, 256 x-ray evaminations, against flunking. If a student flunks
2,111 attentions of specialists, 4.9 a course, the company will pay his
acute appendicitis cases, and 4.5 con- way through summer school.
tagions. From Lake Forest College we hear
For the same period of this school that 69 per cent of the Syracuse
year there have been 8,972 dispensary co-eds talk over their love affairs
calls, 841 health service patients (the with their mothers. Thirty-one per
only decrease), 919 hospital and in- cent said that they had no love af-
firmary days, 31.9 surgical opera- fairs and that makes 100 per cent
tions, 366 x-ray examinations, 2,816 lars.
attentions of specialists, 8.2 acute
appendicitis cases, and 10.9 conta- An ad in the Purdue Exponent
gions. runs as follows: "Stolen kisses are
the sweetest, but the best way to
KARPINSKI SHOWS SLIDES reach the student body of Purdue
Original lantern slides, made for is through the Purdue Exponent."
the Century of Progress Exposition The editor of the ad apparently
at Chicago, were shown Tuesday night speaks with experience.
by Prof. L. C. Karpinski of the
mathematics department to illustrate Walking home must be out of date
his talk on "History of Algebra," de- with college girls, according to the
livered before the Mathematics Club Michigan State News, which reports
at Angell Hall. that in a recent walking marathon

NEW YORK, May 10.-(4')-Diego
Rivera, artist who painted red flags
nd a picture of Nicolai Lenin on
he great hall of Rockefeller Centre's
>iggest building, found himself fired
Mounted police guarded the RCA
building, 70-story structure, against
iemonstrators when Rivera was dis-
nissed Tuesday night. Managing
tgents, on behalf of John D. Roke-
eller, Jr., called Rivera down from
is scaffold, paid him $14,000-the
>alance of a contract price for three
anfinished frescoes-and told him his
work was terminated.
Outside 75 or 100 Rivera sym-
pathizers paraded, shouting:;
"Save Rivera's art!"
Rivera is a celebrated Mexcan
mural painter whose Communist
leanings have previously involved
him in controversy. The fresco on
which he was engaged was covered
p. Whether it would be destroyed
.as not known today.
Rockefeller Center officials said
chat "neither in general treatment,
nor in detail, will it fit into the uni-
fied decorative scheme planned for
the great hall. In other words, ir-
respective of its merits as a paint-
ing, it is artistically and thematically
incongruous." They added that the
artist had declined to make certain
Rivera said objection was made to
Hundreds Form
INISecond B.-'F31tF.
At Washington'
Bonus Army Leaders Say
10,000 Will Arrive At
Fort Hunter This Week
WASHINGTON, May 10.- ()-A
city of tents was being erected today
at Fort Hunter, an old army post ten
miles from the capital, to house the
second encampment of bonus-seek-
ing war veterans.
Some two hunared already have
been registered. Approximately 200
more were marching from Baltimore.
Veterans' leaders say 10,000 will be
here by the epd of the week, when
a week-long conclave is to open with
the approval of the Roosevelt ad-
An infantry company from Fort
Meade, Maryland, is setting up the
tents for 8,000 at Fort Hunter. Field
kitchens will feed the bonus march-
ers. Bus service into the city, it was
reported, has been arranged.
WASHINGTON, May 10.-(IP)-Po-
lice acted swiftly tonight to prevent
a repetition of last year's spectacular
riot within the shadow of the Capital
dome by ordering evacuation of the
first 1933 bonus army camp.
Sharp words passed between the
bluecoats and leaders of the march-
ers headed by Harold F. Oulkrod,
when they were told to leave a va-
cant lot behind the House office
Ceilings and Walls Washed
Awnings - Floor Waxing
Service and Courtesy
A. G. Marchese Phone 9'-3

a figure of Lenin joining the hands in the most recent portion of the
of a soldier, a worker and a Negro, Mural a portrait of the bolshevik
which was to have surmounted the leader was included.
painting. In the background were "This piece is beautifully painted,"
crewds of unemployed waving red the letter said, "but it seems to me
flags. Rivera said he was told that that this portrait, appearing in this
Rockefeller and advisers did not find mural, might very seriously offend
the mural as "highly imaginative" as a great many people.
expected. They objected to its effect "'If it were in a private house it
as unpleasant, he said, and to the would be one thing, but this mural
brilliant color of the flags, is in a public building and the sit-
Rivera, a huge, shaggy man, who uation is Iherfore quite different.sAs
was expelled from the Mexican much as I dislike to do so I am
branch of the Communist party but afraid we must ask you to substitute
who acknowledges that his sympa- the face of some unknown man
thies are red, is conferring with law- where Lenin's face now appears."
yers to see what can be done. Rivera declined but suggested that
The principal objections to the he would paint in another part of
mural was the likeness of Lenin, it the fresco "a figure of some great
was disclosed today. On May 4 Nel- American historical leader, such as
son A. Rockefeller, son of John D. Lincoln, who symbolizes the unifi-
Rockefeller, jr., wrote a letter to cation of the country and the aboli-
Rivera saying he had noticed that tion of slavery."

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