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May 10, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-10

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*omorrow Is

Roosevelt Greeting Argentine Economic Envoy

First Day Of
Camp Tag Sale
350 Underprivileged Boys
- Will Be Given A Fresh
Air Summer Vacation
Tag Day, the occasion for cam-
pus sale of tags to support the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp for under-
privileged boys at Patterson Lake,
will start at 8 a. m. tomorrow, it
was announced by Robert A. Os-
trander, '34, who is in charge of the
Located about 25 miles north of
Ann Arbor, this camp serves both
Detroit and local boys. University
students and faculty members con-
duct most of the activities of the
organization, which has selected
George Alder, principal of Jones
School, as director for the summer.
This S. C. A. project has grown
considerably in the last few years.
An average of over 400 boys were
given outings at the camp during
the last five summers, but this year
financial difficulties have caused the
camp officials to reduce the quota to
The "M" Club is one of the prin-
cipal backers of this project and
President Alexander G. Ruthven has'
in the following message indicated
his views concerning the camp:
"There are hundreds of young men
in Michigan who know from their
own experience the value and im-
portance of the University Fresh Air
Camp. Some of them, as boys, had
the rare fortune to be taken from
the city streets for a few wholesome,
stimulating weeks as guests at the
camp. This is still a ple'asant and a
steadying memory with them. Others,
University students, learned as
counselors and staff members at the
camp the satisfaction of service to
others; they, too, have learned les-
sons and stored away memories.
"The University of Michigan is in-
terested in, and proud of, the Fresh
Air Camp. For 11 years past it has
enjoyed unusual success. Wholly un-
selfish in its aims, it has paid rich
dividends in health and character
and has made genuine contributions
to the present and future welfare of
our State."
Ohio State Students
Turn Fire-Fighters
During Dark Hours
COLUMBUS, 0., May 9,- (Big
Ten).-Five Ohio State University
students are having many hot times
these nights, while the other stu-
dents peacefully slumber. These stu-
dents are fast gaining the reputa-
tion of being the hottest men on the
campus. They are the stellar mem-
bers of the fire department of Ar-
lington, a suburb of Columbus.
The. students usually go on duty
each day at 6 p. m. and are on duty
until time for classes. They sleep in
the dormitory of the station, and eat
their meals there; in fact, they have
all the conveniences of the best fra-
ternities. If they oversleep, the other
firefighters have a practice drill and
speed them to the campus in record
The five 'students receive salaries
which defray their school expenses.
Michigan Farmer Kills
27 Snakes In One Day

7 Applications
Received For
Annual Award
Members Of High School
Senior Classes Will Be
Given Scholarships
Names of 87 high school students
have been submitted for the Mich-
igan Alumni Undergraduate Scholar-
ship to Vice-Pres. Clarence Yoakum,
who will choose the 50 winners, T.
Hawley Tapping, general secretary of
the Alumni Association, announced
yesterday. Twenty-six alumni clubs
and alumnae groups from all parts of
the State have been investigating
conditions all year to make this
;hoice from 350 to 400 applicants and
2andidates, Mr. Tapping stated.
Scholarships have been given for
the last two years to high school stu-
dents who are scholastically in the
upper fifth of their graduating
classes and who have been found in
need of this aid.
The final decision will not be made
by Vice-President Yoakum until some'
time in July, according to Mr. Tap-
Michigan is the only University in
the country to have officers for the
graduating classes of each of its va-
rious schools, Mr. Tapping said. Class
interest is thus greater after grad-
uation because there is naturally
more interest in the law class to the
lawyers than to the graduating class
as a whole, he pointed out.
A secretary, appointed by the class
president, is the most important offi-
cer in the class after graduation. His
duties require that he will be within
fairly easy reach of Ann Arbor and
that he know the members of his
class well.
Each class has a fund for the ex-
penses which are included in the of-
fice of secretary. This fund has
varied from $25 to as high as $150,
, according to Mr. Tapping.
Officers of the present graduating
class as has been the custom in the
past will hold their positions until
the first reunion, five years after
graduation. This includes the secre-
tary through whose efforts the re-
union is kept in the minds of the
class members.

World War Generals Meet At Fair Grounds

-Associated Press Photo
Two generals who were co-workers in the World War met in
Chicago when John J. Pershing (left) visited the World's Fair grounds
with Charles G. Dawes as his guide.

Meeting Open,
Kraus Reveals
Conference Thursday Will
Include Discussions Of
Economic Phases
Meetings of the second annual
Pharmaceutical Conference spon-
sored by the College of Pharmacy,
to be held tomorrow in the Union,
wvill be open to all persons interested
in the topics under discussion, it was
innounced yesterday by Dean Ed-
vard H. Kraus of the pharmacy col-
.ege, who will be chairman of the
The Detroit Branch of the Ameri-
:an Pharmaceutical Association will
aold its May meeting here the same
lay, as part of the general program.
Hobert Fleischer, of Detroit, will be
Thairman foi- this group.
Prof. Carl D. LaRue of the botany
department is to give the address of
the evening at 8 p. m. in Natural
Science Auditorium on the subject,
"Observations on Drug Collecting in
the Tropics." All other meetings, in-
cluding the luncheon at 12:30 p. m.
and the dinner at 6:15 p. m., will be
held in the Union.
The opening session at 10:30 a. m.
will be welcomed by President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven. Following this,
Dr. Charles W. Edmunds of the
Medical School will speak on drug
addiction, and Prof, Leonard L. Wat-
kins of the economics department
will discuss the present banking sit-
Three talks will be given at the
afternoon meeting, starting at 2 p.
m. The first of these will be on pres-
ent knowledge concerning the con-
trol of tooth decay, by Dr. Russell W.
Bunting of the Dental School. Dr.
Howard B. Lewis of the Medical
School, speaking on advances in vita-
mins and hormones, and Dr. Nathan
'Sinai of the division of hygiene and
public health, discussing medical eco-
nromic problems in Michigan, will
complete the program.
MORGANTOWN, W. Va., May 9.-
Seniors will not have to take their
final examinations here, providing
they have records of B or better, and
providing the instructors or profes-
sors in charge are willing to exempt
The opinions of the faculty con-
cerning this action are divided.

-Associated Press Photos
Following close on the heels of representatives of England, France
and Canada, Argentina's ambassador to France, Thomas le Breton
(center), arrived in Washington to join Feline Espil (left), Argentine
envoy there, in conducting economic conversations with President
Roosevelt. This picture was made when the President greeted the
visitor at the White House.
Phi Kappa Phi Holds Initiation
Banquet Elects New Officers

Phi Kappa Phi, all-campus hon-
orary society, held its initiation ban-
quet and election of officers last
night in the ballroom of the Union.
The newly-elected officers are: presi-
dent, Prof. Howard B. Lewis of the
department of physiological chem-
istry; vice-president, prof. Samuel
T. Dana; dean of the School of For-
estry; secretary-treasurer, Prof. Roy
S. Swinton of the engineering col-
lege; historian, Prof. Preston E.
James of the geography department.
Prof. William H. Hobbs of the
geology department and Prof. U.
Garfield Rickert of the School of
Dentistry were elected to the execu-
tive committee for a three-year
Musical selections were offered by
Ruth W. Pfohl, Spec., Warren Bab-
cock, '34SM, and Helen Bentley,
The principal speaker of the eve-
ning was Prof. Robert B. Hall of the
geography department. He spoke on
"The Colonization of Manchuria."
Those members of the faculty who
were initiated are Professors Robert
B. Hall of the geography depart-
ment, Carleton B. Joeckel of library
science, Charles A. Knudson, Jr., of
the French department, Edwin B.
Mains of the botany department,
George R. Moore of the School of
Dentistry, DeWitt H. Parker of the
philosophy department ,and Nathan
Sinai of the medical school.
Others initiated were Leonard O.
Andrews, Spec., Forest G. Averill,
Grad., Warren P. Babcock, '34SM,
Gladys L. Baker, '33, Harry Baltuck,
'33, Martin M. Batts, Jr., M., Helen
A. Bentley, 33SM, John O. Bergeln,
Grad., Crandal W. Bisbee, '33Ed., W.
Herbert Bixby, Grad., Barbara A.
Braun, '33, David Brezin, '36M, Wil-
liam E. Brown, '33A, Kneale M.
Brownson, '33M, Pharo C. Burg,
Grad., Bryce L. Carter, '33E, William
T. Carter, '33, David C. Chandler,
Grad., Ch'eng H. Chao, Grad., Ruth
C. Child, Grad., Louise B. Childs,
Grad., Theodore S. Coile, '33, John
G. Coggan, Jean E. Cowden, '33,
Betty M. Cunningham, Grad., Dor-
othy M. Davis, '33Ed., Charles E.
DeBaker, '33, Helen M. Dobson,
'33Ed., Kenneth A. Easlick, Living-
stone H. Elder.
William Elmer, Jr., '34E, William
L. Faden, Jr., '33E, Mordecai L. Fa-
lick, '33M, Joseph Feingold, '33, Mary
A. Frederick, '33, Orie I. Frederick,
Grad., Louis I. Galin, '33D, Robert
M. Glendinning, Grad., Helen L.
Good, '33, Otto E. Guthe, Grad.,
Jeanne E. Hagaman, '33, Marguerite
F. Hall, Clifford E. Hane, '33, Vir-
ginia M. Hansen, '33, Ivabell L. C.
Harlan, '33, Howard W. Harper, '33E,
Edna L. Hazard, '33, George M. Heb-
bard, Grad., Mary B. Hickman,
'33Ed., Catherine E. Hofer, '33Ed.,
IHarold'HH' Howard, '33D.
Henry M. Kendall, Grad., Charles
W. Knerler, '36M, Frederick S. Kohl,
'33E, Benjamin Labaree, '33E, Eren
M. Learman, '33, William C. Lee,
Grad., Max Leider, '33A, Kenneth B
Leisenring, Grad., Elizabeth E. Line-
ham, '33, Karl Litzenberg, Grad.,
John M. Lyon, '33E, Harold W. Mc-
Caughrin, '33D, Wayne W. McClow
'33E, Robert W. McCulloch, Grad.
Margaret R. McIntyre, '33, Peter J
Merkus, Grad., Robert B. -Meyer
'33M, Laura Miller, '33, Paul J. Mis

ner, Lucius S. Mull, '33E, Carl W
Nelson, '33E, John K. Osborn, Grad.
Sylvia Overton, Edward D. Palmer
Grad., Rodney C. Perkins, Grad.,
Albert J. Phillips, Audrey L. Pong
Irene T. Poole, Grad.
Clarence H. Powell, Grad., Re-
becca K. Pruett, '33, Faith L. Ralph
'33, David R. Rittenhouse, '33, Mar-
tin L. Robertson, Grad., Genevieve
Robinson, Jacob L. Rycus, '34, Ed-
ward L. Rider, '33E, Francis L. Sage
'33, Pura F. Santillan, Grad., Nathan
Scott, '33, Marion C. Siney, '33,
Lloyd A. Staebler, '33A, Duncar
Stewart, Grad., Karl A. Stiles, Grad.,
Walter A. Stryker, '33, Clarence M,
Tarzwell, Grad., Alden W. Thomp-
son, Grad., Polly R. Walker, '33,
Margaret H. Timm, '33, Philip J
I Wargelin, Grad., Jean K. Weston,
Grad., Ralph R. Wilson. '33F&C.

.. ,

CLARE, May 9.-(AP)-There are
plenty of snake stories at this season
of the year, but George Byer, of Far-
well, can prove the truth of the story
he tells of killing 27 snakes recently
when he was working in a field
near his home.
The snakes were of various sizes
and were together in one pile when
he began the slaughter. He brought
the reptiles to the house in order to
prove his statements.

Lansing Women To Be
Guests Here Tomorrow
(Continued from Page 5)
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven will be
The afternoon will include a trip
through University Hospital and
Mosher-Jordan Halls, after which
Prof. Palmer Christian will give a v
special organ recital in Hill Audi-
torium honoring the guests. The en-
tertainment will be concluded with
a tea at the Women's Field House.
Assisting on the reception committee
will be Regent Esther M. Cram, Mrs.
Horatio J. Abbott, Mrs. Junius E.
Beal, Mrs. James D. Bruce, Mrs. Rus-
sel W. Bunting, Mrs. George Burke,
Mrs. William D. Henderson, Miss
Alice C. Lloyd, Mrs. Charles A. Sing,
Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, Mrs. Clar-
ence S. Yoakum, and Mrs. Fielding
H. Yost.
Fisher To Show Pacifist
View At War Symposium
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher of the
Methodist Church and William Rey-
nolds, of Detroit, will speak at the
symposium against war to be held
at 8 p. m. today in Natural Science
Auditorium, Dr. Fisher will take the
pacifist's view in opposing war en-
tirely, while Mr. Reynolds will view
war as an ex-soldier.
Following the meeting will be an
informal discussion period during
which both speakers will answer any
questions asked them by the audi-
ence. Sponsors of the symposium in-
clude the National Student League
and the Student Committee forE
Struggle Against War.
Four unidentifiedbandits yester-
day held up the Johnson Oil Co. sta-
tion at Milan and escaped with an
unkown sum of money, according to
report received here by Sheriff Jacob
The robbers were still at large last

Pryor Chosen
To Preside At
Alumni Parley
The general session of the fifth
annual Alumni Conference of the
School of Business Administration,
to be held Saturday, May 13 at the
Union, will open at 9:30 a. xn. with
Millard H. Pryor, '27, presiding, it
was announced yesterday. Dean Clare
E. Griffin will speak on "The Crisis
in World Trade." Prof. Charles L.
Jamison will speak on "Changing
Prices and Adjustments in Business
Policies," and Prof. R. G. Rodkey will
give a talk on "Controlled Inflation."
The meeting. will be open for gen-
eral discussion of business problems
after the addresses are given.
T. Kenneth Haven, M.B.A. '29, will
preside at the luncheon at which Dr.
J. D. Bruce, vice-president in charge
of University relations, will speak.
Prof. I. L. Sharfman of the eco-
nomics department will Gpeak on
"The Movement for Social Control
of Economnic Conduct" at the dinner,
over which Robert P. Briggs, M.B.A.
'28, will preside.
The conference is for the purpose
of continuing and renewing the close
relationship between the School of
Business Administration and its
alumni, it was stated.

General Farm I
Strike Is Voted
In Minnesota
Adopt 'Buy, Sell Nothing'I
Slogan; Iowa Martial
Law To Be Lifted
ST. PAUL, Minn., May 9.-(JP)-
Minnesota members of the National
Farmers' Holiday Association have
voted to join a general farm strike
effective next Saturday.
Meeting in state convention ats
Montevideo yesterday, 4,000 repre-
sentatives of the association indorsed
the national strike called recently at
Des Moines, and adopted as their
slogan, "Stay at Home, Buy Nothing,
Sell Nothing."
As these steps were being taken;
here, announcement was made that
martial law, in effect in several Iowa
counties following an attack on Dis-
trict Judge C. C. Bradley at Le Mars,
would be lifted this week, probably
by Wednesday. Troops are expected
to begin moving out of the Iowa
"farm war" zone soon thereafter.
The Minnesota association adopted
a resolution urging that all labor or-
ganizations and truck drivers join
the farmers in a sympathetic strike.
Gov. Floyd B. Olson, Minnesota's
Farmer-Labor Party executive, was
asked in another resolution to de-
clare an official holiday for cream-
eries during the strike. This was
urged in an effort to prevent any.,
Milk for the needy and sick andI
food for the unemployed in .cities
during the strike for higher prices
for farm products would be furnished
on application of relief organizations.
New Jersey Protects
Confidence Of Press
TRENTON, N. J., May 9.-()P)-.
By a vote of 46 to 0, the house has
passed a bill to protect the confi-
dence of newspapers and newspaper
men. The bill now goes to the gov-
ernor. Under the measure, a person
employed by a newspaper could not
be compelled to disclose the source
of any information used in the news-
paper before any court, grand jury
or legislative committee.

Entry Standard
Little Affected
By Short Term
Provisions Of Individual
High School Will Be
Considered, Smith Says
Entrance requirements for students
coming to the University next se-
mester from high schools which
closed a month early this year will
not be changed appreciably, Ira M.
Smith, registrar, said yesterday. In
a few cases entrance examinations
may be necessary, but each applica-
tion will be considered individually
and adjustment made. according to
the, provisions of the particular
school from which 'the student ,grad-
The University, requires ,a school
year of 36 weeks from all acredited
schools, with not less than 'five 40-
minute recitations a week in each
subject. Many schools normally give
more than. the minimum and conse-
quently have been able to drop a few
weeks from the school year and still
be able to meet the requirements.
"Communications from high school
principals would seem to indicate,"
said Mr. Smith, "that every effort
is being made to have the senior
class complete the full year's work,
even providing in some cases that
the class continue work after the rest
of the school has been dismissed."
A solution for some entering fresh-
men may be attendance at summer
school, which will sufficiently orien-
tate them to enable them to proceed
with the regular courses in the fell
high school students are being urged
to do this, especially those coming
from schools which are closing early
"If the present financial conditions
continue to affect the schools, differ-
ent arrangements must be made in
coming years," continued Mr. Smith
"The 'University will seek some solu-
tion whereby the high schools can
equip their students to compete with
graduates from preparatory school
in which the prescribed number o
weeks has been covered."



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bearing mammal thin doesn't
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"...a TWEEDLE is a fur-
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.. . a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
mate or reproduce..'"

Five-Week Course
Is Aid To Teachers
(Continued from Page 1)
teaching and administration is ham-
pered in some of the harder-hit
schools due to cuts in the budgets
and nonpayment of salaries up to
date. Others reported "a fine spirit
on the part of the teachers, despite
curtailed expenses and salaries."
One student said that the best
teachers continued to work efficient-
ly, while the less capable ones ex-
hibited the most discontent.
The students were unanimous in
their assertion that they encountered
no discipline problems.
"Threats to World Peace: Hitler-
ism and Manchukuo" will be the sub-
ject of an address tonight in the
Union by Tucker P. Smith, secretary
of the committee on militarism in

". . . a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
mate or reproduce .

4 4
5 5
4- _.. ." 4-


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