Frosh Lantern
Dance Tickets
Now For Sali
Max Gail's Orchestra T
Provide Music At Leagul
F or'Girl's Date Night'
Tickets for the Freshman Lante
Dance, May 27 at the League, w:
go on sale today priced at $1, a
cording to Jean Seeley, ticket chai
man. Max Gail's 10-piece orchest
has been selected.
As it is to be a "girl's date night
various freshman women have bee
assigned to sell tickets to sororiti
and dormitories. They are: Winifr
Bell, Chi Omega; Margaret Hiscoc
Pi Beta Phi; Nina Pollock, Alpha X
Delta and Delta Delta Delta; Ma:
garet Ballrd and Hazel Hanlo
Mosher-Jordan Halls and Kap
Delta; Josephine Hadley, Kapr
Alpha Theta and Collegiate Sorosi
Grace Bartling, Helen Newber
Residence; Jean Seeley, Betsy Ba:
bour and Sigma Kappa; Floren
Harper, Gamma Phi Beta and Del
Zeta; Jane Peter, Delta Gamma an
Alpha Delta Phi; Margaret Cowi
Alpha Phi and Zeta Tau Alpha; an
Louise French, Kappa Kappa Gamm
and Alpha Chi Omega. Any wome
who are unable to secure tickel
easily under this arrangement ma
call Miss Seeley, 5523, for other ai
ran gements.
Formerly an assessment of $1 w
levied on all Freshman women t
finance their class activity, but th
year there will be none, although a
first-year women will aid in th
selling of tickets. The price of $
for tickets will include refreshment
which will be served in the garden c
the League. Breaking its traditio
the League will permit men in th
garden on this one night.
Although all the entertainmen
features have not definitely been de
cided upon, both the waltz and ta:
choruses are complete and are prac
ticing from 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. Tues
day, Thursday, and Friday.
Sports Exhibition
Planned By W.A.A
A feature of Homecoming week
end will be the sports exhibition an
open house sponsored by the Wom
en's Athletic Association at 4:1!
p. m. Friday. The games will con
tinue until the Lantern Night cere
monies and will be played at Palme:
Field and Sleepy Hollow.
Match games of tennis, archery
and badminton are planned. Name
of exhibition players will be an-
nounced in the near future.
While the matches are in progress
the - Women's Athletic Building wil
be open to visitors and tea will b
served by officials of the W. A. A
there. Marie Metzger, '35, assiste
by Helen White, '36, will preside.
Last Graduate Dance To
Be held Saturday Nighi
The last dance of the season fo
graduate students will be held Sat-
urday at Palmer Field House, ac
cording to Miss Jeannette Perry anc
Emil Tamm, Grad., sponsors of th
dance. An informal reception wil
precede the party. The entire build
ing, including the bowling alleys, wil
be open. Figures and cotillion
proved so popular at the monthly as-
semblies that they will be continue
Saturday night. Admission price wi
be 30 cents, it was announced.
Alert college folk have made a discovery
-they have found out that on the
Minncwaska, Minnctonka, Pennland and
Westernland, Tourist is "top o' the world"
. . . and in the mode o 1933, they are
offered at the low Tourist Class rate, for
gay, lively, interesting Tourist Class is
the highest class on the ship!
It's the modern idea . . the low Tourist
rate for the finest on the ship-- the best
staterooms, the broadest decks, the run
of the ship. Just notice these rates:
From $106.50, one way; from $189,
round trip.
Dinner Banquet
Planned By Union
The family banquet to be given
Saturday at the Union for the first
tinie will, by inviting both parents,
ipsure against having a split in the
family during 'homecoming as in
Fathers and Sons banquets of pre-
vious years."
William 0. Stevens, head-master
of Cranbrook, Birmingham, Mich.,
will be the speaker of the evening,
vith Prof. 0. #J. Campbell oV- the
iUnglish department as toastmaster.
The Union Band will also enteruain.
Patrcns and patronesses for the
affair will include Dr. Alexander G.
Ruthven and. Mrs. Ruthven, Deani
Joseph A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley,
Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean John R. Ef-
finger, Dean Henry M. Bates and
Mrs. Bates, Dean- S. T. Dana, Dean
E. I. Cooley, Dean G. C. Huber, Dean
J. B. Edmonson, Alta B. Atkinson,
and Ethel McCormick of the, League,
and Paul Buckley, manager of the
Union, and Mrs. Buckley.
SWhere T oGo
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "A
Bedtime Story"; Majestic, "The
Penguin Pool Murder"; Wuerth.
Exhibitions: Selected paintings
from the Forty-Fifth Annual Artists'
Exibibition from the Chicago Art
Institute, 1 to 5 p. m., Alumni Me-
morial Hall; designs and mural dec-
orations by the D'Ascenzo Studios,
9 a. m. to 5 p. m., Architectural
egue omen Beta Kappa Rho To Hold
For Cors Of Year Games Party At League
FY C S I S Beta Kappa Rho, social organiza-
WillIleInstalled tion for self-supporting women on
Be4HTW campus, will hold annformagames
When the new officers of the
League and of W. A. A. are officially
installed tonight, both organizations
will begin a .new season of activi-
ties. A review of the past year shows
that the retiring officers had a busy
During the course of the year, the
League has sponsored a number of
new activiies Amnong them are the
series of dancing and bridge lessons,
the bridge olympzc, :open-house, the
new Student Art Exchange, and
Campus Cabaret. Other functions
have been the Sophomore Cabaret,
Fun-Alley, Pan-Hellenic Banquet,
and Pan-Hellenic Ball.
W. A. A. started its work this year
by assisting in Orientation Week. It
continued with a tea in honor of the
freshman women, and the annual
fashion show. Throughout the year,
all of the athletic activities for
women were sponsored by W. A. A.,
including both intramural and inter-
house sports.
Today will be the last time that
caps will be distributed from the
League, according to Janet Allen, '33,
chairman of the committee.
3llse-Seiiate (1iUi1 Is To
Pay Annual Visit; Tc
And Recital Planned " . . . a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
More than 50 members of the mate or reproduce . .
House and Senate Club. an organi-
zation made up of the wives of the
members of the State Legislature,-
will arrive in Ann Arbor tomorrow T Y P E W R I T E R 8
morning for their annual visit to the All es - en ortab
University, it was learned yesterday. Sold. B ted R aired
The group will arrive at the Iage ChOcestoclia. "O"=
League, which will be its headquar- 0 R * RIL
ters dulrinQ the staqv and -frnm th r 91A S. St0 S.. -Ann Ahr
glb Uclivi '8 La w r,,- -hild o.m e .. e t'S
will proceed on an inspection tour
of the buildings in the Law Quad-
Following this, trip they will re-
turn to the League for luncheon, at
which Mrs. William A. Comstock and
(Continued on Page 6)
a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
mate or reproduce . "
" . a TWEEDLE is a fur-
bearing mammal that doesn't
mate or reproduce ... "
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