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May 03, 1933 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-03

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1 1


Publication in the Bulletin is constructve notice to all membe r of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the PresidentdUntU
3:30; 11:30 a. in. Saturday.



No. 1531

Varsity Debate
Team To Meet
Indiana Today
Limitation Of Enrollment
In Large Universities
To Be Argued Here

Nlckke to Seniors!-Graduate Students! Diploma Fees Payable Now:
Early settlement is necesary for the preparation of diplomas. In no case
will the University confer a degree'at Commencement upon any student who
fail sto pay the fee before 4 o'clock Wednesday, May 24. In case the Faculty
does not recommend any payeir, the fee will be refunded on surrender of
receipt for payment. The above applies also to fees for all special certifi-
Candidates for degrees or certificates should AT ONCE fill out card at
office of the Secretary of THEIR OWN COLLEGE OR SCHOOL, pay the
Ca iiier* of the University and have card receipted, and file indicated sec-
tion of this receipted card with the Secretary of THEIR OWN COLLEGE
OR SCHOOL. (Students enrolled in the Literary College, College of Archi-
tecture, and School of Music please note that blank forms should be ob-
tained and receipted cards filed in the RECORDER'S OFFICE, Room 4,
University Hall). *
Please do nat delay until the last day, but attend to this matter at
once. We must letter, sign, and seal approximately 2,000 diplomas and cer-
tificat'es, and we shall be greatly helped in this work by early payment of
th fe and the resulting longer period for preparation.
Shirley W. Smith
*'he Cashier's Ofiee is closed on Saturday afternoons.
,eulty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting Thursday at
4:15 p. in. in Room 348 W. Engineering Building.
University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: The
Bureau has received an announcement of Civil Service examinations to be.
given for the following positions: Junior Pharmacist, $2,000; Assistant
Pharmaceutic Aide, $1,620. For further information 'please call at the of-
fice, 201 Mason Hlall.

The Varsity debate team will meet
Indiana in a Western Conference De-
bate tonight in Hill Auditorium. This
will be the last Varsity conference
debate this year.
Michigan will uphold the affirma-
tive side of the conference question,
"Resolved, That a Limitation in En-
rollnent of Western Conference Uni-
ver ;ities and Other Comparable In-
stitutions Should Be Effected by
Raising Scholarship Standards." The
team will be composed of Clinton. D.
Sandusky, '34, Edward H. Litchfield,
'36, alid Wilburt L. Handman, Jr., '33.
Prof. E. Ray Skinner of the speech
departiment at the College of the City
of Detroit will judge the debate.
The question is of unusual interest
and promises to be a more interest-
ing and entertaining discussion than
any of the last few years, said J. H.
MclBurney, coach of the team. By the
proposed measure, Western Confer-
ence universities would reduce the
number of students who fail each
LONDON, May 2---(P-A lone
donkey and a single ox are listed
along with 16,773 horses and mules
as constituting the livestock posses-
sions of the British army in the an-
nual military report for 1932.

Literary College Exam
Sehedule Is Announced
(Continued from Page 1)
scheduled above may be examined at
any time on which the instructor and
the class agree. Students taking
practice work in the School of Music
will be given individual examinations.'
Notices concerning such students will
be mrade at a latter date.
Brain Indolence Gets
Censure Of PhariAcigt
Unemiployed brain cells, or "idle
capital," was presented as the chief
cause of present problems in an ad-
dress by Dr. W. L. Scoville, chief
pharmacist of Parke-Davis and Com-
pany, Detroit last night before the
annual all-pharmic banquet held in4
the League.f
Dr. Scoville accused the pharma-
cists as a group of having sold their
birthright when they entered the
modern drug business, but said that
they are waking up and that a new
era is ahead. It will be an individual
struggle, however, he declared.
Classes in the College of Phar-
macy were represented by student
speakers. These were L. G. Mann,
'36, Anne Donnelly, '34, and Coleman
7. Flaskamnp, '33. Dean Edward H.
Kraus of the pharmacy school con-
1 ferred prizes and awards.

Stats Protest Fast

Public Works
Causes Clash

-Assocla'ed Press Photo
* * *
Gandi To Fast
For 3 Weeks-;i
Fren s*fri

(Continued from Page 1)
cesful in his line of bousiness, for he
entinto bankruptcya;short time
ago. "If this man is approved," he
said. "it will be the greatest bit of
poliitcal hypocrisy ever perpetrated
upon the laboring class of Ann
Following the speecn, Recmond
Burr, alderman from the First Ward,
asked Mayor Campbell to explain his
choice. The mayor said, "I have made
my choice of Graf because he is the
most acceptable person to me, If the
Council does not approve of that
choice we can get another man. Why
quarrel about it, fellows?"
A motion was then made and
passed, to vote upon each appointee
separately. All the mayor's appoint-
ments were accepted except that of
Graf. When his name came before
the council, Alderman Walter Sadler
of the Seventh Ward arose and asked
that the appointment be tabled so
that more information concerning
the situation could be procured. "I
am not a Labor candidate," Sadler
said, "but I think we should study
these charges further and see if there
is anything in them." The motion
was passed, 11 to 4.
The menbership in the Trades and
Labor Council totals 00,. and with
families included, and council rep-
resentatives believe they control over
t,000votes. Mayor Campbell was
elected in the rece.nt voting by 98
votes. A switch of 50 votes would
have turned the election, and coun-
cil members believe that their en-
dorsement of Campbell, coupled with
their refusal to endorse Frisinger,
was one of the factors in determin-
ing the election.


J LU tl~ L V 11%
To Be Show

In Open House
Annual E-vent In College
Of Architecture To Be
Sponsored By Sorority
The anmal Open House of the
College of Architecture at which stu-
dent work will be exhibited through-
out the Architecture Building will be
held Friday afternoon. Tea will be
served from 3:30 to 5:30 p. in. in uhe
Following the usual custom, the
Open House will precede the Archi-
tects' May Party in the League Grill
Room that night.
Alpha Gamma Gamma sorority,
girls' architecture organization, is
sponsoring the event. Other students
will be on hand to conduct visitors
through the building and point out
displays of interest in each depart-
ment. Miss Alice Lloyd, dean of
women, Miss Ethel McCormick, so-
cial director of the League, and is.
Eriil L~orch, wife of the director of
the College, will pour.
Included in the displays will be
paintings, drawings, and charcoal
sketches of various subjects. Draw-
ings of model buildings and land-
scape layouts will be featured.
Tickets for the Architects' Pa Lty
were all sold Saturday night. Charles
Burroughs, '33A, chairman of the
finance committee, announced.
ROME, May 2.-(/P)-Italian air
lines are boasting of their safety !ec-
ord, a late report showing that 12,-
600,000 miles have been flown and
170,000 passengers transported since
1926 with only eight accidents in
which patrons were injured.

Seiars in EucaItio n: Orders for announcements will be taken at the
folowing times: Wednesday, Iay 3, 3-5 p. m,; and Thursday, May 4, 1-5
. in. onrithe farteth fi'or of thie University High School. Payment must be
made in full at time of ordering.
Inspection of sample announceiments nay be made in the offices of
the School of Education, in care of Miss Clark.
Seniors-Literary College: Commencements and initations will be on
sale in Angell Hall lobby from 10:0 a. m. until 3:00 p. m. today .
Poetry Reading ontest; Preliminaries for the poetry reading con-
test of the Interpretive Arts Society will be held on May 10. Each contest-
anit will be given twelve inutes in which to interpret from miiemory poetry
'f his own choosing. Contestants mnust be eligible to take part in public
activities and must be members of the InterpretiveArts Society. Professor
)ollister will he in Room 302 Mason, Hall on Thursday May 4 from 3 to 4
and fromn 5:15 to 5:45 to receive applications for membership and to confer
with contestants.
P;eta Kappa: The Annual Initiation aianquet of the Alpha Chapter
in, Mvicigan wijl be held at the Michigan League on Thursday, May 4,
:Qp. im.Theprice, one .dollar a plate. An attempt has been made to reach
afl members known to the o&lice by postcard notices, but some cases of
missing notices have been reported. If you did not get your notice, please
notify the, oflice. Members of other Chapters living in Ann Arbor are wel-
comed by the Chapter. In all cases, however, those who expect to be present
must make reservations in advance through the Secretary up to 9:00 p. in.,
Wediesday, lay 3, as our guarantee must go in the next morning.
Orma F. Butler, Secretary
'University Grls' Gle Club: The following persons are to take part in
*he Bissflield conert; Beckett, Carlin, Earnshaw, Fagg, Gray, Kingston,
lichtenwalter, Lucas, Maynard, Patten, Rentschler, Rice, Root, Rose, Wal-
lace, Whitman, Wikel, Martindale, Adams, Law, Gram, Bridge, Flynn, Gas-
saway, Heath, Jennings, kayser, McCumber, Norris, Peterson, Randall,
Shapland, Thompson, krause, Glass, Hildebrand. All must be at the
League by 5:53 sharp this afternoon so that we may leave promptly at 6.
Late permission has been arranged for the entire group.
Pharmacy inspection Trip: All pharmacy students intending to go to
Battle eek and Kfalamaoo to inspect the Kellogg Company and the Up-
j3hv Company plarits ritday, Lay 5, should notify Miss Grace in the office
of the College of Pharmnacy not later than Thursday noon, May 4.
Pteray Seniors: Class dues of $1:00 will be collected today between
10 a. m. and 3 p. in., lobby of Angell Hall.
Students in Education: The following are the dates set for various
kinds of examinations required by the School of Education:
I. Subject Matter Qualifying Examinations required before D100 may
be elected: Saturday, May 20, at 8 o'clock (not 9 o'clock).
II. Comprehensive Professional Examination required of all students
planning to take the teacher's certificate: Saturday, May 20, at
8:3Q o'clock. Special Note: All persons expecting to take this e-
amination are asked to leave their names with Miss Clark in
'Room 1437 U.E.S. at once.
C. O. Davis, Secretary
yL)anguage Examination for M.A. Degree in History: An opportunity
will be offered Friday, May 5, in Room 1009 A.H., at 4 p. in. A. S. Aiton
Illustrated Lecture on Aerial Photography to be given by Major James
A. Bagley, U. S. Engineers' Corps in Natural Science Auditorium today at
7:30 p. m. Open to the Public.
Ann Arbor Art Association announces an exhibition of paintings select-
ed from the 45th Annual American Artists' Exhibition, from the Art Insti-
tute of Chicago. The pictures will be on view in the Alumni Memorial Hall
irom 1 to 5 daily, to May 1'2.
University debate: Micfigan vs. University of Indiana at 8 o'clock in
Hill Auditorium. Proposition 'for 'discussion: Should University Enrollments
be Iteduced. No Admission Charge.
Chemistry Colloquium meets in Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. The first
oaper will start at 4:05 p. ni.
H. S. Jennings: Studies on methods for the determination of adhe-
sion tension.
Triangles: Important meeting at Michigan Unfion. Please be prompt-
7:15 p. min.

PARIS, May 2-(!P)-The treasury
may be low, but the French govern-
ment found $8,440 with which to buy
foi the Louvre Museum a fineCorot
interior painted in '1'5,


Chemical Enggiering Seminar: Mr. C. A. Siebert will be the speaker
at 4 o'clock in Room1 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. on the subject, "The S'aling of
Steel in Oxygen-Nitrogen Atmospheres.",
Scabbard and Bl de: Important meeting in Nat. Science Auditorium
at 7:30 p. m. Uniforms required.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Members will meet at Natural Science Auditorium
tonight at 7:30 to hear the talk on Aerial Photography. The installation of
officers previously announced will not be held .
Zeta Phi Eta: Very important meeting at 7:45 in the League. All
members must be present.
University of Michigan Radio Club meets at 7:30 p. m., Room 111 West
Engineering Building. Professor L. N. Holland will speak on and give dem-
onstrations of "Modulation and Modulated Amplifiers." All interested are
cordially invited to attend.
Finance Committee of the Senior Literary Class meets today in the
Michigan Union.
Marriage Relations Course: The final lectuie of this series will be given
at 8 p. m. in Lane Hall. Dr. S. A. Courtis of the School of Education is
speaking on "Social and Civic Responsibilities of the Married Couple."
Harris Hall: Open house at the Hall this afternoon from four to six
at which time tea is served.
hillel Open House for ireshmen at 3:30 p. m. at the Foundation build-
ing. There will be dancing and bridge. All Jewish freshmen are urged to,
Applied Mechanics Colloquium: Mr. E. E. Weibel will give a paper
on "Stress Analysis by the Photoelastic Method" and a demonstration of
apparatus. Mr. John Maulbetsch will review recent literature. Meeting will
be held Thursday, May 4, at 7:30 p. in. in Room 44' 'West Engineering
Building. All interested are cordially invited to attend and take part in
the discussion.
Open House, College of Architecture: The College of Architecture Open
House will be held Friday, May 5, from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock. There will be
interesting exhibits of the students' work in the building and tea will be
served in the library. The public is cordially invited to attend.
Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15, Thursday, May 4, in the
Observatory lecture room. Dr. Hazel M. Losh will review "Characteristic,
Features of Solar Prominences" by Edison Pettit. Tea will be served at 3:45.
The A.S.M.E. Student Branch will hold its final meeting of the year on
Thursday, May 4, :00 p. m., vfichigan Union. Officers for next year will
be elected.. r;
Professor H.: derson will speak on "Public Utility Prices."
All members,- rged to be present.
Quarterdeck Sc ty: Importint business meeting in Room 340, West
E gineering Buildi' at 7:30 p. m. Thursday.
Phi Sigma: V mr'Y iportant short business meeting, Thursday, 7 o'clock
sharp, Room 1139 'atural Science building. Elections and 'an important
amendment to be brought up. A full attendance is urged.
Phi Eta Sigma: Initiation Thursday aftei'noon, May 4, at the Union.:
Cexemony to be held at 5:00 o'clock, followed by banquet. Please note that
this is not the date designated in original plans. Each initiate is reminded
to bring a large white handkerchief to the ceremony.
Le Cercle Francais: Meeting Thursday, May 4, at 8:00 p. m., Michi-
gan League. Program and refreshments.
Delta Epsilon Pi will meet at the Michigan Union on Friday, May 5, at
8:00 p. m.

AgedIProptTo iAbstain
As Fart Of Campaign
Aga st Caste Stem
POONA, India, May 2.--(P)-The
aged and frail Mahatma Gandhi ah-
houniced from Yei oda Jail today that
on May 8 he will begin another fast,
this time a "three-week uncondi-
tional, irrevocable fast" in connection
with his campaign 'against untouch-
ability and the caste system.
The political and religious leader
of thousands summoned his son De-
vidas to the jail this morning and
brdke the news to him. For two hours
the son tried to dissuade his father,
but unsuccessfully. Thereafter the
news was sent to various friends in
India and. abroad.
In an interview he denied that the
fast was a part of a deep political
"It is a process of self-purifica-
tion," he said simply.
Gandhi, who has been serving an
indefinite term since his arrest on
Jan. 4, 1932, in connection with his
passive resistance campaign, refused
to give any definite reason for the de-
cision today, but said he had many
reasons "all connected with the great
Harijan (untouchables') cause."



Observatory Receives
Price Wetherall Prize
(Continued from Page 1)
Observatory, which they presented to
the University not long ago. They are
all honorary members of the obser-
vatory staff here.
Working with instruments which
were nearly all made by themselves,
they succeeded in circumventing
many of the usual obstacles which
present themselves in astronomical
photography and completed several
rolls of films that have been highly
praised in the scientific world.
'Their fame was increased substan-
tially last summer when, as members
of the University solar eclipse expedi-
tion, they were the only ones to ob-
tain satisfactory pictures of the
Also a grant from the Alexander
Dallas Bache Fund of the National
Academy of Sciences in Washington
has been made to Robert R. McMath
to assist him in research involving
the recording of the flame-colored
solar prominences around the rim of
the sun by the motion picture meth-
od. This is done with a spectrohe-
liokinematograph, an instrument
built in the observatory instrument
shop. Dr. R. M. Petrie of the obser-
vatory staff will operate the device
this summer.
Former, Facuilty Member
In Simmi er School Dies
George F. Wells, '95L, former in-
structor in the Law School Summer
Session of. 1927, died recently. Mr.
Wells taught law at the University
of West Virginia and was a former
dean of the Law School at the Uni-
versity of South Dakota.

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close rat three
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-11c per reading ine
(on basis of five averagerwords to
line) "for one or two insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the dlate of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion,
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months.........$
2 lines daily, college year........I
4 linesE.u0. D., college year......7c
100 lines used as desired...........c
300 lines used as desired... ....:
1,~000 lines used as desired.. ,....... 7c
-2,000 lines used as desired........ ,.6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on. eight reading lines, per inch.
Ionic type, upperand lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters..
The above rates are for 71, point type.
TYPE WRITING-And Mimeograph'
ing promptly and neatly done in
our shop by experienced operators,
at moderate rates. 0. D. Morrill,
The Typewriter & Statonery Store,
314 S. State St. lAix
TYPING-Mimeographing, Binding.
Quality at the right price. Brum-
field & Brumfield, 308 S. State.
TYPING - Experienced typist. Rea-
sonable rates. M. V. Hartsuff. 9087.
TYPING-Notes, Papers, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35x
FOR SALE-Late '29 Ford roadster,
$50 and radio. A-1 shape. Call 5226.
If you Write, we haO it.
Cofre n nc $ttin ,
K'L Pies, Xtk, e,
pewiiters L1 makes.
Greeting Cards for ev body.
O StaDteSM.ORR I L '
$L4 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni-
versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30.
UPHOLSTERING - Fine furniture
repairing, refinishing and uphol-
stering. Also antiques. P. B. Hard-
ing, 960 Canal, Phone 3432. 31c
FINGERWAVES-35c. Shampoo and
fipgerwave 50e. Frederics, Nestle,
and Steam Oil waves, reduced to
$3:00. Raggedy Ann Shop. 29c
suits. Will py 4, 5, 6, and 7 dollars.
Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chicago
Buyers. 34c
LOVELY - Summer Cottage. Erie
Beach, Ont., 60 miles from Detroit.
Ideal summer resort. Reduced rent.
Phone 9652.
for a fortune he
dared not spend!

Interpretive Arts Society: The pro-
gram for Thursday, May 4, at 4:10
in Room 205 Mason Hall will consist
of the best of the lyrics from Tenny-
son and Browing. These will be in-
terpreted by several students from
the classes in Oral Interpretation.
The public is cordially invited.

Last Times Today
"ilello ~Everybody" and "rgloo"
-Thurs. & Fri.,-'oa n 9londel-

C. W. Walton: Alteration of the surface properties of
vealed by 'adhesion tension studies.

Stibnite as re-

with the
screen's new
miracle actor
Maureen O'Sullivan
Verree Teasdale



Sheariff's Stage and Sepreen Success




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