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May 03, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-03

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sdy and rather
sday; Thursday





Bewhishered Barnacles
On The Faculty...

VOL. XLIII No. 153



Public Works
Causes Clash

Legislative Behemoth Berserk
On Cover Of Latest Gargoyle

Campbell's Candidate
Rejected By Council
Storny Session


Fight Is First To
Face New Mayor
Ann Arbor Trades And
Labor Council Charges
Violation Of Good Faith
The first serious political contro-
versy to confront newly-elected
Mayor Robert Campbell has been
raised by the Ann Arbor Trades and
Labor Council and concerns Mayor
Campbell's desire to appoint Benja-
min Graf to the Board of Public
Works from the Second Ward.
The Trades Council contends that
the mayor promised to appoint men
favorable to labor on the city com-
mittees, and that it was for this rea-
son that he was approved and
backed by the league in the last cam-
paign, while R. N. Frisinger, the
Democratic candidate, failed to get
such support.
After the election, according to
Harold Refen, head of the league,
the mayor called upon the league to
submit a list of candidates that it
thought should fill city positions.
Some deliberation followed, and the
mayor then asked that the league
concentrate its choice upon one man
for a poition on the Board of Public
The league then recommended
Louis Hackbarth,'who, according to
Reif en, has been a resident of the
city for 36 years, and who has con-
ducted a successful contracting busi-
ness durinxg that time. Mr. Campbell
then ignored the league choice and
announced Benjamin Graf as his se-
lection, Reif en says.
At the Common Council meetig
Monday night, Reifen spoke as a
spectator and asked that the Council
rcfrain from approving the choice of
Graf. He claimed that Graf was a
tmnin 1who had not even been sue-
(Continued on Page 2)
a N t Is
Rea Bd By
New Custom
'Fresiian Night' Will Be
Held At Palmer Field
Before Lantern Night
,Cap 'Night" has undergone a
metamorphosis, it was announced
last night by Hugh Grove, '34E,
chairman. of the spring games com-
mittee, Thebtraditional festivities
will be known henceforth as "Fresh-
man Night," and there will be no
A further change is planned this
year. Freshmen will gather for their
celebration the night of May 12 at
Palmer Field, where senior women
will hold Lantern Night. Usually
Cap Night si held at Sleepy Hollow.
Lantern Night will start about 8:30
p. i., immediately after Freshman1
Night, it was announced by Cather-
inc Hesen, '33, leader of the march.
The senior women will carry lighted
lanterns which they will pass on to
the juniors, while the sophomores
will carry colored hoops. Four lead-
crs and eight aides have been named
for the ceremony.
The attempt to arouse the spring
frame spirit in the sophomore class
will be given another push at 7:30
p. m. Monday in the Union, when
Joseph Lackey, '35, sophomore class
president, will call a class caucus to
discuss the coming games.
Kidnap Daughter Of Rich
Detroit Family In East

HARWICHPORT, Mass., May 2.-
(Uh-Margaret McMath, 10-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil C.
McMath, formerly of Detroit, and
granddaughter of Francis C. Mc-
Math, wealthy Detroit engineer and
industrialist, was kidnaped today.
Dismissed from her fourth grade
school room after a telephone call
purporting to be from her father had
been received there, the girl entered.
,t large blue automobile driven by a
man described as a Negro.
State police and coast guards

Pictorially smashing its way to the
front ranks of the battle being waged
between those for and against the
proposed University budget cut, Gar-
goyle's May issue will be placed on
sale at the usual points on the cam-
pus today. Its cover shows a giant,
representing the State Legislature,
delivering a crushing blow with a
mallet to the top of Angell Hall,
while a lone student emerges ter-
ror-stricken from the building.
After this courageous opening the
rest of the issue takes up the spirit
and swings right and left jabs at
everything and everyone. Professors
who have the habit of indulging in
"histrionics, anecdotes (with ges-
tures) and hobbies having little or
nothing to do with the case in hand"
are let in for their share, or more, of
the general "razzing."
Following this comes "Preposterous
People, No. 6," another of Tom Pow-
ers' characteristically exhilarating
exposes of local B.M.O.C.'s. This time
he enters the fertile fields of class
politics to pick his subject for cari-

Another of the articles that the ed-
otors expect to be of great assistance
to "every scholar (referred to gre-
gariously as 'stoonts') seeking the
companionship and company of one
of the feminine menmbers of this
dandy University," is called "I'm Aw-
fully Sorry But-"
The object of the page seems to be
to give pointers and advancehinfor-
mation to" allx and sundry who feel
that they need it in regard to such
matters, with the editors suggesting
that it be of particular value to
"every little rosy faced chap who at-
tends this glorious institution of
"Are You A Pen Pal" is a section
devoted to sly winks over the latest
"amazing newspaper" that has made
its appearance in this vicinity-the
American Examiner. A full-page
portrait of Rose Hobart, star of the
stage and screen, who is to appear
in the Dramatic Season, accompanies
an article by Robert Henderson, di-
rector. In addition, there is a dis-
cussion of the May Festival and other
regular departments.

Schedule Of
Is Announced
Give Out Dates For Finals
In Literary, Pharmacy
Colleges, Many Schools
To Take In Period I
From June 3 To 13
Use Lettering System For
Second Time; Several
Graduate Courses Listedl
Schedules for final examinations for,
this semester in the College of Liter-
ature, Science, and the Arts, the Col-
lege of Pharmacy, and the Schools of'
Music, Education, and Business
Administration were officially an-
nounced late yesterday by Prof.
Daniel L. Rich, director of classifica-
tion, after their approval at a regular
faculty meeting held Monday. Many
graduate courses in the University
are also provided with schedules.
Examinations will begin Saturdayj
morning, June 3, and will continue
until Tuesday, June 13.

Journey's End' Opens Tonight
With Noise Of Roaring Guns

The curtain will rise on R. C. Sher-
riff's war epic "Journey's End," at
8:15 p. m. today in the Laboratory
Theatre, a presentation of members
of classes in Play Production and
The Committee of Theatre Practice
and Policy will be guests of the mem-
bers of Play Production for the open-
ing night, it was announced yester-
day. Members of the committee who
will be honored include Prof. O. J.
Campbell of the English department,
Alice Lloyd, dean of women, Prof. J.
M. O'Neill, of the speech depart-
ment, Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon of
the Spanish department, and Prof.
John G. Winter of the Latin depart-
In addition to the dramatic com-
mittee, members of the department
of speech and general linguistics,
the deans of women, and Ann Arbor's
resident play directors, Robert Hen-
derson of the Dramatic Festival and
Ainsworth Arnold ofComedy Club,

have also been invited as guests of
the staff.
Following the play, the guests of
Play Production will attend a recep-
tion given in their honor.
"In addition to its dramatic value,'
said Valentine B. Windt of the speech2
department, director of the play,
'Journey's End', is an excellent ve-
hicle for teaching acting, because
the acting is the most important ele-
ment in the drama."
Among those appearing in the cast
are Jack B. Nestle,'33, in the role of
Private Mason, Jay Edward Pozz, '34,
as Captain Stanhope, Frederic Cran-
dall, Grad., playing Lieutenant Os-
borne, and Sam Madden, '33, as Lieu-
tenant Raleigh. The production
marks the first time Play Production
has given a play composed entirely
of men.
Tickets for performances tonight
and the rest of the week are being
reserved at the box office of the
theatre, and are priced at 50 cents.



Licensed By
State Board
Four Located In Detroit;
One In Bay City, Lake
Linden; To Start Soon
Await Perimits From
Federal Government
'Zero Hour' For Drinking
Legal 3.2 Beer May Be
Set For May 10 Or 15




fii Beta Kappa Will Hold
Initiation Ritual Today
The initiation of the new mem-
bers of Phi Beta Kappa will take
place at a ceremony to be held at
4:15 p. m. today in the League
Chapel. Prof. A. L. Cross of the his-
tory department will deliver the in-
itiation address. Membership cer-
tificates and tickets for the banquet
will be given out.
The initiation banquet will be held
Sat 6:30p. m. tomorrow in the League.
Prof. 0. J. Campbell of the English
department will be the principal
Is Given ulitZer
'Service Award
Ed.gar Ansel Mowrer Wins
Prize For Berlin Items;
Free Press Mention*edI
NEW YORK, May 2. - The New
York World-Telegram won the Pul-
itzer prize for "meritorious public
service," it was announced here yes-I
terday by Dr. F. D. Fackenthal, sec-
retary of Columbia University, for
its series of articles exposing vet-
erans' costs, lottery schemes in fra-
ternal organizations, and urging vot-
ers in the city to write the name of
Joseph V. McKee on the ballot in
the mayorality election.
Other awards were as follows:
Edgar Ansel Mowrer, Berlin cor-
respondent for the Chicago Daily
News, received $500 for his articleC
on the German situation as the best
example of correspondence during
the year.
The Kansas City Star received
$500 for its series of editorials on
national and international subjects.
Francis A. Jamieson, of the Asso-
ciated Press, received $1,000 for his
stories on the Lindbergh baby kid-
H. M. Talburt, of the Washington
News, received $500 for his cartoon,
entitled "The Light of Asia."
The Detroit Free Press received
honorable mention for its series of
articles, "War on Waste; Save the
People's Money." The Philadelphia
Record received an honorable men-
tion for public service in "defeating
the attempt of the Philadelphia city
government to lay an income tax on

Ward, Ecdeston
Star As Track.
Team Conquers
Michigan Normal Loses
By 85 To 41 Score; 11
Firsts Go To Wolverines
Led by Hawley Egleston and Willis
Ward, who accounted for 10 and 16
points respectively, Michigan's track
team overwhelmed Michigan Normal
yesterday afternoon on Ferry Field,,
85 to 41.
Wolverine thinclads ran away with
11 of the 14 first places to easily es-
tablish their superiority over the Hu-
rons. The track events proved a
Michigan forte, as they made a
grand slam by winning all eight of
them. The six field events were divid-
ed with the Ypsilanti invaders. -
Ward started off the afternoon by
beating Schatte of Normal in the
100-yard dash, to revenge a previous
defeat in the A.A.U. indoor meet. TheI
sophomore star had a big afternoon
in his first home start. He jumped
once in the high jump to take first
place, once in the broad jump to
place second, and was barely edged
out by Egleston in the high hurdles,
Hawley Egleston, veteran senior,
turned in one of the best °performan-
ces in his career. Besides beating out
Ward in the high hurdles in the re-
markable time of 14.8, he beat Beatty,
Normal star, by 10 yards in the lows.
Perhaps the most exciting race of;
the afternoon occured in the half-
mile. After trailing Quinn of Ypsi
for almost the entire distance, Ned
Turner came from behind in the last
fifty yards to win the event in 11:58.
3. Braden of the of the Wolves placed
Michigan registered a grand slam
in the quarter-mile event when De-
Baker, Allen and Ellerby finished
one two three. Cass Kemp ran a
beautiful race in the 220 to shade 1.
Hershey of Normal and Ellerby of
Michigan in 22 seconds flat.
Gillilan beat out his teammates
Dam and Bacon in the discus, and
Thornburg of the Wolverines edged
out Schmiclcr in the javelin, The
(Continued on Page 3)C
Major Edwards
Presented With

ParentS To Get
Privilege Stubs
At Homecoming


Date of Exam.
Saturday a. m. June
Saturday p. m. June
Monday a. m. June
Monday p. m. June
Tuesday a. m. June
Tuesday p. m. June


a. m.
p. m.
a. M.
a. m.
p. m.
a. m.
p. m.
a. m.
a. m.
P .



Special Tickets Will Sell
At $1; Other Plans For
Program Arranged
Details of plans for Spring Home-
coming, to be held May 12 to 14,
were laid yesterday afternoon at a
meeting of the Union executive coun-
cil and Max Gail, '34, representing
the Interfraternity Council; Robert
Hayes, '33E, representing the Stu-
dent Christian Association; Cather-
ine Heesen, '33, vice--chairman of
Homecoming; Betty Eaglesfield, '33,
co-chairman for tickets; and Helen
DeWitt, '33, president of the League.
The meeting was held in the student
offices of the Union.
The following special Homecoming
Family Banquet committees were
appointed: tickets, Robert Saltzstein,
'34, and Miss Eaglesfield; tables, Jack
Howland, '34, and Josephine Wood-
hams, '34; publicity, Charles Burgess,
'34E, and two others undesignated;
program, Edward McCormick, '34,
and Gay Mayer, '34; decorations,
Steinar Vaksdal, '34, and Mary Stir-
ling, '34; patrons and patronesses,
Barbara Braun, '33, and Hugh Grove,

Hay 16 To Be Date Of
Swingout; Collect Dues
Swingout has definitely been set
for Tuesday, May 16, according to
Charles M. Rush, president of the
senior literary class. The change
has been occasioned by the diffi-
culty of getting Hill Auditorium
because of the May Festival.
Graduation announcements and
invitations for seniors in the lit-
erary college may be bought and
dues collected at a table in the
lobby of Angell Hall from 10 to 12
a. m. and from 1 to 3 p. m., it has
been announced. No announce-
ments will be sold to anyone who
has not paid his dues of $1, ac-
cording to Edward S. McKay,
chairman of the invitation com-
Observatory To
Receive Award
From Institute
John P. Wetherall Prize
Is Won By McMath-
Hulbert Station.
Word has been received here of the
awarding of the John Price Wether-
all Prize to theMcMath-Hulbert Ob
servatory of the University, located
at Lake Angelus, Oakland County.
The prize, called by authorities here1

LANSING, May 2.-P)--The State
liquor control commission swung into
action today by licensing seven Mich-
igan breweries to begin the manufac-
ture of 3.2 beer.
They were: Stroh Brewing Co., De-
troit; Phoenix Brewing Co., Bay
City; Bosch Brewing Co., Lake Lin-
den; Detroit Brewing Co., Wayne
Products Co., and Prost Brewing Co.,
Detroit. The name of the seveith
was not released.
The breweries may go into produc-
tion as soon as they receive Fed-
eral permits. It was said these prob-
ably will be available in all cases
in a day or two.
Applications from five other brew-
eries were received, but action was
deferred pending further examina-
tion of ownership and records. They
were the Tivoli Brewing Co., Detroit;
Schemm Brewing Co., Saginaw; Sag-
inaw Bottling Works; Kern Brew-
ing Co., Port Huron, and Walker
Brewing Co., Centreline.
The permits granted the breweries
was the first step in the somewhat
piteous process of making the sale
of alcoholic beverages legal in Mich-
igap. More than 20 other brewers will
be interviewed Wednesday. According
to Frank A. Picard, chairman of the
commission, as soon as the brewery
wheels are turning, the control body
will turn its attention to licensing
vendors. When enough of these have
been approved to permit a more or
less general sale, a "zero hour" will
be set when sales to the public may
begin. The date, Picard said, prob-
ably will be sometime between May
14 and May 15.
Federal and State enforcing officers
sat with the commission as brew-
ing applications were questioned. Os-
car C. Olander, commissioner of pub-
lic safety, represented the State po-
lice. Federal officers from Detroit
were on hand. Picard said reports
that a nation-wide syndicate may be
seeping to control beer prices were

Each course in Group X may
be examined at any time mu-
tually agreed upon by class
and instructor.

Other courses not carrying group
letters will be examined as follows:

Mon. 11 a. m.
Tues. 11 a. m.
Elem. Fr., Speech 3
Mon. 3. p.m.
Mon. 8 'a. m.
Pol. Sci. 2, 52, 108;

Date of Exam.

June 3
June 3
31, 32. June
June 5
June 6
Span. 1, 2,
June 6

a. m.
p. m.
5 a. m.
p. m.
a. m.
31, 32.
p. m.

It was announced that Leslie How-
ard's "Murray Hill" will replace
"Nothing Ever Happens," to be given
at 8:30 p. m. May 12 and 13 in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.

Elem. Math; Soc.

Tues. 3
Mon. 10
Tues. 10
Mon. 9
Tues. 9
Ger. 1, 2,
Mon. 1
Mon. 2
Tues. 2
Tues. 8
Tues. 1

p. m.
a. m.
a. M.
a. m.
a.. m.
31, 32
p. M.
a. m.
p. m.

51, 132


Courses listed below will
ined as follows:


a. m. -
p. m. Spring Homecoming committeemen
a. m. have prepared a four-stub parents'
p. m. privilege ticket, to be sold at $1. The
a. m. ticket's stubs will admit the holder
p m to the free shows to be given the
a' i night of May 13 at the Michigan and
p m.Majestic Theatres, will cut the ad-
a. m mission price of the May 13 matinee
p. in. of "Murray Hill" to 25 cents, will
a. m. give full playing rights on the Uni-
p. m. versity golf course for the student
fee of 50 cents, and will admit the
exam- Iholder to the Family Banquet at 6
p. m. May 13 in the Union. The
une 7 tickets will be sold after 3 p. m.
une 5 today by Union committeemen and
une 10 in the League.
une 7 Many prominent fraternities and
une 5 sororities are planning to co-operate
une 10 with Spring Homecoming committee-
une 5 men and give the festivities a promi-
une 6 nent place on their week-end social
n the programs, it was reported by John,
! H. Huss, '33, general chairman.

a signal honor and recognition for heard. He declared mysterious agents,
the Observatory, is made by the claiming to be from Chicago or New
Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, York, had approached Michigan
which was founded by Benjamin brewers, seeking to purchase the en-
Franklin for the advancement of sci- tire output of certain plants. The
ence. agents were not identified, nor could
Accompanying the notice was a their backers be learned, Picard
citation which reads as follows: "To stated.
Robert R. McMath, Henry S. Hulbert,
and Francis C. McMath, in consid-
eration of their design and construc W inds, s
tion of novel apparatus for the mak- --' i~~
ing of motion pictures of astronomi-
cal subjects, which have proven of Ca use D nia
value in the teaching and popular-
ization of astronomy."
The medal will be awarded May
T e m dl wl be a add My17 at Franklin Institute in Philadel-
phia. The three, who have long been (By The Associated Press)
active in amateur astronomy, were Michigan tonight counted exten-
responsible for the construction and sive damage in many sections of the
the advances of the Lake Angelus State from heavy rains which swelled
(Continued on Page 2) rivers and streams to flood stages,
and from a heavy wind, whirling into
'M urray H illa smalltornado in one section, which
leveled farm buildings and wrecked

Ed. A1,
Ed. B 20,
Ed. C1,


p. n.,
p. M.,.
a. m.

B. Ad. 102,
B. Ad. 152,
B. Ad. 162,
B. Ad. 202,
B. Ad. 122,
Any class

Wed. a. m.
Mon. p. m.
Sat. a. m.
Mon. a.m.
Tues. p.m.
not included


(Continued on rage 2)

Portrays Life
Of 3 Spinsters

Population Rolls En Masse To

Torch Murder
Accessory Is
Given Release
Judge George W. Sample in Cir-
cuit Court yesterday afternoon de-
cided to allow Katherine Keller, con-
victed as an accessory after the fact
in the "torch" murders, to go free
on her own recognizance. The de-
cision was reached after Prosecutor
Albert J. Rapp moved to nol-pros the
case, saying he believed Miss Keller
had been sufficiently punished.
Under the present arrangement
Miss Keller is allowed to leave jail,
but she must keep in touch with
county authorities. A lost letter writ-
ten by Fred Smith, implicating her in
the murder of Justice Darwin Cur-

Farewell Token
Maj. Basil D. Edwards, head of
the department of military science
and tactics, was presented with a
set of rolled gold uniform insignia at
the last meeting of Scabbard and
Blade, honorary military fraternity,
it was learned yesterday.
The presentation was in recogni-
tion of the high esteem in which
Major Edwards is held by the stu-
dents in the society and was prompt-
ed by word received recently that he
will be transferred to the office of
jthe assistant secretary of war in
Washington for duty after the close
of the present semester.
Members of the group were unan-
imous in their praise of the quali-
ties of Major Edwards which have
made him a close friend to all, and
all regretted the fact that he would
no longer be in charge of the unit

Le ye s ir Ki g Crniva
Centering around three spinster
sisters, the Wendel sisters who re-
By ALBERT Ii. NEWMAN the roller-skating champion of all cently died in the east, Leslie How-
With the roar of a miniature Ni- Ann Arbor was crowned, Bud Kyes, ard, well-known stage and screen
agara, seemingly the whole of Ann '34, is the new titleholder, as he took actoi', has constructed "Murray Hill."
Arbor skated back and forth on the the feature event of the evening, a It is an amusing comedy of both sit-
roped-off section of Ingalls Street in 150-yard dash down the straight- uation and lines, according to Ains-
front of the League last night. The away. A radio was his award. Milton Cb fortom, resentationet
Good Will Roller Carnival went over Eskowitz was runner-up. be offered during Homecoming
with a bang, with receipts estimated The boys' 100-yard dash was won WeeH
at over $100. by tam Sayer, with Edwin Scott a Week. Sisters Wendel lived in the
It was a gala scene. Floodlights good second. Muriel Whiteman took 1earistocratic mid-Victorian section of
played on the 200-yard section of the girls' 65-yard dash, seconded by New York, known as Murray Hill. Mr.
smooth asphalt as young and old "Toots" Mayne. Frances Seeley was Howard has bestowed the name
whirled gaily along on the oiled victor in the women's 100-yard dash, "Tweedle," instead of Wendel, on the
rollers. On the terrace in front of with Jane Cissell, '34, runner-up. stage sisters, and during the course
the League a band played, and the Miss Cissell also won the women's of the play one of the sisters defines
music was relayed by remote control fancy skating, seconded by Elsa a "tweedle" as a "fur-bearing mam-
to a portable amplifying system in a Weigand. Mwickman and Hogan mal that doesn't mate or reproduce."
car on the street. won the two places for men's fancy The three sisters live alone in a
The system carried also the voice skating. typical vctorian house with drawn
of John Morgan, '35E, genial an- Jerry Holmes and Bessie Curtis are blinds and stiff chairs, with their
nouncer of the evening co-ordinating the fastest couple on roller skates, cats. The curtain rises with the three
with the efforts of the distracted according to the results of last (preparing to go to a memorial service

power lines.
One man was killed, at least two
suffered injuries, and several re-
ported narrow escapes as the wind
and r~ain struck suddenly Monday
night and early Tuesday.
On the outskirts of Flint, where a
small twister, accompanied by rain,
swept across a nine-mile path from
Flint to Davison, officials estimated
$50,000 damage to farm buildings,
power lines, and buildings along the
Dort highway. Michael George and
Mrs. Wilburt Hill, refreshment stand
operators, were injured when their
stand was wrecked.
Near Mt. Clemens, the Clinton
river went on a rampage, reaching its
highest point in 14 years.
(By The Associated Press)
Spasmodic tornadoes that hopped
about crazily from Louisiana to Il-
linois during a two-day assault on
the Mississippi valley left at least 64
dead in their paths, more than 500
injured, and property damages in
excess of $2,000,000.
The winds got a running start in
the Mississippi delta Sunday and for

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