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April 27, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-27

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will be the title of a special lecture, League. The meeting will be open to H t D '
r A BEaider the auspices of the Michigan anyone interested.H ealth s la 7C}ASSIF IED
. ~ Schoolmasters' Club, by ProfessorAE
constructive notte to en embers of the Win. Clark Trow of the School of Faculty Women's Club: The annual t o eown 1o
0ofce of the &azscant to the Preident untu Education, at 4:30 p. m., on Friday, meeting and luncheon will be held at TYPING
April 28, University High School Au- one o'clock in the ballroom of the
ditorium. The lecture will be illus- Michin Le .c ooliastei S TYPEW JTING-And Mimeograph-
trated with motion pictures taken in iganeague. ___ingPmptiy and neatly done in
N ICSGermanry._ ing p "mtyadnal oei
NOTICESG maCOMING EVENTS ilh Pasteurization, Hl me our shop by experienced operators,
Tenth Annual Convocation of the University EVENTS TODAY Sigma Xi: Annual banquet and in- - at molerate rates. 0. D. Morrill,
y, April 28, at 11 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. Psychological Journal Club meets itation will be held at 6:30 Wednes-I Sanitation, Tularemia To The Typewriter & Statonery Store,
f clinics, will be dismissed at 10:30. Those at 7:30 p. . in Room 3126 N.S. Mrs. day evening, May 3, Michigan League Be Featured In Exhibit 314 S. State St. 11x
ho are receiving honors at the Convocation Mary C. Van Tuyl will report her re-sna- TYPING-Notes, Papers, and Grad,
attend. The faculty, seniors, and graduate search on the "Monocular perception Notices have been sent to all meModel homes contrasting correct Yte Hers, ad G
academic costume but there will be no pro- of depth." All interested are invited bers in good standing. Reservations; andeses.rrecdesHnckarym3as3resx
y are asked to enter by the rear door of Hill to be present. for plates must be made in auvance amd i k atry meanr, a NOTICE
tly to the stage, where arrangements have by postal card enclosed with theno- model milk pasteurization plant, and - I.4
Che public is invited. French Play: Tonight at 8:15, in g modern lessons, $5.00. RTHAND-InstructiOn. l
Alexander G. Ruthven the Laboratory Theatre, the Cerce health conditions will be on display 4.0406 he
- a c d o w b n syct d a r n5Francais will present "Le Bourgeois D ance D em onstration: A dem on- to visiting teachers here for the 4546.
)fGentilhomme" of Moliere. stration of work done in the dance schoolmasters Convcntion today, Fr- LOST
C Literatur e, ah d th Tickets on sale all day at Wahr's here will be given for those attend- yin LOST-Bull Terrier pup, Tuesday
the College of Literature, Science, and the at the in the Schoolmasters' Convention on day, aid Saturday in theHygiene afternoon, corner State and North
25 A.H., Monday, May 1, beginning at 4:10. box office $ the theatre. Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock in Bar-. department offices in West Medical U. 4 month old, overhanging ears
usiness and the usual reports of the Dean on Ibour Gymnasium. Anyone on campus Building. with long tail. Phone 2-1394. Don
Council and the meeting of the Deans with A.S.C.E.: Mr. Carleton W. Angell, is cordially invited to attend. The exhibit, under the direction Kelsey, 514 Pauline Blvd.
lers have been authorized: University sculptor, will give a talk of Dr. Mabel Rugen and Dr. LloydC L HAIR-Topcoat and brown
ttee on honors at graduation. and demonstration on model build- Comojiditan Club will meet on Gates of the hygiene department, CAMEL IR-Topcoat nd bron
nental representatives in concentration ing before the regular meeting at Saturday, April 29, at 8 p. m. in Lane features a panel plate showing tul- hat in Chubbs, Sunday evening.
John R. Effinger, Dean the Union, at 7:30 o'clock. Hall. The Hindustan Club will pre- aremia or rabbit fever its various A Newman, 4295. 407
_____oh____________ sent a five thousand year old play, phases. This disease is comparatively AllNewman,_4295._40_7
G Quarterdeck Society will again Salitri, or Love Conquers Death." new, Dr. Gates said, and not much LAUNDRIES
iid Gowns will be given out today, from 1-6 prk moi"The Art will agip There will also be additional enter- is known about it although it is ---_____ . ----
higan League. A few more gowns and caps present u the movie, 'ThA Ship- tainment and refreshments. Members commonly contracted from handling STUDENT - And family washing
ve not ordered them, buildng i 1930"' showing the con- and their friends are cordially in- infected rabbits, ground squirrels, careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
struction and launching of the S. S. d 6c
Q$BILE REGULATION 203, West Engineering Annex. No plates are the work of Dr. Walter
is of importance to all students who have charge. Dance for Graduate Students: Sat- Simpson of the Miami Valley Hos- Lydia MEND
the Automobile Regulation as well as to those urday, April 29, at the Women's Ath- pital, Dayton, .
)le for exessptionh Varsity Glee Club: REHEARSAL letic Building. From 9 until 12. Ad A series of charts outlining results
dling of the Regents with reference to the use PROMPTLY AT 8:00 p. in., UNION. msi 30ct.oMichigan which is being made by
ent in te University, the Oce of the Dean Michgan T Sta anWorld Fellowship Dinner, Friday, Dr. Nathan Sinai of the hygiene de-
ority to grant exemption from the usual ob-. Michigan Tecanic Stal and Try- pa
~eg lat on o t e f llo ing cla sif cat ons o uts: M eeting in R oom 3044, W est 6:00 p, in., R ussian T ea R oom , M ichi- p rtin ent is also on display. D
tegulation to the following classifications of ieeing in 7:304, Ts gan League. All women welcome; Sinai's work will be published about Tom
Engineering Building, 7:30 p. m. This--- the middle of May
is the last day for bringing in peti- Miss Fumi Oi will speak on Japan. hmd oM
___ __Viole
as mnembers of the teaching faculty as Undergraduate Outing Club is' --tiAng
ig assistants, or those holding positions Sigma Delta Clii: Meeting today going to the Sylvan Estates Country Uj
with Franklin M. Reck, chairman of Club Saturday, April 29. Truck Today & Friday-Richard Arlen vise
led as special or part-time students, or the National Executive Council, at leaves Michigan League at 1:30. Sup- "ISLAND OF LOST SOULS" Sarre
han six hours in any semester. 4 p. in. at the Union. A full attend- per and transportation 55 cents.
is not extended automatically but is granted ance is requested. Please bring correct change. Make -Sa y-Randolph Scott-
s, and must be applied for in person. At the reservations with Miss McCormick."WILD HORSE MESA
mation must be given with regard to the car Interpretive Arts Society: The pro--o-^-a~~~ -
s who are so exempted are, expected to observe gram of readings this afternoon at1vAV* n T
h ir use of the privilege which has been ex- 4:10 in Room 205 Mason Hall will be A CE
giaenly ivte *1 SEASONgstdets TICKIAUD R
as chauffeurs for other students whose Freed, Poat, D. Smith, Thornton, 1212 South University Avenue Dial 4303 SEASO T
as x Oosdyk, Unger. The public is cor- 11 ot nvriyAeu
y the ruling. dially invited. 2 SEASON TIC
their cars~or make them available to stu-_PersonalLa d
~~uardn ......I R..y:..iuig1( ~iaIA~g X_~:beu o ~e

LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c

suits. Will pay 4, 5, 6, and 7 dollars.
Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chicago
Buyers, 34c
STUDENT-Employment. Male. stu-
dents desirous of securing definite
summer positions, apply to the
Union Building, Room 306, this
morning, 10 to 12. Afternoon, 1 to






GAS HEATER-For sale. Practically
new. Radiant heat. Will sell cheap'
Phone 5629. 410
PLEASANT-Furnished housekeep-
ing rooms, single $2.50, double
$3.50 weekly. 4942. 1436 Washing-
ton Heights.. 408

Pow4rs, RO
t Heming, I
ma Enters, Ge
t Kerble-Co
ct.. and Mis
ickets t
ETS . . ,
K ETS . .$1
atic Season are wi
each. Never before



s Holbert,
ienry Hull,
Dffrey Kerr,
oper, Edith
Jane Cowl

4, and $6
0 and $7


tarchjing and Mxending lNo Extra uCharge
25 y{ Discount for Cash and Carry


Note: Seats for the Dram
everyone. At matinees, Al
ONLY $1.50; at 25 cents E
been offered at such prices

thin the reach of
have such artists




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