The Weather
Generally fair Thursday and
Friday; not quite so' cool.
IJAfr Iga
Southern Justice And
The 'Nigger.'
_ _
VOL. XLIII No. 148
Beer Bill
Is Sent To
Wine Is Also Legaized
By Senate And House
Opposed By Comstock
Governor Dislikes
Home Rule Clause
tate Liquor Comnmission
To Be Appointed Soon
If Bill Is Approved
LANSING, April 27.-(P)-A bill to
legalize the sale and manufacture of
3.2 beer and wine in Michigan was
passed by the Legislature today.
After two weeks of bickering the
measure was approved by both the
Senate and the House. It was sent
to Governor Comstock's desk con-
taining provisions distasteful to the
executive. If he signs the bill, the
act will become effective at once,
and legal beer may start flowing in
a few days.
The Governor started studying the
measure tonight. He said he would
discuss its terms with members of
his advisory committee before decid-
ing whether to veto or approve the
measure. He objected principally to
an ironclad home rule provision in-
serted by the Senate. It stipulated
that licenses to vendors of beer and
wine could not be issued without the
approval of local governing bodies,
and that licenses be revoked upon
the demand of two-thirds of the
members of the city, township or vil-
lage legislative bodies. Wayne county
alone was exempted from the home
rule clause.
"I will not know whether I will
veto or sign the bill until I have dis-
cussed it with members of the ad-
visory committee that drew up the
measure," the Governor said. "Off-
hand I would say I do not like the
provision and might send it back to
the LeVslature. To put 6o tral of
beer and wine in the hands of local
bodies will be to return it to politics.
That is the thing we want to get
away from. Control should be in a
central body.,
Governor Comstock c-o n f e r r e d
briefly with James Gordon Bonine,
Cassopolis, a member of the advisory
committee, and later with . other
If the bill is approved the Gov-
ernor, plans to appoint a state liquor
control commission at once. The
measure provides there must be 17
members, not more than nine of
whom may belong to the same poli-
tical party. One will be named for
each Congressional district.
Comedy Club's
Final Play On
Ainsworth Arnold, well-known in
Ann Arbor for his work in profes-
sional productions here, will direct
Comedy Club's final offering of the
year, to be presented Homecoming
week-end, Mary Pray, '34, president
of the club, announced yesterday.
Mr. Arnold has taken part in three
Dramatic Festivals, - having played
the part of the pastor in "Candida"
and the chauffeur in "The Animal
Kingdom" last spring. He has also
been a regular member of the stock
company at the Bonstelle Civic The-
atre in Detroit for the last season.
His best-known appearance in De-
troit this winter was in "High Road"
by Frederick Lonsdale. He will also
take part in the Dramatic Festival
to be presented this spring by Robert
Work outside of Ann Arbor has
brought Mr. Arnold in direct con-
tact with the Little Theatre move-
ment at the University of Nebraska
and in Richmond, Va. He has ap-
peared in numerous plays in profes-
sional repertory theatres in Reading,
Pa., Atlanta, Ga., Little Rock, Ark.,
and Providence, R. I
Frosh To Vilify Sophs
In Poster Campaign
The first step in any Cap Night
preparation-the printing of posters
heaping harsh words on members of
the opposing class-has been taken
by the freshman class, it was an-
What Is Beer? Wilkowski Gives
DefinitionIn Senate Bill 120
By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. which beverage shall not contain iess
What is beer? What is wine, or a than one-half of one per cent nor
beer garden, or a manufacturer, or-a more than 3.2 per cent of alcolhol by
vendor, or a bar-in fact, what is a weight."
citizen? A garden is defined as "a place
These, and many other puzzling enclosed and shall be either without,
questions of definition which might or, in whole or in part within a
prove troublous if not cleared up in building, which enclosure shall have
time, form a kind of preamble to Sen. an area on a single level of not less
Anthony J. Wilkowski's State beer than 3,000 square feet. A 'garden'
bill, which yesterday was being con- may or may not sell food habitually
sidered by Governor William A. Coin- to persons, but all good, beer or wine
stock, sold therein shall be served only to
"Beer," according to Senator Wil- people seated at tables: Provided,
kowski's Senate Bill No. 120, "shall however, that such garden shall not
be construed to mean any beverage be established within 300 feet of any
obtained by the alcoholic fermenta- church or school building used as
tion of any infusion or decoction of such."
barley, malt, and hops or other ce- A "manufacturer" includes "any
reals in drinking water, except that person, firm, or association, partner-
such beverage shall contain not less ship, or corporation duly licensed to
than one-half of one per cent and manufacture beer or wine." "Ven-
not more than 3.2 per cent alcohol dors" are "all agencies duly licensed
by weight. to sell beer or wine."
"Wine," the Wilkowski bill- decides, A bar, the bill provides, is "a bar-
"shall be construed to include the rier or counter over which the beer
words 'fruit juices' and shall mean or wine is passed or served directly
any -alcohlic beverage obtained from to customers." And finally, a 3.2
the fermentatiop of the natural sugar beer-drinking citizen is "any person
contained in fruits or other agricul- not less than 18 years of age who is
tural products containing sugar, a citizen of the United States."
Club To Open
Sessions Here
1,500 Members Planning
To Attend Opening At
2:45 P. M. Today
Salary Cuts Cause
Drop In Enrollment
2,200 Attend
Charity Fund
Boxing Show
State Releases Full
Pay May 1; Change
Excepts Uuiversit)
Starwas Outpoints
In Dull Fight;
Loses To Larkin
Plan To Hod
Carnival For
Skaters May 2
Good Will Fund To Get
All Proceeds; An* Arbor
Merchants Will Lend Aid
More plans for swelling the Good
Will Fund have been formulated by
arrangements for an A 11 - C i t y
Skating Carnival to be held Tuesday
night, May 2. The plans are not yet
complete, but several business men
of Ann Arbor have evidenced serious
interest in the venture.
Police Chief Thomas O'Brien has1
sanctioned the event and has prom-
ised to have Ingalls Street from
A North University to Washington
blocked off; several merchants have
Ialrea4dy" offered; prizes for the win-
ners of the contests; and complete
equipment has been donated from
various concerns for the carnival.
Miss Ruth Robinson, social chairman
of the League, is planning the affair
and has so far made arrangements
for music during the evening by Pete
Blumcquist's 11-piece orchestra.
The folowing speed races and nov-
elty features are planned: boys, all
under 18; boys, all over 18; girls, all
under 18; girls, all over 18; obstacle
races for above groups; men's fancy
skating, women's fancy skating, most
graceful couple, most unusual ve-
hicle, fraternity and independent
four-man relay races.
All proceeds will be given over to1
the Student Good Will Fund and all
prizes will be offered by local mer-
chants for the cause.
Storekeeper Gets
Paid Off; Officer
Bites Feeding Hand
All these things happened the other
day to C. W. Graham, well-known
manager of a local bookstore:
1. A policeman walked into Mr.
Graham's store and asked him for
a piece of chalk.
2. The policeman came back with .
the chalk and asked if he could bor-
row a pencil.
3. The policeman came back with'
the pencil, thanked Mr. Graham,
and walked out.
4. Mr. Graham became curious and,
went outside. There on the tire of
his car was a patrolman's chalk-
mark; on the car was a tag for over-
time parking.
6. Mr. Graham turned the other
cheek to the stunned officer: "May I;
drive you down to the police sta-
U. S. Promises To
Work With League
GENEVA, Switzerland, April 27.-
(/P)-Norman H. Davis, special Amer-
ican delegate to the disarmament
conference, told that body today his
government had the whole question
of a consultation pact under advise-
A recently submitted British plan
for disarmament which aimed to co-
ordinate efforts to promote an estab- I
Hoyt Rescues Fine
Feathered Friends
Near Death
Just a week old they are, mere
babies and dying of the cold. Track
Coach Charlie Hoyt has taken them
under his paternal wing, but they fail
to respond to his treatment and it
is feared that their death is immin-
With the first signs of spring a
few weeks ago a father and mother
meadow-lark built themselves a lit-
tle home in the middle of wind-
swept Ferry Field. Carefully they
hollowed out a hole in the grass to
provide a comfortable bed for the
little ones, and now their solicitude
is to go for naught..
Members of the track team prac-
ticing on the field discovered the
tiny nest when the babies were hat-
chedla. Thursday. ,Tendrly the.
brawny athletes placed sticks around
the home to protect the baby larks
and the fledglings responded by gap-
ing their oversize mouths for food
when anyone approached.
With the return of cooler weather,
the trackmen, who return nightly
from the cold weather to a hot show-
er, fearing for the safety of their
tiny charges, laid blocks of wood be-
side the nest to protect it from the
biting winds. The birds became sick-
ly and someone wrapped a towel
about the nest,, but all to no avail.
Yesterday the week-old fledglings
refused the food carefully selected
for them by their worried parents
and it is feared by the squad that
the end is near.
Meanwhile the javelins continue to
shower down on the sod carefully
avoiding the nest, and cleated shoes
continue to pound the' cinder track.
Despite the tragedy being enacted in
the middle of the field varsity prac-
tice must go on.
French Club To
Stage Moliere
"Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" by
Moliere will be presented at 8:15 p. m.
today by the Cercie Francais in the
Laboratory Theatre.
This musical comedy concerns a
merchant Monsieur Jourdain, who
desires to get entrance to high so-
ciety and his various antics in learn-
ing the graces which befit a man in
such a position. It is enlivened by
scenes with some of his instructors
in which they almost start a fight
over the respective merits of their
sciences. Another incident is the Tur-
kish Ceremony in which Jourdain is
made a "mamamouchi." This scene
was put in at the request of Louis
XIV who wished to ridicule the
Harry J. Skornia, Grad., plays the
lead role as M. Jourdain, supported
by Ruth Karpinski, Grad., as Ma-
dame Jourdain; Norma Lou Cove, '34,
as Lucile, their daughter; and John
Maulbetsch, Grad., as Cleonte, her
sweetheart.Prof. Rene Talamon of
the French department is directing
the play.
A synopsis of the piece in English
will be included.
Original music by Lulli, famous
Will Meet In Connection
With Association Of
SCollegiate Registrars
More than 1,500 members of the
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club will
open a three-day session here at 2:45
p. in. today in connection with meet-
ings of the Michigan- Association of
Collegiate Registrars, the Michigan
Society for Vocational Education and
the Michigan High School Debat-
ing League.
Enrollment in the annual confer-
ence has been cut down considerably
because many teachers have had
large salary cuts-some have not re-
ceived any pay for weeks-and can-
not afford to attend the meetings
this year, L. P. Jocelyn, secretary-
treasurer, said last night. Morethan
2,600 attended the meeting last year,
but Mr. Jocelyn approximated that
1,500 to 2,000 would be present at
this session.
The three general themes -of the
conference, as expressed by President
Alexander G. Ruthven, will be "train-
ing in citizenship, the inspiration
which research brings to teaching, -
and the organization of teachers."
The program for the conference
Administrative teachers' confer-
ence: luncheon, 12:30 p. m. Friday,
Room 319, Union; 2 p. m. Friday, I
Room 316, Union.,
Adult education conference for
evening school directors, principals,
and teachers: luncheon, 12:15 p. in.
Friday in the League.
Art conference: luncheon 12:15 p.
m. Friday in the League; 2:30 p. in.,
Architecture Library; and 3:15 -p. m.
Architecture Auditorium.
Biological conference: 9 a. m. Fri-
day, Room 2054, Natural Science
Building; luncheon, 12:15 p. m. in
the League; 2, Room 2054, Na-
tural Science Building; and 9:30;
(Continued on Page 6)
Beer Will Be Sold
At Princeton Inn'
PRINCETON, N. J., April 26.-An
eight-ounce glass of draught beer for
10 cents will be available to students
of Princeton University with the
completion of the Princeton Inn's,
taproom, it has been announced by
J. Howard Slocum, manager of the
Bottled beer will also be made
available, Mr. Slocum said. Before
the legalization of 3.2 brew, a la carte
meals formed the major attraction of
the inn.-
Paul R. Buckley, manager of the
Union, said yesterday that sale of 3.2
beer in the Union depends, in his
opinion, entirely on action by the
Board of Regents. He said he be-
lieved the president and recording
secretary of the Union had no power
to authorize such sale, even if the.
amendment to the city charter for-
bidding "spiritous" liquors east of j
Division Street is repealed.
'Diary Of A Revolutionist'
Opens Tonight At League
"The Diary of a Revolutionist," a
Russian picture telling of sabotage
on the Soviet Five-Year Plan will
open tonight at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre .under the auspices
Maize and Blue boxers scored four
victories out of eight matches in the
Student Good Will Boxing Show at
Yost Field House last night as Dave
Golden, Joe Oakley, Tony Dauksza,
and Dave Gallup won.
Many of the 2,000 saw their first
prize fighting. Some liked it and
some didn't as the high and low
spots in the three-hour spectacle of
amateur fighting passed quickly be-
fore their eyes. Sometimes they booed
but mostly they cheered during the
16 bouts that were run off.
Feature Is Close
The main event, between Jack
Starwas and Harvey Bauss, did not
bring the show to the height that
was expected as neither fighter cared
to take any chances. Each has tre-
mendous respect for the other and
the dynamite that each held ready
to fire if a break ever came, was held
in check until the third round when
Starwas forged ahead to win the de-
cision. The fight up to the third,
was judged exactly even by all three
officials, referee John Johnstone, O.
R. Benjamin, and Henry Sullivan.
The Golden Gloves light heavy-
weight champion k e p t jabbing
away with his left during the first
two rounds but took the lead by
landing three solid rights to Bauss'
jaw in the last stanza.
Flyweight Is Easy
Two flyweights were selected for
the semi-final by Vernon Larson, the
freshman boxing coach who arranged
the show, Jack Bissell of Battle
Creek and Stan Ceislick, Bys Clube,
Detroit. The former hit the floorj
three times as his chin stopped the
terrific rights of Ceislick who won
an easy decision.
Let Corsini gave the crowd plenty
to cheer about by flooring Stan Wizo-
rick, Battle Creek featherweight,
twice in the last round for counts of
five and three. He was measuring
the Battle Creek man for a knockout
as the bell rang. The free hitting de-
lighted the audience who split up.
into the camps for every fight, one
backing the winner, the second the
Nadeau Wins Hard One
Joe Nadeau, the Detroit Eastern
High School nine-letter athlete and
Golden Glove Novice flyweight cham-
pion, had a hard fight from Clyde
Jacoby, of Battle Creek, finalist in
the open division of the Golden
Gloves. The Christ Church A. C. boy
gave a brilliant exhibition of clever
boxing to win. He produceda two-
handed attack which, along with his
superior footwork, kept him ahead
Dave Gallup won a decision over
Ernie Stebbleton, of Battle Creek,
with his left jabs. He kept jabbing
away for three rounds, coolly keep-
ing his distance from Ernie's wild
swings. It was Stebbleton's second
fight but .he showed enough speed to
merit the crowd's boos of the unam-
(continued on Page 3)
MINNEAPOLIS, April 26.- The
University of Minnesota appropria-
tion for the next two years will be
reduced by only $480,000 per year.
The grant made by the legislature is
$325,000 below the amount requested
University Boxers
Win Four Matches
Dauksza, Golden, Oakley
And Gallup Win Bouts ;
Other Canpus Men Lose
Senior Class Dues
AreLGreatly Reduced
Senior Literary class dues will
be one dollar this year, Charles M.
Rush, president, announced yes-
This figure is the lowest at
which the dues have been set for
years. Last year they were $2.50.
Announcements and invitations
may be secured only upon pay-
ment of dues, and only those who
have paid will be named in the
list of announcements.
A further notice as to the meth-
od of collecting the dues will be
published soon, Rush said.
Senate Votes'
To Have Free
Silver Coinage
Amendment Proposed By
Senators Wheeler, King
For Remonetization
Auditor -General Direc
Modification Of Measu
For Half Pay To June 3
Meet 50 Per Cent 0
University Salari<
No Provision Made For
Michigan State College;
Gas Tax Brings Revenue
LANSING, April 27. - (P) ---The
State will meet its full payroll May
1, the auditor-general's office an-
nounced t o d a y. Auditor-General
John K. Stack said that his office was
able to modify the recent order of
the state administration board di-
recting half-pay for state employes
beginning May 1. He said the change
was due to" substantial gasoline t./
collections. Employes will go on a
half-time basis, however, May 15,
unless collections continue to im-
,rove he said. Stack declared that
property tax collections are rather
The auditor-general said that only
X236,000 of the $500,000 payroll at
the University of Michigan will be
net the first of the month. No pro-
vision, he said, has yet been made
vith regard to the payroll of Michi-
;an State College, but he expressed
;he opinion that it would coincide
,omewhat with the University re-
WASHINGTON, April 27.-UP)-|
Free coinage of silver was written
into the administration's monetary
inflation legislation by the Senate
late today after a turbulent session
which ended in an agreement to limit
debate and thus hasten a final vote
An amendment proposed by Sen-
ators Wheeler (D., Mont.) and King
(D., Utah) was added to the measureI
to authorize the President to remone-
tize silver at any ratio to gold that
he sees fit. The amendment pro-
vides, also, for free and unlimited
coinage at that ratio.
The bimetallism clause was accept-
ed by a vote of 41 to 26 after the pro-
vision of the inflation legislation au-,
thorizing the President to reduce the
gold content of the dollar by as much
as 50 per cent had been subjected to
terrific opposition from Sen. Borah,
Idaho's Republican independent, and
Sen. Robinson (R., Ind.) had inject-
ed the cash soldiers bonus issue by
offering an amendment to pay the
war veterans out of the proposed $3,-
000,000,000 of new currency.
Senator Carter Glass, Virginia
Democrat and outstanding Senate
authority on finance, Wednesday
broke with the Administration on
the inflation legislation.
He said he would vote against the
farm bill as well as the inflation
proposals, which are attached to the
farm measure as a rider. Both plans
are advocated by President Roosevelt.
Reports To Be
Distributed In
Classes Today
Student Conference Makes
Outline Of Subjects To
Be Brought Up At Parley
The primary report on the Inter-
national Student Conference on
World Affairs to be held May 4, 5, 6,
and 7 atthe Union came off the
presses yesterday and will be dis-
tributed to studentsin various classes
This report contains an outline for
each of three fields that will be cov-
ered by the conference. A student
commission will handle the discus-
sion in each of these fields, which
are world politics, world economics,
and world society.
Faculty members and students
have co-operated in drawing up this
report, which includes outlines of
the subjects likely to come up, an ex-
tensive bibliography, and a list of
speakers who will give short talks on
various phases of the subject.
An attempt will be made to link
the discussion as far as possible with
the current news of today, especially
in the divisions of world politics, in
which the crisis in Germany and the
situation in the Far East will form
two of the topics scheduled for cer-
tain of the meetings, Gordon Galaty,
All University employes face the
prospect of receiving half-pay for
April as a result of the announce-
nent yesterday by Auditor-General
Stack relative to the payment of
State salaries for the current month.
The $236,000 which has been ac-
,orded the University will, accord-
ng to Shirley W. Smith, vice-presi-
lent and secretary of the University,
iermit payment of one-half of all
,Jniversity salaries for April. These
salaries would include those of all
)rofessors, directors, instructors, and
,lerks of the University along with
he salaries of employes of the Build-
"ng and Grounds Department and
the University Hospital.
Although the University adminis-
tration has received no official notice
of the action of the auditor-general,
:ts opinion yesterday was that it is
Iifficult to see the fairness of treat-
ng one group of State employes dif-
ferently from another.
A review of the existing situation
n regard to University salaries by
Vice-President Smith showed that
the hourly wage employes of the
Building and Grounds Department
have been paid in full up to April 10.
The hourly labor at the University
Hospital has been paid up to April
11. All other University employes are
paid in full to the end of March as
a result of the salary payments made
April 15, which covered the last half
of the March payroll.
A payroll including all employes
falls due at the end of this month.
The $236,000 which the State plans
now to release to the University will
permit the payment of only one-
half of this payroll.
A group of members of the State
Senate will be in Ann Arbor today to
discuss University finances with Uni-
versity officials.
Senior Ball To
Be Held After
Committee Changes Date
To June 14; Is Revival
Of Old Tradition
An old tradition will be revived
this year when the Senior Ball will
take place after examinations are
completed. The date for this last
class dance of the year has been set
at June 14, according to a statement
issued by the executive committee
yesterday afternoon.
The consent of Joseph A. Bursley,
dean of students, for this new ar-
rangement has already been ob-
tained. The idea is not a new one.
as the Senior Ball was regularly held
af. th _apmp _ -ua inch ai
of the Art Cinema League.
.by the Board of Regents.
Personalities In May Festival
Described By Prof. Hackett
John Charles Thomas, recently
signed Metropolitan baritone, and
Frederick Jagel, well known tenor of
the Metropolitan Opera, Company,
both of whom will sing at the May
Festival, are two of the most inter-
esting personalities among modern
musicians, Arthur Hackett, professor
of voice, believes.
"Mr. Thomas is one of the clever-
est prestidigitators I have ever seen,"
Professor Hackett, who is himself a
musician of note and has been as-
the Metropolitan offered him. Soon
after that he went to Europe to study
voice and made his operatic debut
in Brussels. Returning to the United
States, he won recognition as one of
the outstanding baritones of the
country and signed a contract with
the late Chicago Civic Opera Co.
Fi'ederick Jagel, Professor Hackett
said, started his career singing with
Roxy at the Capitol theatre in New
York. He also studied in Europe and
on his return signed a contract with
thi Murnla