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April 26, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-26

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Says Summer Excursions Bring
Many Problems Before Students

Students in other years have re-
turned from Summer Session excur-
sions to penal institutions asking
themselves such age-old questions as
"Why does society exist?" "Is Educa-
tion worthwhile?" "Is religion essen-
tial?" "Can we cut down the social
dependents in the next generation?"
Dr. E. W. Blakeman, religious adviser
to students at the First Methodist
Church, who was present on all of
the trips last year, said yesterday.
Speaking from his experience at
four different summer schools, Dr.
Blakeman said the University trips
here are well planned. In acquaint-
ing students with institutions and in-
dustries, he said, they do what lab-
oratory , experience does for science
students. He expressed himself as
particularly impressed by the trips
to nearby State institutions, where
staffs of trained men give brief lec-"
tures on social cases, illustrated by
actual inmates and patients.
Eleven excursions, two of them re-
peat trips, will be offered again this
summer, according to infprmation
given out by the Summer Session of-
fices. The eight excursions out of
Ann Arbor, including the trips to
Niagara Falls and Put-in-Bay, may
be made for $27, it has been esti-
mated. This figure includes trans-
portation, meals, and hotel accom-
modations at Niagara Falls.
Trips to neighboring points of in-
terest will probably cost the student
no more than $1,-it was said, while
all expenses on the Put-in-Bay trip
will be about $5, and the Niagara
Falls excursion will be made for
about $15. More than 1,100 took ad-
vantage of the series of excursions
last year.
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the
journalism department will be in

charge of the trips within the state.
Ann Arbor and vicinity will be cov-
ered in the first excursion, planned
for June 29. Automobiles will be fur-
nished for a tour of the city, and the
libraries and the Union will be open
for inspection.
A day's trip to Detroit on July 1
will include a tour of the Detroit
News Building, Belle Isle, the Fisher
Building and the studios of WJR, the!
Detroit Institute of Arts, and the De-
troit Public Library.
The motor assembly plant, open
hearth furnaces, and rolling mill of
the Ford plant at Dearborn will be
visited on July 5 and again on July
12, the second trip being offered for
the benefit of students unable to
make the earlier trip.
Prof. Laurence M. Gould of Carle-
ton College, formerly a member of
the geology department here, will
direct both the two-day Niagara
Fallls excursion, July 8 and 9, and
the Put-in-Bay trip, July 29. Profes-
sor Gould was second in command of
the Byrd Antarctic Expedition.
The General Motors Proving
Ground at Milford, with facilities
'for making 165 different motor tests,
will be visited on the sixth trip, July
15, while two excursions will be
madeto Ford's Greenfield Village
and airport, the first July 19, and a
second July 26.
An excursion to the Cranbrook
Schools at BloomfieldHills, called
the finest group of private schools
in the Middle West, will be made
July 22. The concluding trip of the
year will be to the State Prison at
Jackson. August 5.
Bronson-Thomas Award
Discontinued For Year

Plan Services
For Widow Of
Eugene Helber
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
Helber, 78 years old, of 815 South
State St., who died at a local hos-
pital Monday, will be held at 3:30
p. m., Thursday at the Muehlig Fu-
neral Chapel. The Rev. E. C. Stell-
horn will officiate and burial will be
in Forest Hill Cemetery.
Mrs. Helber,' widow of Eugene J.
Helber, founder and publisher of the
Washtenaw Post, was prominent in
many Ann Arbor activities. She was
affiliated with the Good Will Circle
of the King's Daughters, the Zion
Lutheran Church Ladies Aid Society,
and the Ann Arbor Woman's Club.
She is survived by a daughter, Mrs.
Bernard A. Bialk of Detroit; a son,
James E., of Ann Arbor; two sisters,
Miss Barbara Cowie and Mrs. John
A. Barass of Halifax, Nova Scotia;
and two grandchildren, Barbara
Mary and Bernard Bialk, Jr.
Physicists To Read
Papers At Meeting
Five scientific research papers,
written by members of the physics
department, will be presented before
the 184th regular meeting of the
American Physical Society in Wash-
ington, D. C., April 27, 28, and 29.
A number of members of the depart-
ment have already left for Washing-
ton. Among these are Professors H.
M. Randall, Otto Laporte, S. A.
Goudsmit, and G. E. Uhlenbeck; Ar-
thur Adel, R. W. Smith, Norman
Wright, A. S. Roy, and G. S. Brew-
Smith At Chicago With
Police Training Experts
Harold D. Smith, director of the
Michigan Municipal League, recent-
ly attended a meeting in Chicago
of- police chiefs and specialists in
police training, who- are attempting
to devise a curriculum for police
training schools in the several states.
About 25 representatives of various
organizations attended.


of the business administration school, Since the work of the three en-
Prof. Lowell Juilliard Carr of the trants in the Bronson-Thomas Ger-
sociology department. man Contest was not as high as the
Dean J. B. Edmonson and Profes- standards set by the contest judges,
sors E. G. Johnstone, Louis W. Kee- the $50 prize was not awarded this
ler, and G. E. Meyers of the educa- year, it was, learned yesterday. Nor-
tion school, Prof. William Kynoch of, mally the contest, which is open to
the forestry school, Dean G. Carl Hu- all undergraduate students in Ger-
ber of the Graduate School, Dean man, may be won by the entrant who
Edward H. Kraus of. the Summer writes the best examination and es-
Session, and Wilfred B. Shaw, direc- say on a subject chosen by the
tor of alumni relations. judges.

ac ond, Herriot Here For Talks With Roosevelt; Wreckage From Akron Crash F4

;d Press Ph'oto8q

This was the scene at Luray, Va., as members of the Civilian Conservation Corps lined up outside the
camp kitchen for mess. As Chef Max Plotkins prepared to hand out the beans, the lads gave aminple demon-
stration of their hunger.



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