S14W Tb rIo
Ru1in~ Ch
. Changres
A re Approved
Fornmal Ihihng Simpli-
fied; Period Shortenied
To Diminish Expense.
Striving to correct the faults that
have been criticised in the past, the
Panhellenic' Association met todayI to
revis~e the rushing rules. The nYew[
Lcague President Pleaksed With
hItercol.legviate Women's Parley
rules make rushing easier and more
economiCal for the sororities and
mrore definite for the benefit of the
K~atherine Moule, '35, chairman of
the committee' on rushing rules, sub'-te h olwngrlsfr vt,
and they were passed by large mar- {
gins. First, that the length of the1
formal rushing period be shortened
a day so that poledging twill fall on,
Friclay and the two formal dinners
ron Tuesday and Wednesday. By such
a ruling, according to the plan, tVhel
length of time would be decreased,
althougth sororities could entertain ~at
almost as many parties by intensify-
ing the period.
Three parties may be held on both
Saturday and Sunday, according tO
the second rule. The time for these
panties are breakfast, 9 to I1 a. in.
luncheon, 12:30 to 2 p.. in,; and din-
nor, 6 to 8:30 p. in.
A rule affecting the time that a
sorority can ask a rushee for~ a for-
ina date was passed to the effect
that a sorority may ask for a formal
date after the completion of the sec-j
ond date, including the initial tea;
or if it was not able to get a second
date durinig the first week,- it' may
ask for a formal date after the com-
pletion of the first.
In order to simplify rushing and
cut 'downi expenses, it Was decided
that the amount of monoy spent for
music during formal rushing would
be limited to $8, and only the
simplest decorations may beu used,
constituting either fruit, or flowers
and candles. The limnit set for the
price of flowers was $25 for the
entire period, including the formal
dinners. In order to enforce this
rule, forist bills nmt be turned into
Panhellenic Association office at the
end of the period.
Under the new nulings, a sorority
may not 'call onl any woman not
turning in a pledge slip 'at the end
of rushing, -uifl the -& tur day aifter
picdg'e-Friday: 'This rufle is to pre-
vent the 'rush at dormitories and
league-houses 'that follo~wed the dis-
tributdonoti'f pledging' slips i Sep-
tember. n
Minor rulings affecting the kind of
entertainment to be given were pass-
ed to the effect' that dinners may. in-
clude on'ly three' courses,'and .that
sororitie's' may if they so- desire ,give~
buffet suppers. "
Suggestins to be put in freshman
books e haf~sha ewar'ned
~gainsV not lacceptingo r reectingWin-
vitations inc'ludedin the 'initial: tea
invita'tions,' and ' ha3t they- also be
urged not to 'accept niore 'tha~n one
or two dates with a sorority. whn
they kilo w that :they canno~t pledge.
Only one rule was passed ~affectng1
inform~al' rushing, that was that the
tume~ for dinners be limited to from
G to 3 p. m. instead of :8:30. as it has
been this year.
Miss MVotile was assisted in the
preparation of her report by Ruth
BradWner, 35, and Betty Aigler, '35.
"We m13et to discuss ou~' problems
"witb.*'cwomn 1 from other miivctsities
inl the hope of finding in their find-
ings the solution to 'our problems.
It is fn to be able to meet women
all over the country and" see how{
th e ir campuses are ru~, GraceI
May er, '34, newly-elected president
of the League, said yestetday in an
intrvewconcerning her recent 'trip
to Ithaca, N. "Y., where she repre-'
se),tcd Michigan in the national con-
vent ion of the Women's Self-Gov-
ei ning Association.
Among the speeches given on uni-
vers ity problems affecting the women
wcr G Gz'those by some of the most
prominent staff members of Cornell
University. They included a talk 'on
"Chan ging Campus Life" given' by
De:,ter Kimball, dean of the college
of engineering; a discussion led by
Dr. Lillian Gilbreth, consulting engi-
n eer, on "The Challenge in Today's
Problem to the College Woman," and
a talk by Miss Louise, Jones, dean]
of Western St. Lawrenice University,
on ""The College Woman's .Adjust -
ment to Changing College Problems."
These talks were, for the most part,
introductions to individual discus-
R.ler Skating
Ca nv il e-oHeld At League
M anx .'_i ni i e r s W i i tI U Sholmtr~Cre
T S ro it esi ' f Soane ten zlu \i'ou W
fante '-illsbe sown, StudIntsWa
I caLe niwe npi s wll bi te faO]1cut'y, pari la tc:eint
cent Elections direct supervision~ of the dean of; The worn ,--ho w' t: ke p 't
student S'oiffice, and the campus elite ColllnWilsey;. '5 aySiln '
Sev eral dinners are being given is expcted'to be there in large num- 'Jacqueline Snell, '.15, Reta Perso.fn,o,
this week by soror ities, faculty din- h ers. 35, JaIne agnefr,'5 ge
ners, rushin adinr, and dinners in Late permission wil be granted Han,'3Mraret Cole 1. '34
honor of patronesses. One fraternity women atttending the matches, which ' rne anhse,'4,Iae a-
announced its election of officers, is being sponsored by the, Good Will 'cer, '35, Julia Wil }o, '36 Winred ;
DEL'TA CHIII Boxing Show. Closing hours- for dor-Bll '36, Josiephine ';ali. 6 Bar baraY
Delta Chi rcnl lce ae iois ooiisadlau ossAn~dre ,vs, '34Ed-.,lL,,abeth Coopr,
C. Gainmack,r'34E, president; LeslieJ will be aM half hour after: the gongre'34. Gladys D.1 ' e, '34d., Alice
H. Gei*sing'er, '34. vice-president; Ar-i sounds for the winner of the last Gdcdenow,. '34Ed.. 1 0,17 Ku.r 7.
thur D. Hawkins, '34, secretary; Rob-3 bout, and many women have already '. Ed., Bey? trice Msmn 3E.
ert H. Gove, '34E, treasurer; Lewis E. signlified their ,intentions of attend- Charlotte Simn, ~G?7" ,tFlorence
Berry, '36, corresponding secretary ing the- affair. -'Sh'aw, 'M, and Charlotte Johnson.
and John C, Greger, '35E, sergeant- y Feminine' attendance at prize fights Spec,
at-arms. has long been in vogue on the East
KAPPA ALPHA THETA coast, and. it is not an unfamiliar' Winter Wins First1 Prize
The members of Kappa Alpha sight, according to reports, to see i t~ .
Theta will be hostesses Wednesday daintily gowned women enjoying the IW A.retli, etaural Conite st
evening at a formal dinner given in thrills of the ring as much, as the Al .ticket 'to''the Architect's May
honor of Dr. R. C. Hussey and Mrs. masculine element. Sport clothes will party to be held ini the League Grill'
Hussey, Dr.- R, C. Angell and Mrs. be the best outfits for women '0 Friday.,TMay 5, was won bhv rlesr
All Tickets For
Blall Are 'Sold
All tickets_ to the, Military Ball,
fi ft cent annual 11da nce spons"ored by
tihe Re'rvc OAficers Tra'iing Carp:;,
haveee sold, i± was ann11ounce d
yest<rday by Donald E. Knight, '33E.
Tesale was limited to 250 be-
cuethe. commnittee felt, that any
amoun?_llt ovel, that would cause too
muhcrowding of the ballroom, but,
Kngtsaid that it would have been
possible to have soldl at lea'-t 50 more
tickets if the committee had wished
to extenid the limit.
The aim of the committee h1as been
to ma,-ke this party the most color-
ful and enjoyable that the corps has
ever' given, it was explained, and in
a ccordance with this they have
sched~uled se veral novel features in
,addition to Carl Moore's Orchestra
of Chicago, which will furnish the
mui.Moore's fame has been in-
creasing steadily in the last few years
and those who have heard him say
that he provides entertainment that
is all that could be asked for.
Byob and Donna. Baker will exhibit
tano dcancing with the step that won
La Fiesta de Los Angeles tango com-
petition last year- at Agna Calienta.
They have had a great deal of ex-
pr-ilince in vaudeville and are ex-
pected to go on a tour after this
sion groups held by' the students
themiselves,' Miss Mayer-said. Among
the oither topics 'discussed were the
means of gaining, co-operation be-
tween men and women on the cam-
pus, and the problem of unaffiliated
girls and the necessity for'."big sis-,
ter" movements on some campuses.
Angell' Prof. A. L. Cross, and Prof. wear, according to the fashion editor
A. S. Aiton and Mrs. Aiton. ' of the -Daily.
ALPIIA DELTA PI The show will be held in Yost
Alpha. Delta Pi entertained fourI Field House. Former contests have'
guests at a rushing dinner Tuesday, been held in the Ann Arbor Armory,
The., snrrpf1ity w~xill rrivr a'd'nnn ~r rll- i but, oivvy~cy, of t'b. -,"nw mvath the~z
S.1Winter , ,34'A, for submitting the
best poster aer-tising the party.
3The contest' which is an annual
feature of the Architect's party had
approximately 240 entrants from
among students of design in the col-
lege. A Jury of: five members of the
faculty of, the college of architecture
decided the: winners.
Second prize went to Allen Cleneay.!
IA roller-skating carnival is to be{
held at 7:30 'p. m Tuesday at the
League, 'if, the weather permits;
other wise it will be postponed until
Wednesday night.
ingalls Street is to be roped off
I for about two blocks, and an orches'-
tra will be provided to furnish music..
Althughthe plans are still indefi-
nitey arrangements are being made
for different events to take place,
and prizes will be 'awarded to the
winne'rs, one of the prizes being a
$25 radio. There will also be oppor -
tutnities for those who are especially
proficient on roller skates to display
their skill.
SThe admission fee is to be small,
and -there will probably be refresh-
ints~ according, to ~the announce-
Ol~d AimArbor Residen
Vet e By IF acut y' Wives
The wives of faculty members
have been active~ the .past week eiter,-
taining 'Mrs. Nellie Osborne : tarri-
son, aformer r'esdent of Ann Arbor
Who has resided in' Stale for the, p'ast
five' years.'
Mrsi. }fleryl Fox BaCher, assistant
dean 'of Women,-'and Mrs. F. J. .Jor-
dan gave -a luncheon at' the League
;last Thtusday afternoon honorilng
!Mrs. Harrison. On Saturday the'gu'est
vas enttertained at a luncheon- given
by Mrs. Edward L'. Adams and later
in the afternoon a bridge tea, given
la Mrs. Henry F. Adams and,'Mrs.
H~enryA. Sanders.
Mis Harrisoft Nwas the guest of
Dr.::Harley A.- Haynes. and -Mrs'.
Haynes for dinner Sunday.. Dr.
Hfaynes is the director of University
1l'.. V U 'J y Will V g1.Tt ti42eJ.I u.rz lt 1 ~ c S~lm..l c) ..., 510 WJ. 1a. V ue One ,JA
.rn _rti~g dinner Thursday. Ivy plants and change to the Yost Field House to
1 Zc Akh oagreen tapers were chosen as de'cora- accommodate the women who: will at-
i r hol Muicae for both. tend,
W lModM sc l I+GAA KAPPA In addition to the previously an-
The- members of Sigma Kappa: so- nounced persons attending the show
rority will entertain six patronesses are Dean W. R. Humphreys and Dean
of sigma Alpha Iota,; national music '34 will carry out the table decor aI- who will be present are Ann Os-
sorority will hold a musicale at8
p. m toay t te hoe o Mr. A JLions with sweet peas, yellow ' roses,i borne, '35, Jeanne Fitzgerald, Detroit.
Hutzel, :115 Wallingford Road. an yellow tapers. Billie Griffiths, '3,AieCee,An
Miss Beswick of New York City was Arbor, Florence Hiscock, James
The following program will be a guest of her sister, Mrs. E. B. Holt, Cristy, '34, Ross Bain, '33, Stuart
given: "Capriccio. Valse," Ubieniaw-1
ski "n insme qele,"Staus;the chaperon of the Sigma Kappa Reed, '36E, and Joseph Zias, '33.
!and "Zapateado," Sorosate, given by To
Marian Struble Freeman. Nora Crane' IT IOIg:
Hunt will sing a group of numbersi Stud ent To Present Piano e7U~'.
including "Le mai senti," Leo; "'es- eia=i ~ n~a
perto'nochiero,"' Bononcini; "Die Mai- Re),I otio Piture:nMchigny To
~~~~~~~~~~Mto itrs ihgn T-nacht," Brahms; ad "Meine, Liebe arlGemn 3Mwilpeetdy W Lv;" ajsc, Kng
ist Grun," Brahmis. In a later groutp aolGemn'3MwilpeetIdyW Lv;" ajsc,"ng1
Mrs'. Hunt will sing "Silent Night" a graduation piano recital at, 8:15 Kong;" Wuierth, "King of the ]
VagPilas "ulb, Hr . im. Wednesday in the auditorium! Jungle."
Zuc;of the School of Music. Gelman is Open House: H-arris H-all, 4 to 6
69mb; "I. Lov&'Life," Mana pui o ro.Joeh rnkin.jI.m
and "Oh, Could I But Express in applo rf oehBika. p n
Song ,"Mlalashkin. The recital wil include co mposi-' Retas' Palmer Christian, organ-I
Nell Stockl{Zl Twill contribute the tions by Franck, Beethoven, Schu-! ist, 4:15 p. in., Hill Auditorium; liar-
followinrg: "Ichi ruf'" ziidit: Herr,"I mann, Chopin, Schubert, -Ireland, old' Gelmain, pianist, 8:15 p., in.,.
B~ach; #"In dir' ist'Fr'ende;, Bach';n Fu n.Te' n rlpub lic is S rchl of Music Adit+oritm.
"Srnlata,' S ichini; '"Preluide, Fuge Iiiwvited Dancing: League Grill.;
et' a~toil,'"Cesar. Franck; "Bird ofr - -- - '~'-~'~-----. -'
P'arise'at , aterfall" and "The Or- ''' " '
chid .Garden" frobm Walter Nizemaunii; ,' jDEN :ALE Silk Sealed"
and "Danta do IA.,Gitana," Ernesto
Halffter. 'S ' '7
Acopnssfr h rga ilbe -- Hele~i-'Snyder, and Pearle Rei- offered FRIDAY and SATURDAY
'34A, Howard Nelson, '33A, third; exhibition silent drill bya picked
Neil Gabler, A; fourth; Robert Zim- team of 16 men from the Reserve Of-
mermani, 34A;' lfth. Honorable men- ficers Training Corps in which will
tion was accorded Paul Mathews, be d n onstrat ed the manual of arms
'3A, Betty Wheeler, '33, E: rl Rei- and variouc s close order drill move-
m.nenschineider, '33A, Gerri t deGelleke,
'35A:, and Bernard'"Edelman, '33:
Faculty Womnen's Club
To Be Honored At Tea
The book shelf and stage section
of the Faculty Women's Club will be
eiltertained' t;2,:30 today by
the Bibliophiles';iCz, ing society of
faculty- women; at a 'tea, at the .home
of) M1Vrs.' W. J. Emmons, 929 Olivia
Mrs. Emmons wviii be assisted b ,
Mrs. Nelson Smith, Mrs. H. W, Hann,
and Miss Elizabeth Campbell.
zzen t~ xwithout command.
Memberis of the co'mmittee have
adopted a new insignia instead of th(,
traditional ribbon that is worn acro s
the front of the shirt. Their position
on the committee xviii be shown by
a regulation military citation cord
that will be wornz on the le-ft shoulder.
Halnd Furnu,,ce Co.
for your,
The Cleanl, dEficient vWa-y
. ,
, , -
Pr.. ioore To 4Address
Mu''llusc rou 'Today
Ur. Earl v. Mose, university mu-
sic,, l director, wll address today the
North, Central Music Supervisors
Coniferencee being held at Grand Rap-
ids this week on the subjiect, "Music
in Hirgh Schools as' Entrance Credit
to tUnivtersities -and Cojlegesi," today.
Dr. Moore is O1rcsident 'of the Na -
tion'al 'As~ocia Oon 'of Scihools of
Music «whch ' dote rmines the credit
tanding's. .of' music schools through-
out the country. Several students of
the School of Music will accompany
hi Ito' the conf erence.
Regular 79c
2 pairs $1.00)
Regular $1
S'.35 DEXD AL'E HOSIERY, now $1.00 pair
8 Nickels Arcade
f' 9
WIN I I , I 1
For 7)' ose Smiart
k + ...
I .#
r ta':cmo Sddo
good aste expRTt; OOkmn
skimped= yet nothing over-
de. Rothmoocrs are sound
in style, in quality and keep
their "new" look for a long
Itime. New %vcharm, glamour
and loveliness in our new
cotletion--'w -Ih lws
S" afifiearance andc cowtfo l
Pick a Jhackct 'rock of field flower
gaii 5 - reh a d s ri g lk y as the 'e season. A nd you'll
like the uatility of these dresses -
slip offi di jkt d You have .-
frock to wca-r u'-d r the coat...
;wih the jacket it's ideal for the
warm ~l f ar"Y s'ii2icr
41 d4. .R4,3L ' . t h¢1 " 4 ld.r. J}}
Iin price-'that the highest
U in quality permits.
Mafnssclaahw'dc Sole
rI~i~1 Cr'pes .-St( ched ILaces