From the
At Peak For
Tonight's Good
By John Thomas
Many Grudge Fights
Sdtrwas S. Bss3
Sports Shots
grudge fight seems'
to have been the
olicy of the promo-
ters of the STU-
when they compiled
the card.
Of course there
* are several bouts
that are baau entirely upon friend-
ly rivalry, but still a large portion
of the card contains bouts that are
in deadly earnest. The fighters have
been eating beefsteak for a week-so
to speak, in preparation for these
special matches. In every case, the
boxers will enter the ring with fire
in their eye and dynamite in their
Few people realize the calibre of
the fighters represented on the card.
The bouts tonight will compare fa-
vorably with those of the Golden
Gloves in Detroit or Chicago. Besides
five Golden Glove championsof De-
troit, Chicago, and New York, there
are five A. A. U. champions of their
respective weights from four differ-
ent states entered in the meet.
Then there are also several local
boxers who have already shown
enough promise to be tended bids to
join different fight stables. Of the
38 fighters on the card tonight, fully
half of them will be seen in profes-
sional circles in three or four years
from now. They are in the meet for
the experience only, for there are
no awards whatsoever for the fight-
ers themselves except a little honor
and an opportunity to show before
several thousand people."
. T U RALLY to-
night's bouts will
ntroduce a n e w
' prt to 'may sport
. °° " '° followers on cam-
,us. Boxing has had
',; . (, <, :a ,hard time at
'ivichigan for one
reason and another,
,nd tonight's events
~ rill bring it to a
new height. If they
are successful the authorities will un-
doubtedly initiate a new policy in
boxing next year of having regular
mnonthly bouts in the Intramural
departimej. ,
The principals in the main go to-
night have really taken their train-
ing seriously. Bauss was in excellent
shape when he ended the wrestling
season and has not eased up for the
tween season layoff as most would
do in his place. Instead he went
into supervised trining immediately
and has kept up a rigorous schedule
ever since, under the direction of Let
Philbin and Vernon Larison.
Reports from Ypsilanti show that
Starwas has not taken the approach-
ing fight lightly. He knows the ability
of Bauss and also is fully aware that
he will have to be in his best shape
to win over the ex-wrestler.
Joe Oakley and Ward Snider are
both expected to put up good fights
against the Detroit invaders. Snider
is remembered for his Golden Gloves
bouts while Oakley has been a cam-
pus favorite for three years. Both
boys are hard punchers and love to
mix freely.
There are two separate divisions of
the card. One is a team match
against Detroit opponents and the
second is individual matches. The
best of local boxers have been select-
ed to trade punches with the De-
troit men. The former have been
given careful preparation and are de-
termined to carry off the team
championship from the invaders.
* * * '
Princeton basketballers placed on
All-Eastern All-Star teams by the sIx
coaches of the league They placed
two as did Yale. But the Tiger added.
Bauss Leads
Campus Men in
uest Of Titles
(Continued from Page 1)>
Larson's supervision so that, as Lar-
son says, "There will be no excuse
for the boxers coming into the ring
all tired out or with upset stomachs."
The only injury of any serious na-
ture that may hamper any of the
fighters is a hand injury such as
Buzz McCleery suffered some weeks
ago. The hand has not responded to
treatment as well as it should and
may handicap the local favorite in
his fight with Art Stauch in the
middleweight division.
The two University headliners,
Harvey Bauss and Antone Dauksza,
said yesterday that they were at the
very peak of conditoin. Dauksza's
middleweight fight with Ted Ted-
nandowski of Detroit is expected to
be one of the fastest of the evening
by well-informed experts.
The Bauss-Starwas go is a sure-
fire hit and for that reason has been
placed in the °........
p o sit i on of
honor at thek
e n d of the
three - h o u r:
Reports fromr
Ypsilanti in- _
d i cat e that. ,
Starwas has 5
been training
intensively for r
this fight '
which will be
his last, sinceN
he has decid-s
ed to give up '
boxing entire-
ly. He may : . _
h a v e a few JA CK ST A R W AS
pounds advantage over his shorter
opponent but any difference will be
Starwas is conceded the advantage
at long-distance sparring because of
his superior reach, but Bauss is ex-
pected to overcome any point ad-
vantage his opponent may garner
in this way when the two stand toe-
to-toe and slug it out, as they un-
doubtedly will.
Starwas Is hard Hitter
Both are rugged battlers, able to
.ake an immense amount of punish-
nent, as any fan who saw them in
Michigan Bats
Beoin T oW ork
In Ypsi Game
. _. .
Trhirteeil afeties Bring
Team Average To .296;
Patchin Shows Control
The victory registered by Michi-
gan's baseball team over M. S. N. C.j
on Monday proved that at least onej
of the objections to the Wolverine'
nine is fast dying out.!
No longer are they the hitless Wol-
verines. Following fair success at bat
against Hillsdale and Illinois, the
Maize-and-Blue batsmen lashed out
13 safeties against Ypsilanti.
Coach Ray Fisher yesterday said
he found the hitting steadily improv-
ing. In the three contests to date,
the team has collected 32 hits for
29 runs. The team average is .296.
Another encouraging feature of the
last game was the control manifested
by Pitcher Art Patchin. He struck
out 11 men and, although he hit one
batsman he walked none. Following
Saturday's contest, Patchin's work
was a welcome sight to Fisher.
Rain prevented yesterday's drill.
Today, weather permitting, the team
will resume practice for the contestj
with Ypsilanti. The Hurons will
again visit Ferry Field on Friday.I
The team batting averages in the
three official games to date follow:
Ab. R. H. Pet.
Artz .14 5 8 ,571
Teitelbaum.......10 4 5 .500
Diffley ...........11 2 5 .454
Petoskey ......,..13 6 4 .307
Waterbor ........15 3 5 .306
Braendle .........11 5 3 .272
Wistert.......... 5 0 1 .200
Paulson.......... 8 1 1 .125
Manuel .........11 1 0 .00
Patchin.........5 2 0 .000
Regeczi ... .... 2 0 0 .000
Oliver .... ...... .. 2 0 0 .000
Tillotson . . ......,...1 0 0 .000
Ratteran ......0 0 0 .000
Warer............0 0 0 .000
Totals........108 29 32 .296
Bill Terry Is Out
With Broken W rist
Worlerine rackstesr
To Mee t Ypsi Th'inclads
An anntouncemgent whichx will be
of great interest to Michigan track
fans was issued yesterday by
Coach Charlie Hoyt. Arrange-
ments have been made for a dual.
track meet with Ypsilanti Normal
next Tuesday afternoon here.
This will be the first and one
of the few opportunities that Wol-
verine track followers will have
of seeing a potential Champion-
ship team in action. The only
other home meet scheduled is
with Ohio State, May 6.
1Senators Lose Rise In Sock Market Predicted
ITo0 Y ankees As~ For Tonight's Good Will Bon
Plaers ht By ALBERT ii. NEWMAN doubtedly begin the evening with
________ A big rise in the local sock market customary Michigan bored-with
(By The Associated Press) is predicted today as the Yost Field all look and end by smashing
A near-riot threatened to break up House sock exchange opens with a chapeaux of people around them i
the Yankee-Washington ball game crash. Thirty-eight of the state's hollering "Sock him!" with a vc
best corn-feds will mix it up plenty c o.m p a r a b 1 e to Mine. Hump
yesterday following a fight in the and show the elite of the campus Shriek's.
fourth inning between Buddy Myer, what ham really looks like. Here's a break for all youse g
Senator second-baseman, and Ben Personally, we think that the spec- that like to study co-eds. Here
Chapman, Yankee outfielder. Um- tacle of Matt Mann announcing the will have the animal in a totally r
pires separated the players and ex- bouts should be worth the price of environment, and maybe it will
lled th f th ame admission and we would like to bet natural for a change'. Come on,
peltd tem rom 118gam. t h h d rmlr ir k~n of th ficrht- oc~+.+
{h v o a an - scienti ss
E I Cinder While Chapman was passing the ers who will appear in the ring. All Bright crack for the evening: De-
l i tls Washington dougout, Earl Whitehill.< the smart money is on Mann. feated pug being carried out, "Gee,
'll SSenator hurler, made some remarkI John Johnstone, genial coach of and I t'ought dis was gonna be a
about the fight and Chapman at- the Varsity tennis team, will referee Good-Will Fight." Personally, what
tacked him. Both ball teams and a the bouts, and we hope he leaves his with all the nice people who will be
At Drake Saturday 1number of fans rushed out on the dog at home tonight as it would be there and everything, we think they
field and engaged in a general free- jin the way in the ring with John .ught to hire an orchestra and turn
Eight tracksters have been named for-all. Order was finally restored and two fighters.- it into a dance.
to represent the Wolverines at the by a police riot squad and the Yan- The sosial angle of the affair to- Anyway, The Daily's rhoving rhe-
Drake Relays in Des Moines next kees finished whitewashing the Sen- night is really going to be good. porter on rholler skates is planning
ators, 16 to 0. Many prominent people on campus to go just to see who all the promi-
Friday and Saturday. Although the plan to attend, and they will un- nent people on the campus really are.
number is less than in previous years, oaguetClev amd de ea dri Incidentally, he may watch a few of
every man is a potential point-win- 4 to 1, and Connie Mack's Athletics Shea; Philadelphia, 4-8-2, Grove, the bouts.
ner and Michigan thinclads must be lost to Boston, 6 to 4. The Detroit Dietrich and Cochrane, Madjeski.
regarded as serious contenders for Tigers-Chicago White Sox game was Detroit-Chicago, snow. Fi Nt S
the title. called because of rain, snow, and wet Fe q
ea . .i. grounds.Rogers Hornsby returned to second I Has Fine Possibilities
LeadMng the ECdivAal performers base for the St. Louis Cardinals after
is Willis Ward, versatile sophomore an absence of six years and the With the appearance or a better
star. It appears that he will not ... W. L. Pet. Cards won the last game of the series than average squad of freshmen ten-
enterthehig Jump,New York ............8 2 .800 from the Pittsburgh Pirates yester- nis prospects, Coach Johnstone ex-
event, but will be a serious threat .Cleveland............ 7day, 10 to 3. Watkins and Frisch pressed optimism yesterday over the
in the dashes. Detroit.............. 5 .55 hit home runs for St. Louis. possibilities of working in some of
Dett. . . . . . . . .s. . . .o. 5 5 .500 home run he best freshmen on the of
Hawley Egleston, star senior hurd- Washington .......... 6 6 .500 Jy team next year.t
ler who has been a pc::,t-winner for Boston...............4 6 .400 of the season gave the Cincinnati temhexhyar
the Wolverines for tlhr'ee years, will Philadelphia ..........4 8 .333 Reds another victory over the Chi- h Among some of these Hwith rine
make his last appearance at the Re- St. Louis .............3 9 .250 cagoC-ubs,-5_to 3. high sco rerd a r Hwar
lays Saturday. He will be ably as-
sisted in the timber-topping events
by James Boyd Pantlind, II, sopho-
more threat from Grand Rapids.
Rod Cox, senior and second placej
winner in the Big Ten meet last
year, will compete in the hammer
throw. The mile relay men are De-
Baker, Turner, Ellerby. and Lemen.
Tuesday's Results NATI
New York, 16-21-1, Vin Atta
and Dickey Washington, 0-5-1, Pittsburgh .
Weaver, Thomas, McAfee and Sewell, New York .
Berg. Philadelphia
Cleveland, 4-8-1, Brown and .Broklyn . .
Pytlak St. Louis, 1-7-0, Hadley, t.Cincnnati.
Gray and Ferrell. I Boston ..... .
Boston, 6-10-1, Weiland and Chicago ....
Good Will Boxing Show New York,
and Manczsc
tr~cT:'~wi ni~t t M~n,4fhnT-TFeimezah, Cl
BOUts Announced For
Flyweight-Paul Bradbury, Dexter
Welterweight-Carl Donahue, U.
Featherweight-George Kohler, U.
Featherweight--George Rice, U.
Middlewcight-Ed Page, M. S. N. C.
Bantamweight--Dave Gallup, U.
Bantamweight-Joe Nadeau, Detroit
Lightwveight-Pete Loveren, Detroit
Lightweight-Chas. Verberg, U.
Lightweight-Ward Snider, Flint
Welt.erweiht-Carl Burgtorf, U.
Welterweight"--Lee Shaw, U.r
Flyweight-Stan Cicl]ick, boy's C.
Featherweight--Joe Oakley, U.
Heavyweight-F. Newman, M.S .N .C.
Lightweight-Dave Golden, U,.
MiddieweightV-An tone Dauk2a, U.
Middleweight-Art Stauch, A. A.
Light-heavy-Harvey Bauss, U.
heir three previous fights will at- NEW YORK, April 25. - (/P) - A
lest. broken right wrist will keep Manager
Starwas showed how devastating Bill Terry out of the New York:
pis right can be when lie knocked Giants' lineup for the next three orI
>ut Ferris Newman in the third four weeks.
.ound of their bout at the local Terry was struck on the wrist by
\rmory last winter. It was the only I one of Joe Shaute's pitches in the
;lean blow that the state champion fifth inning of yesterday's game with
.anded during the fight, his timing Brooklyn and was forced to retire.
eing miserable for two and a half An X-ray examination revealed a
pounds, but it was sufficient to put fracture of the ulna bone.
The first baseman's injury strikes
,everal minutes. a severe blow at the Giants' hopes
The Detroit contingent of boxers, of putting up a fight for the pen-
ncluding Joe Bonski, Joe Nadeau, nant. Terry's playing chores will be
?ete Loveren, Nick Torres, Bill Lar- taken over by Sam Leslie, his under-
tin, Al Corsini, Chuck Wallace, Jack study for several years. Leslie is a
3arton and Ted Tednandowski will good hitter and a fair fielder but
>ring to Ann Arbor some of the best Terry's big bat and all-around skill
unateurs ever to perform here, will be badly missed.
Several of the men were invited to
wn cao , nn r ~r
Joe Black, U.
Carl Briegel, Ann Arbor
Stan Wiszorick, Battle Creek
Joe Bonski, Detroit
Ernie Stabbleton, B. C.
Roy Rhodes, Three Rivers
Zig Papulski, Three Rivers
Floyd Allen, Battle Creek
Nick Torres, C. C. A. C.
Dave Simpson, C. C. A. C.
Bill Larkin, Boy's Club
Clyde Jacoby, Battle Creek
Al Corsini, C. C. A. C.
Chas. Wallace. C. C. A. C.
John Barton, Detroit
Ted Tednandowski, Detroit
Earl McCleery, Ann Arbor
Jack Starwar, Ypsilanti
ight in the National A. A. U. meet
in New York this week but gave up
;he chance of winning National titles
Jo fight here.
two more on the second team. Fair-
man and Grebauskas of Princeton,
Nikkel and O'Connell of Yale, and
Hartman of Columbia were the hon-
ored ones. Only Cornell failed to be
represented on either the first or
3econd team.
Ford Palmer, captain-elect of the
1933 edition of the Trojan football
team, will find the job rather easy
as he is an old hand at skippering.
He is a yacht enthusiast and was a
star pilot before taking up his grid
chores at U. S. C.
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