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April 26, 1933 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-04-26

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of th-
University. Copy received at the ofBce of the Asalstant to the President until
3:30: 11:30 a. in. t3aturday.


VIESDAY, APR~IL~ 26, 1933

No. 147

Honors Convocation: The Tenth Annual Convocation of the University
of Michigan will be held Friday, April 28, at 11 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium.
Classes, with the exception of clinics, will be dismissed at 10:30. Those
students in clinical classes who are receiving honors at the Convocation
will be excused in order to attend. The faculty, seniors, and graduate
students are requested to wear academic costume but there will be no pro-
cession. Members of the faculty are asked to enter by the rear door of Hill1
Auditorium and proceed directly to the stage, where arrangements have
been made for seating them. The public is invited.
Alexander G. Ruthven
Automobile Regulation: The attention of all students who have been
granted exemption from the Automobile Regulation, as well as those who
consider themselves eligible for exemption, is called to the following state-
In accordance with the ruling of the Regents with reference to the use
of an automobile by any student in the University, the Office of the observ-
ance of the Automobile Regulation to the following classifications of stu-
1. Those who are twenty-eight years of age or over.
2. Those who are rated as members of the teaching faculty as
instructors or teaching assistants, or those holding positions
of a similar ranking.
3. Those who are enrolled as special or part-time students, or
are taking not more than six hours in any semester.
This exemption privilege is not extended automatically but is granted
under certain fixed conditions, and must be applied for in person. At the
time of application, full information must be given with regard to the car
or cars involved. The students who are so exempted are expected to observe
the following limitations in their use of the privilege which has been ex-
tended to them.
A. They are not to act as chauffeurs for other students whose
driving is restricted by the ruling.
B. They are not to loan their cars or make them available to stu-
dents who are not likewise exempt .
Failure of an exempted student to observe these conditions, or evidence
of any objectionable use of a car on the part of such exempted student
will result in a withdrawal of the exemption privilege. Such privilege will
be denied if the current license number is not kept on file in this office.
Students who are eligible for exemption but who drive without first regis-
tering theirs cars and obtaining the privilege will be considered as violators
of the Automobile Regulation and will be subject to discipline.
W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean
Faculty, School of Education: Regular meeting of the Faculty will be
held at the Michigan League Building at 12 o'clock sharp Monday, May 1.
C. O. Davis, Secretary
Jumior Civil Engineering: Those desiring membership in the student
branch of the A.S.C.E. may obtain application blanks at the offices of Prof.
Gram and Prof. Wisler. These blanks must be filled out and returned to
either of these offices before May 3. Applicants will receive notice of their
acceptance by May 10.
A.S.K.E. Students Branch: The midwestern Student Branch confer-
ence will be held in Chicago April 28-29. All student members are invited
to attend. Any student interested in making this trip see Paul Hartig, 424
West Engineering Building.
Scabbard and Blade: Tickets for initiation banquet may be secured
at R. 0. T. C. headquarters.
Chinese Students: Team work and tournaments for Basketball, Tennis
xnd Ping Pong games will be arranged. Anyone who is interested in parti-
tipating please notify Mr. Chung-chan, Chen, 411 Hamilton Place before
April 30.
, Political Science 108: Make-up examination, 4:00 p. in., Thursday,
April 27, Political Science Seminar, A.H.
Geology II: Make up bluebook Friday at 4:00 in Room 3056 N.S.
Ann Arbor Art Association announces an exhibition of paintings select-
ed from the 45th Annual American Artists' Exhibition, from the Art Insti-
tute of Chicago. The pictures will be on view in the Alumni Memorial Hall
from 1 to 5 daily, from April 21 to May 12.
Chemistry Colloquium: Mr. C. S. Hart will speak on the topic "Or-.
ganic Reagents in Analytical Chemistry," at 4:15 p. m.
Chemical Engineering Seminar: Mr. Geo. Holbrook will be the speaker
at the Seminar at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. on the subject,
"Entrainment, Plate Efficiency, and Pressure Drop in a Bubble Cap Dis-
tillation Column."
La Socieadad Hispanica meets at Michigan League, at 7:30 p. m. Pro-
fessor Kenyon will give an illustrated talk on Spain. All interested are cor-
dially invited..
Scabbard and Blade: Regular meeting at 7:30 p. m. at Union. Uni-
forms not required.

University Girls' Glee Club usual weekly rehearsals at the League at
7:30 p. m. in their Glee Club room.
Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting at Michigan Union at 6:15. Please make
a special effort to be at this meeting because shingles will be given out at
that time.

Broadness Of
Forest Plans
Is Emphasized
Hubbs Prepares Plans For
Improvement Of Lake
And Stream Conditions
"President Roosevelt's reforesta-
tion plan is not limited to merc
planting of trees," stated Prof.
Samuel A. Graham of the School of
Forestry and Conservation yester-
day. "Forest improvements and re-
forestation include many activities
all of which are designed to place
forest lands in a condition of maxi-
mum productivity. All of the nu er-
ous products of the forest should be
considered. Some of the most im-
portant. of these are timber, cord-
wood, game animals, fur-bearing
animals, and fish."
Production and protection are the
two logical divisions of the work of
the Civilians Conservation Corps, he
stated. Production would include
planting, cuttings for improvement
in the form of clearing out undesir-
able trees, stream improvement, and
the improvement of game cover.
Protection activities would include
those directed toward the control of
fire, fungi, and insects. Some of these
are construction of fire lanes, roads,
and fire towers; cutting of infested
trees and the removal of trees par-
ticularly favorable for the breeding
of noxious insects; the eradication
of currant and gooseberry bushes for
the control of white pine blister rust.
Stream Improvement Plans
Detailed plans for the use of the
Civilians'ConservationCorps to im-
prove conditions for fish in streams
and lakes, prepared by Dr. Carl L.
Hubbs, curator of the fish division
of the Museum of Zoology, and direc-
tor of the Institute for Fisheries Re-
search, were recently submitted to
Earl W. Tinker, divisional United
States forester in charge of the work
of the C. C. C. in Wisconsin, Michi-
gan, and Minnesota by the Michigan
Department of Conservation. Mr.
Tinker had requested the plans.
There is not enough forest nursery
stock available to furnish employ-
ment for all the men, it was pointed
out, and crews of 10 to 15 could be
used to advantage in the work of
developing fish conditions that would
result in an increased number of
fish in lakes and streams.
After several years work were
spent by Dr. Hubbs and his asso-
ciates in the Institute for Fisheries
Research Laboratory, methods of en-
vironment control for streams and
lakes have been worked out which re-
sult in more and larger fish in the
waters by improving food, shelter,
and reproduction conditions.
More Pools Needed
In most trout streams, there is a
distinct lack of deep pools, accord-
ing to Dr. Hubbs. To remedy this
lack, at strategic points along the
stream are placed barriers and de-
flectors, constructed for the most
part from logs bound together with
Francais in the Laboratory Theatre,
Thursday, April 27, at 8:15.
The general public is cordially in-
vited: tickets on sale Wednesday and
Thursday at Wahr's bookstore for 50
cents. Cercle membership tickets will
be accepted as 25 cents towards the
purchase price of a seat.
Quarterdeck Society will again
present the movie, "The Art of Ship-
building in 1930" showing the con-
struction and launching of the S. S.
President Hoover, Thursday, 730
p. in., Room 203, West Engineering
Annex. No charge.

A.S.C.E.: Mr. Carleton W. Angell,
University sculptor, will give a talk
and demonstration on model build-
ing before the regular meeting at
the Union, Thursday, April 27, at
7:30 o'clock.
Michigan Technic Staff and Try-
outs: Meeting Thursday, April 27, in
Room 3044, East Engineering Build-
ing, 7:30 p. m. This is the last day for
bringing in petitions.

Leads Refugees

-Associated Press Photo
Gen. Marlo G. Menocal, former
president of Cuba, is the leader of
a colony of Cuban refugees which
is awaiting the outcome of the dis-
orders in Cuba caused by the insur-
rection of a party opposing the
present incumbent.
galvanized wire, which dig pools in
the stream bed where there had been
long shallow stretches of water, by
the means of creating currents.
Other improvements which are in-
cluded in the plan are covers of
various sorts under which the fish
can hide, and shelter devices tending
to increase the food supply for fish.
The number, size, and attractive-
ness of the sheltered pools limits the
capacity of most streams for adult
fish and for this reason it may be
seen that pools are important.
The problem with regard to forest
animals is quite different, according
to Professor Graham. They require
food, shelter, protection from the
elements and enemies, and breeding
places in the same manner, but there
are many more species of wild ani-
mals to be preserved in the forest.
Each requires an entirely different
set of conditions.
Deer Must Have Space
Deer, for instance, require open
spaces in summer to browse, thickets
with edible twigs for shelter in the
winter, standing water for drinking,
and secluded spots for breeding pur-
poses. The ruffed grouse, on the
other hand, needs swamp land in
which to build 'Its nest, and where
it can drink dew from grass and
plants without need of standing
water. Fox, quail, and beaver also
require different sets of conditions.
To determine what course the
C. C. C. should take for game con-
servation each plot of land would
have to be examined specially, and
no general plan can be made ap-
plicable, Professor Graham said.
The activities would include various
forms of plantings, thinnings, and
New Display Of Lizards
At University Museum
Two displays of lizards were re-
cently put on exhibition on the
fourth floor landing of the Univer-
sity Museums by Miss Crystal
Thompson, curator.
In one case is a "Plated Lizard"
from San Antonio, Tex., and in the
other are seven "Collared Lizards"
from Winfield, Kan.
Miss Thompson also announced
that the bear cubs will be on display
on the fourth floor only from 3 to 4
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
p. m. and not every cay.
Edward Alchim of Milan reported
to Sheriff Jacob Andres' office yes-
terday that he had been robbed of
$15 by five gypsies in a blue sedan.
They fledytoward Ann Arbor after
the robbery.
Case System - Three-Year Course
College Degree or Two Years of
College Work with Good Grades
Transcript of Record Necessary
In All Cases
Morning, Early Afternoon and
Evening Classes
Write for Catalogue
} CHARLES P. DAVIS, Registrar
233 Broadway, New York

By Reviewers
(Continued from Page 1)
into an introduction and three major
parts. The first major part tells of
the lamenting of the Children of
Israel in captivity in Babylon and
fortells the destruction of the city.
The second part dramatizes the
fall of Babylon as told in the fifth
chapter of the Book of Daniel. There
is a vivid description of the feast and
revel of the courtiers of Belshazzar.
The third part is an expansion of
the first three verses of Psalm
LXXXI. Praises are sung to God for
his deliverance of the Jews.
Mr.. Cardus, of the Manchester
Guardian, writes of the composition:
"Hours after the shock of the per-
formance, and following a sleepless
night's study of the score, one's
first impressions of originality of
conception and swift powerful execu-
tion remain as strong as ever. Wal-
ton's musical ideas are as convincing
on paper as in performance they are
Smith Questions Beer I
Ban's Constitutionality
(Continued from Page 1)
Legislature nor such dommission may
authorize the manufacture or sale of
alcoholic beverages in any county inr
which the electors thereof, by a ma-
jority vote, shall prohibit the same."
Section 15 of Senate Bill No. 120,
may further jeopardize the constitu-
tionality of the city charter amend-
ment, for it reads :
"Insofar as Act No. 338 of the
Public Acts of 1917 and amendments
thereto conflict with the provisions
of this act, the same is hereby re-
pealed, and all other acts inconsist-
ent herewith are hereby repealed."
Wisconsin Second
To Approve Repeal
MADISON, Wis., April 25.-UPV-
Fifteen delegates to a State Conven-
tion met today to record an unani-I
mxous ballot for repeal of the Eigh-
teenth Amendment, in accordance
with the wishes of a majority of Wis-
consin's voters.
The entire slate of anti-Prohibi-
tion candidates was chosen April 4
in the referendum in which approx-
imately 650,000 votes were cast for
repeal and 140,000hagainst.
Michigan is the only State that
has acted on the repeal proposal,
blazing the trail which Wisconsin
followed today.
I - _______ -

Pinee o t dvert isen 3('13t with Classified
I~der is u Dpa;t 1t1"111. 1horne 2-12.14.
T'e la sIiel iu close at threc
o'C~C' oc)rpc-,oU5 to day uf li-nsertiol. 1
Be.; urbe.ilay bescueat 1, no
extra chare.
Cahin arvance-1 lIc per rending line
(on bais of five averoge words to
lline) for one Porf twolsr; ''lfi.
AluInui:n :. lineu per iol"ertlon.
rao in:. nnfor three or more
Te I>phone rate-15c p r reading line
for onellor two inlsertins.
1'",. per aing line Tr three or more
1o disco°numt if paid within ten days
firom the ia(e of last ii)setion.
?in I n t!I' lines ' e p,-insertion.
Icy cowtract, per lin-2lnes daily, one
4 tith................. ...8C
is F. . D, 2 month s s.........7c
2 Une daiy, coeg ear........ 7c
00 slnes u ed asdeiire............9c
300 lics used as desired...........SC
1.000 ifes used as desired...........'I
1,000 lites usd as de.ired.........6C
Tiue above rates alre per rending line,
a d -n eight reading lines per inch.
Ssic type. upper and lower case. Add
6 per like to above rates for all capital
leters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold facer, upper and lower case. Add
1O per lne to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7 z point type.
TYPEWRITING-And Mimeograph-
ing promptly and neatly done in
our shop by experienced operators,
at moderate rates. O. D. Morrill,
The Typewriter & Statonery Store,
314 S. State St. 101x
TYPING-Mimeographing, Binding.
Quality at the right price. Brum-
field & Brumfield, 308 S. State.
TYPING--Notes, Papers, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35x
FINGERWAVES-35c. Shampoo and
fingerwave 50c. Frederics, Nestle,
and Steam Oil waves, reduced to
$3.00. Raggedy Ann Shop. 29c
UPHOLSTERING - Fine furniture
repairing, refinishing and uphol-
stering. Also antiques. P. B. Hard-
ing, 960 Canal, Phone 3432. 31c
library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni-
versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30.
SIiORTH .AND-Instruction. 24 class
lessons, $5.00. Miss E. Wells. Phone
4546. 406
L- st Times Today - --
- Thurs. & Fri.--ichard Arlen-

Feast' Lauded



SHAMPOO- -And linger wave, S0e.
Oil IPermaanen1ts, $3:>.t] Raggedy 'cl
Ann Shop, 7561. 409
LOST-Grey Pmr sian cat, 723 Haven.
Phone 2-2768. Reward.
CATMEL HIAIR--Topcoat and brow ,n
h at in Chlbbs Sunday vci i. ,
Reward. No questions asked. Call
Al Newman, 4295. 407
LOST-Coin purse at Baseball go
Saturday. Liberal reward. Call
8466. 411
STUDENT- And family washi g
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006, 6r
LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 131
suits. Will pay 4, 5, 6, and 7 dollars.
Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chicago
Buyers. 34e
STUDENT-Employment. Male. s u-
dents desirous of securing definite
summer positions. apply to the
Union Building, Room 306, this
morning, 10 to 12. Afternoon, 1 to
5 403
GAS HEATER--For sale. Practically
new. Radiant heat. Will sell cheap.
Phone 5629. 410
PLEASANT-Furnished housekeep-
ing rooms, single $2.50, double
$3.50 weekly. 4942. 1436 Washing-
ton Heights. 408



.__ .
. rr::.,
$' .1


Together in


1, .q 4



-Play Production's Spring Offering

Delta Sigma Rho: Meeting of the student members of Delta Sigma Rho,
national honorary forensic society, at 4:15 in the Alpha Nu room, fourth
floor of Angell Hall.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Business meeting at the Michigan Union at 7:30,
p. m.
Sigma Delta Chi: Initiation of fall pledges at 4 p. in. today at the
Union. Meeting with Franklin M. Reck, chairman of the National Execu-
tive Council at 4 p. m. tomorrow at the Union. A full attendance at both
meetings is requested.

Racket Restringing




Chi Phi House Call 4295
Former Varsity Tennis Player

_ ; _


Sigma Rho Tau: Prel
Union, 7:30 p. m.

imoinaries for the Stump and Training Night.




Harris Hall: There will be the reg-
ular open house at the hall this af-
ternoon from four to six at which
time tea will be served.
rsychological Journal Club will
meet on Thursday, April 27, at 7:30
p. m. in Room 3126 N.S. Mrs. Mary
C. Van Tuyl will report her research
on the "Monocular perceution of


New Everslarp Pencils

0 . 0 Oc

E uasto

Ifilrfiuci ig
Ite New Square Leads




Throbs with the love and beau Iy of achievement!

I 4( EA(I

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