From the
By John Thomas
Mann As Announcer
Champion Degener
Big Ten Boxing
Jack Keller
A MAESTRO and master of cere-
monis of no mean ability was
procured for the forthcoming Good
Will Boxing Show yesterday when
Matt Mann accepted the invitation
to act as announcer.
Mann must be known all over the
country for the way he takes charge
of the swimming meets in the I-M
pool. His clipped English ~ccents re-
verberate through the audienceands
after this start in the boxing racket,
Madison Square Garden will un-
doubtedly sign him up immediatelya
to take Joe Humphries' place as theirt
well-known announcer.
* * *
DICK DEGENER has been called
"The best diver of all time." Hes
undoubtedly is, a fact which will sur-1
prise Michigan swimming fans. I
Although he only placed third int
the Olympics, he is rightly rated<
above the former amateur, Mickey
Riley, and Dutch Smith, his con-I
querors.' One hot morning last sum--c
mer the diving in the Olympics was
started. At 8 a. in. they started their
first dive. At 11:30 they finished
their tenth. There were about 20]
different divers and the officials ran
them off in one heat which took ap-
proximately three and one-half hours
to complete. There was no shade at
all for the divers and toward the
end, everyone suffered from the
boiling sun.
Through his seventh dive Degener
was leading all the contestants. He
had compiled one of the best records
ever made in the Olympics, includ-
ing one dive that drew the highest
rating of the day. But on the eighth,
he flopped. The sun had numbed
him and his sense of balance was
gone. He stood up for his eighth
dive, a two-and-one-half front flip,
which is his favorite, incidentally.
His legs really had life in them,
but he could not feel it. His approach
was. fine and he jumped. His legs
took him up higher than he thought
they could and he did his flips too
soon and came down on his back, a
two and three-quarters. He only got
5 on it although he had been knock-
ing off lOs be ore. That flop set him
back to third place. On his ninth
and tenth dives, he tried the board
first, went back into his entree, and
did his dive. By doing this, he could
judge his legs and rearrange his tim-
ing to suit the new situation.
But seven months later he took
four major titles, two of them the
highest in amateur circles. He won
the Big Ten low-board, the Intercol-
legiate low-board, and the A. A. U.
high and low board titles. Riley
could not capture both of the latter
last year as Degener won one.
BIG TEN BOXING advanced a
step recently as Northwestern
sent a team to Wisconsin. The Madi-
son boxers won, 6 to 2. There is an-
other mtach scheduled between the
two schools at Evanston.
Ohio State wanted to put a team
in the ring against the Wildcats but
so far there has been no scheduling
of such a contest. Northwestern will
fight Loyola U. of Chicago later in
the spring with its Varsity eight-
man team.
TINK TEMPLETON recently saidI
that Jack Keller of Ohio State
rated with Carr and Eastman as
the greatest senior college track man
in the coutrty this year.I
The San Francisco sport column-
ist said that if Keller had had any1
luck at all, he would have smashed4
the world's record in the high hur-
dles to kingdom come.
Beginning at 6:00 p. m., this
Friday, the Intramural Building
will be closed during Spring vaca-
Earl N. Riskey.
Baseball, Tennis, Golf
To Feature Homecoming
The Varsity baseball team will play
Ohio State University at 4:05 p. in.
Friday, May 5, and at 2:30 p. m.
Saturday, May 6 as a feature of
Spring Homecoming, it was an-
nounced yesterday. The Michigan
tennis team will meet the Buckeyes
at 2:30 p. m. Friday and Saturday,
while the golfers of the two univer-
sitics will meet at 9 p. m. Saturday.
Poor Pitching
Mars Varsity
Ball Practie1
Fisher Worried Over Thej
Showing Of Moundsmen
In Early Drills?
NLESS Michigan's
ppitching staff
rounds into shape
soon, it looks bad
for Coach Ray Fish-
er's disposition.
"4i guess it justi
isn't good pitching
k .weather," said the
' a mentor mournfully
as he gazed over
t h e diamond in
est erd ayafter-
noon's workout for
Michigan's Wolverines. It was a poor
spectacle from the hurlers' view-
point, and one not much better for
the batters, since so many men were
walked that there wasn't much hit-
ting done.
McKay Lasts Four Frames
Lefty McKay managed to weather,
four stormy innings before his sore
arm gave way almost .entirely and
he took a lacing from the Varsity
batters :opposing him. McKay's con-
trol was poor yesterday afternoon,
due to an enforced layoff.
Patchin, big sophomore right-
hander, hurled for the Varsity yester-
day, and he did not fare a great deal
better than McKay. His curves were
not breaking well and his control
was rather poor. Still he weathered
four innings well and successfully re-
lieved McKay when the latter was
unable to extricate himself from a
bad hole.
Fish Loads Bases
Fish relieved Patchin, and he im-
mediately walked one man, another
singled, and another walked. Thus,
the bases were loaded with none out.
Then the moundsman steadied and
retired the side with an easy force-
out at home and a neat double play
on two weak grounders to the infield.
Menefee relieved McKay, for the
Among the 'outstanding hits seen
during the afternoon were a double
by Manuel, Varsity first baseman,
and a neat single to left by Ware for
the second outfit. Waterbor was per-
forming well at short,
Parker; Sheaffer, Watean.,
ConjLin, etc., $1.00 and up.
A la e and choice assorent
31a S. Stae St., Apm
314 S. State St., Ann Arbor.
Baseball Sch edule
April 19 Hillsdale College there
(practice game)
22 Illinois here
28 Ypsi Normalhere
29 Mich. State there
May 2 Ypsi Normal there
3 Hillsdale College here
(practice game)
5 West. State there
6 Chicago there
9 West. State here
12 Ohio State here
13 Ohio State here
18 Indiana there
19 Purdue there
20 Illinois there
24 Mich. State here
26 Indiana here
27 Chicago here
30 Ohio State there
31 Ohio State there
Theta Xi Wins League Defeats
Team Honors Alpha Xi Delta
In Track Meetk For Cage Title
Two New Records Made By MARJORIE WESTERN
As Victors Gain Large Fast basketball was the order of1
- -the day when Charlotte Simpson.
Number 01 P In most brilliant sharpshooter on the
Theta Xi won team honors Tues- floor, led her teammates of the
day night in thahnnual interfrater- League sextet to an overwhelming
nity track zn't with a total of 25 victory of 22 to 9 over Alpha Xi Delta
points, the greatest number of points to capture the Women's Intramural
amassed in 14 years by any single cage title for 1933.
fraternity. Pili Beta Delta placed A perfect passing system developed
second with 20 points. 13 fraternities between the League forwards was
entered teams,.
Two new records were made in the chiefly responsible for the victory.
meet. In the 60 yard dash, Stocking The Alpha Xi Delt guards were un-
of Tau Kappa Epsilon broke the old able to break up the scoring com-
record of 6.7 seconds by doing the binations.
distance in 6.6 seconds. Allen of Massman took the tip-off from
Theta Xi made a new record in the Simpson and dropped a basket dur-
high kjump, 5 feet 10 inches, thus the first nue T wa t
breaking the old rec o 5 feet 8 iigtefrtmnt.Ti a h
inches make by McLellan of Phi# start, and the victors were leading
ig mayaKappa in 1929. 8 to 2 at the half. From then on
ima Kapin 1929 they scored practically at will to pile
The high point man of the meet up their total of 22. Simpson made
was Schwenger of Phi Beta Delta 10 of the points, while Botsford and
E who made 10 points by taking firsts Bond did most of the scoring for the
in the broad jump and the 65 yard vanquished with four markers each.
low hurdles. Allen of Theta Xi and Tid
The League team was comprised
- Weirengo of Alpha Delta Phi were of Massman and Blackstone, for-
tied for second place honors with wards; Simpson and Gaber, centers;
8 points apiece. Parkinson and Amberg. guards. Bond°
Kipke Calls Halt
On Grid Practice
A light blocking drill yesterday
afternoon ended the football squad's
spring practice sessions until after
the holidays. Coach Kipke was ab-
sent in Lansing but the assistant
coaches sent the boys through shoul-
der and rolling body blocking prac-
tice during the entire afternoon.
Most of the veterans of the squad
were not out yesterday and no scrim-
mage was undertaken. Coach Wally
Weber had one group under his di-
rection in defensive blocking for
punting; Coaches Cappy Cappon and
Two relay teams, both winners and Boyd Pantlind, who as hurdiers
this season, and several performers have been beaten by only Jack Keller
in the open events will pirobably rep- this season, are likely candidates for
resent Michigan at the Drake Relays, the open events at Drake.
to be run off April 23 and 29 at Des Track enthusiasts are looking for-
Moines. ward with anticipation to the first
While Coach Charlie Hoyt hasn't and only home track meet of the
definitely determined the makeup of season with Ohio State May 6. It's
his team, it appears that enough the only chance that local fans will
men will go to give the Wolverines have to see the Wolverines in action.
an opportunity to recapture the relay May 13 the tracksters will journey
honors they won in 1931 and dropped to Urbana to meet the Illini in a
last season. dual meet. The Conference meet, to
The mile relay team now holds the be held May 19 and 20 at Northwest-
Big Ten indoor record, captured at ern, rounds out the Michigan 1933
Chicago in 3:20.5 a few weeks ago, schedule as it now stands.
and the two-mile team burned up The Wolverines were Big Ten
the 10-lap track at Butler to track champions last year and in
win its event in 7:55.3 in the recent 1930.
Butler Relays. Ellerby and Allen are
sure to be on the mile team. Childs,
Howell and Braden on the two-mile
team, and Lemen, Turner and Capt. ^ EN AVANT F Jotward A
DeBakermay be on either one or
the other. A
Rod Cox, who placed second by A
tossing the hammer 144 feet 8 inches A
at Drake last year, Bill Hill, crack
two-miler; Willis Wvard, high jump Burr,Patterson & Auld Co.
and dash star. and Hawley Egleston M ''u''"tedint yFrt.W'Iv ).wt*"i
-- __...-.....Detroit, Michigan & Walkerville, Optarie
1 AA
100 ENGRAVED CARDS For your convenience
and PLATE $2.25 Ann Arbor Store A
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DAVIS & &ULINGER 603 Church St. A
109-1]l East Washingtond $t F R A N K O A K ES .Mar.
Phone 8132 Second Floor IMr
Team honors for third and fourth
places were tied for by Theta Chi and
" Pi Kappa Alpha, each having 11
points. Alpha Kappa Lambda fin-
I ished in fifth place. As a result of the
I meet, Theta Chi lengthened its lead
over Alpha Kappa Lambda in the
,---- i
Cliff Keen drilled the guards in stop-
ping the tackles with shoulder blocks;
and Coach Bennie Oosterbaan had
the ends on rolling blocks and
Next Drill on First Monday
Coach Kipke and~ his assistants
will start the. intensive spring train-
ing period on Monday, April 17, im-
mediately after vacation. The new
material that should round into
shape then includes: Remias, Renner,
Triplehorn, Bolas, Lewis, Seerhan,
Scholtz, Wilhelm, and Dauksza.
fight for season's point champion-
ship for fraternities by 14 points.
It now leads A.K.L. by 26 points.
In the Independent track meet, the
Humpty Dumpties took team honors
with 43 and 1-3 points. The Hilltop-
pers came in second with 31.
Minimum Price 50 cents
Gernine Factory Work--We Make Hats
617 Packard St., Near State
All White Buck Black and White or Brown and White
Closing out entire stock of
Crosby Square shoes. Must
make room for a new line.
Your choice of the house-
$495 $5.45
We have decided to sell lots
of topcoats this season. Of
course, at a very small
profit to us. Another ship-
ment just in. Gray and Tar
ment just in. Gray and Tan
Polo, and tweed in the new
$1.25 a Set
3 pair for $1.
213 E.Liberty
You see knives flash from the magician's hand and
plunge into the board, framing the girl so closely
that she cannot move.
Here is one way the blindfold knife throw is done:
The knife thrower lets the knife go over his
shoulder into the wings. Thc knife that you see
quivering beside the girl is another knife. The
girl standing against the board presses at the right
place and a knife is sprung fron bieind the board
into position.
SoIcRE: "Magic Stage Illusions and Scientifc Diversions"
by Albcrt A. llopins, Miunn C.-
It's fun to be foo led