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February 16, 1933 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-16

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Professor Warner Patterson
Speaks To Cercie Francai
Speaking on "Theophile de Viau. Twice he was forced to leave t
poete libertin," before the Cercle country and he spent some time
Francais yesterday Prof. Warner F. prison. He died in 1846 with scarc
Patterson said that though he was more friends- than his patron the r
not one of the greatest poets of tech- de Montimere.
nique, his appeal lay in his spontane-
ity and the beauty of his words. S'ipty sSeen

A. A. U. W. To
Give Luncheon
Saturday Noon
Program Proceeds To Go
To Fund For Women At
State Normal College
The Ann Arbor branch of the
American Association of University
Women will hold a luncheon at 12:30
p. m. Saturday, Feb. 18, at Charles
McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, to be fol-
lowed by a concert at 2:30. Proceeds
will be used for a scholarship fund
for girls at the State Normal Col-
Maud Hagle, president of the local
group, has asked those who desire or
can ofer transportation to telephone
Mrs. Leslie Rittershoffer or Mrs. C.
D. Thorpe by Thursday night to
make luncheon reservations. Guests
may be brought either to the lunch-
eon or the concert, she said.
The program, under the direction
of Prof. Frederick Alexander, will be
held in the formal lounge. It will be
as follows:
Up, Up Ye Dames
Henry Leslie . . .Poem by Coleridge
Madrigal Club'
Prelude and Fuge in C circa
The Clavichord
Old Austrian Folk
Song .....Arr. by Viktor Czakanek
Miss Lillian Ashby, Mrs. Annis
Dexter Gray, Mr. Maynard
Klein, Mr. Kenneth Jewell
Interludes: Swiss Nightingale
a. The Nightingale ..Mendelssohn
b. The Lark
English Tunes for Recorder
a. Awake, Sweet Love ... Dowland
b. Greensleeves....... Anonymous
Suite for Harpischor
circa 1700..............Rameau
Le Rappel des Oiaux
Deux Rigaudons et Double
Musette en Rondeau
Gospodi pomiui. .........Lovsky
Madrigal Club
Valentine Day
Celebrated At
Mosh er- ordap
Lois Failyer, assistant director of
Mosher-Jordon Hall, surprised resi-
dents with a Valentine dinner Tues-
day night. Decorations were in the
form of hearts and cupids carried
out in a red and white color scheme.
The dinner also was essentially Val-
entine as to courses.
Isabel Dudley, director of Jordan
Hall, entertained Ethel McCormick,
director of the League, and Alta At-
kinson, manager of the League, as
Mrs. H. A. Beckett of Lakewood,
0., has been visiting her daughter
Margaret Beckett, '35, at Mosher-
Jordan Hall for the past week. Mrs.
Beckett will return home today.
Jeanette Perry, assistant dean of
women, and Ellen Stevenson, assis-
tant to the dean of women, will pour
at the Jordan tea tomorrow. Mary
Lou Burgess, '35, is in charge of the
tea and women assisting her are
Helen Shire, '33, Ruth Curry, '33Ed,
Katherine Thompson, '34, Mary K.
Snyder, '34, Vavalynn Brask, '34, and
Mary Story, '34.
The color scheme will be red
and white in honor of Valentine's
day with decoration's in accordance.

Wife Of Idaho Senaitor Thanks Life Saer


-Associated Press Photo
Mrs. William E. Borah, wife of the Idaho senator, met for the first
time Dr. Charles A. Armstrong, U. S. public service physician who con-
tributed his blood to cure her of psittacosie, dreaded parrot fever, which
threatened her life last summer in Boise, Ida. They met in Washington.
Dr. Armstrong had contracted the disease in scientific research. Serum
made from his blood was rushed to Mrs. Borah by airplane.

Sororities Have
New Residents
This Semester
The beginning of the new semester
Inds sororities with new residents.
Nomen who have been living at the
arious dormitories and league houses
mave moved into their respective
:iouses for the remainder of the year.
3everal houses are also giving rush-
ng dinners to start the semester.
Women who have moved into the
'ouse for this semester are Odessa
-ohen, '34Ed, Bernice Kavinoky, '35,
'?uth Lewis, '33, and Edith Lewis, '33.
Kappa Delta wishes to announce
';he marriage of Frances Miller, '29, to
Dr. John Bawkins, '24. The marriage
,vas solemized Jan. 18, at Angola,
nd Dr.gBawkins was a member of
Ps Omega, honorary medical fra-
A rushing dinner will be held at
the house tonight for seven guests. 1
Spring flowers and cream tapers will
venter the tables.
Women who have moved to the
sorority are Edna Dalby, '34, and
Janet Michael, Grad.
New residents of Kappa Alpha
Theta are Molly Temple, '35, Hazel
Hickman, '36, and Margaret Kend-
rick, '33.
Marjorie Beck, '34, and Catherine
McHenry, '34, have moved to the
Kappa Kappa Gamma house this se-
New residents at Pi Beta Phi are
Margaret Mustard, '34, Patricia Daly,
'34, and Dorothy Dishman, '33.

Cinema League
To Give Movie
On Czar Ivan
(Continued from Page 1)_
to lend Kurliatov the services of his
serf Nikita, a man highly skilled with
mechanical appliances. Nikita is'
found guilty of being in league with
Satan, after his interest in the de-
sian and manufacture of primitive
flying machines is discovered. The
Czar hears of the unjust flogging
which is to be meted out to Nikita
and his wife, so Kurliatov is brought
to court, denounced, and then is sup-
posedly dispatched to his death. I
Nikita gains favor with the Czarina
when he repairs her prized spinning
wheel, the only one in Russia. The
Czarina then banishes her former
beloved, Drutzkoy.
Disfavor, however, is incurred once
again by Nikita when he climbs with
his flying machine to the top of a
tall building and glides slowly and
gracefully to the grounds for the
amusement and edification of the
Czar's merchant guests. But Ivan
will have no such ungodly act in his
presence. It's wrong for humans to
fly. So over the protest of his Eng-
lish guests Nikita is once again con-
demned to a dungeon to await his
death. The tragic climax ensues.
"Forest People," a short, will be
shown in addition to the feature.
The Art Cinema League has an-
nounced that checks for the amount
of actual ticket purchases will be

Excursion To
Sylvan Estates
Will Be Made
Members Of University
Outing Club And Other
Campus Students To Go
Members of the University Outing
Club and all others interested, will
take a one day excursion Saturday
to Sylvan Estates, a country club
several miles west of Chelsea, officials
said yesterday. The afternoon and
evening will be spent in skating, hik-
ing, skiing, or tobogganing, depend-
ing on the weather.
Those interested in making this
trip will meet at the League at 1
p. m. Saturday. University cars will
be used to take the group to the lake.
The party will return early enough
at night to allow the girls time to
check in at their dormitory or soror-
ity. It is hoped that at least one or
two from every sorority and fra-
ternity on the campus can join the
excursion it was said. A small charge
of about 50 cents per person will be
made to cover the cost of tea and
The club is a recent innovation on
the. campus. it was formed to give
students a different type of outdoor
activity than would be possible under
former conditions. The facilities of
the Intramural building, the League,
the Union, the W. A. A., and many
other organizations are at the dis-
posal of the club. It has the approval
and backing of President Alexander
01. Ruthven.
Those interested in going on this
outing must make reservations with
Miss Ethel A. McCorgick at the
League. There is room for only eighty
people, she said.
Hillel Play To Tell
Of Medical Cabals
Tryouts which began last night for
the Hillel Foundation spring play,
The Dybbuk," will continue at the
League today, it was announced.
"The Dybbuk," which has 38
speaking parts, has been character-
ized as one of the most emotionally
stirring symbolic religious plays ever
written. It is a story of mysticism
and cabals, with the scene set in a
medieval synagogue in Europe.
Freshmen, as well as sophomores
and upperclassmen, are eligible to
try out for parts in the production.
Sigma Alpha Iota Plans
To Have Rushing Party
Plans for the next musicale to be
held, by Sigma Alpha Iota, national
honorary musical sorority in the
form of a rushing party, were fur-
thered at the society's meeting last
night at the League. Mrs. Morris P.
Tilley of 1015 Ferdon, has opened
her home for the affair; Mrs. Joseph
P. Bursley and Mrs. O. J. Campbell
will act as assistant hostesses.

Local Jrama Uu
Gives Mine Play
"The Dover R1oar'," a play by A. A.
Milne, was pr-nted Y the :er-
ostomnians Monday night at the Lydia;
Mendelssohn Theatre A large group
of patrons and atnessre ceived
rthe performance with, enthusiasm.
They weic Mrs. Henry C. Adams,
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Adams, Prof. R. W.
Aigler and Mrs. Ai ,l r, Prof. A. S.
Aito- and Mrs. Aiton, Dean Henry
M. Bates and Mrs. Bates, Dr. Mar-
Iaret Bell, Prof. Campb0ll Bonner
and Mrs. nnre, Prof. J. L. Bruinm
and Mr-,. Brumni, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Buckley, Dean J. A. Bursley and Mrs.
Bursley, Prof. 0. J. Campbell and
Mrs. Campbell, Prof. A. G. Canfieldj
and Mrs. Can geld. Prof. Palmer
Christian and Mrs. Christian, Dr.
F. A. Coller and Mrs. Coller, Dean
S. T. Dana and Mrs. Dana, Mr. and
Mrs. Z. C. Dickinson, Prof.. 0. .
Duff endack and Mrs. Duffendack,
Maj. Basil D. Edward and Mrs. Ed-
wards, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Emery,
Dr. A. C. Furstenberg and Mrs. Fur-
stenberg, Prof. J. W. Glover and Mrs.
Glover, Prof. W. H. Hobbs and Mrs.
Hobbs, Mrs. M. Reese Hutchins, Mr.
and Mrs. F. P. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Kleene, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Also Rev. Henry Lewis and Mrs.
Lewis, Miss Alice Lloyd, Prof. Albert
Lockwood, Prof. Emil Lorch and Mrs.
Lorch, Prof. Guy Maier and Mrs.
Maier, Dr. Earl V. Moore and Mrs.
Moore, Prof. J. R. Nelson and Mrs.
Nelson, Prof. J. M. O'Neill and Mrs.
O'Neill, Mrs. George W. Petterson,
Dr. Reuben Peterson and Mrs. Peter-
son, Mr. and Mrs.' D. L. Quirk, Jr.,
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves and Mrs.
Reeves, Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven
and Mrs. Ruthven, Dean H. C. Sad-
ler and Mrs. Sadler, Prof. H. A."
Sanders and Mrs. Sanders, Dr.
Charles A. Sink and Mrs. Sink, Mr.
and Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, Prof.
Louis A.. Strauss, Prof. Rene Tala-
mon and Mrs. Talamon, Prof. C. B.
Vibbert and Mrs. Vibbert, Prof. C. P.
Wagner and Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. R. M.
Wenley, Prof. A. E. White and Mrs.
White, Valentine B. Windt, Prof.
J. G. Winter and Mrs. Winter, and
Prof. J. S. Worley and Mrs. Worley.
Mu Phi Epsilon To
Present Musicale


Naivete and sincerity were for him
the basis of true poetry. He believed
in "la poesie facile," for he did not
have the patience to polish off his
articgs. His styletwas not stilted
and he loved rhyme and rhythm in
verse. -"Pyrrhus and Thisbe," a pas.-
toral tragedy, is his best known work,
and it is in this piece only that his
style is precise. The play is short
and is similar to Romeo and Juliet."
Finding the theatre too restraining,
Theophile turned to lyric writing. His
odes were at times nearly classic,
containing an unusual freshness and
rustic purity.
Of Theophile's life Professor Pat-
terson remarked that the poet suf-
fered from persecution by the Jesuits
because of the freeness of his work.
Couzens H all
To old Spring
Informal Dance

Couzen's Hall is to entertain at an
informal dance tonight. The dance
is an annual affair and spring flowers
and palms will decorate the drawing
rooms. Nearly 80 couples will dance
to the music of Ken Lundquist and
his band.
Marian Borgertine, '33SN, has been
placed in charge of the function. As-
sisting her are: program and ticket
committee; Marion Bradley, '33SN,
chairman, Rhea Garris, '33SN; Ruth
Freet, '34SN; Elizabeth Fichtel, '33.
Chaperone c o m m i t t e e, Loretta
Schuiling, '33SN, chairman; June
Wilkinson, '33; Flora Gaston, '34SN;
and Madelyn DeBeau, '34. The re-
freshment committee is headed by
Elizabeth Hall, '33SN; Almeda East-
man, '33; Mary Giles, '33SN; Johan-
na Wirranniemi, '34SN; and Mar-
garet White, '34SN. The chairman of
the decoration committee is Berneice
Cooper, '34SN, assisted by Christine
Alfsen, '34SN; Berneice Brewer,
'34SN; Dorothy Jenkins, '34SN; Ruth
Lehmen, '34SN; Helen Breimayer,
'35SN; and Lois Chase, '35.
Additional guests at the dance will
be: Miss Marian Burell, director of
nursing, Miss Marie Wanzeck, assist-
ant director of nursing, Miss Jean-
ette Oswald, supervisor of clinical.
instruction, Miss Ruth Miler, social
director, Dr. Thomas Durant and
Mrs. Durant, Dr. Harold W. Jacox
and Mrs. Jacox.
Unitarian Church Scene
Of Clarke-Bridge Vows
Betty Clarke, '33, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Clarke, of Coldwater,
and Ozro Bridge, '33, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. 0. Bridge, of Dayton, 0., were
married recently in Unitarian church
by the Rev. H. P. Marley.
Both the bride and groom are ac-
tive in the Michigan Socialist Club.
They will make their home at 603
E. Washington St.

At Week-end Parties
Signs for spring, according to day-
time frocks seen at several house-
parties last week-end, point to an-
other big summer for, cottons and
linens, unique this year in that they
look like woolens. For instance, a
suit worn with a. presumably bright
green woolen blouse turned out on
closer inspection to be a linen weave.
Other details that seem to be regis-
tering are the narrower daytime
skirts with slightly lowered waist-
lines. This was exemplified in a pale
blue flat crepe dress with inserted
pieces at the elbows and yolk of
matching crepe in a faint matelasse
pattern. A hatiof matching crepe
was worn with it.
Designers continue to show a fond-
ness for wide shoulder effects but
sleeves are less extreme. A putty
colored crepe dress seen on a tea-
dancing miss showed this trend in
the intricate fagotting on the bodice
that gave fashionable broadness to
the shoulder-line while the elbow-
length sleeves were just barely puf-
One of the new high-crowned hats
shown for spring was observed on a
young lady from out of town. It
was a little square cap toque without
a brim, cocked over far in front. It's
called a "fez," proving that even the
Turks are not immune.
Dunning, Oldest Grad.,
Will Be 98 On Feb. 22
George Washington is not the only
famous person whose birthday falls
on Feb. 22 for, according to T. Haw-
ley Tapping, general secretary of the
Alumni Association, Dr. John Parker
Stoddard, '59, of Muskegon, will be
98 years old that day. Dr. Stoddard
is reputed to be Michigan's oldest
living alumnus.
Ira Smith Dunning, '63, of Aurora,
Ill., is seven months older than Dr.
Alumnus Of College Of
Pharmacy Visits Here
Edward L. Schmitt, of Rochester,
a graduate of the Colege of Phar-
macy in 1896, has been visiting in
Ann Arbor for the past week. His
daughter, Jean Grace Schmitt, has
just enrolled in the College of Phar-
macy to obtain her degree. She is
living at Helen Newberry Residence.
Father and daughter were enter-
tained Sunday at tea by Prof. Wil-
liam G. Smeaton and Mrs. Smeaton
of University Ave.
Margaret LeMire, '34, entertained
as house guests yesterday, Margaret
Lang and Mary Glenn Jackson, both
of Escanaba. Miss Jackson was a
student at the University last year
and Miss Lang attended Marygrove

The Romantic period in music will7
be the subject for study and illustra-.
tion at a formal musicale to be held;
by Mu Phi Epsilon, national hon-
drary music sorority, at 8 p. m. today
at the home of Mrs. Dana E. Seeley
of 2205 Lafayette St.
Katherine E. Founkhouser, '33, will
present a paper on that period. The
iusical program will center on the
study topic. Those participating in
the program are Helen M. Van Loon,
SM, singer; Virginia M. Hamister,
Spec. SM., pianist; Mrs. Laura Little-1
field of the School of Music, singing.
Guests at the affair will be the7
patronesses and the members of the'
alumnae and active chapters.7


Where To Go

Zeta Phi Eta Holds
Business Meeting
The local chapter of Zeta Phi Eta
and the chapters at the Universities
of North Dakota and Northwestern
will act as co-hostesses at the na-
tional convention to be held in Chi-
cago from June 25 to 29, it was an-
nounced at the regular meeting of
Zeta Phi Eta Tuesday night.
On the last night of the conven-
tion the play which won the Wilda
Spencer Good play-writing contest
krill be presented before a distin-
guished audience. The Michigan
chapter will give the second prize-
winning play.
Plans were made for the perform-
ance of the children's plays some-
time in the near future and a defi-
nite date will be announced later.




Motion Picturs: Premiere of "Czar
Ivan the Terrible," 8:15 p. m., Lydia
Mendelssohn T h e a t r e; Michigan,
"American Madness;" Majestic, "Ma-
dame Butterfly;" Wuerth, "Night-
Concerts: Sigrid Onegin, 8:15, Hill
ExibUs: P e r s i a n architecture
photographs, automobile bod; d'e-
signs, and paintings and models, Ar-
chitecture Building.
Dances: Tea dancing, 3 to 5 p. m.,
League grill.
Rev. Babcock Addresses
Weekly Religion Class
"The Nature and Division of Re-
ligion" was the topic discussed by
the Rev. Allan J. Babcock, of St.
Mary's Student Chapel, at the reg-
ular weekly class in Christian Apolo-
getics held at 5 p. m. Tuesday, in
the auditorium of the chapel. The
general nature of religion and the
nmc^rity for religion were treated.


ILLUSION: Some member of the audience is politely requested to sit
down on a chair, The magician tells him that his coat seems to be bunched
up in the back, and offm to correct it. Whereupon he pulls out a big
coil of rope.


including a new
selection of knitted

,. I

New Spring

Let's look at the cigarette ad- Mildness, flavor, throat-ease Camels have given more
vertising trick called "Heat -all come from the use of people more pleasure than
Treatment." costly, ripe tobaccos. any other cigarette. Smoke
EXPLANATION: All cigarette to- It is a fact, well known by leaf Camels, and enjoy the fine deli-
baccos are treated with heat. tobacco expertsthat Camels cate flavor of costlier tobaccos.
But it is not from "heat treat- are made from finer, more
ment" that a cigarette gets expensive tobaccos than any
flavor and mildness. other popular brand.


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OME beauties are born. Oth-
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