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February 16, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-16

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p AR pINC T OF5vtUi..EIT ;C N L 1fSI'(~Y ' ANNii.,QO po.DsM . ."n' .
shed every morning except Monday during the
ity year and Summer Session by. the Board in
Iof Student. Publications.
er of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
d the Big Ten News Service.
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
ublication of all news dispatches credited to it or
erwise credited in this paper and the local news
ed herein. All rights of republication of special
hes are reserved.
ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
classmatter. Special rate of postage granted by
Assistant Postmaster-General.
ription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mall,
During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
s: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
bor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
sentatives: College Publications Representatives,
I East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
n Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,.
Telephone 4925
DITOR......................KARL SEIFFERT
EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
,ley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
3 ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
t Newman, Harold Wolfe.
TERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A.
Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald
akertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens,
1. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel,
Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M.
es, Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Richardson,
Simpson, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.,
,oddard White.
rine Anning, Barbara Bates, Marorie E. Beck,
or B. Blum, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley,
e Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunibar,
Otte Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
Frances J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor
on, Margaret D. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet

Morris Sheppard to block a vote on the subject
of whether or not the Blaine repealer should be
Senator Morris chose the dullest reading imag-
inable in his attempt to bully the Senate out of
voting on the subject of repeal. He read for eight
solid hours the years-old minutes of League of
Nations meetings.
Finally, he allowed the Senate to vote on
whether they would take up the subject but prom-
ised that, when this question came up for a final
vote, he would start is filibustering again and
would be aided by Sen. Smith W. Bookhard.
The Blaine repealer would undoubtedly pass the
Senate if Senators Brookhard and Sheppard
would allow a vote and there is no doubt that in
the attempt of a filibuster the cloture rule of the
Senate will be invoked.
However, this would result in the loss of a great
deal of valuable time-and there are only two
weeks left for the Senate.
So, the threat of the filibuster will again un-
doubtedly keep the upper house of the United
States from expressing the will of the people. But,
luckily, it's the last time.
Sid Onegin, distinguished prima donna, will
present the following program tonight in Hill Au-
Aria from "La Cenerentola" ............ Rossini
"Naqui all' affanno"...............Schubert
Five songs from the cycle "Schwanen-
gesang". ..........................Schubert
Die Stadt
Der Dopplegaenger
me. Onegin
Sonata in A..:.. ................Mozart
Theme and Variations
Turkish March
Herman Reutter
Folk Songs (sung in the original languages)
Swedish Love Song
Russian Trepak
Greek Lullaby
French Les trois tambours
German Z'Lauterbach

patients -re found in all the special fields of
medicine and if such patients are studied care-
fully and wisely advised, much suffering can be
-Health Service
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Cho-Cho-San.............Sylvia Sidney
B. F. Pinkerton ............ Cady Grant
Barton .... ...........Charles Ruggles
Suzuki .................... Helen Eddy
"Madame Butterfly" is essentially "Son Daugh-
ter," with the action shifted" from the mainland
to the sun-kissed isle of cherry blossoms, rising
suns, mikados, kimonos, etc. This time the tong
wars and bloody intrigues of Helen Hayes' pic-
ture are traded for an illegitimate son theme, with
a handsome United States navy lieutenant and a
Japanese girl as the central characters.
Originally a David Belasco play, "Madame But-
terfly" holds possible interest for an audience of
days gone by-but not today. There are many
situations in this work calculated to be quiquant!
examples of a more primitive culture, such as
Cho-Cho-San's naive statement "Won't he be
surprised when he sees my little boy!" Yes, thinks
the audience, dourly. Won't he be surprised ! In.
simpler words, "Madame Butterfly" induces an.
ice-manish train of thought in the minds of mod-
ern movie-goers; whether this means we just
aren't on a high enough plane or not is a question.
When in the springtime immediately following
Pinkerton's departure for the states, Cho-Cho-
San is seen with a 50 per cent Japanese child
in her arms, there is a good round minute-and-a-
half of sly chuckles. Add to that a wobbly plot
and slow action and there you are.
Added attractions : Mickey McGuire in "Mick-
ey's Charity"-bad; Hearst Metrotone News-
flag-flying as usual.
--G. M. WV. Jr.

are still
a number
of desirable

Wooden so ler's
- the war against decay
To conquer the forces of decay which attack
telephone poles, scientists of Bell Telephone Lab-
oratories carry on a relentless campaign.
They study many kinds of wood, test many
preservatives. They isolate wood destroying fungi
and insects--study'them in the laboratory-search
for a practical means of combating their attack.
They have set out armies of stub poles in Mis-
sissippi, Colorado and New Jersey where altitude,
climate and soil vary widely. At regular intervals
they inspect these poles to learn which woods and
preservatives are best.
Such scientific thoroughness is one reason why
Bell System plant becomes more efficient each year.
And why telephone service is so dependable.

in oood
Also a loft of
are still
and AL
th Ad-Taker
will solve
this problem
of bringing thes
Mich i 'a
ClIa SS Ifieds

Telephone 2-1214
[ANAGER .............. .BYRON C. VEDDER
.AGER.................HARRY BEGLE
T MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
9ontracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
uner; Accounts, Bernard b. Schnacke; Cir-
Silbert E. Bursley; Publicatior,4. Robert E.

The Theatre

alb ... . .+ + ++ .


rANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
,Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
ph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
r Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
beth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chaptnan, Doris
my, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine c-
*y, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried,l
ryn Stork.
V. Comstock
s 'Misinformed'.
was made by Gov. William A.
;ock on the first afternoon of the bank

Mary Spaulding, pianist, student of Albert
Lockwood, will give the following program at 4:15
p. m. today at the School of Music Auditorium on
Maynard Street.
Sonata, Opus 31, No. 2 .............. Beethoven
Impromptu, Opus 36....... ... .... Chopin
Nocturne, Opus 27, No. 1 ...............Chopin
Mouv de Menuet
Rhapsody, Opus 11, No. 2 ............Dohnanyi
Burnt Rock Pool ,..............Sowerby
Sonetto del Petrarca, No. 104 ..............Liszt


An Appreciation by Stark Young
Editor's Note: Mr. Stark Young, the distinguished
New York critic, is on the staff of The New Republic.
He is an ardent admirer of the American dancer,
Martha Graham. who is being presented by Robert
Henderson in a dance recital Sunday afternoon,
February ,26, at the Bonstelle Civic Theatre. The
"Primitive Mysteries" cycle, of which Mr. Young
writes, is to be included in Miss Graham's Detroit
Miss Martha Graham began the current dance
eason in New York with a packed theatre and
great applause. Some new compositions appeared,
ollowing her Mexican sojourn this summer as re-
ipientof the Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship;
and among others repeated was the astonishing
Primitive Mysteries" cycle, the dance in three
arts, in which the votary, the priestess, the god-
dess' holy one, or whatever you choose to call Miss
Graham's strange white figure, goes through
orm after form and meaning after meaning in
h marvelous compositions of the Mexican Indian
Of this extraordinary composition I can say
hat it is one of the few things I have ever seen
n dancing where the idea, the origin, the source
rom which it grew, the development of its ex-
citement and sanctity, give me a sense of baffled
awe and overwhelming beauty, the sense of won-
der and defeat in its beautiful presence.
By this I mean to imply a contrast with such a
ine dance, for example, as Pavlowa and Nijinsky
n a bacchanal. Beautiful as that may have been,
one could easily see how the idea might come
rom a concrete object-a vase painting or a bas-
relief. But Miss Graham's dance comes from a far
greater wonder. It gives one a feeling of an unim-
aginable origin and concentration. It is beyond
ife, pregnant with an almost supernatural mys-
tery and beauty.






Stiident 1

"Pressure has been brought to bear .on me -A'o.''L i. .&. VL t
to withdraw my statement giving the details lead- :
ing up to the banking holiday. I am not going to H AHYPERSENSITIVENESS f
retract. The truth might as well be told now and HMNHPRESTVNS
I insist that it shall be told now." There is a group of symptoms designated as hu- c
The "details" to which the governor was refer- man hypersensitiveness which may occure in a a
ring were revealed in his "plain unvarnished story" certain percentage of human beings. A person is c
released the same afternoon. said to be hypersensitive when he reacts with
"The largest depositors of the Union Guardian characteristic symptoms to substances in amounts f
Trust Co.," his statement read, "were the General harmless to normal individuals. Hay fever, i
Motors Corp., the Chrysler Corp., and the Ford asthma, many cases of eczema, and certain forms .
Motor Co. Both G. M. C. and Chrysler had agreed of drug and food idiosyncrasy are included in this f
to subordinate their deposits to the Reconstruc- group of symptoms. It is generally stated that r
tion Finance Corp., which was to have taken over about 14 per cent of humanity is affected, but g
the quick assets and smaller depositors. from findings here, this number should be raised a
"The Ford company refused to make such an to about 35 per cent, not including about 20 per 1
agreement, and the result was necessity of a cent of potential cases who, though having good t
moratorium. family history of sensitization, have not yet de-
"Unless it (the bank holiday) had been de- veloped any symptoms.
clared, the larger depositors who were informed Hay fever, asthma and many cases of eczema
in advance of the condition of the institution were formerly thought to be different diseases,
would have withdrawn their money and left the each with distinct cause, but there is now reason
smaller depositors holding the bag." for judging them to be different aspects of the
The above statement, according to the governor, same condition. In fact, there is a sequence of
is the real inside story. It was printed in few, if events, which can be roughly expressed as fol-
any, newspapers of the state, although it was sent lows: Eczema in infancy; gastro-intestinal dis-
out by both the Associated and the United Press turbances in childhood; hay fever in adolescence .
news services. The reason that it was not used or early youth; asthma in the viril age; bron- |
was that most papers "had orders" not to print chitis later on in lift; bronchiectasis still later '
the story. on; and, heart trouble in old age. These cycles can
Later in the day, Governor Comstock released be shortened or lengthened or made to overlap.7
another statement, saying that he "misunder- Many cases of eczema, all of hay fever, and many
stood the facts" relative to the connection of: of asthma respond most satisfactorily to this,
Henry Ford or the Ford Motor Co. with Detroit form of treatment. Other symptoms are to some'
financial institutions. degree related to this group of recognized hyper-
"Chrysler and General Motors are not deposi- sensitiveness, many of which can be helped. Im- I
tors. Mr. Ford had no agreement with the trust provement is noted in frequent colds (a great
company or with Chrysler or General Motors," many of them are not colds, but symptoms of
said the statement. sensitization); gastro-intestinal upsets; gastric
It can be seen from the quotations given above ulcers; gall bladder and urinary disturbances, or,
that the banking situation is badly muddled, appendicitis; irritation of any mucous membrane
and from the conflicting facts there are few con- of the body with its corresponding inflammation!
clusions that can be drawn.I and discharge; sinus trouble; insomnia; head-
However, there are two questions that we should ache; migraine; certain cases of epilepsy; many,
like to have answered. In the first place, if the cases of underweight and of tired feeling; dif-
governor "misunderstood the facts," who gave ferent forms of pain; many skin disorders; cer-
him his misinformation and what was the pur- tain cases of behavior problems or of nervousness;
pose of it? and other conditions.
In the second place, why did "certain Detroit It is known thatthe phenomena of human
banking interests" attempt to make the governor hypersensitiveness are of an hereditary nature.
"retract" his statement without explaining to him They are transmitted according to Mendelian
that he "misunderstood" the facts? laws as a dominant characteristic. One does not
These are things that the people of the state inherit the specific disease; it is only the tendency
have a right to know. that is inherited. Any one of a family having
symptoms of hay fever or asthma in particular
is a potential case and should be studied. Human
the Last Stand Of hypersensitiveness affects both sexes and has no
special preference for any type of person, race
The Filibuster . . . or age group.
We know that this illness is progressive in thej
-1'JrrTX m "Ivip a~.a v - . +m n alerpM. in Smii hoal'bnminv- worse with the nears. Fr

We Hate to Rush You

But Really, the NumAber of






PIC~t- m p,

A By Karl Seiffert

To judge by all the clothing ads
And dictums of the fashion lads
It seems that nearly everyone has purcl
From linen suits to golfing shoes
And other things I never use
In honor of the coming of the Spring.

is getting ow.

. .


It always takes me unawares,
This sudden change in such affairs;
At present I'll admit that I'm considerably
I'd hardly felt the seasons change,
But even though it's somewhat strange
The call of Spring is not to be refused.
And so I'll junk my woolens red
And switch to B. V. D.'s instead;
I'll even shoot the works and put my overshoes
I guess I'll wait a little, though;
I hate to plow through all this snow
In all my custom tailored Spring array.
"Flint Business Plunges Ahead," a headline
brightly remarks, it being understood that the
thing was really sort of a delayed buck.
We see by the papers that U. S. customs
authorities have banned photographs of
Michaelangelo's frescoes on the ceiling of the
Sistine Chapel in the Vatican because they
had nictures nf naked women in them.


at the




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