v. C,
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
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CITY EDITOR........................KARL SEIFFERT
SPORTS EDITORL..................... JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard,
Joseph A Renhan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw:
Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
Albert Newman, Harmon Wolfe.
REPORTERS: Chales Baird,A. Ellis B1l, Chares G.
Barnidt, Arthur W. Carstens Ralph G. Coulter, William
G. Perris, Sidney Frankel, John C Healey, Robert B.
Hewett, George. M. Holmes, Edwin W. Richardson,
George Van Vlek, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
tBabara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Ellen
Jane Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman,
Jeanette Duff. Carol J. Ranan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
son, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie
Telephone 2-1214
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Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
Elizbeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmy, Billy Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May See-
fried, Virginia McComb.
m-'- .-- - -
John Ic ad;
iL o ieJohn. .
HEN THE BELL on the downtown
clock slowly tolls the hour of 10
o'clock tonight, Ann Arbor will go dry for the
first time in its history. Added to this, Mich-
igan traditions, such as 'Back to Joe's and the
Orient' will become but hollow memories which
will never enrich the coming generations of Maize
and Blue alumni."
In this mournful tole, the editors of The
Daily, on April 30, 1918, heralded state prohibi-
And today, President Roosevelt signed a bill
which will legalize 3.2 beer and, with a virtual
promise from Lansing that the state dry law will
be repealed, Maize and Blue alumni will probably
soon be "enriched," again.
"In more ways than one, we of the old school
cannot help but feel a sense of superiority over
those who shall follow us through the arch and
clown the diagonal. The flowing bowl has meant
much to us, has won many friends with whom
our associations have been dear indeed," the edi-
torial continues.
It is with the greatest satisfaction that we wel-
come back to our midst the "flowing bowl" re-
ferred to above. While we recognize the evils of
the old saloon and would not wish to see them
reinstated, the prospect of a harmless glass of ice-
cold foaming beer frankly delights us. Despite
popular belief, students are not intemperate. If
they have acquired a reputation for over-indulg-'
ing it has been brought about by the type of
liquor that has been sold them. With the legaliza-.
tion of the relatively undynamited beer, we feel
certain there will be a definite trend away from
the drinking of hard liquors.
We are looking forward expectantly to a new
deal in collegiate life. Those who follow US
through the arch and down the diagonal will
never know the sensation of drinking bathtub gin
and needled beer. They will never know the sen-
sation of collecting speakeasy cards and knowing
gangster bootleggers.
We envy them.
Instead, they "will win many friends with whom
their association will be dear indeed" They will
go back to Joe's and the Orient, drinking only
harmless beer, it is true, but nevertheless, learn-
ing lessons in moderation, temperance, and good
A headline in The Daily on the same day that
the editorial appeared said, "JOHN BARLEY-
But he didn't kick the bucket. The editors were
wrong. He only went into a trance.
should occasionally exhibit this tendency. For if a
sore point can be given to Congress for solution,
the Justices are rid of embarrassment that would
come to them no matter which way they decided.
The Court, of course, can follow this procedure
only in cases in which it can show that a legis-
lative and not a judicial power is involved.
Now it appears that the beer bill falls clearly
into this category; we submit that it is the sort
of case that can well be deferred by the Court
to the Congress.
Its sore spot is the phrase "3.2 per cent," a bev-
erage of which alcoholic content is loudly declared
by some to be "intoxicating," by others, just as
loudly, to be "unintoxicating."
A little thought, we submit, must lead to the
conclusion that the word "intoxicating" does not
lend itself to specific definition. Is a cold bath
in the morning "intoxicating?" Is 40 per cent
Champagne "intoxicating" if you don't drink
enough of it to be "intoxicated?" Nobody, we
think, can say.
Therefore an ARBITRARY definition of "in-
toxicating" will have to be made. Somebody will
have to say, "From now on until the Eighteenth'
Amendment is repealed, such-and-such a per cent
of alcohol in a beverage is constitutional."
But the Supreme Court won't do it. They will
let Congress set forth the decision. No judicial
decision, the court will decide, will be necessary,
and none will be made.
What Congress will agree upon, if our predic-
tion is fulfilled, we do not venture to say. But
it obviously will allow an alcoholic content of at
least 3.2 per cent.
Musical Events
The appearance of Roy Harris, contemporary
American composer, in a lecture recital at Hill
Auditorium tonight is an event which Ann Arbor
audiences should welcome as an unusual oppor-
tunity. Mr. Harris, an Oklahoma-California prod-
uct whose music is as essentially American as his
environment has been, who ranks with Roger
Sessions and Aaron Copeland as one of the sig-
ificant composers of our country, and whose chief
work, a Toccata for Orchestra, has been called
"one of the greatest emotional and intellectual
achievements of modern times," can speak with
the authority of a participant on his subject
"The Challenge of Contemporary Music."
We have had many schools of thought in mod-
ern art-indeed there often seems to be more
school than art-but Roy Harris has passed be-
yond the experimental stage and the need of an
"individual" style. Instead of basing his work on
novel sensous materials, he deals with the abstract
concept of structural form. A surprisingly varied
capacity for restating the germ theme of his
works in an infinite manner of ways with respect
to melodic line, rhythm, and harmonic reference
is the fundamental principle of Roy Harris's art.
This organically varied form development makes
his music pr gress on large dynamic contours,
and long sweeps of line that are, as one critict
suggests, reminiscent of the rugged foothills and
bald outlines of the composer's native environ-
ment. Another one has called him the Mark
Twain of modern music because of his earthy hu-
mor and homespun qualities. But Harris would be
the first to disclaim such literary virtues-music
to him is pure sound, abstract sound without the
limitations of the more graphic and representative
arts. -Kathleen Murphy
Michigan Detil
Ann Arbor has the highest percentage of un-
married women of any city in the state, accord-
ing to the United States census of 1930. This
does not include co-eds.
Reputedly a city of homes and a center of
education, Ann Arbor nevertheless has 12 fac-
tories within its borders, Included among the
products are ice cream, steel balls, steel springs,
machine tools, midget radios, broaches, telegages,
thermostats, soft drinks, and paper balers.
Ann Arbor wasn't the biggest city in Wash-
tenaw County in the old days. The metropolis was
the milling center of Dixboro, just a few miles
northeast. The Michigan Central Railroad came
through and killed Dixboro.
Until just recently the Economy Baler Co., lo-
cated here, was the world's largest baler factory.
Soviet Russia has eclipsed it with a new plant.
During the ten years ending last June, the
University boiler plant burned 383,511 tons of
coal. This amounts to approximately 7,656 car-
Thirteen fires in campus buildings last year
caused a damage- of $5,300.45. The University
collected $5,298.45 in insurance.
The founder of the University of Michigan was
'Gabriel Richard, a Jesuit missionary. The Uni-
versity was once offered to Dexter but the vil-
lage refused.
The popular legend that the city was named
after the wives of the two founders, Rumsey and
Allen, both named Ann and prone to drinking
tea together in an arbor, is disputed by some who
point out that the Indians living in the area
were known as the Anabas, a tribe of the Potto-
University hospital has a total number of 1,280
The Theatre
"Love on the Run," quite the gayest and most
spontaneous Junior Girls Play of recent years.
opened last night before an audience of no less
gay and spontaneous seniors, who screamed de-
lightedly at the feeblest lines and howled with
abandon at the good ones. A receptive audience
like this is decidedly a disadvantage for the
members of the production, for while they are
keyed up to a high pitch on the opening night,
the inevitable letdown comes when less biased
critics cast a jaundiced eye over the proceedings.
But let the members of "Love on the Run" cast
have few fears. This show is that rare thing
among Junior Girls Plays, a sophisticated musical
comedy. It is smoothly run off, with the excep-
tion of a few inevitable opening night hitches,
and has a finesse and a polish that speaks highly
for the direction of Mr. McCracken. The plot
itself offers innumerable opportunities for local
color and groupings which have been realized to a
gratifying degree. As is common to all Junior
Girls Plays, the situations are better than the
lines, themselves decidedly above average. And the
music is beter than the lyrics, another usual fea-
ture; the tunes are catchy and singable, and offer
much in the way of variety
The less said about the singing the better, for,
with the exception of one or two of the cast, the
players seem to have been picked with an eye
to pictorial effect rather than vocal accomplish-
ments. Much of the group singing was enthusias-
ie rather than musical.
Laurels go to the dancing, both individual and
chorus. The numbers were effectively planned,
and well execu ted in almost every instance. Spe-
I.aial mention should be made of the solos by
Charlotte Simpson, Jeannette Detwiler and the
little lady who led the Russian chorus.
Acting, too, although not essential to a musical
comedy of this sort, was more or less at a prem-
ium. The lovely Mary Ann Mathewson made a
perfect leading lady, her poise lending itself beau-
tifully to the demands of the part. Miss Simp-
son was more than personable as the leading
man, and her dancing has been mentioned before.
The comedy honors were carried off by the amaz-
ing Depression Sisters, Alice Goodenow, Harriet
Jennings, and Charlotte Johnson in a delightfully
moronic scene. Ruth Campbell and Jeannette
Detwiler score in a trunk packing episode and the
hot fudge sundae scene.
Something which will make others besides sen-
ior women cheer was the commendable way the
orchestra wove itself around the singing and
dancing. Ordinarily, blasts from the pit com-
pletely submerge the cast, but the accompani-
ment last night showed intelligent direction.
We especially liked the trumpet work in the "All
Through the Daytime" number.
It should be mentioned in passing that the
work of both Jacqueline Navran and Georgia
Geisman will undoubtedly improve with further
performances, for their failure to get into stride
last night did not seem to be due to inability as
much as lack of confidence. Miss Navran's strik-
ing appearance was an effective foil for Miss
Mathewson's more ingenue-ish beauty, and Miss
Geisman's voice showed real merit in the second
chorus of her song.
Now, if one wants to run around with a tear
in one's eye for the good old days when Junior
Girls Plays were full of Michigan spirit and girls
in bloomers; if one feels that the pure amateur
spirit of the Freshman Pageant and the Penny
Carnival should reign at Michiga he will have
nothing but a sad shake of the head for this al-
most professional affair. But if one realizes that
those days are gone, apparently forever, certainly
he must acknowledge that "Love on the Run" is a
step forward, and a long one, toward the goal of
a finished, worthwhile musical comedy.
By Karl Sei ff ert~--«
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You are not so bad at baseball-
You're a star in any gym.
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Call AL
The Ad-Taker
and lethi
arrange your
Seap t
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You can dance until bright sunbeams
Crown the tips of purple hills;
You can garner seven no-trumps,
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For killing two black
squirrels, A. W. Clark
Cottionality Of The
S A Predtict10oi.
and Clifford Wildy, two Muskegon men, were
each sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and court
costs.-News Item.
Let's get this straight-we've got the squirrels'
names, but who got fined?
Now. somebody has startedquibbling about a
clause in the state constitution that says that a
bill must be passed six months before it goes
into effect.
"I predict," said Senator Bray in an inter-
view, "that we will have beer by Christmas."
* * *
"I told the commissioners I wanted them
to operate the Welfare, Department on a
strictly non-political basis."
-Mayor Murphy of Detroit
Stuttering, a handicap to more than a million
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rF HE BEER BILL is law.. Despite the
. fact that it seems to be the will of
the people, hewever, there are many who contend
that it must be erased from the books as uncon-
Wets and drys alike, and everyone who has
followed the oure of the bill through Congress,
are eager to see what the ninc Justices of the
Supreme Cour t will rule, if and when the law
The rates are very reasonahle
The government and the university spent
$109.90 on each student enrolled in the R. 0. T.-
C. department during the year, 1931-32. The Uni-
versity contributed $4,860.87 and the government
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try The Michioan Daily Classifieds.