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March 23, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-23

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t ..- . .. ._.-

From the.
By John Thomas
Open House Tonight
Charity Boxing Show
All-Star Hockey; Team
OPEN HOUSE at the Intramural
building tonight will present the
women on campus with their only
opportunity to see the various In-
tramural activities in action. Wo-
men and other guests from Milan,
Dexter, Plymouth, Detroit, Toledo,
and other cities have been invited to
see the program.
This is the fifth annual Open
House in the department. Each year
it has grown larger in scope until
the program tonight tops all for
length and excitement. It will start
at 7 and will last until 10 p. in.
Intramural publicity has been
sent to all the aurrounding towns and
a large crowd of these guests are
scheduled to see the program of "ath-.
letics for all" in action.
PRIL 26 IS the date set for the
Charity Boxing show in Yost Field
House. Vernon Larsen and John
Huss are in charge of the tournament
and plan to sell tickets to 8,000 spe-
Larsen, freshman boxing co ch and
promoter of amateur shows in Ann
Arbor, and Huss, recording s cretary
of the Union, and also chairman of
the Fund,\ set the date yesterday.
Larsen is .n charge of getting the
boxers lined\ up for the event while
Huss will handle the ticket sale.
The GOOD WILL FUND commit-~
tee, selected lat fall to raise money
for students, and he personnel of the
Michigan Union d.ill be used to sel]
the tickets, Huss 'said. That means
that approximately 40 assistants will
be selling the tickets which will go,
on sale next week although no con-
centrated drive is planned until after
the sring recess.
Jack Starwas, Dave Golden, Har-
vey Bauss, Charley Verberg, Joe
Stanfield, Lee Shaw, Carl Burgtorf,
and George Kohler will represent,
the University against apicked group
in a series of bouts with the Boys'
Club A. C. of Detroit. This will be a
regular team competitioi.
Then a full card of indiidual bouts
'will also be scheduled. The competi-I
tors in the latter half' of the program
will include several stae Golden
Gloves champions who wil .go East in
May to compete in the National
Amateur Tournament.I
Two of the Detroit boys, Al Kon-
zol and Stanliak Scheeska, are al-
ready well known to Aan Arbor fight
fans, as they competed in the re-
cent Silver Shield meet here and
other local tournaments.
Popular prices will prevail for all
seats. The general admission price
to unreserved seats will be 25 cents.
Reserved seats will be 40 cents and
ringside seats 50, plus a government.
tax of 10 per cent.
Huss and Larsen predicted that the
show will raie $3,000 for tee Stu-
dent Fund. Expenses will be prac-
tically nothing as the officials and
workers are donating their services.
* * * I

DeBaker Wins
880 Time Trials
At Field House,
Howell, Lemen, BradenI
Take Next Three Places;E
Hoyt Names Butler Squad3
A track and a cross-country cap-
tamo, one a quarter-miler, the other
a miler, finished one-two in the 880
time-trials at the Field House last;
night when Chuck DeBaker and Doc
Howell ran off with first and second
honors. Ed Lemen and Howie Braden
finished third and fourth.
Due to the fact that Michigan's
half-mile ace, Ned Turner, was away
on a Canadian tour, the winning
time was slower than usual. The first
four men, however, finished in such
close order that they all broke two
The purpose of the time-trials was!
to determine the make-up of the
two-mile relay team which Michigan
will send to the Butler Relays next
Saturday. The first three place
winners in the trials and Ned Tur-
ner will make the Indiana trip.
In conjunction with the naming of
the relay team, Coach Charlie Hoyt
announced the five other men who
will battle for Maize and Blue track
honors at Butler.
Ward Will Go
Most outstanding of the group is
Willis Ward, versatile sophomore star,
whose specialty is the high jump.
The talented athlete has not been
bested in his event this year, and is
a cinch to carry off first honors Sat-
urday. Records are endangered in
every meet in which he competes and
it is safe to predict that he will jump
close to six and one-half feet.
Ward will also be a threat in the
80-yard dash. He finished second to
Don Bennett of Ohio State in the
Conference meet, and with Bennettr
not competing Saturday, Ward has
a good chance to become a double
winner. He will also compete in the
shot put, an event in which he's
been improving the last few meets.
Pantlind, Egleston To Hurdle
Hawley Egleston and Boyd Pant-
lind will represent the Wolves in the
high and low hurdles. The .two star
timber-toppers finished second and
third in the Big Ten meet, being
bested by Jack Keller, Olympic star.
Keller is not competing so Michigan
has every chance of running off with
honors in this event.
Cass Kemp will run the dash with
Ward, and Al Blumenfeld will be
fighting for points in the shot put.
The two tracksters have been con-
sistent point winners this season and
should show up well at the Relays..
Dorsey To Seek
Handball Crown

Fifth Annual Openlouse

Time Event
7 p. m.-7:30 p. m. Tennis-All-Campus Doubles
Finals...............................Large g
7 p. gn.-8 p. in. Basketball-Class A Finals .......... Large
7 p. i.-8 p in. Hand1ball-Exhibitions ............ . .. Hand
7 p. m.-8 p. m. Volleyball-Exhibitions ............ Large g
7 p. m.-10 p. in. Ping Pong-Exhibitions .......... By Han
7 p. m.-10 p.m. Squash-Exhibitions ........ . . ..... Sq
7 p. m.-10 p. m. Badminton--Exhibitions .......... Large g
7 p. m.-10 p. m. Codeball-Exhibitions............ Handbal
7 p. m.-10 p. m. Paddleball-Exhibitions ............ Handy
7:30 p. m.-8 p. m. Tennis-All-Campus Singles
Finals ...................................Large g
7:30 p. m.-8:30 p. in. Gymnastics-Exhibition....,.... Au
7;30 p. m.-10 p. n.-Fencing---All-Campus Tourna-
m en t ............ ... .........................A
7:30 p. m.-10 p. m. Wrestling-All-Campus Finals.....Wr
8 p.m.-9 p.m. Handball-Faculty Doubles First
Round .................... ...............1. an
Students vs. Faculty Team Match-All-Campus Doubles
Final + ........-.............................
All Matches in handball Courts
8 p. m.-9 p. in. Basketball-Finals Class Bl.........Large
8 p. m.-9 p. in. Volleyball-Exhibition,. ............Large g
8 p. m.-10 p. m. Boxing-Exhibition and explanation
of training rules............................
8 p.m.-10 p.in. Swinuming-Exhibition by Freshman
T eam . . . .... . .. .. .. .... . . ... ... .. . .. ... .. . .. S w j
8:30 p. m.-9:30 p. m Gymnastics-All-Campus Meet ... . A
8:30 p. m.-10 p. m.-Handball Final Round Faculty
Singles........................ ..... Handb
9 p. m.-10 p. m.-Basketball-Independent Finals. . .Large
9 p. in.-10 p. m.-Volleyball Interfraternity Finals. .Large
.9 p. m.-10 p. m.--Handball-Independent Team
Finals ..................... ....... Handball C
Boxing Exhibit Paddleball,
To Be Feature

Alpha Delts To Gridders Still A.K.L To Compei
. . ForVo1Ieybai I Tit
Play Theta Chi On Night Shift;
FinaL' in the All-Campus Voll
ym Court D Ii Finals Today Runner Injured ball tournament will take place
gym Court 1 9 p. n. tonigh1t at the Intramn
dball Courts Open House. Alpha Kappa Lamb
yin Court C Physical Education Team Michigan's Varsity football squad, defending champions, will clash w
dball Courts Delta Alpha Epsilon for the ti
Clash With Bluebirds out in nearly full force for spring The matchvwill be on Court C.
nilash +Couirts practice, is still on the night shift.
ym Court 2 For Independent Crown Awaiting the arrival of spring Two other exhibition gamesc
L Courts 2, 4 weather for the later outdoor work- be also played. Theta Xi andl
ball Court 1 Two new champions will be outs of the Maize and Blue gridders, Kappa will open the evening's volt
crowned in the finals of the Inter- Coach Harry Kipke has the squad ball play with a game at 7 p.
nym Court D fraternity and Independent basket- working out in the Field House and an hour later the Ann Ar
axiliaxy gym ball tournaments scheduled to be nearly every night now due to the Y. M. C. A. team is slated tof
m fact that the baseball and track ag- a team composed of Chineses
uxiliary gym played at the Intramural Open gregations fill the available space dents.
restlUig room House tonight. during the afternoons. Alpha Kappa Lambda will seek
Alpha Delta Phi will clash with Spring practice is one of the sac- hold its position at the head of
dball Courts Theta Chi at 7 p. m. for the Class rifices which almost every prominent fraternities in total scoring, and n
A title. The Theta Chi's distinguish- gridder must make for the relatively win tonight to do so.
Court 14 ed their titular match by defeating few minutes of play with resultant
Beta Theta Pi, title-holders for two fame in the fall; Michigan squads
seasons, in the semi-final game. have long been noted for the spirit ie Sts
uym Court D In Class B, Sigma Chi, runner-up 3 of competition prevalent in the dull
last year, will face Delta Tau Delta, spring workouts comprised largely of
Both teams boast strong offenses. drill in fundamentals. This is partly - I
Boxing room Ross Bain who propped with Ray idue to intense rivalry aniong the
Altenhof, will lead the Sigma Chi at- freshmen on the squad for the Chi- edley S W
rining pool tack, while Fred Kohl, who played ; cago Alumni 'Trophy, awarded for
uxiliary gym I high school basketball with Ivy Wil- 'improvement in the training period.
liamson is the Delts' scoring ace. The Backfield Strong I HAMILTON, N. Y., March 22.-
ball Court 12 1 game is set for 8 p. in. Prospects at this early date indi- -The National Intercollegiate rec
gym Court 1 The final clash of the evening will cate that Michigan's eleven for next for the 300-yard medley swim
gym Court D find the Bluebirds facing the Fresh- fall will reverse the usual order of broken .tonight by Capt. Joh
man Physical Education team for the teams; a wealth of backfield mate- Sehimieler of Michigan, in an cxh
otrts 9-11-13 Independent Crown. Last season's rial is present, with a weaker for- tion meet with Colgate Universit
Phys. Ed. team won the title. ward wall. While last season's team SclImieler sw n 'h distance
IThe lineups for the A game are showed a tendency in that direction, minutes 41 1-10 seconds. The
Sash as followvs: the Wolverines of 1930 had strength record, held by ILarmm s of Fordi
Alh Delta Phi Theta Chi edominantly in the line was 3 minutes 6-10 econds,
J'ViII Bte Hunt. .. .. LF Crowell E , Fay, and Everhardus are
available as veterans, and mention-
RF.........Earle ing some of the more prominent
It >onight ngh t ....., .C .. us
prospects in the yearling backfield W
W. Smith......LG......Tillotson class, Leon'rd Wilhelm and Steve
sport, will be Markley.......RG......... Boden I Remias, Bolas, and Raymond, are
for the first good possibilities. Outstanding, in the

k to


in 3

Of Open House'
An outstanding feature of the In-
tramural Open House program
which will take place tonight is the
boxing exhibition arranged by Coach
Let Philbin. It will take place in the
boxing room downstairs. Ample seat-
ing room will be provided.,
The exhibition will be in the gen-
eial nature of an education in the
art of self-defense. The program will
open with a few of the boys showing
the finer points of rope-skipping,
shadow boxing, light and heavy bag
punching, and intensive warm-up.
Then' a few exhibition bouts will
be put on by members of the squad.
The workouts will be stopped several
times to explain the various mistakes
or good plays.
Coach Philbin stated that a better
idea of the nature of the work being
done will be °given to' the attending
Among those scheduled to take
part are Perberg, Gomben, Dunstan,
Kirby and Gallub.f

Disp layed

Paddleball, a new
shown to the public

time at the Intramural Open House
this evening. From 7 to 10 p. m.
exhibitions will be given in Court 1
of the handball courts.
Members of the Ann Arbor Bad-
minton club will also be on hand
to hold practice matches in their fa-
vorite event, while codeball will be
displayed by a group of campus
codeball enthusiasts, as will ping
Twenty-four matches will be
played during the evening. The out-
standing squash student and faculty
players will take part. The leading
matches will be between Vick and
Angell, Niehauss and Bishop, and
Boak and Snyder. These matches
will take place late in the evening.
Tennis Titles Will Be
Decided At Open House
Play in the All-Campus singles and

Gym Team To Display
Wares At Open House
Michigan's varsity gymnastics
team will give a complete exhibition
at the Intramural Open House to-
night in the Auxiliary gymnasium at
7:30 p. m. At the 'conclusion of the
performance the All-Campus gym-
nastics meet will be held.
The freshman swimming team, in
the absence of the Varsity, will pre-
sent the yearly aquatic show in the
Intramural pool at 8 p. M.
Two other All-Campus events will
reach their termination, the final
round of the All-Campus wrestling
meet being held from 7' to 10 p. m.
in the wrestling room, while the All-
Campus fencing tourney will take
place at 7:30 in the Auxiliary gym.
The foils, sabre, and epee crowns
will be contested for.

forward wall are Singer, Jacobson,
Borgmann, Schipper, and Scholtz.
Tripelchorn, outstanding runnerj
on the fall's freshman 'eai whoI
starred ini the traditional battle
against the Physical Ed forces, \as
injured in a spill during Tuesday
night's workout., receivinig an arm
injury which will probably keep him
out of the running for some time.
Approximately 50 candidates are

35c Palmolive or Colg ates
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-\Va-lklOver 'Leather~s

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Little Elected1
Of Next Ye

Dr. John Dorsey, holder of the
faculty handball title for the past
three years will defend his title to-
night, as a feature of the Intramural
Open House. He will oppose Prof. C.
D. Jones, at 8:30 p. m.
In addition the first round of the
faculty' doubles tourney will get
under way at 8 p. m. At the same
time a picked faculty team will clash
with a student team. Eardley, Lowe,
Crandall, Daniels, and A. H. Smith
will comprise the faculty team. Those
who will play for the students are
Mereci', Otto, Gimmy, Gajda, and
Anduvi on.
At 9 p. in. the independent team
title Wil be settled, the Hilltoppers
facing the Humpty Dumptys for the
crowt The All-Campus doubles tour-
namqn('it will also be concluded with
Luncdberg and Taylor meeting Fried-
man and Hillburger for the crown.

Albert Little, '34E,
to pilot the Varsity
their next season of
was elected by the
quet held recently
and to signalize the

cdoubles tennis tourney will conclude
Captain tonight, as a feature of the Intra-
mural Open House. In the singles
ar's Fencers final Baldwin will clash with Kean
at 7:30 p. m. on Court D. mean
has been chosen defeated Penn Tuesday night for the
fencers through ;right to meet Baldwin in the finals.
competition. He The doubles finals list Lederle and
team at a ban- Corey against Durand and Schnap.
for the purpose This match will take place at 7 p. m.
close of the sea-


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Our shoes are made


. H A R 0 L D TAYLOR, forner
hockey writer on the Manita
Free Press, Winnipeg, will select a
special All-Star hockey team for The
Daily, picked from Michigan's Var-
sity and their opponents this year.
The hockey critic is now connected
with the University and has seen
every game this year. His full story
will appear soon on the Sport Page.


For the first time in the history
of the university, Oregon will be led
by two football captains. Mark Tem-
ple, backfield star, and Bernie H.
Hughes, veteran center, will share
the honor. Field leadership will be
with the purchase of coch

Wisconsin has dropped two grid-
iron players for scholastic deficien-
cies. Toni Fontaine, fleet sophomore
halfback, and Harvey Kranhold, two
year veteran guard, can only be elig-
ible this fall by taking correspon-
dence courses from the University.

NEW POR T -Black or Brotwn, Calf or Grain.
Burton's Walk-Over Shop
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Watch for It on the I


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