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March 22, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-22

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ich Expeeted
Vote Hitler
nan Body Called Into
ssion; Hears Address
Von ilindenaburg
4 - In Old Chuirch
r Responds To Plea
President For Help
Solving Problems
'SDAM, Germany, March 21.-
The new German Reichstag,
is expected to legalize a four-
lictatorship under Chancellor
Hitler and quickly eliminate
held its first meeting today
s former seat of the Hohen-

Wide Area Inundated As Ohio Overflows Its Banks

Last Faculty
Shoot Will Be


The Inquiring'
Ldictor' Note: From to time
opinion cf pci s picke i rtando

Two Students Slip On
lce; Taken To Infirmary
T-o students are in the infirmary
w ith iniured vertebrae as a result of

Held March 24

falls on the sheet of ice that has
covered Ann Arbor during the week-

-Associated Press Photo
The above scene shows the damage caused at Covington, Ky., when the Ohio river and its tribua-
taries overflowed their banks. Relief is being rushed to many towns, where families are experiencing suffer-
ing and hardships, and nnmstimated damage has been brought to crops.

Meet To Be Wire Contest
With. Faculty Men Of
Another University
The last faculty rifle shoot of the
present year will be held the night
of March 24, according to an an-
nouncement yesterday by Capt. C. A.
Powell ,of the military science de-
In accordance with the custom of
past matches, it is expected that
this meet will be a wire shoot with
some other university's faculty ,al-
though negotiations have not been
completed as yet, Captin Powell
said .
Prof. John E. Emswiler of the
mechanical engineering department,
and Prof. Arthur D. Moore of the
electrical engineering department
captained two teams that were made
uip in the last match, held last
month. Professor Moore's team came
out ahead in the final tabulation. In
the, wire matches the University
teams have been the winners in all
cases this year.
Officials.of the match expect it will
draw one of the largest faculty turn-
outs to date inasmuch as it is the
final meet of the season. After the
shoot contestants will be awarded
prizes for individual high scores and
light refreshments will be served.

011 the stretlon sone J)be ouf n- Ralph113Lehman, Grad., sustained a
eral interestcre pubi h 1, 1fractured vertebra in the lumber area
column" of 'Ihe Daily.. '1'11 qi in
RCpoter would appreciate the contrib- when he slipped on the steps of his
tlionof !an'questi n c: i residence, 514 Catherine Ave., Sun-
Addret's., comrun1^ ico]?-; in1 care of1
The Michigan Daily.) day morning. He will be confined
to a frame for several weeks, accord-
THE QUESTION: What do you g to a report from Dr. Brace, of
think is the most important thing the Health Service.
the University lacks at present? Blanche C. Wu, Grad., of Newberry
THE PLACE: Around the m s.( Ilall wrenched her back when she
Joh R.Eflnge, dan f te Cl-fell Sunday morning. Her condition
lege of Literature, Science, and the was reported as not serious and she
Arts: "The University could do much will probably be released soon.
with a larger endowment. Speaking
with reference to social life, I should GOLD FOR MEDICINE
say dormitories for freshmen men VANCOUVER, B. C., March 21,-
are one of the most important addi - PM edical suppliesCare taking the
tions that could be made if the finan- place of gold in demands of Chinese
cial situation were such as to enable bandits, M. Hallberg, Swedish con-
any addition." sult at Hankow reported here today
John W. Lederle, '33, RoyalAOak. on his arrival from the orient,
president of the Union: " .. ,A new - -____________
course in which the students would students to keep in touch with world
, be brought face to face with the real affairs."
problems of the country. There is a Nicholas Lentini, '35, Petoskey:
course in Money and Credit, but it "In my opinion the University lacks
isn't practical--only theory. The So- a sympathetic insight into the prob-
cialist Clubs really don't accomplish lems of individual students. I believe
tanything for they just get in their thata more personal contact between
own rut and stick there. The brass s'udent and faculty would aid in
tacks' course could be conducted by overcoming this defect,"
men like Pollock and Shariman." Donald B. Gooch, '34Ed., Bloom-
1 Helen J. Dewitt, '33, St. Johns, ingdale: " . . . A system similar to
president of the League: "A lecture that employed by the University of
l class in current events to be held Chicago. There the search for knowl-
once or twice weekly for anyon who edge is actually fostered. Our own
wishes to attend. Perhdps no hours system is a very good one-for high
credit should be given, but ite sv scholos. Furthermore, I am of the
, Lion, headed by men who are well opinion, experimentation couldn't
I acquainted with present day affairs,. make Michigan's present plan any
I would prove beneficial in helping I worse."



Ollemn opening ;coeimony in the
Ac Garrison church began with
Idress by 3-year-old President
von Hindenburg. the first he
rnade to the national legislautre.
wc elections of March 5 have
n a clear majority for the netly
d governnent of national con-
ition," he said.
eighty and manifold duties
you. I know the chancellor
abinet face with determination
liicult problems to be solved
ie and abroad. I hope the
ers of the new Reichstag place
;elves loyally behind the gov-



Of I

n't. "It is
e place where we stand recalls meetinge
russia which became great Science,
eh fear of Gol,' devotion to
unflagging courage, and self- down in
ig patriotism," said the former butedia
marshal who served two em- utilizatio
sources o
in arms. manent k
ius it united the German peo- the fores
he added. "May the spirit of interview
allowed place inspire the pres- was theC
neration, freeing it from selfish e'al sessi
hatreds, and joining us to- T
in a national rebirth of the aTheo
or the weal of a unified, free attention
roud Germany," of our l
- the econ
preident faced the altar as stressedI
oke. Chancellor 11itler, who grams o:
esponded, read his speech while rather th
ng with his bask to the altar. paved th
declared' that neither the kaiser co-operaa
is government wanted the war, tween th
nonetheless was a fight for involved,
my's freedom. Hitler rejected Dean1
i rge of German war guilt as a standing
id appealed to the people to from the
behind President von Hinden- said, ful
calling him."the symbol of the land reso
ructibility of the life of the trees, wi
mt nation." tional op
- - I on enviro

estry Dean 'Polar Exploration' Will OIpen Inquest
Be Geographer's Subhject I
Ises W ork Dr. W. L. G. Joerg, research editor Oallornia
-LI. ZlLI. of the American Geographical So-
'I fgl ciety, of New York, will lecture on Q Lla Le D aths
the subject, The New Era of Polar
Exploration and Research since
Says Contributions 1925," at 4:15 p. m., March 31, in the LOS ANGELES, March 21.-(/P)-
Natural Science Auditorium. Dr. With District Attorney Buyon Fitts
kecent Academy WillJoerg, who is the author of several in attendance, an inquest into the
Down i History boks on polar exploration, will show causes of death during the March 10
-_ the advances made in Arctic and earthquake opened here today.
safe to say that this year's Antarctic exploration since the use f "I am going to use every effort to
of the Michigan Academy of the airplane n 1925Theect bring out all the facts," said Coroner
Afthe Michigan Aemy go be illustrated by slides and will be Frank Nance. "The inquest will not
Arts, and Letters will go( open to the public, Dr. Joerg wil~l only be for the purpose of determin-
history as one that contri- arrive in Ann Arbor March 30 and ing possible criminal negligence on
a large way to putting the will speak to the Geography seminar the part of some builder but also to
n of Michigan's natural re- that afternoon on "Mapping Tech- determine what types of structures
n a far saner and more per- nique." or methods of construction withstood
basis," Dean S. T. Dana of the shake and can withstand others."
stry school declared in an MUSEUMS GET A POSSUM The inquest is expected to take two
yesterday. Conservationjds Exet testif
domnat tem a th gn- A new visitor to the exhibition days. Expert tsimony from ap-
dominant them at the gen- halls of the Museums. these days is proximately 30 building engineers
ons of the Academy.halofteMsu .teedysi and scientists is scheduled.
a young opossum that does little dur-
ecent sessions have focusedng the daylight hours but cower in Particular emphasis, the coroner
1on . the basic importance one corner of his cage. His visit will stated, will be placed on school build-
and and water resources in probably not be prolonged, says Miss ing construction. To open this chan-
omy of the state; they have .Crystal Thompson, curator of visual nel of investigation, the inquest tech
the need for concrete pro- education, since he is not active dur- nically will be conducted over .the
f action based on facts ing the day, and provides little inter- bodies of Walter de Buxton and Tony
han guesses; and they haveI est for spectators. Gugliermo, students killed in the col-
he way for more effective- The 'possum was sent' here by L. A. lapse of school buildings.
eion than ever before be- Harris, principal of the Michigan'
e manyand varied i.terests tate Public School at Coldwater. It son said, since it is quite tame. It is
he said. seems likely that it has been in cap- about a year old and perhaps half-
Dana outlined three out- tivity for some time, Miss Thomp- grown, she added.
conclusions as emerging - -


(feccent Sofei,e T'ns '1folfl; 4Ifpl)I)

By R. D. 1IleKENZlE, I'rofes,,oi of Soeo~o(,v


University of Michigal .

" r " r f "


papers presented. First, he
l use must be made of all
lurces, including farm crops,
ld life, scenery, and recrea-
portunities, with emphasis
nmental control.


Iiner School

Will Includle 12
Legal Courses
Legal courses in 12 subjects given
13 professors from the Univer-
y of Michigan Law School and
>m other schools will be included
the program of the Summer Ses-
3n of the Law School for 1933, ac-
rding to a special bulletin issuedI
the office of the Summer Session.
The session will begin Tuesday,
ne 20 and continue until Thurs-
,y, August 31. Regular class work
the period will be divided into two
riods of five weeks each. The
aedule is planned, the bulletin says,
as to offer in successive summes
>st of the prescribed courses of the
st two years of the work leading
a degree.
Other authorities who will teach
the session are Albert C. Jacobs,
sociate professor of Law, Colum-
:t University College of Law, Nor-
in D. Lattin, associate professor
law at Ohio State College of Law
d Gustavus A. Ohlinger of the
ledo Bar.
Those from the Michigan Law
hool who will be on the faculty are
ofessors Edson R. Sunderland,
tph W. Aigler, Grover C. Gris-
>re, Burke Shartel, E. Blythe Sta-
n, Paul A. Leidy, John P. Daw-
n, William W. Blume, Laylin K.
mes and John E. Tracy.
Courses to be taught for the first
'm only for Equities, Rights in Land
d Federal Jurisdiction, and Pro-
sure. During the the second term
ly courses in Landlgrd and Ten-
t and Wills are to be giver.
For both terms courses will be con-
cted in Bills and Notes., Common
w Pleading; Corpoi'ations (Pri-
0e', Evidence, Torts, Trial and Ap-'
late Practice, and Trusts.

In the second place, he said, it wa'
pointed out that such use is possible
only through a well-rounded pro-
gram, based on carefully collected and
thoroughly analyzed facts, and with
adequate provision for its adminis-
The essentiality of co-operative ac-
tion between many different agen-
cies and many diverse fields of learn-
ing in the development of any pro-
gram of this sort was the third point
brought out, "Dean Dana said. Not
only the engineer, the forester, the
botanist, the zoologist, the geologist,
and the mineralogist, but the eco-
nomist, sociologist, political scientist,
and the lawyer will have to contri-
"Dr. Merriam placed the Academy's
deliberations on n high plane in
his opening address when he empha-
sized the often overlooked fact that
the utimate aim of conservation ac-
tivities is to make this a better world
to live in, not only from the stand-
point of physical comfort, but also
through the enhancement of aesthe-
tic and spiritual values," the dean
said. "This broa'd point of view per-
vaded the subsequent discussions."

Che sterfield
WA . what I Sit?


The formulas and processes which
make Chesterfield a milder and
better-tasting cigarete are secret-
to prevent others from copyilg ihem
If every person knew the method and processes
of tanning leather, it would be of interest; but what
people want to know is: Is it a good shoe? Is it
comfortable? Will it wear longer? Is the price right?
So it is with Chesterfield Cigarettes. If smokers,
men and women, knew all of the formulas and pro-
cesses of manufacture, it would be of interest to
them; but what smokers really want is the result.
Everything that goes into Chesterfield Cigarettes
is as good as money can buy.
Every process has in it all that science knows
about cigarette manufacture.
The formulas are secret to prevent others from
copying them. The mildness and the better taste
you may prove for yourself.{ May we ask you to
try Chesterfield?


Here's the 193 way
Best on the ship
for' i89 (up) rund
$106.50(up) one way
Yes, sir-here's a way to Europe that
ranks with 1933's best bargains! Pay only
the low Tourist Class rate and enjoy
"top class" on the Red Star liners
Penn/and, W estern/an, Minneaz'asa and
Afinnuonka. The former two were Cabin
ships and the latter two recently carried
passengers only in First Class.
And now their best staterooms, broadest
decks, loveliest public rooms, are yours
at a fraction of the former cost. No won-
der travelers who are "in the know" are
saying"This is the new-dayTourist Class."
To Southampton, Havre, Antwerp



'Wherever you buy
Chesterfieldsyou get
them just as fresh u
if you came by our



i mmo


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