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March 22, 1933 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-22

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zIdio o theNorth univ
Club At Sylvan Esolat(', :t )~'I



Sons O JG-P1Mv yPhillips To ?Sing tIsO GP
To FeatureA

Sororities To

Sell One-Third

Entertain After Of Side Re

wild The third outing to be given this nier.
*erby the Outing Club will be held FeUl~ro .eonigX1b
<i? urda-y atSylvan Estates. The golf dr; iing ontest, ?Mixed baske
"'ofl l~ esgop will leave at 1:15 p. in., meet- ba ll. sem, vo1Wl & 11 al .and _ her-
Spring entered for i ally yesterd, hay
not t an anicable mood. unfort-
i ntely. Hopes fOr na n ".?eaa
cage to lighter, 'new, clothes e'a .
LlaN as the snow °fell idunn i the
da.E1egiarcdllcSs ofthe 1;wC.?l' lSoC-Zi '

Senior Supperl'
Song, To Be Present~ed
At First Performance
Songs from last year's Junior Girls'
Play, "No Man's Land" will be fea-
tured at the annual Senior Supper
to be held tonight in the League ball-
room. The songs will be sung be.'
tween courses and at the first show-
ing of "Love On the. Run" later in
the evening.
Following the usual custom, all
senior women will adjourn to the ini-
tial showing of this year's Junior
Girls' Play. In the theatre before
the curtain rises, the seniors will
sing the new words written to lastl
year's hit song, -"You Can't Get Along
Without Love" in honor of the juniors.
The new words were written by Mar-
garet O'Brien, '33, author of "No
Man's Land," and Vinselle Bartlett,
'33, chairman of music last year.
Several other hit songs will be sung
by the leads of. last year's play. Mary
Phillips, '33, and Virginia Koch, '33,
will sing, Virginia Murphy, '33, will
sing the song which she featured,
"My Ideal," and Vinselle Bartlett
will do "The Hungry Co-ed."
One of the specialty numbers, the
"I3 and G Boys" chorus given by
Margaret Schermnack, '33, Margaret
O'Brien, '33, Miriam Carver,' '33,
Mary Marshall, '33, and Laura Miller,
'33, will be performed in caps and
Initiation And M'usictale j
In terest Michigan D'ames
Initiation of new members and a
musical program preceded the regu-
lar business meeting of the Michigan
D,)mes, society for the wives of mar-
ried students, which_ was held last
night at the League.
The musical program, under the
direction of the music group of the
organization, included a group of so-
prano solos by Mrs. John Johnstone,
a group of piano numbers by Mrs.
Jackson Sharman, a group of con-

J. G.P. Opening:
'The seniors and juinors of a few
sororities will be entertained by un-;
dergr aduates following the opening

Sale Will lie Jimiiwd T1
250; Enigineers AGvenI

.i ~ performance of the Junior Girls Play. j Earlxy>aon1e lwys contrives to appear on-
'VOther houses are continuing their so- Icmu dre;s'ecl in a colorful garb
cial activities with rushing dinners. -,enyfietrktstcteSld adthon; vweather-defying mdi iduz-
. , ALF iDLT P s are the envy of every beholder.
SLast night four guests were enter- Rule Dance, annual engineering for- An~ extremely pra tical and good
tamed at a rushing dinnqer at the mal, were sold yesterday, when they, okn lee a onb on
SAlpha Delta Pi house. Yellow tapers were first offered, according to a re arnaarlthzie other mo 'ninP'. It w-a
. an:d smaill. bowls of ivy decorated the, port by Harold Seamnans, °33E, chair-J of a .mal)lack and white checked
¢tables and Mary Taylor and Virginia mazfteike otritels ubbe, r idmaterial. In addition to
Tanen, were also present. Thursday: the reg6uLar coa t therc was a cape,
Snight fivemr usswl epe-nght, lined ,,ih bi-igl t red, amndi her acces-
ent at a rushing dinner. A warning to engineers to buy their toisicue cre act
Fi ' ,. ALPHA OMICRON PI tickets early was made by Richard ,leat her purse, and a close hat of the
ushig dnnerforeigh gustsCogger, '33E, general chairman. The .same shade.
- as given last night at the Alpha nune ftcesi iie o20, When the weather allows warmer
Omicron Pi sorority house. Spring
flowrs nd hrmoizin taers ec-he declared. Tickets will be restricted coats and heavy suits are seen every-
* rtdte als o nier utlMrh 9 hn where. Polo coats of every conceiv-
_ ' ratd th tales to ngieersuntl Mrch 9, henable caoor, from almost white, red
g 1ALPHA XI DELTA they will be placed on general cam-I
^ . m Several guests will be entertained pus sale,orreltoecnvtialanTh
at a rushing dinner to be held by Bobbie Woodruff and his band ofacesrshvelmtsspsilte.
Alpa X Detaon hurda evi~ig.11 pieces, who have been engaged The English swagger-sutit lends it-
IvorytapCoralwGalespinoEateLansingwhile sutedt it ethr eiel
s vr aeswl rvd h eoa for the dance, are now playing at self to any occasion gracefully. It is
Frsmnadsophomores of Delta They have played at the Graystone A utapae ecnl ncmu
Gama plnnnga aryin Detroit, a h Lakeside Ballroom ta seemed perfect. It epitomized
juniors and seniors of the organiza- at Pine Lake, and other dance' halls wrt nisclro otbie
tion after the presentation of the in this part of the" state. During wthicoat as fulr lengt with tw
Junior Girls Play tonight. The party October and November the band was apepthpces h lee
Mary Phillips, '33Ed, who had the is a traditional affair of the sorority, heard over WENE'', Chicago.weetr-qatrlnhadte
lead in "No Man's Land," last year's KAPPtawbeAPPfastGAMMfatrth All 11 members of the orchestra wearer chose 8 inch gloves of brown
'Junior Girls' 'Play will entertain with Astwbryfatilfeueth and the two singers are under 22 'kid. The coa t had an adjustable
some of the songs fromn this produc- entertainamenxt to be held, by the years of age. Betty Jane Wolfe. 18-. collar that wrapped warmly under
ilon at the Senior Supper which isseirwmno Kap Kpa year old Indianapolis crooner, is the the chin or flopped open to display
lo be held this evening at theGam inhorftemmbsa- main attraction of the group. Don a bright scarf. Huge brown leather
Leaguec. pearing in the Junior Girls Play to- 'Hughes, -tenor, has sung over WJR. buttomns fastened thne coat at the
night after their first performance. Chuck Forida and Doug Heyman di- throat.
KAPPAALPHAThE.Avide their time between saxaphone
,~~, ~ The freshmen and the sophomores and singing.: ET S
~~of Kappa Alpha Theta are giving a ZT S
hel V - ~~~~~Bobbie Woodruff, owner of the! William Young, '34, s.pent th tosra o h eir ensa
spretad fo hu atr the seios uensoa band, plays the trumpet; George week-end in. Detroit. Robert Ca: ,
nigt a th hose fte th JuiorDobbins directs the orchestra. Dob- '34, motored to Rockford Colleg.,
paze"; Majtesi ia, " te ar; ZETA PHIay T binls is a former song anid dance man where he was the gn: st of MVI,'s
Ooze; Mjestc, Stae Far";ZETAPHIETAon the Radio-Keith-Orpheum circuit. Rebecca Elles.
W.iuerth, "lie Learned about Women"- Zeta Phi Eta held a meeting last ______-
Free Movie, "Olympic Stars in Ac: night in the chapter room of Angell ______________________________ ___
lion" 8p. i., illAudiorim. Ball. Try-outs were heard, and nom-
Coner tin, 8 . n.,Hil Adiorim. inations for next year's officers an-
Concets: rganrecial, alme nouncedi. Elections will be held next
Chita,4:15 p. in., Hill Audito- Tuesdy._M C H GN L
Athletic. Events: Mixed bi'minltmr .

hi:l q : I.


. .
;j p
i{ j,
a f,
i 7 1.
! i f,
. .a

1 2 t2

This Week Only

Exquisitely bSheer
Full-.Faslion ,d


There arc 48-gauge all-silk% stocking s NwjithixlOv;"ly
French heels, fine tail ring and every appearance to
belie their low cosr t. Thley comIn u all the new color1s
carefully planned to go with new Spring outfit,.
Llcaq ari ers for ,Phor lix v-Josic) )"

tralto solos by ivMrs. Daniel k..neen.anIs ] , a4n l ll S T41A AL4l
and a gr oup of harp numbers by Mrs. ournainent, 7:30 p. in., Barboum
Ruth Pfohl. Gymo.
____________Danoccs:. Tea dancing, 3 :30 to 5
KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA p. in., informal dancing. 8:30 to 10 :20
Mrs. Oliver Hunt and Mrs. Bess p. mn., League Grill.
Hart, both of Richmond, Ind., were1 Exhibits: Alpha Alpha GammaI
guests over the week-end. T'ravelling Exhibit, Undergraduate

Room, League; Studtent Art Ex-
change, Hostess Room, League; Mod-
er-n Catalan Painting, West Gallery,
Alumni Memorial Hall; Women as
Authors, General Library; Leather
Book Bindings, William Clemnents Li-
brary; Persian Architecture Photo-
graphs. Architecture Building.








zu70 AR&"-%A ,NOW-
at g-ood year's College Shops

II l
' '

T H ERE are in u."u aly large, and complete stocks
:to sciec r t from . crisp, NEW for SprinOg
Appaorel .R . all the regular GOODYEAR qduality.
'lIlhere is tile desire to have, and the need for new
~dresses, coats and shoes .. but thousands have
liesitatcd buying during the past weeks . . . NOW
t hese very, thin gs are offered at substantial saving
..,20"/: LESS than regular prices.
fay making this offer it's our aim to reduce large
Stocks .,..'and i inlediate disposal of it will enable
u s to co nti flue to offer new things when they're
Elvery hadica6.io1n pis to better times ahead ..
anid, now's the, tihc to buy it in Ann Arbor.
This is an addition al feature of this exceptionally
im~portap t event!


-c~ Doubly Coru, cts!."s.
50c WVriglz.y's Tot Paste . .
48-gugeChiffon Hosiery !.
F i' SikCrepes, 6-inch, yard
054-in ch Spring W .:lnsyard
19, Punjab rirts . . 4 . .

"I've found that the easiest way to keep in touch
with the folks b ack. homce is by telephone. I call1
them regularly ocnce a week. And it costs much less
than I thought it 'would."
Station-to-Station Long Distance rates are surprisingly
low. And at 7:00 p m. they a o erced approximately
15 f . with another majbr reduction at 8:30 p. nt. Below
are shown, repr esentative' Station-to-Station rates frog-
Arai Aror.:

t p

Here are Just ca Few of the Thrillers We've
Prlepared__To Bring in New Custotm r,!

\u RO9. !'S i lor W Wool XM 'r !s. f1. 4
$9.5 and $16.75 Dcsscs.. .
$6.7.5 Rough ACrep Dresses . ...
$ 1.95Kid'or Copeskin Gloves. . .
$1.95 Silk Lingerie f.w . . . . "
4-OZ. Cakes Biltmore Soap. . . 12
Steven's Lnen Crash,. 2 yo rds..
$3.33 to $5.00 Women's Shoes.. .
NewSpring Hats, 211/to24 ...

# #25C
# L2N:/2ec Qm



En lish, Syracuse, Bavarian C
$L1O Pequot Sheets, 81 'or 72)1
.3Large Bath Towels ... .
Stcmped Pillow Cases,2 pair e" . es frSit
Mi -$1.00 Silk Ties,. .

A'nn /lrbor to:

(4:.30 A.M.-

$.; .55

Bay City $ ,70
Hofuztoil. 2.0
K.aaiaoo .....70

8::0 P.M.
4I :30 AIVI.

Petoskey 1.30
Salte Ste. Marie. . '1.55
Traverse City . 1;15
(117belf the dharge fOr d al
a federal lax op

1 .15

i c s

s $2.59 U nlined G loves., aj m s
$1.00 Union Suits.
Covtton Ribbed Shirts
50c broadcloth charts
50c Linen FHondker- chie
Block CowhideBelts

X90 fir./75c
A 4 . . w 2 ,.
* . . . .69



I// is 50C: or ,n,'C.,



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