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March 19, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-19

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Bill Carr, 1932 Olympic Star, Four Diamond
Out Of Athletics Perwutently Reserves I1n

WiVins Foic Michigan

April 22 Set As
Date Of Anniua
Kansas Relay




All-Star Frat Team To Be Selected
St. Augustine Beaten In Tourney
Wesley Fesler To Go To Harvard-As Coach
Publications Cage Results
Al Plummer

TWO YEARS AGO, under the supervision of Sport Editor Joe Russell,'
'who incidentally was one of the best that the Daily has even had, wel
selected an All-Star Class A Interfraternity basketball team. The officialsI
of the Intramural department and their referees and umpires helped us
by each submitting a first and second team. From these the makeup of the,
All-Star team was fixed by vote.
Last year this policy was discontinued, but it has been taken up again,
this season, and, after the finals of the playoffs Open House night, the
team will be announced. Earl Riskey, Jimmy James, and their officials and
umpires have been working on this throughout the current season and
have about made up their minds as to the personel of the honor team.
Each referee, umpire, timekeeper, and official of the Intramural de-
partment will submit a team, The total number of votes for each man will
be published along with a short de-'
scription of his playing ability. At e -
least three men under consideration Football Clinic
have already attracted inter-frater-
nity fame for their prowess and sev- Purdu
eral more have practically carried
Although the majority of the posi-
tions will hinge on the performances For Discussion
their teams throughout the season.
of the players during the playoffs,
that does not deprive a man of con- LAFAYETTE, Ind., March 18.-
sideration simply because his team (Big Ten)-Football in all of its
did not reach that stage of the sea- phases will be covered in, detail
son, in fact many men who are be- through the program for the second'
ing considered were because of in- annual football clinic at Purdue Uni-
ferior teammates, on losing teams. versity Friday and Saturday. The
Riskey is in ciarge of the selec- clinic has been arranged by Noble
tions. This move was made so that Kizer, the Boilermakers' head coach.1
no one could complain about favor- Outstanding high school coaches of,
itism The officials of the games, who the state will assist' Elmer Layden,
are in some cases fraternity men, of "Four Horsemen" fame, and the
have always played fair in selections menibers of the Purdue staff, includ-
of this kind And even further, Ris- ing Kizer, Mal Elward, Guy Mackey,
key has taken full responsibility for Glen Harmeson and Jim Purvis, in,
fair, unbiased selections. conducting the two day session.
Two Betas, Bob Cummins and Glen Judging from advance reservations,
Black, placed on the All-Star team over 200 high school and college
of two years ago. Cummins is still a coaches from Indiana and neighbor-
mainstay on their team this season ing states will be in attendance.
while Glen Black is the older bro- There will be no registration .fee of
ther of Don slack, who was on theany kind orteucoure.
Varsty his easn. Bb Aams One of the features of the confer-
made the second team for their third ence will be the coaches' banquet
Aha Sigma Phi placed three Friday night at which Mayor John
menonphe irstPh an edtheamsL. Griffith, president of the N. C.
Bmll Rnne, Ruse amsAnd sy A. A. and athletic commissioner of
Sheal Renner wastell ho nordmey- the Big Ten, will be the principal
Se ofRenne fras the ho ored me speaker. Other addresses will be
was only 5 feet 9 inches tall. He made by Layden, now athletic direc-
had a sure eye and was one of the tor and football coach at Duquesne
high scorers of the season. University; A. L. Trester, I. H. S. A.
Lindsay of Phi Sigma Kappa and A. commissioner, and Dr. E. C. El-
Dougal of Trigon also won places on liott, president of Purdue. W. F. Fox,
the first team. Weinstein of Tau jr., sports feature writer of the In-
Delta Phi and Kagay of Lambda Chi dianapolis News, will act as toast-
Alpha made the second team. master. Following the banquet, ar-
Certificates will probably be pre- rangements have been made for
sented to the winners this year by unique round table discussions for,
the Intramural department. both coaches and officials.
The prevention and treatment of

PHILADELPHIA, March 18.-()-
Bill Carr-the Arkansas Flyer-x
blazer of track trails never before
reached, lay in a hospital bed to- .
night-through with collegiate track .
competition. >
Fractures of both ankles and the
right pelvic bone, sufferecd in an'
automobile a c c i d e n t las t night,
brought an abrupt end to the col-'
lege athletic career of the University
of Pennsylvania's ace track man.
The smiling, modest, world's-rec-
ord-holding O 1 y m p i c 400-meterd
champion-a perfect running ma- .
chine-was hurled from the running
board of an automobile, on which .
he was standing, when it collided 5
with another car in suburban Bala. t
Whether the injuries would force
the black-thatched Arkansan to can-
cel his planned European tour, which
lie intended after his graduation in
June, before hanging up his spiked ? a
shoes forever, could not be foretold
by his close friend, Lawson Robert-
son, veteran coach of Pennsylvania
and American Olympic teams.
"If it were his ankles only, and
not the pelvis, Bill's chances of run-
ning again would be better," one hos-
pital official said, recalling that once
before Bill had shattered the bones
in those joints. .
That was when he competed in
the high-jump for the high school in
Pine Bluff, Ark., his home. Leaping
over the bar, Bill broke both ankle -Associatea Press Poto
bones in the descent-and recovered Coach Lawson Robertson s 41-
to become one of the most brilliant minutive middle-distance flash at
440-yard and 400-meter runners in the University of Pennsylvania, Bill
track history.
It had been expected that Carr Carr, who must now leave the 440-
would again meet Ben Eastman, the yard run in the Intercollegiates to
Pacific Coast track runner, in the the mercies of Ben Eastman of Stan-
,Intercollegiates, but whatever chances ford. Carr created a sensation at the.
there were have gone glimmnering. Olympics last summer by his record-
Carr, in his rush to the Olympic
championship and a world's record breaking win over Eastman and his
of 46.2 in the 400-meter event, de- fvictory in the event for the United
feated Eastman three times. States.
Maize And Blue Athletic Teams
Use Varying 'Training Systems
Conditioning the members of Mich- IIC1ey N tni racs
igan's athletic teams is a multiple tt7rI -
process, for each squad has individual YItl Be' ive t.[r0
training requirements and needs.
Some of the sports, such as basket- Eleven. er4 llteL
ball, place far more stress on the_
legs than others. Eleven yearlings will be awarded
During the basketball season Coach their numerals as the result of the
Cappy Cappon opposed the quarter- freshman hockey season this-year, it
ing of players in the various frater- wds made known yesterday, Onder-
nity houses when playing out-of-town donk, David, Hoyt, Stetson, Levy,
games, as the team, he felt, needed King, Tarbox, Schroeder, Sullivan,
regular and uniform food and care- Etchells, and McQueen are the men
ful supervision as a unit, which \vho will receive the recognition- for
would have been impossible under h i . ff t, andvca1-L laces :n

Vacancies At Third And
Second To Be Settlel in
Outdoor Sessioi Soon
The battle for the infield positions,
second and third, which are open to
any capable newcomers on Michi-
gan's baseball squad, will definitely
revolve around four sophomores, ac-
cording to a statement made by
Coach Ray Fisher yesterday after-
noon at the Yost Field House. These
four men are: Oliver, Paulson, Tietle-
baum, and Mayfield.
In discussing the possibilities of
these sophomores, Fisher said that
Mayfield, being handicapped by small
stature, would probably have merely
an outside chance, but that the other
three men would wage a close battle,
which could only be decided at the
beginning of outdoor practice. Then
Fisher will have an opportunity to
juggle the infield into a suitable com-
bination. At present Tietlebaum is
:ayed up with bad teeth.
Running over, the list of outfield
potentialities, Fisher commented upon
Regeczi, saying that he was a natural
athlete, but as yet was a little behind
the rest of the boys, having played
little baseball previously. The base-
ball mentor expects things from Re-
geczi and as well from Frankowski,
another sophomore outfielder.
Yesterday was another dark day,
so Fisher emphasized bunting and
fielding of bunts, traditional weak-
nesses of modern baseball teams.
Wistert had a long session on the
mound, tossing the ball in, fielding,
and throwing to Manuel at first.
The squad will be ready to go out-
doors next week, but the weather
must be good before the players will
venture from the confines of the
Field House, it was said.
Sports May Have
New Champions
Alpha Kappa Lambda, long king
of inter-fraternity sports, faces the
chance of being dethroned in the
coming class "A" finals to be held
in the Intramural Building March
According to the latest standings,
Alpha Kappa Lambda stands first
with 727 points closely followed by
Theta Chi with 597. If Theta Chi
reaches the finals or wins the title
she will be able to forge ahead of
the present leaders with a comfort-
able margin to spare.
The sad thing is that the battling
A.K.L.'s won't be able to help them-
selves since their team lost out in
the early rounds.
Dial 2-1013 40 years of knowing how!
206 North Main Downtown


Infield Battle,

LAWRENCE, Kan , March 18.-
(Big Ton),-With the incIoor season
of track and field finished for the
year attention of the star athletes of
universities, colleges and junior col-
leges in the middle west and south-
west is turned toward preparation
for the Eleventh Annual Kansas Re-
lays which will open the major re-
lays carnival season at the Univer-
sity of Kansas Memorial Stadium
here April 22.
The complete program of events
for the Kansas Relays this spring
was announced today by Dr. F. C.
Allen, director of athletics at Kansas
and manager of the Relays. There
are listed 11 relay races and nine
special events for individual athletes,
in addition to an open A. A. U. de-
cathlon event sponsored by the Mis-
souri Valley A. A. "U.
The six relay races for university
class teams include those at 440
yards, 880 yards, one mile, two miles,
four miles and a distance medley
(440, 880, 1,320, mile). There also is
a one-mile relay for junior college
The nine special individual events
open to university and college men
are: 100 yard dash, 120 yard high
hurdles, 1,500 meters run, shot put.
javelin throw, discus throw, running
high jump, running broad jump, and
pole vault.
There also is a possibility that the
480 yard shuttle hurdle relay will be
included on the program agains this
year, Dr. Allen said, provided there
is enough demand for it from tracli
The Kansas meet is carrying or
this year despite adverse conditions
in college athletics and advance word
from Nick coaches indicates thai
there will be a splendid field of ath-
letes assembled for the games.
Coach Henry F. Schulte, dean o:
Big Six Conference track mentors
"has been announced as the refre
for the eleventh. annual holding of
the Kansas Relays.

Michigan Wins Western
Conference Swim Meet
(Continued from Page 1)
Horn, Northwestern; second, Lemak
(Michigan); third, Dwyer (Chicago);
fourth, Glomset (Chicago) Time,
2:30.2. (New Conference record.
Former record 2:30.6, by Horn in
trials last night. Also betters na-
tional collegiate record of 2:32.4, by
Schmieler, Michigan, in 1932.)
440-yard free-style: Won by Cristy
(M i c h i g a n); second, Kennedy
(Michigan); third, Grove (Iowa);
fourth, Hewett (Illinois). Time,
100-yard free-style: Won by High-
land (Northwestern); second, Flach-
man (Illinois); third, Schmieler,
(Michigan); fourth, Troup (North-
western). Time, 0:53.2.
150-yard back-stroke: Won by
Moulton *4Minesta); second, van
Gunton (Illinois); third, Hines (Illi-
nois); fourth, Anderson (Minnesota).
Time, 1:43.5.
iFancy diving: won by Degener
(Michigan), 140.02 points; second,
Busby (Iowa), 126.40; third, Wilkie
(Northwestern), 123.82; fourth, Mar-
rin (Chicago) 123.46.
220-yard swim: Won by Cristy
Michigan); second, Kennedy (Mich-
igan); third, Broek (Illinois),, fourth,
Grove (Iowa). Time, 2:21.8.

NORMAN, Okla., March 18--Only
'2 men attended the first practice of
spring; drill of football at the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma.

ST. AUGUSTINE, of Kalamazoo,
winner of the Class C State High
School basketball title for three con-
secutive years, received a rude shock'
Friday night when they bowed to
Boyne City, 16 to 15, in the semi-
final round.
The Kalamazoo team was a top-;
heavy favorite to retain its crown
and establish a new record by four
straight wins in as many years A
long tom in the last 30 seconds of
play by the Boyne City center chang-
ed a certain victory into a surprising
defeat The winners were hardly
reckoned with before the opening of
the tourney,
WESLEY FESLER, All-Americani
end in 1929-30 and one of the great-
est all-around athletes ever developed
at Ohio State university, was ap-
point head coach of next year's Har-
vard basketball team.
He will also act as assistant foot-
ball coach under Eddie Casey. He
will not report until next September.
The bloodshed yesterday at the In-
tramural building was the accom-
paniment of the Daily edit-Ensian
business basketball game. Although
the edit team included a couple of
stars from another staff, they put the
financiers under 20-16.
As the battle was waged under
somewhat unusual conditions, the re-
sult may be questioned, but until
condemned by the League Board of

injuries will be covered in an in-
teresting demonstration by Dr. Gor-
don A. Thomas, of Lafayette, Purdue
team physician, and Lon Mann, team
trainer. Two hours of the afternoon
program wil be devoted to field work
on the Purdue practice field, in
which defensive and offensive line
play fundamentals will be demon-
strated with the members of the
Boilermaker squad, which is now in
the midst of spring practice, acting
as models.
' Backfield problems will take up
the Saturday morning program. The
general fundamentals of backfield
play will be handled by Elmer Lay-
T o start the afternoon program,
the Purdue football squad will again
be utilized to demonstrate backfield
fundamentals in an hour's session.
The clinic will be brought to a close
with a regulation game betvjeen two
picked Purdue teams, with the new
rules enforced.
Although the football clinic will
occupy the major share of the at-
tention of the week, considerable in-
terest is also focused on the Butler
Relays at Indianapolis Saturday.
in a warm-up battle yesterday af-
ternoon, while their own second team
helped out in the Daily edit-Ensian
Business contest.

300-yard medley relay: Won by
Michigan (Schmieler, Lemak, Ren-
ner; second, Northwestern; third,
Minnesota; fourth, Illinois. Time,
If 7 w write, we bve, itt
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the proposed plan.-
Baseball is much the opposite. The
players are not limited to a definitej
diet, or a definite training course.
Quickness of the eye is here as neces-
sary as anything, and ability to stand
the Gaff of a contest is the prime
object. In hockey, too, being able to
take the bumping requires a general
rather than a specific conditioning.
Track places a premium on the leg
muscles, and in the field events on
the arm muscles as well. Swimming
follows this policy. Wrestling is a
sport needing specific conditioning,
K and of more muscles and appendages
than probably any other event.
The fact that the football team has
spring practice and opens the fall
season with a complete set of calls-
thenics testifies to the need for a
complete building up of the athlete.
A more specific training course can
come later.
That.spring seasons are advan-
tageous is shown by the fact that the
basketball team has a spring workout
and the plan is to be followed by the
wrestling team this year for the first
time in mat history.
But the conditioning of all these
men is nothing to the rigorous con-
ditioning a professional athlete re-
ceives before starting the season,
although amateurs are forced to ad-
here to more strict training rules
throughout the full season.
The All-Campus Track Meet
which was originally planned for
March 23, has been postponed
until Monday, March 7, accord-
ing to an announcement from
Earl N. Riskey, Assistant Director
of Intramural Sports yesterday.
The meet will be held in Yost
Field house and all students are
! eligible to enter.

the varsity are waiting for some of
them as the result of graduation
The loss of Reid, Crossman, and
Gabler will create a contest among
this year's numeral winners to fill
these places, David, Hoyt, and Schro-
eder are favored to battle it out for
the more important positions oil the
ice. These men should combine with
this year's letter-men to make a for-
midable quintet.

-=--, --

. . .


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figures now

Daily Sports ...... 2 0 36 14
Ensian Business ... 1 1 40 24
Daily Editorjial. 1 2 34 33
Daily Business 1 2 21 32.
Ensian Editorial ... 0 0 0 0
Gargoyle ........0 0 0 0
Sincetheir two overwhelming vic-
tories at the opening of the season,
the Sports staf has not been able
to find anyone to challenge them.
They met the Sigma Chi "B" team

NOW that basketball fans have seen
the last of competition at Ann
Arbor, it might be well to point out
that Jack Teitlebaumi, is the young-
est player on the squad--18. Eveland
and Altenhof are the oldest, both be-
ing 22. Ed Garner is the tallest, of
course, with his six feet six inches.
He is also the heaviest--195 pounds.
Don Black, five feet eight inches, is
the shortest and lightest-about 140.
Al Plummer is, or rather was, the
"average man" of the Wolverine
cage squad. He's a sophomore, age
19, weight 160 pounds, and six feet
even in height.






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