. ................ .. ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . ....... .
StariR':ten' Toda
eare cof ident A n erw a is oing forward from this tiim. 'e will sacril
our wai t cffne ls riting papers, fountain pens, felt,
novelies, eath raoos, and numerous oether items at prices so low that YOu
are assured of a gilt-edge investin ient bjy every purchase. After this unique
s.erifieecof a n $80,900.00 stock of" mnerchandise, th~e va lu ofc which our
patrons are as well acquainted a's we are, we will take a new start as all A mer ea
wil be doing in the building up processes which will in evitably lead to a gen-
erlrc it o a'omoitesiYUCANNOT 'FAIL1T GE
M st q moreI 'rctU.eu lid e rIllitory
Afew of the startili" clearance prices follow:
All new books including Poetry, Biogriaphy and Fictioni at One -Third Off,
iundr eds of Fine loks consisting0 of iion, Biography, Travel and Science
- -originally priced at $3.00, $4.00 and $500. . now Offered at 77c.
Fincly-bou bdooks including the works of ickens, Thackerey, O'Neil and
others will be offered a One-Third O ff
Hundreds of volumes of the Modern library, regularly priced at 95c, will he
offered atc9.
rYou may have your choice of the BLACK ad OLD library at $1.59 prvl.
pe r
We ha ve taken special pains to repeish our stock o Children's book sand
yucan he asured ofl a wide selecttn iyoii shop early, at one-Athird red t etjon
U'BLES i)ke appropriate Easter aff s ., . dtwiiigt .he sla t i e -Half
AlaV"P assortments of FINE writing) p d ies at One-Third and One-Half Off. .
All MrViehiian Felt and Blankets redunced o e-thiird. Leather goods oane-half o ff.
hine Book-bnds reduced one-third.. ~a°7tc _ ~ .~nw
1111d1reds of IREiFERENCE Books eoermnffEobugh, l hetoric, Listoy, ah
~oeioogy, i sy eholog;y hemistry, En iu e ringad other subjects at 49le.
All 25, Ink 1%. Fountain pens redujed one-third. Laundrv boxes $1.19.
iares an4 Date o'ks one-half off. 'Scrap hooks an MemorY hooks 1,3 off.,
eni ne alllethe r iioteb ooks one t MI,'d off. Letter file cs now 34c.
We off rta 20 per cent reduction n 11aiy article in eithper s :or&e toep)ttexttbooks.
S,,dc Tastse t days siAtop early for thle best seieceti.4
"At B othi Ends of the Campus"