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February 15, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-15

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Ibsen Play To First Movies Of University's
Be Presented 1932 Eclipse Expedition Shown

R.O.T.C. Men
To Get Medals,

-Associated Press Photo
John It. Overton (right) of Louisiana, whose election to the United
States Senate was Contested by Sen. Edwin S. Broussard, is shown
pleading with the special Senate investigating committee in New Or-
leans, asking that he be allowed to defend what he termed "an assassin-
ation of my character." His political ally, Sen. Huey P. Long, is
seated at left.

On Feb. 23-27
Play Production Will Pro-
duce 'Hedda Gabler' In
Laboratory Theatre
"Hedda Gabler," Henrick Ibsen's
psychological study of an abnormal
woman, will be produced by Play
Production on Feb. 23, 24, 25, and
27 at the Laboratory Theatre, Val-
entine B. Windt, director, announced
This show is the first productionI
of an Ibsen play in Ann Arbor for
four years, excepting Tom Powers'l
single presentation of "Ghosts" in
June 1931.
The William Archer translation of
the original play will be used by the
local group, as this is the form most
usually presented. Eva Le Gallienne,
director of the New York Civic Re-
pertory Theatre, has had this play
in her repertoire for many years.
Miss Le Gallienne has always given
the play in modern dress but, ac-
cording to Mr. Windt, the settings
and costumes of the Play Production
presentation will be in the style of
the nineties as is more in keeping
with the spirit of the play.
(Continued from Page 2)
communicaue with Philip N. Vassil;
615 E. University, or telephone 7654.
Polonia Circle: Important meeting
on Thursday, February 16 at 7:30
p. m. in the Michigan League.
Tryouts for French Play, Thursday
and Friday, February 16 and 17, from
4 to 6 o'clock, Room 408, Romance
Language Building. Open to all stu-
dents interested.
An inventors' club, composed
chiefly of miners and colliery work-
ers has been formed in Durham
County, England, to aid poor inven-
tors to place their work on the mar-
ket and protect their rights.

Motion pictures of the 1932 eclipse
expedition of the University astron-
omy department were shown to the
general public last night for the first
time when Dr. Heber D. , Curtis,
head of the astronomy department,
addressed an assembly of the Michi-
gan Highway Conference in the
Union ballroom.
In his lecture Dr. Curtis, a man
who has encircled the globe four
times, spent years of his life in ex-
tensive preparations, and studied
many eclipses, all actually to observe
the rare piienomenon for less than
26 minutes, presented the University
expedition motion pictures. Empha-
sizing the fact that the last total
eclipse in the Ann Arbor region oc-
curreci In 1348, and that only 61
minutes of eclipse have been visible
since the advent of mocern aparatus,
he explained why the tremendous ex-
penditures of the leading observa-
tories in this last eclipse were justi-
fled- even if they added but a few

seconds' observation to the knowledge
of the sun.
Preceding the motion picture, slides
were used to demonstrate the under-
lying principles of observation and
the funcdamental facts about the sun.
"It's just a very average star, mid-
way in the brightness classification
and of no unusual size," commented
Dr. Curtis in pointing out the insig-
nificance of the solar system.
Motion pictures shown were the
product of the staff of the University
McMath Hulbert observatory at Lake
Angelus, near Pontiac. A "Jules
Verne" trip across the moon's surface
with two-mile lunar peaks plainly
discernible was featured as the only
one of its type in existence and was
made possible by newly developed ap-
paratus in use only in this observa-
Out of 30 expeditions at the 1932
Maine eclipse only four were suc-
cessful and the University group was


Chairmen Name1
Service Groups
Junior Play
(Continued from Page 1)
mittee, under Sally Place and Helen
Gray, are Helen Clark, Ruth Latch-
aw, Margaret Martindale, Mary Ann
Mathewson, and Ruth Jacobs.
Prudence Foster, publicity chair-
man, has chosen Phyllis Swift, Mar-
garet Norton, and Claire Glowacki}
as her committee members. Louise
Crandall, Daily assistant, will be aid-
ed by Carol Hanan.
Members of the dance committee,
headed by Margaret Cole, are Jac-
queline Navrin and Mary Jane
The finance committee, under
Elizabeth Cooper, is made up of Ada
Blackman, Edna Dalby, Martha Mc-
Intosh, Elaine Schlesinger, Virginia
Lee, Barbara Andrews, Margaret Al-
len, and Lucille Root. Grace Mayer,
Hostess Chairman, and Ruth Robin-
son, chairman of makeup, have not
chosen their respective committees
as yet.

Sig'rid Onegfin
Will Appear In
Concert Series
Three Choral Union concerts will
follow that of the Budapest String
Quartet, which gave a spectacular
performance between semesters at
Hill Auditorium.
Sigrid Onegin, Swedish contralto,
will give the first of three concerts
in the current semester when she
appears tomorrow night at Hill Au-
ditorium as the Choral Union's
eighth presentation. She will be fol-
lowed March 6 by Vladimir Horo-
witz, Russian pianist, and the series
for 1932-33 will be closed by the Po-
lish musician and statesman, Ignace
Jan Paderewski, recognized as dean
of pianists.
Although her first successes came
to her in operatic work, Mme. One-
gin, who has appeared on the most
brilliant stages in Europe, professes
a preference for concert work.
Quoted in Daily, Feb. 14
2 for 35c
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Winners Of High Grades
In Military Subjects Will
-Be Rewarded
Scholastic awards for the first se-
mester to students in the Reserve
Officers' Training Corps were an-
nounced yesterday by Maj. Basil D.
Edwards, commanding officer of the
local post.
A medal is given each semester to
the man in each branch of the de-
partment who maintains the highest
average throughout the term on his
regular quizzes, mid-semester, and
final examination.
In the senior infantry Frazer F.
Hilder, '34, received a gold medal for
his scholastic work, while Harold P.
Hesler, '33E, received a similar award
in the senior ordnance division.
Francis L. Sage, '35, and Heibert
C. Van Nouhuys, '34E, were the win-
ners in the infantry and signal corps
divisions of the third year course.
They both received silver medals as
their awards.
John C. Healey, '35, and James C.
Loughman, '35E, were named as hav-
ing the highest average of sopho-
mores in the infantry and signal
corps, respectively.
Freshmen winning the awards
were Boyd E. Allen, '36, and Anthony
F. Proper, '36, and they received sil-
ver medals. In addition, all members
of the department who received a
final grade of "A" were given service
ribbons in the University colors.
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