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February 15, 1933 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-15

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League Begins*
New Program
Of Activities,
Senior Supper Will Be
Held On First Night Of
Junior Girls Play
The League will enter upon a full
program of special activities with
the beginning of the new semester.
while continuing the majority of
scheduled activities which were in-
augurated the first of the school year.
The Senior Supper will be the first
event on the program, to be held the
opening night of the Junior Girls
Play, March 22. Jane Rayen, '33,
vice-president of the League, will
act as chairman of the supper. Thea
play will run for four nights, from
March 22 to March 25.
Following this, Junior Girls Play
elections for the coming year will
be held during the first week of April.
The same week League elections, an
all-campus affair, will be held.
To Hold Cabaret
A cabaret, an all-campus feature,
will be held before spring vacation.
This will be conducted similarly to
the Sophomore Cabaret given last
semester but women from all classes
will take part. The purpose of this
second cabaret is to raise money for
the undergraduate fund of the
League. After spring vacation, the
Installation Banquet in honor of in-'
coming officers will be held the first
week of May. Homecoming will be
celebrated in conjunction with the,

Tweeds Approved By Stylists For Springtime Ensembles

!Sororities Plan
Rushing Parties,
Spring Formals
Dances For Pledges Are
To Be Held In Latter
Part Of February

Pale blue twill is used in the springtime ensemble shown at left, and
A small white straw hat in keeping with spring modes is shown in the c
white checkered tweed suit with a jade green blouse. The dresses were d

<°, The new semester finds many sor-
orities resuming their rushing activi-
ties. Spring flower decorations prove
popular for dining table centerpieces.
Several sororities are planning their
early spring pledge formals for the
latter part of this month.
)'(3 >s ALPHA PHI
SA rushing dinner is being given
Thursday night at Alpha Phi for
three guests. Spring flowters and har-
"- monizing tapers will decorate the
Feb: 25 is the date set for the first
formal dance of the semester.
isThursday night a rushing dinner
is being held at Alpha Xi Delta for
10 guests. The tables are to be dec-
orated with pink roses and tapers.
A formal dance is to take place on
Friday the 24th of this month.
Gamma Phi Beta will entertain a
number of guests at a rushing din-
ner Thursday night. A black and
white color scheme will be used as
:: ;. , ....:decorations.
Associated Press Photo jdEAI
its collar is of silver paradise fox. A rushing dinner is to be held
enter, and at right is a green and Thursday night for six guests at
esigned by Annette Simpson. Pi Beta Phi. Flowers and tapers will
furnish the decorations.
Sprino Parley !A rushing dinner will be held at
Alpha Chi Omega tonight. The table
Plans Re eive for this occasion will be attractively
IN decorated with red tapers and red
T and white spring flowers, carrying
N ew Im pe tusout the Valentine motif.
N eIn p L s _ _ __ _ _ _ _
Plans for the Spring Parley to be1 " ere Go
held during the week-end of April 1,IT
were furthered at a meeting of the
volunteer parley committee last night Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Hot
at the League. Prof. Lowell J. Carr, Pepper"; Majestic, "Madame Butter-
of the sociology department, andIfly"; Wuerth, "Life Begins,"
Prof. Howard Y. McCluskey, of the ert "Life B."
psychology department, were present Lectures: Prof. W. F. Patterson,
to confer with Jule Ayers, '33, Rob- on Le Cercle Francais program, 4:15
ert E. Hayes, '33E, Faith L. Ralph, p.in., Room 103, Romance Language
'33, Vassily Prianishnikoff, Grad. Building.
William F. Temple, Jr., '33, and Ruth Concerts: Organ recital by Palmer
L. insworth, '33, members of the Christian, 4:15 p. in., Hill Auditorium.
committee. Dances: Tea dancing, 3 to 5 p. M.,
The Spring Parley is planned to League Grill.
be an informal conference between
faculty and students to discuss ques-
tions of interest to both groups. Sug- Ann Arbor Y.W.C.A. To
gested topics are: "What Is Free- Sponsor Dinner Dance
domn," "Is Free Speech Possible,"
"What Good Is Education?" "Am I Thursday night a dinner-dance is
Getting an Education," and "Why to be given by a division of the Ann
Live?"} Arbor Y'. WC A . Marv Ann Mc-

Union during
An Outdoor
its headquartex
the direction of
comrnittee con
ZT cl-N.h.J .... r- L

the second Week of 43 T
SForest People,' Unusual Short,
Club is working with,
s in the League under Will Be Shown ith 'Czar Ivan'
fMarie f artwig..and .a

isisting of Randolph

vyoswr, l~e KaeriMary Stewart, By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. of humor which is regarded as typi-
and Ethel McCormick. An unique and unusual short, cal of the Russian film producer even
Organize Art Exchange "Forest People," has been secured by in his most serious vein. A member
A student Art Exchange is being the Art Cinema League for presen- of the northern tribe; while on a
organized in order to display and tation with "Czar Ivan the Terrible" business trip in a large city, is taken
sell student works. The organiza- Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, in to a moving picture theatre where he
tion will launch its program with a the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, it sees himself on the screen. "That's
tea to be held from 4 to 6 p. m. Sun- was announced by Jacob C. Seidel, ,me, there! Hooray!" he yells. Other
day in the League. The display may '35, an official of the League. In this specific examples of the press of civ-
be seen in the Hostess room. About film actual residents of a remote dis- ilization and its contrast with primi-
60 per cent of the money received trict of Siberia portray the change in I tive life are not wanting. In an
from sales will go to students, 10 per the culture of their Eskimo-like race. earlier shot, a hunter returns to his
cent to the undergraduate fund, and Advance notices characterize "For- home with a buck, a reward of the
30 per cent for expenses. 4 est People" as of special interest to day's chase. With his feet comfort-
The last activity on the League students of history, political science, ably close to the fire, he lights his
program is the Senior Breakfast, held philosophy, economics and biology, pipe, setties down (but not with a
in June. depicting as it does a civilization and newspaper), and commands his wife
In addition to these new activities, mode of living that is both strange to fetch the carcass, clean it, dress it,
the following wilt be continued from and fascinating. Early scenes show and cook it.
last semester: Friday and Saturday the Siberian tribe before the gradual, 1 Critics have been impressed with
dances with Mike Falk's orchestra, lava-like flow of civilization has the genuineness of the locale and the
afternoons and evening tea dancing reached it. The relatively primitive non-exotic actors. They see in "For-
in the Grill will Al Cowan's orchestra, society is seen living a life of almost est People" a sincere and earnest
the hosiery and cosmetic shop, bridge barbaric savagery, dependent on portrayal of a backward people who
lessons and bridge tournaments, the hunting and scratchy agriculture, un- have been "invaded" by civilization
Co-Operative Dining room for wo- scientific and inefficient, for its live- and who have, in part at least, kept
men students, social dancing classes lihood. Intermarriage between neigh- astride the "menace."
for beginners and intermediates, and boring family groups form the only
game rooms. departure from an isolated, self-suf-.


ficient, and economically stagnant
.aE texistence. But the inevitable change
lMlartha Cook Entertains comes with the introduction of mis-
Newcomers At Dinner sionaries, who are full of tales of
Russia's great cities, the wonders of
Martha Cook Building started the European civilization, the liberation
new semester Monday. by welcoming of the commoner, and the dazzling
its five new members at a fireside opportunities which have been denied
house meeting at 10:30 p. m. Re- the simple Siberian peoples. A writ-
freshments were served after a busi- ten language and the appearance of
ness meeting. Yesterday the presi- literature soon come with the mush-
dent and vice-president of Martha room development of fur trading!
Cook entertained the new members posts.
at dinner. "Forest People" closes with a dash
A formal dinner, honoring Mrs.-
Stuart G. Baits and Mrs. Florentine Sek
Cook Heath, Detroit, members of the Prof. Hall Speaks On
board of governors, is to be given Ja pani At Club Meeting
Thursday night. Coffee will be served n
in the Blue Room. Miss Margaret Prof. Robert B. Hall, of the geog-
Smith, director, will pour and will raphy department, who has recently
be assisted by Miss Sara Rowe. An returned from his sabbatical leave
orchestra composed of Louise Wads- spent in Japan, spoke on that coun-
worth, '33, Lucy Wadsworth, '33, try at the Ann Arbor Woman's Club
Florence Reed, '33, and Helen Bent- meeting held at 2:30 p. in. yester-
ley, '33, will play. The two guests day in the main ballroom of the
will be entertained afterwards at the League. The musical program for the
concert. meeting was provided by Mrs. Paul
Kemeletz, who sang several num-

Edith fader Speaks To
Business Women's Club
"Educational Problems of Europe,
as I Found Them"' was the subject
of a talk by Edith Bader at the meet-
ing of the Ann Arbor Business and
Professional Women's Club last night
in the League. Dinner was followed
by a business meeting and lecture.
Nina Winslow was in charge of so-
cial arrangements, which carried out
a Valentine theme.
Prof. Orlando W. Stephenson con-
tinued his six-week series of weekly
talks at 7:30 p. m, Monday at the
League, developing phases of the con-
temporary economicaconditions in
Europe and in America.

Great interest has been manifested!
in the parley, held for the first time
last year under the sponsorship of
the Council of Religion, which is
composed of representatives from
each student church group. Three
meetings were held, and the confer-
ence was concludes with a mixer four
weeks after the end of the forum.

} 1 A A.. . V 41L'#
Dowell has charge of the affair, as-
sisted by Lillian Swartout and Betty
Zacharias, who compose the reserva-
tion committee. Dinner is to be serv-
ed at 7:30 p. m. at Pullen's Cafeteria,
followed by dancing. Music will be
furnished by Meyer's orchestra. It
is expected that 25 couples will at-
tend the function.


There's Everything
New A bout These

Ann Arbor women are planning to
take bridge lessons from an expert.
Edward Durfee, a pupil of Ely Cul-
bertson and winner of a silver cup in
a tournament in the East, will be
their instructor.

bers accompanied by Mrs. Carl Smith
I at the piano.
a Plans have been completed for the
annual meeting to be held March 7.
Reception of officers, an informal tea,
and committee meetings will occupy
i the time of the delegates.

Including the
THERE are your fav-
orite swanky swaggers
in a new shorter length.
There .are man -tailored
tnodels. There are those
with the new puff sleeve.
And some with those Mar-
lene Dietrich trousers.

11 your future looks uncertain, now is the time
to enroll in this COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Our
ciicient, individual instruction will prepare you
quickly, surely, and at low cost for that money-
Typing - Shorthand - Bookkeeping
Secretarial Training


To be sure your
gifts for menr
are smart -
be sure they're
C A e AI A E'.,

All at one low price ...


I ~

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