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March 10, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-10

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L f .

Screen Reflections
Pour stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no Tcars keep away from it.

ter fee at $7.50 and the second term fee at $2.50.
This seems to be a very feasible system, since the
football and basketball schedules naturally en-
hance the value of the first semester books. Espe-
cialy is this plan effective when the purchase of
books is optional.
Opposition to the compulsory fee has been
growing on the Indiana university campus for
several months. It might be well to note, however,
that the compulsory fee idea originated within
the student body a decade ago, and 95 per cent

Mu awe

Published every morning ex(
University year and Summer
Control of Stimdcnt Publication
Member of the Western Con
t1on and the Big Ten News Se
The Associated Press is exclu
for republication of all news di
not otherwise credited in this.
published herein. All rights of
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at
second class matter. Special ra
Third Assistant Postmaster-Gen
Subscription during summer1
$1.50. During regular school y
jna1, $4.50.
Offces: Student Publications
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone:
Representatives: College Pub:
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth
Rnvlaton Street, Boston; 612.
CITY EDITOR .. . .....
SPORTS EDITOR...........
Joseph A. Renilan, C. Hart
Glenn R. Winters.
Albert Newman, Harmon Wol:
REPORTERS: Charles Baird,
Barndt, Arthur W. Carstens, F
G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, Jo
Hewett, George M. Holmes,
George Van Vleck, Guy M. W
Barbara Bate , M.none E flee
Jane Cooley, Luise Crand
Jeanette Duff, Carol J. HIanan
sn, Marie J. Murphy, Margn
Wes:tern ,
Telephone 2
Advertising Contracts, Orvi A
ice. Noel Turner; Accounts, B
cation, Oliburt Ei, fursicy;
AssisTANTh: John Bellamy, Go
land, Charles Ebert, Jack E
Joseph Ilunie, Allen Knunsi, R
tLe ter Skinner, Joseph Sud
Ei zabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett
Gimmy, Filly Crilliths, Cathe
fried, Virginia McCoimb.

1 ~~~~~~~f the studentpeiindteUirsyauh-
Glenda O'Brien ..........Nancy Carroll
Jeffrey Baxter............Cary Grant ities to impose the fee to take the place of the
Stephen Bessemer ........ John Halliday optional system then in use.
Since so many students have registered opposi-
D Arition to the compulsory activities fee, yet probably
SThe Woman Accused" is a so-called "Para- still would buy the book if it were made optional,
mount-Liberty" story, Paramount making the pic- it might be well for the University authorities to
ept Monday duria athe ttire from a story appearing originally in Liberty, discontinue the compulsory fee until times get
Ss written in daisy-chain fashion by ten well-known better. There is no question but that a higher
yerene Ediitcriai pAssocia. .,r.Tee sntusinbu htahge
ervice. authors. The conspirators are Rupert Hughes, class of entertainment could be afforded students
nOCIATED PRZss Vicki Baum, Vina Delmar, Irvin S. Cobb, Gertrude through the compulsory fee, but in these times
sively entitled to the use AthetoJ.PMcEvoy,ane Grey, Ursula Parrot, u iths s
spatches credited to it or entertainment is a secondary issue with students.
paper and the local news Polan Banks, and Sophie Kerr. Their story I -Indiana. Daily Student
f repuiblication o specialcouldn't have been as thoroughly ordinary as is
Ann Arbor, Michigan, as the picturization.
te of postage granted by LIQUOR IN THE HOME?
eral. The authors write of one Glenda O'Brien, who
by carrier, $1.00; by mal
ear by carrier, $4.00; b becomes involved in the murder of a New York If liquor were to be kept in the pantry along
Buiding, Maynard street, blade who was about to kill Jeffrey Baxter, her I with the potatoes and butter, it might be won-
2-1214. new escort. With that as a starter, the characters dered if proximity of the brew would cause greater
Heat ons Representatives, are removed to a ship on a three-day joy cruise, use of it.
Feet. New York City; 80
North Michigan Avenue, and most of the action takes place there. The question might be answered for the state of
STAFF Dullness is the general keynote. The only vital Iowa, provided the Zylstra bill for state liquor
4925 scene is that in which Jeff takes a horsewhip out legislation should pass and that the national dry
. .FRANK B. GILT3ERT o i otadpoed olmat h ili
..... .KARL SEIFFT of his coat and proceeds to lambaste the villain laws should be scratched off the books. About the
..JOHN W. THOMAS about the room. That, at least, is something new. only place for the keeping of liquor which is
....MGAR ARV Nancy Carroll will not gain back any of her lost ready for use is the home, according to the pro-
lian, John W. Pritchard, prestige as "The Woman Accused." posed plan.
Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Cary Grant is "another Gable," as any film deer could be sold only in bottles, and could be
magazine will tell you. drunk in the store where purchased; but spirits
ss Bain, Fred A. Huber would be offered only in gallon glass jugs, plainly
t. . t h iy arood labeled, sealed by the state, and to be opened only
A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Courting Trouble"-fair; Betty Boop cartoon in the home, after the purchaser had carried the
?alph G. Coilter, Wiiiam "Stopping the Show"--good; "Switzerland," a
hn C. Healey, Robert B. travelogue-inferior; Paramount News with Cer- clear container, without wrapping, out through
Edwin W. Richardson, the front door of the liquor shop.
ippie, ,JIr., mak senets. -G. . W Jr. And all that would occur only in daylight. It
cEleanor B. h llen w--- - -,= would be a large mental hazard that one would
; Lois Jotter, Helen Levi feel; apprehension might growover meeting the
aret D. Phalan, Marjorie E neighborhood minister while carrying a gallon of
sTAFF easily identified liquor.
..1E~- ~~~~~~~ At the same time, a person feeling the necessity
,........HARRY BEGLEY THE LEAF TURNS for liquor itself would be completely satisfied
.H....A BEGLEY R ELA UN iur~ i
.DO lNA BECKEby the plan, and there would be no difference
vt i ng,.Grafton Sharp; Excitement and concern over the domestic whether he took his liquor at home or in a saloon.
ouso; Advertising Serv- banking stuation and the Roosevelt inauguration There are probably noto many persons of that
ernard E. $chnacke; ir-
Pubiicatioun, Robert E. have partially obscured interest in the epoch- type
making events going on in Germany, although in It's more the exhilaration of going somewhere
rdon lo.au Aihm Cleve- the long run they may have as vital an influence wile feeling a little foolish, of being in a moving
roymson, Fred Hrtric wnf h.non our affairs as occurrences within our own
Lussel Read, Fred Rogers nsss t group while influenced by alcohol, that attracts
low, Robert Ward. bordersthe newer use of alcohol today.
3euleh Chapman, Doris The expected has happened. The Hitler govern - ie would be hard bit by the other provisions of

3 j

y a w, k
M, won

They know a good thing when they see it. By 9 o'clock yesterday
iorning all bt a few ,hundred reserve copies of the GA GOYLE
were gone - snapped up by eager hodes who sought, and between
,GARGOYLE'S covers found, a welcome relief from such techno-
crass annoyances as the bank holiday and its jolly' by-products:
American stomach (from the old English hunger), scrip (see En-
cyclopedia Britannica: cigar coupons), etc.
As for those students who failed to get up in time to ,receive a copy
of the GARGOYLE, they will just have to cry into each other's
beards. There was, of course, a limit to the nim er of magazines
we could print.
ular subscribers, hoever, can secure their copies .by caling at
the GARGOYLE offices in the Student Publications Building.

"111th J1 oRellry, May See-

ment has been strongly reaffirmed in its po,jn,
and what is more, within the next few ays is

F 'IDAY, MARCH 10, 1933
tJ11ion ~I0 1 1
The Union is still charging 45 cents for hair-
cuts. Every other shop in town is charging 35
cents. The Union, a student club, is a non-
profit organization and exists solely for the
students. Yet the Union will not meet the town
Hell Week Is
On The Wane.. .
weeks" over and the remainder in
full swing, it is encouraging to note a distinct de-
cline in the usual amount of horseplay during
the period.
The lack of footprints chalked on the Diagonal
Walk, of strings tied around all the trees on,
Washtenaw Avenue and the fence around Forest
Hills Cemetery, may be only an indication that
fraternities this year are confining their activities
within houses, but more probably it is a sign that
the "training periods" are less rigorous this yearj
than formerly.,
Michigan fraternities are to be praised for their
more mature attitude in not forcing their pledges
to stand on street corners all night nor parade
around the city in pajamas.
Perhaps if this tendency toward real sophistica-
tion is followed to its logical conclusion, Michigan
may pretend with some show of justification toi
the maturity of which so much is heard.
Public Works And
The Budget. ..

expected to receive the endorsement of the Reich-
stag to assume dictatorial powers. Combined with
Alfred Hugenberg's Nationalist Party, the Na-
tional-Socialists now occupy 52 per cent of the
seats in the Reichstag, and have gained since the
last election in November a total of four million
votes. Through their success they have wrested
control in Bavaria from the Catholic Party, and
have won together with the Nationalists a ma-
jority of the seats in the Prussian Diet.
Germany has at last indicated clearly which
way it wishes to be led. The path points toward;
dictatorship; yet though the word dictatorship
may be spoken glibly enough, the ultimate results
of the German decision are not easy to foresee.
Although Chancellor Hitler may be protected by
bars of iron, his security will never be certain un-
less he can be sure of a definite strength of public
opinion to back his official actions. The dictator-
ship by suppression of the rights of free speech
may be all very well for a limited period of time.
But in any industrial country, particularly one
like Germany, the lid is sure to be blown off
ultimately'"if any attempt is made by force to keep
it on.
The wealth of sentiment within the country
alien to Herr Hitler's ideas will always constitute
a threat against him. If this is true at the be-,
ginning of his regime, it is bound to be far more
true as time goes on, and as one or another of his
official acts antagonize some element of the pop-
Hitler's right to continue in power must arise
not from a policy of stern suppression but from
one which commands a fair degree of public
approval. His party program, he realizes, must
largely be scrapped. It served a useful purpose
in engineering him into power; it aroused the
feelings of many heterogeneous elements of the
population to support him; it unified Germans
of diverse interests under the flag of patriotic!

Iowa's law which make it an offense to possess
unsealed liquor in an automobile.
-Daily Iowan.

i w-


----By Karl Seiffer -
I'm a boy-
What of it?
You're a girl-
What of it?
Only this-
We love it!
* * *
We've been trying to resist this, but finally
the situation seems to demand it. With the new
administration talking about scrip, it looked for
a while as though we were going to be col-
lecting our pay in Woodin money.
* * *
And in that connection, it looks as though the
mint is the only institution in the country that's
making money these days.
. * * *
That'll get 'em.

John W. Goodwine, state representative,
heading the- committee considering ratification
the twenty-first amendment. O.K., repeal!


* .. *
A Detroit police officer has been accused of
lending two burglars the car and police badge
with which they engineered a holdup. What good
would the badge do?

T N THE COURSE of a representa- LIU'QrotherÂħood ; and now, ike mst radic
Sive student discussion a few days ly planned documents of its kind, i
ago we were rather surprised to discover that a the forgotten path. What will the Ch
number of persons rather misunderstood the na- stitute far it? Hist campaign speeches
ture of the "public works" proposals that have been abundant with concrete proposa
been unofficially discussed by some of the higher- Germany's ills. In the early dayshe fr
ups, including the President, in the new adminis- dp
tration. dared not reveal it for fear that the3
The subject of the discussion was the necessity would adopt it as its own, and rob
of balancing the budget. Someone raised a query credit of proposing it. Now Herr H
as to how the Federal government could consider longer justified in such fears.
undertaking additional public works in the face of - e
the present urgency that at least a billion dollars.
--one fourth of current expenses-be cut, ACTIVITIES FEE-COMPULSORY
The manner in which the question was received OR OPTIONAL-
indicated that many of those present onsidered - Appoximnately 700 students filed fo
it logical . from the activities fee this semester.
As a matter of fact, however, the question be- unprecedented number .Some 200 re
trayed a lack of knowledge of what the nature of- than twice the usual number of exemn
these public works might be. For they could be granted. There now is a petition ci
self-liquidating, paid for through bond issues, free graduate students from the obliga
and play no part in the budget. Those in charge of the activities s
Suppose it were deemed desirable to replace not as yet certain whether this sudd
a tenement district with a number of modern, on the part of the student body to
san tary, and safe apartment houses, built simply, from the activities fee is due to lac
and economically, and in which the old residents in the activities or simply lack of fu:
of the tenements might enjoy better and healthier Undoubtedly depression allowanr
homes. Funds for the construction could be raised keenly the five dollar a semester exac
through a g overnment bond issue. Apartmental other hand, the recent decided increa
rant would meet the debit service, and eventually caions for exemption might be expla:
retire the boncs. of the languid interest usually evinced
In addition to the presumably otherwise un- in spring sports.
employed labor put to work in the building of There are only three other schoolsi
such public works, the real wealth of the entire ern conference which have compulso
nation is added to through their erection. - fees. These are Northwestern, Michiga

at out poor-
t will tread
ancellor sub-
have never
Ls for curing
equently as-
but that he
him of the
Hitler is no


According to GENERAL MOT6RS
4n Nareh 8, 1933 .
The A)ich11gan Daily offers the
best meium for reaching the
better buyiug public i Ann Arbor

r exemption
This was an
leases, more
ptions, were
rculating to
ay they area
en tendency
be released
k of inter t
ces do feel
tion. On the;
ase in appli-
ined because,
by students
in the West-
ory activities
an and Wis-

Michigan Gas Association Fellow in Gas En-
-Otherwise known as Peter J. Merkus, BSE
"Captain" Joseph Bellocq, the big plumber-
mariner from 655 Howard St., who goes down
to the sea in inner tubes, has set forth on a
new journey. -News item.
INTERVIEWER: It seems to me that your
idea of going down the Mississippi in a boat
made of inner tubes presents a number of dif-
ficulties. What, for instance, would you do if
you got a puncture?
CAPTAIN BELLOCQ: Well, I worried about
that for quite a while, but I guess that's just
one of those things you've got to take a
chance on. Tubes are in good condition,
though; ought to be good for 25 hundred-
three thousand miles yet. And then if worst
comes to worst, I've got a couple of blowout
shoes I'm taking along.
INTERVIEWER: I see. Seriously, though,
how can you expect these tires to stand up
for a trip that long?
CAPTAIN BELLOCQ: Oh, I'm not worried
---much. There's only one think I keep think
ing about.- I understand that down in the
Gulf of Mexico they have a lot of swordfish.


vlrt pxm fnkon hv nnP n1' the rnnrZf rpcnnl)Cih1p . "rnnigin. q.11 rpmitnclly wi-althv -,Phnnl5_ W7fipnnsin ;

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