R lE 3M1CH11G'AN. D AlLY
From the,
By John Thomas A sii ling.1
Reid. ,r (m n II r
Scoring Re)cordli
True!: Pro pheces tnfoy w ,cv
' ITHYOS',S and Aiglcr',Arfusal ~y a:'i ;; y<
to (o' Wiler a;ei",t i I he -pro-
posed Detroit Re~d Whi Mi2i,an
charity hockey game at thik; 1We, the I i
Wolverine season has definitely comez.
to a close. ~-
With the 1932-33 season goes a 'iri .ckl k' >A t'. ii
combin-aton tha~t is unriva led in col- Wi)1ia ng Mile
lege hockey-Keith rossman andv
Emerson fReid, co-captans who grad- Hih sll Ip iJly
uate this year. As a combination, they -_
have made more points, and have Michigan tracksters xvill be after
been responsible for more points, their sixth Big Te'n iudoor champion-
than any other player, or set of play- ship tonight and tomnorow miht in
ers that ever performed on the ice the Chicago Field Iluie.
for the Maize and lue. Since the beginning of the Con-
Their scoring record opened auspi- encclsiin11,lloiha
cosyin 1930-31 when Emmy got
22 points and Keith 20. In their we eight titles compared to five
Junior year, Keith led with 34 points for Michigan, three for Chicago.
and Emmy followed with 31. This three for Wisconsin, two for Iowa,
year Reid again nosed out his team- and one for Indiana. Minnesota,
mate, 34 to 28. This gives them a Northwestern, Ohio, and Purdue have
three-year record of 169 points, 87 failed to win the meet.
for Reid and 82 for Crossman. Due to the fact that Michigan was
.Although Eddie Lowrey says that not a member of the Big Ten from
he has coached better individual 1906 to 1918, the Wolverines did not
players, when lie coached profes- compete until after the war. They
sional teams in Canada, he also adds won the championship in '18 and '19
that no combination under his guid- and also in '23, '25, and in 31. Since
ance, whether professional or ama-{ the advent of Michigan into competi-
teur, could ever touch the team-playI tion, ten titles have been divided be-
of Crossman and Reid. tween the Ilini and the Wolves.
Individually, he considers them the. Indiana Dangerous
best front-line players that Michigan The Wolverines' most dangerous
can boast. He points out that both cmeio hsyaIdaa o t
are fast, shifty, good checkers, andolcoetirhistoyatIndarabwonit
gaetingetempuckr int the net of feating Michigan with five-sxth of
pettng he uckintothenet J.Itsa point adv antaige.
dream of a perfect hockey player has
been more nearly fulfilled in either Eighteen 1-ymien left Ann. Arbor
Reid or Crossmant than any other, by auto early this morning Chicago
player, Michigan ever produced. j bound. Before leaving Coach Hoyt
expressed confidence in the ability
But he declares that it is hard to of his men to give competitors a good
consider them individually as their fight.
greatest effectiveness is produced Willis Ward, Cass Kemp and Jack
when they are working together. HeHsonwlreeetth Wlvsi
says that he has had many three- Hete60-yarrdesenh.HweyEleston
man front lines here at Michigan,th 0ydda.HwlyEeso
but never have any of them been as and Boyd Pantlind are entered in. th
effetiveas his uo.70-yard hih an d low hurdles. Cap-
effetiv as hisduo Lain Cliai'rley Debaker, Ed Leineni ad
Charles Aleni ar Michigan repr-
M~ICHIGAN has compiled an unu- sentatives in the 440.
:tiually good record in the last three Confident of Relay
years, in part as a result of Reid and
Crossman, and in part as the result Other Wolverines entered in th
of good goal-tending by Jack Tomp- meet are Ned Trr e.and. Howard
kinis addJohn Jewell. Br~adn, half-ie; Dw Howell ad
In the 1930-31 seaason, Michigan Jack Chilcl,, mile: 131.:l:1,11 and Ar-
scored 40 goals while their opponents chi 1cM ilan, two mile; Ward an
scored 29. 'This was the only season~na eao hg up ai
that Lowrcy's team won the Confer- Jeanette, 1pole valt; ad cllvt Bu
ence tie during the three-yeah efeld, sh1ot put.
stretch.I The mile relay, Michigan's speial-
The 1931-32 season sawes 0 aoa; tY will .10e entered DeBaker, Lomen
made by the opposition as agilrt 5 Allen and. Torn .EUrerb . Aihigar
r,,,RA n in T 11iC V C4..,,- ,,, . .. ,is c nP d I of i nn z i the reaylan
+ {
L, ar't "r; 114''ie
Taiik neii rak Is iug a~eLm
r r1 c4 : 12' 4W . SA . eA '
CntanI qkir il e{ h
ra tn.lIetac e~ aan{
Conferenmec rivalsi in the 1 t Ten
meet held at Chicago tonight and tea-j
morrow night. He is entered in both
the 440 and the mile relay, the events
in which he usually runs. Fuqua of
Indiana is his chief competitor in
the quarter-mile event.
ILp i44II tdi 114Eidio'
Pe~ ielg AU Meet
Tim motuiulfalVg Ih
hi~AOt.' 0 T~elP s'c s72vim1in" was
trilcudy wen 3ob) Miller, ce ,p1 sin
1b1e01; o elalli U in!{e iiyi i;
34ulig i a o a~~
onl t1 aktb itl l u'h 1)3.
'2.1A P ',ou
I A m ._ n- m ti,'.m a e
1iz ili . r.. jJ514x):,ti'.9.kyr.m'
.o. i tepelmnrisad ias
r x1
E, i
i .t:3
4 / .
of thie 1932
the Varsit
tm, in,~feied to ])'oducc
ali-~av-110iiowould give
the stnvs drubbing of
I~d soe o lag di * Vc, xjl l' hi temmae Rssel lstyear, Ivan
'u(u~reJ anghi mm toorrw F qiia.Olypicstar from Indiana
s, ,x~ in uW~' er ( 'n~eeive an hid lst yar,''Cil"Allen of
( IQA..Cl ~ ' x- i h( Wolvines, E d Cullerd of Chi-
', nvtO1:;)ido i c rO i'a ,'eM_ C! ofPurdue, and
Ad 00 d~n'peji:; I e tr1. mduy Dan o Ioa, ll reak 51
lxd he('Ignstmlmumes ee!s'Idaemoe an I lkely to
Onon' is raia;mai:j sn sof frremm Lerod-br);'g"pc onl the)
( is n (1 ol. r l -!med (ep 2 1,0la1gl1)('hre wil be bt oneindividuial
.'n t'.uu .(' ecPdvi- ilpefom-chion o~i {f last e.ir tl lered, That
xxi] ~~iu'wcerr 1 y ie lne I illUs he .1(y 1HoruboJt):. Indina's
1U 11 al 1vil any:ahion. He and Ned
W,'i" Ward seCI, -- ){). rack K a r1, ATu..ner will be out jto C lip Orval 1M"ar-
C _ )yPtCe..__1 :vi to wn (th._ high t >in' '.rod of 1:.55.7. Hornbostel and
" q 1 A, 0 i ..1 .1t i 1,week. 1 l1, snaes _fr ldrtn's on the rec-
Nothng iuite,sSehmieler repliedtresinen J'V '~OL~ otr a
I No (no Co's green earth'" jthis yea r's vansOy armad mibern
cou1l efa1hsa rgai n m taking asorres rm cit 1515
;rwd~atel i1 tnext ues4day night for u ynx ektesudsol
the batle. illes challeng"e fol- nbroer25Ayapi-msfo
s!"T o the o t coniceited outfit ot ipiactices lC:'u' ?1Canpp-1m~lOi1(J
would-lw rinerinen who ever swarm for Tiv-u week as been the irt i
dear old Micig an: We. the All-Stars, ;the foDcaesh v orked nde
oebi hleg rnHreShil h r and his squad of metallic colts to a I )layers hae ot bn :;J t-,d out, as,
and his squat of metallic colts to at yet by Coach CkiCppoin, but hielhopes., to
eswimming meet to be held next week ;get a line onl the most promising, can-
in the Intramural pool, in the hope didates for varsity competition in the
that we may dispell some of said Acext few weeks.
team's pig-headedness by giving Practices are held at 4 p. iii.(every
them a most decisive plastering." afternoon and will continue for Q ].'ee 9
(Signed) Robert Tyre Miller. or four' weeks.
Schmieler began to shiver when he !--
saw the array of talent that Miller
thad amassed. It includes Buckl High S(4h0ol Swinm"rs
Sampson, Captain in 1927. Barney'
Coimpete At V1VI1 Pool
r ughes, Tommy Watsonn and BRobh
recordheld b
George Spi'! of N.
r r. Y. 'U., is G feet 8'2
inches. Ward 's be(st
Ali f Ga mar'k this winter
is 6 fae, 6 n-ics, mad at Chain-
ip fc
Gia ii
e .
i tramaural Swims
Twvo more big events, a splash party
in the Barbour gymnasium pool and
a meet at the Union Pool, are left
on the women's Intramural swim-
ming schedule. The 'meet, to be run
in conjunction with an Open House
program at the Union, will take place
March 21.
The annual telegraphic competition
will probably be run off at the same
time if present plans can be carried
The Swimming Club will run a ser-
ies of races at their weekly meeting
at the pool Saturday morning, and
any one planning to enter the meet
must participate in these races to
have their speed determined, it was
77 tas t7rdy.I o 'l rd h
lie~ves +r th Uiversity f hcaoil
fHouse has, a perfect take-oil. Wardj-
jumped 6 feet 71/3 inches ouside 141tI~
Ladd, all
peted on
last five
up the ri
Tex Robs
Porter a r
;lI men free
Miller i:
xare sure
Igetting a
tThe m
sion Nwill
sto be use
Haden fA
Ifree stylers who have corn- Over 100 high. school students will Mcia' ierlyta e
Micign eas drig hegather in Ann Arbor tomorrow to mnar k of 3 :23.1 lat yea .r.Th):is year's
years.I compete in the annual state swim-1
ibs and freshmen will make minag mend Allenlhas Al ctt8lschoothat;mnam'k
Best of the challenging team.. The meet is under ftheaupesof IinosadOi ta r '"ci
oertson, Bob Lawrence, Craig the Universitiy and vwill be lu"e'd in tt,. ttk. vzt
ad Dick Blake are the fresh- the Intramural Pool.,h asi hseet
e stylers. McLeish will help I Battle Creel will defend its title ITltth i ' 10,t-ya r -u m ofii uM b OT'
In the breast stroke, while in class A again st nine other te air tems I Wme ( i c
eld, Johnson, and Deifendorf including Ann Arbor, Monroe, Grosoe
they can keep Degener from Pointe, Kalamazoo, Pontiac, Lansing LOWES TY PRICES
ny points in the diving. Eastern and Central, Fordson. r, d T HE ATH E NSPRESS
Beet is set for 8 p. m. Admis- Grand Rapids Central.
Ibe 25 cents. Proceeds are Preliminaries in both classes Arc PriuLxs
ed to send the Varsity to New scheduled for 9:30 a. in. with the fl- Dial 2-1013 40 years of knowing how!
'or the National meet. ' nals being held at 7:30 p. m. ______North_____________________
'. LUIS.- --Jim Mooney,
avh urler whvlo will toss them
For' thc C ardlinals instead of the
its this season, isn't (disconsolate
the changec.
cxv York's a.,great place if you
to muveuroud,"Jig'~opined,.
a.,t picttic sowide eat ni-ht,
i ('a, :« see the,,Pictuesin St. Louis
as, well as in. New York."
i r t t
A40 A
7 ;! .(- yr;.e*. y P r- .4F-" bum.. ,.
" dS dv Coll
for J.VjacmuJ ,' i. .I-us Low-asii
roy's team -C -cri5 ,asad the
oppsi'opu 2 p s Gale1ewll
Reid .y............ . .23
Crossm ,n . 1..-.!8
David ..,........... 7
Chapman ............'3
Gabler ...............0
Courtis ..............0
Totals ............. 65
2 S;
H ARMON WOLFE and Jack C amp-
bell dropped in long enough to
leave their predictions of the Con-
ference track meet the other(. day.
They were on their way to Aron and
hoped to get to Chicago by Saturday.
Campbell gives Michigan a seven-
point lead over Illinois and Indiana,
30, 23, and 23. According to this
sheet, Michigan will place in every
event except the shot put and the '
pole vault.
He looks for three points in the
60-yard dashes, the hurdles, and the
two-mile. He anticipates five points
in the high jump, 440-yard dash, and
the relay. The 880-yard run, starring
Hornbostle against Turner, ought to
yield four points while Howell is
slated for two in the mile.
Hlow close his complete sheet will
check with the final results is, of
course, impossible to say. Yet it is
noteworthy that Phil Diamond, noted
for his correct doping of Conference
track meets, also gave Michigan 30
points but gave Illinois 26 and In-
diana 23.
The two dope sheets vary in onl y
four or five places, and never by more.
than one pint. In some cases ia4-
mond. looks for an extra point for
Illinois while Campbell picks some
other school to. win it.
bass f ~s pm-orn 1C._sthtoil tI(
veri' _entr ;s 'ii i enough sec-
omudl, thDl'd, dfi l' t places to conIc
recenitly <at the 1TntWramura 1 }3u l,icdi;:g
in anieioi toge a line on basket-
I bail talent for next year, has already
revealed "better than average" pros-
poets, accor ding to Coach "Cappy"
Caplon inl a styatemnt macde yester-
About 15 zauon.,mostly freshmn.t.,
have reported so far, and there will
be Varsity mien working out later.
The practice periods which arc held
at 4 p. in. every day except Saturday
and Sunday are expected to continue
for several weeks, and Cappon in-
tends to drill the players in -,very de-
partment of the game.
Cappon was unable to name any
outstanding individual freshman cag-
ers as yet, but stated that lie hoped
"to discover. the best ones in the next
few weeks.
JIAYBE it's back to Nature. May be
MV it's something else. I don't know
just what it is, but somehow or other
I've just got to slipy out in3 the woods
and sit down on a log. I alw ays take dhe
old pipe along. Thinking someh ow seems
easier when you are smoking a pipe. I.
can fill up my pipe with Grantger, and
somehow just seem to see thinks clearer
than at any other time.
"Don't know what it is about Granger,
but it mrust be made for pipes-.rea1 pipe
"Somehow, there's a flavor and aroma
aboat Grang(e a I never f ond in anl other
'The all-campus wrestling cham-
pionship will be held at 7 p. m. Wed-
nesday, March 22 in the wrestling
room of t he Intramural Building. If
there arte a suilicient number of en-
tries, prelimiznaries w~ill be held the
night preccedivng. Participants should
weigh-in at t he wres tling locker, 3
to ti pain . , Tes ,y.March 21. At
least three entries in each even are
needed or else there will be no con-
test in that event, it was said.
$4,SF '
Mcetlic estudy to find out, if ,.xe could,
Dow n in the Blue Grass regions of
Wellinan. II givds Granger a fragrance
and l1lCllO~ lit hUt pipe smokers lik~~,
and make, it burn to a clean, dry ~ I.
Granger never gunis a pipe.
Graugcr has not been on sale very long,
Kentucky, we found
a, tobacco
W~hite Burley. There is-a riide of 01hi11
tt,)nvc beI*'lli'~teen IlinL*kind iisie-dffoi , c'A