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Ann Arbor Festival-goers, has completed his list of
artists who will appearon the various programs for
the May Festival. Not unlike past years it has its
ultra iltra luminaries as well as its lesser lights but
in the glare of comparison one cannot say that it
is not an attractive array of talent and worthy of
attention by the most fastidious of local concert-
Leading the list and worthy of stimulating some
degree of interest in the most phlegmatic patron is
the widely-heralded and apparently worthy Goeta
Ljungberg, Metropolitan's latest find, heralding from
Sweden and who has as yet to be heard outside of
that opera company's ageing house. Supposedly
beautiful and possessing a voice that every New York
critic has already written reams about, she has
placed the opera in the largest city in the world
in a position where it has found itself unexpectedly
successful. Wagner is her forte and from the reports
that have issued from the press, "Tristan and Isolde,"
possessed of beautiful music but almost always too
difficult for the average run of. operatic soprano
parallels Pons' "Lakme" and in Chicago, Muzio's "La
Naturally with the music press filled with critih
cisms, pictures and reports of how the Swedish
singer has captured hardened Wagnerian New York,
the outlying musical centers, of which Ann Arbor is
justly included, have not been deaf to opportunities
thatmight bring such a star to its audiences. Mr.
Sink, always alert and seemingly on the inside of
what goes on in the musical world, scores another
one of his coups by being the first to bring Miss
Ljungberg out.of the east and the Festival will be one
of the few appearances of the singer outside of New
York. If we remember correctly, last year's occur-
rence with Lily Pons is somewhat similar.
Beniamino Gigli, at present the most consistent
if not the best of tenors, is second on the list of
artists. Gigli's American record has been a slightly
unusual one in that it has been only in the past few
years that he has been considered better than the
ordinary run of Italian tenors who infest American
concert and operatic stages. Gigli made his debut in
1921 at Carnegie hall, the place where many an
ambitious singer has either permanently been made
or broken. His reception did not set any world on
fire but it was enough to place him in the Metropoli-
tan where he has been ever since.
Like all good Italian tenors, Gigli knows his Verd
and Puccini and recently those powers that be have
been casting him in the most suitable roles. A con-
cert is remembered in Chicago several years ago when
he sang Wagner and it is hard to forget the ovation
the audience gave him. All of which should prove
John Charles Thomas, who has a habit of stealing
the laurels in Chicago's Opera house is number three
on the list. Ann Arbor enthusiasts should remember
him for he has appeared here numerous times. It
is easy tfo write about Thomas but it is hard to find
much that is new to say. -
The others on the list have either been heard
here too recently to warrant more mention or are
familiar to all. Jagel, Eddy and Baromeo were all
here last year and aside from the fact that Baromec
has lately been working -harder and receiving better
attention for his efforts little can be said. ,Of Gladys
Swartout and' Ruth Rodgers little is known and
Juliette Lippe, although liked by many, has appar-
ently not arrived yet if those few who count can b,
relied upon. Perhaps Gustav Holst, composer and
onductor coming as a guest artist will give one of
hose superb inspirational leaderships that are so
seldom but which seem to happen in Ann Arbor at
times-not recently. No one knows much about him
and so he is safe so far.
The prospect of the choral works looks particu-
larly mena'cing but then, I suppose there are those-
in Ann Arbor who seem to like them for they have
always been well received. J. E. R.
As far as making this column a
work of art is concerned, if we
could keep the Political Science de-
partment perpetually as riled up as
they were yesterday we would have I
a real purpose in this world which
might, from some point of view or
other, be considered a moral pur-
pose. What if we did call Dwight
W. Morrow a Vice-President? We
recall that when we wrote thal'
paragraph we debated for a full
minute whether to/call Mr. Morrow
a "Vice-President" or a "Sccretary
of the Interior," and we finally de-
cided that "Vice-President" was by
far the most phonetic of the two.
and was well suited to our purpose.
We have a bitter lesson to learn in
life, however, if these askance
glances we have seen among our
associates mean anything.'We have
an idea that everyone is thinking
'That dope! Doesn't even know his
Vice-Presidents! Hmph !". We got
a great deal of satisfaction from
knowing that somebody read our
column, anyway.
Mr. Winston Churchill's ad-
dress the other evening has had
a most beneficial effect. One of
our acquaintances has gotten
so public-spirited that he is go-
ing to take a law degree and
go into public service just out
of love. of country. We don't
know whether he means Eng-
land or the United States, be-
cause the atmosphere of Hill
Auditcrium was pretty fairly
British after a combination of
Artie Cross and W in s t o n
a JhnI lryser
urslcy Arthur I". .'ohn
James Lowe
't Finn'
a Pecke
tla Jane Cissel
ievieve Fieldi
dne Fisc grund
y Harrituan
Ann Ilarsha -.
Katherine Jackson
IDrrothiy 1'yi
Vir1inia McCo nb
'aroin i'dosher
1felen Olsen
Grafton XVW. Sharp
l)onalul A. Johnson, II
On Lyon
Bernard i3. Good f
iay Scefried
Ainnie Seng
1' clcen Splencer
Kathryn Stork
('lare Unger
Mary JElizabth Watts
.4; * 4
Ff-IDAY, MARCH 4, 1932
or Kidnappers
UESDAY afternoon, hearings were being held
on Capitol hill in Washington on a bill to
,ake inter-state kidnappings punishable by death.
'uesday night, the ,son of Charles Lindbergh was
idnapped from his home and presumably a ran-
:m demanded for his safe return.
Kidnapping has proved to be a lucrative pas-
.me in recent years. All of the larger cities,
ifested with gangsters who have turned from
ootlegging to kidnapping, an occupation offering
igher rewards, have had their kidnapping myster-
ps at frequent irtervals, of which few have been
ired in court.
Public attention, however, has been focussed
n this case because of the prominence of the per-
ons involved. Whereas in other cases witnesses
ave disappeared .and forgotten what happened,
ries have been hung, retrials have beensecured,
nd few injured parties have had enough influence
> obtain just punishment for the kidnappers. In
he present case public opinion will force a speedy
ial, once the criminals;are brought to court, be-
ause of th6 nation-wide sympathy with the father
nd mother and indignant attitude towards this
utrageous crime.
With the facilities of neighboring states and
he three federal departments co-operating to find
he kidnappers, results should be expected shortly.
nd many an indignait citizen, after reading of
he measure before Congress, echoes the thought
hat hanging is too good for the guilty parties.
One of the best skin games that
ve have heard of since the days of
;he forty-eighters* is the autograph
dea in 'the program of the Junior
3irls' Play. It seems that anyone
who can write his name and has a
luarter can get his autograph
>rinted on one of the inside .pages
f the program. The original idea
was to solicit autographs only
from Campus celebrities, such as
te Editor of Toasted Rolls, the
Daptain of the gymnastics team,
yhe President of the Michigan
")ames, ' and people like that, but
after we didn't suck in, it looks a
>it as though almost anyone could.
;et into the book of gold. Fame is
zheap these days.
(*Reference: Lecture in Amer-
(can History by Professor Crane.)
Rumor has it that the beaut-
eous Miss Diana Churchill had
an evening date with one of the
local highlights. We d'on't know
anything about the affair but
we will do our best to make a
thorough investigation and re-
port. Here is a picture of Miss
Churchill and her escort just as
they were leaving the dance
f' o
(i.e. Friday and Saturday)
Philip' Barry's wel-known play has been skill.
fully transmitted to the screen, and what with ad-
mirable dialogue and capable acting, "Tomorrow and
Tomorrow" is a show which most people will enjoy
In plot it is slightly reminiscent of parts in "Strange
interlude.", Ruth Chatterton, for the first time in
a year or so is cast in a role to which she is well-
suited, and she turns in a capable performance. Ruth
is well past the Follies Girl stage and we like her
best as mother. Paul Lukas, as Doctor Farber, is
just the sort of a fine fellow you might expect him
to be; very earnest, serious, sentimental, and under-
standing, just full to the brim of polish and suavity
in fact just an all-around gooder. There is a
mother love-sick child scene, replete with lullaby
and tears, but it isn't overdone and doesn't get on
the nerves, which is something to be commended.
It wouldn't be fair to close this review without
mentioning the short subjects which are, for a
change, quite passable. There is some pretty fair
dancing and singing in one, a very nice newsreel with
lots of suffering Chinese, and a perfectly swell short
on tuna fishing which was really about as thrilling
as anything we have seen in some time. J. S. M.
q the
Miss Churchill and Escort,
ame Duck Session
05 * !
proposed constitutional amendment, which
deserves the immediate attention of the sev-
ral states of the Union, was passed Wednesday
,y both the House of Representatives and thet
enate. It is. the Norris amendment for the abol-
hment of the lame duck Congressional session.l
This new provision, if enacted, will enable{
ewly elected legislators to take their seats in Con-
ress two months after their election instead of
3. At the present time, Congressmen elected in
lovember rarely meet until a year' from the fol-
awing December. Meeting in December, how-
ver, are the members of Congress who have been
efeated at the polls and who continue to serve
ntil the next March although they may not, in E
he least, express the sentiment of the country on
lajor issues.
When the Constitution was first adopted, travel1
y stage coach and horseback did not permit Con-i
ressmen to reach Washington in proper time
fter their elections. Presidential electors oftenx
id not get their ballots to Washington until the1
nd of December or January.
The new provision, which few state legisla-
ures should find in any way repugnant to good ]
overnment, sets the date for the beginning of l
pngressional sessions and the President's termI
n the January following the Novemer elections.1
"his measure, in keeping with the advances ina
(The West Virginia Athenaeum)
Sentiment favoring the repeal of .prohibition con-
tinues to sweep college campuses. Members of the
faculty of several colleges recently testified in Senate
hearings that eight per cent beer would not injure
students,%on the contrary, would be "good for them."
College editors have frequently expressed discontent
with the weak enforcement of the Volstead Act.
In a poll conducted by the University of North
Carolina tHirty out of thirty-four college editors'
questioned favored repeal of prohibition. A state-
ment by the editor of the Minnesota Daily reflects
the general trend of the answers. "I am definitely
opposed to prohibition. I believe it has led to the
We have often wgndered about
the great secrets of the Newsreel
[ndustry and these vague wonder-
ings were increased to an alarming
poignancy last week, when the
George Washington Commemora-
tion scenes were run into the news
if the day. We found it very easy
to accommodate the portrayals of
Mount Vernon, Valley Forge, Mar-
tha Washington, and American
Flags, to our estimation of what is
rational and just, but when the
National panorama was preceded
by Sir Malcolm Campbell, British
Solicitor-General, explaining the
details of his racing car, and was
followed by the International Beau-
sy contest, which was won by a
Frenchman, we found it very hard
to adjust ourselves to our surround-
ings. Can it be that the pictures in
the newsreel are like so many
Chromosomes, which find their
places in a long line merely by
chance? Can it be that the Powers
behind the Newreels have no con-
trol of this? How about - it, Mr.
Question and Answer Man, how
about it?