Dual Water Championship
ple aggregation. in the diving is
another question to be solved in
the meet. Willard took second place
in the conference last year, but
Degener, a sophomore, is rated very
highly, and most predictions slate
him for the Big Ten championship
in the event this season later on,
Illinois Will Be Third Squad in
Triangular Meet.
Coach West, Ponto, Lassila, Ells-
worth and, Parker of Michigan's
gymnastic aggregation left yester-
day afternoon for Chicago wheik%
the tumblers will meet Chicago and
Illinois- in a triangular meet to-
night. Abe and Harry Steinberg, the
remaining members of the team,
will leave this morning to join their
Competition which the Wolver-
ines will meet tonight in Bartlett
gym is of the highest type, as Chi-
cago, last year's conference cham-
pions, and Illinois are among the
best teams in the Big Ten. Although
neither outfit rates with Minnesota
this year, Chicago is not inferior
to last year's team, and the Indians
have some Olympic possibilities
among their personnel.
Captain Zitzler, leader of the
Illini, is one of the most likely win-
ners in the side horse. Recently he
defeated Wells, St. Louis Olympic
possibility, in a meet, between the
Indians and the St. Louis Y.M.C..
Another man who usually compiles
plenty of points is Julian Glasser,
star on the parallel bars and flying
rings. Rehor, one of the outstand-
ing candidates for a place on the
Olympic team, may not be able to
compete for Illinois.
The triangular meet tonight will
be the last Big Ten competition be-
fore the all-important conference
championship meet in Chicago, on
March 12.
heard anything about it before In a formal statement issued last I
the Minmesota report was re- week Crisler thanked the students
laced to him by a Daily reporter. for their support and co-operation.
It was a most difficult decision
University of Michigan; Tad Wie- to make in view of the kindly ex-
man, line coach for Minnesota dur- pressions of feeling on the part of
ing the past two years; and Bernie t h e students, faculty, alumni,
Bierman, newly appointed grid friends, and members of this ad-
mentor at Minnesota have been ministration with whom I met yes-
mentioned as the most likely per- terday. I will leave the University
sons for the post. with considerable regret . .. ," he
Crisler made his, decision to ac- said.
cept the Princeton oter after mon- With Crisler. lost to Minnesota,
bers of the Minnesota board of ye- the regents are expected to begin
gents had gone but part way to- work in earnest this week in their
wards stis ying his demands for hunt for a new athletic director.
nore control over the aithletic de'- Dean Guy Stanton Ford, 'acting
partme . president, last week conferred with
An edittorial. campaign of - the President Alexander Ruthven of
Minnesota Daily, coupled wiith news Michigan, after Crisler's resignation
ttories which chided the adminis- was announced,
All baseball candidates report
at Yost Field house on Tuesilay,
March 8, after 2 o'clock.
Ray Fisher,
Baseball Coach;