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March 01, 1932 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-01

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"Rescue Crews Toil in Relays to
e Bodies of 16
Ecplosion Victims.
O"f icais Blame Faulty Powder
for Loss of 37 Lives in
Virginia Disaster.
UCAHiONTAS, Va., Feb. 29.-( P)
-With 22 bodies recovered, search-
ers delved into the inner passages
df the ioissevdAn coal mine today
!or 16 other men believed to have
been killed in an explosion early
Wotking in relays, rescue crews
pushed their way through earth,
splintered timbers and slate to re-
cover the first burned and muti-
lated bodies Sunday night. Eight
wre Immediately brought to the
surface to the improvised morgue
where 37 coffins were lined. The
'remainder reposed at the boom
of 'the Ishaft until time when they
could be cared for.
Six 'ldentified.
Six of the men, Burton Brooks,
Charles Yates, J. L. Phipps, Clay-
ton-.Hodge, Sam White and Ed
Ma ufniders, a "Negro, "were -identified.
-pps .was the father of ten chil-
dren Allsexcept seven of those
eaught in the blast were married.
Cold and the treacherous mass
of debris :hindered speed in push-
ing through the underground pas-
sages but hope was held for the
recovery of all the bodies .today.
~Qtly. when exhaustioia forced them
to q itn didthe searcherscome to
the surface, there to be served by
t4ie silent women who refuse to
lea've untl 'the dead have all been
Worn out by their long vigil, a
Mj orityof the widows and chil-
dren of the -missing returned to
their hom'es at midnight but were
back at the roped-off inclosure at
the -mine siaft entrance today. No
demonstratih was made as the
bodies were placed in the hoist1ig
house after their recovery.
Area of Explosion.
The area of the explosion was
two miles beneath the surface .and
word of progress came slowly. The
mie departments of the United
States, Virginia and West Virginia
c-Qperated in directing the work.
Air conditions had improved in the
wrecked mine.
No decision as to the cause of
- the blast had, been reached today,
although the general belief was
that- a powder explosion might
have occurred. The Tnine, which is
Qperated by the Pocahontas Coal
Co., is non-gaseous.
There were 50 men at work at
the time of the explosion but a
dozen escaped.
daily Oflicjal Bulletin
(Continued from-Page 8)
will be held, upon a current topic.
All members and any who are in-
terested in ,'membership in the
soiety are invited to attend.
4lpha Nu meeting Wednesday,
ch 2, 'in Alpha 'Nu room, fourth
floor Angell Hall. Debate\ between
varsity teams on question of can-

cellation of war ;debts and repara-
tions. Prospective members cordial-
ly invited to attend.
Phi Sigma: Dr. L. R. Dice, Cura-
tor of Mammals, Museum of Zool-
ogy, will speak on the "Genetics
and Variation of Deer-Mice in the
genus Peromyscus," Wednesday, at
7:30 p.m., March 2, Room 2116.N.S.
Pi Eau lPi Sigma will- be host to
Scabbard and Blade at a meeting
7:30 ,p.m., Wednesday. Prof. Robert
,B.',all will speak on topics relevant
to the situation in the Far East.
Michigan Union, room posted.
Chess and Checker Club meets
Wednesday at 7:30, in Room 203,
Michigan Union. Important busi-
ness meeting.
Second Semester Freshmen and
Sophomores who wish to try out for
the Michigan Technic meet Thurs-
day night at 7:30 in the Michigan
'Technic office, Room 3036 East En-
gineering building.

In Shanghai





Siberian Defender

Assocated ress Photo
Dr. J. C. McCracken, graduate of
the University of Pennsylvania, di-
rected the evacuation o patients
from the St. Luke's hospital in the
Hongkew section of Shanghai when
the institution was endangered by
:the battle.
8 j.t
Instructor Conducts His Class
Every Monday and Friday
Over Station Here.
More than 5,000 students are now
enrolled in Prof. Joseph E. Maddy's
radio b nd class which meets at 2-
o'clock avery Mondayand Friday.
During the week Professor Mad-
dy visits various schools in the state.
In three days last week, he visited
classes in 95 towns, each class con-
taining from eight to 60 students.
The class at Vassar had 40 stud-
ents enrolled in the class last yeaq
and only 27 this year. When -Pro-
fessor Maddy inquired as to the
reason for the reduced number, he
was told that the remainder of the
eligible members of the high school
were playing in the band and did
not have neec) for the primary in-
struction now-being given.
"It is remarkable how well most
of the classes do," said Professor
Maddy. "Most of them havegone
ahead of the work that I have giv-
en. In one case there was a stud-
ent with a violin working along
with the class, although lessons on
this instrument are not being giv-
en over the radio. Arrangements
are now being made to give a few
primary instructions on this instru-
Letters written to Professor Mad-
dy show that the students are tak-
ing a keen interest in the work.
There is a paricular reason, howev-
er, why little Dan O'Reilly has en-
tered the class. In his letter to
Professor Maddy, he said, "I wish
the lessons were lonegr so I could
miss more school. The rest feel the
same about it."
At one school that Professor
Maddy visited, the students were
holding their class in the basement
where there was an inch of water.
"This-did not seem to dampen their
spirits, though."
"The best classes," continued
Professor Maddy, "are those wl'ich
do not. receive -instruction suxpple-
mentary to what Igive them. In
many cases the school janitor has
charge of.the class and has proved
to be very: capable under the meth-
od that I use."
Judge Lacy to Speak
Here on Wednesday
Arthur J. Lacpy, former judge of
the domestic relations court of De-
troit and frequently mentioned in
democratic circles as a likely pros-
.pect for the governorship of Mich-
igan, will address a non-partisan
citizens' meeting tomorrow night in
the Masonic temple.
Steel- Makng to Form
Topic of Picture Here
Bethlehem Steel company will
present a motion picture .and lec-
ture at 4 o'clock this afternoon in
Natural Science aditorium on "The
Manufacture of Steel."
T YP E W R I T;EB 1'8
.AllIaakes - Large and Po'rtable
Scd lented 3 me d eaied
Lazrge coico stock yr
e ie0. .RRZlI L,


Proposal Contemplates Forming
Fresh"Water Body by
Means of Dikes.
Alter thousands of years of com-
parative idleness, Great Salt lake
vould be put to work in a serious.
way under a plan being considered
First suggested ye irs .9o by Fer-
dinand de Lesseps; the French en-
gineer who built the Suez canal and
started the Panama canal, the pro-
p.tsal contemplates the formation,
by a series of short dikes, of a large
fresh water lake from the eastern
arm of the great salty sea.
Although it has' been estimated
that such a reservoir would provide
a total of 2,635,000 feet of water,
erough to irrigate 378,000 acges of
land, the present plan provides for
its use not for reclamation purposesJ
but for the generation of power in
steam plants that would utilize coal
from nearby enormous deposits.
From Great Salt lake's total area
of about 1,750 square miles, the
dikes, extending along thes sub-
merged mountain range whose tips
form Fremont and Antelope islands,
would cut off a portion some 500
square miles in extent.
Flowing into thig section of the
lake, the Bear, Weber and Jordan
rivers, with numerous s m a 11 e r
streams, would soon dilute the brine
and eventually transform the reser-
voir into a body of fresh water.
The-present proposal provides for
construction of only the first unit
of the fresh water lake, by building
a two-mile dike from the southern
tip of Antelope island to the lake
shore and another, about five miles
long, from the northwestern side of
the same island to the eastern shore
of the lake.
This would form a body of water
some 133 square miles in extent and
would be built at an estimated cost
of $600,000 to $600,000, as against a
total of $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 for
the entire project.
To augment the flow of the Jor-
dan river, the plan includes the
construction of a canal 11 miles
long to divert the Weber river into
the enclosed portion.

By James H. Inglis
Since the close of the traditional
Union Mimes 'opera. there has been
a real lack of some one represent-
ative campus dramatic and musical
show of a broad 'popular appeal.
The forthcoming production of De-
Koven's "Robin Hood," in which the
two glee clubs, the University sym-
phony orchestra, and Play Produc-
tion are all co-operating, should
answer this need, Professor Earl V.
Moore, director of the School of
Music and musical director of the,
University, said in an interview
The phrase that has been used
a good deal recently which implies
that Mimes in putting on "Robin
Hood" has gone "worthwhile" is not
to be taken too seriously and should
not scare anyone away, Professor
1GEH pffglt

German Department
Max Montor to Give
ngs on Mar. 9.


Practically every university in the
country, along with the indepen-
dent German societies, are spon-
soring programs this month in
honor of the centenary of the death
of Goethe, greatest of the derman
poets. Columbia university gave a
radio program yesterday, and the
University of Wisconsin is making
definite plans to present a program
over'the air.
The German department of the
University here is also planning
some rather extensive activity, but
as yet plans have not been an-
The arrival of Max Montor on
March 9 will be part of the Uni-
versity's program. Montor's read-
ings will be opportune, since they
will consist of portions from Faust.
Montor is prominent among uni-
versity audiences. Professor Albert
Bernhard Faust of Cornell univer-
sity said of him: "He impersonates
and creates the characters before
your eyes whether they are passion-
ate or gentle, virtuous or vicious,!
heroic or humble."I

Moore stated. While Robin Hood is
undoubtedly one of the most amus-
ing, and contains some of the most
infectious tunes of any of the
famous light operas, the implica-
tion that it is in the least "high
brow" or borders on grand opera,
is over-stating the case, he said.
As an extra curricular activity
for the students of the University
as a whole and of the School of
Music in particular, the production
of a light opera is certainly an ex-
cellent endeavor in the opinion of
Professor Moore There is a great
d(Zl of musical Ilent attracted to
the Music School which in the
ordinary run of recitals and con-
certs is hot brought before the Ann
Arbor theatre going public. An
opera such as "Robin Hood," how-
ever, gives the vocally gifted stu-
dents in music an opportunity to
perform on the lyric stage before a
large audience, and gives the pub-
lic a chance to hear singers and
instrumentalists thoroughly pro-
fessional in attainment if not in
actuality, he indicated.
The number of present day con-t
cert stars who have graduated from1
here is ample testimony to the factt
that the University Music attracts1
the best there is in innate musical
talent, and it is partly the uncover-
ing of such material in the course
of a light operatic production which
recommends Robin Hood, it was
brought out.
46 Inugtries Concerning Hop.c
wood Contests Submitted
to Prof. Weaver.
Definite proof of the growth of
the fame of the Avery and Julie3
Hopwood prizes was revealed yes-
terday by Prof. Bennett -Weaver in
a compilation of the inquiries re-
eeived concerning the awards. In
all, 46 inquiries have been received
from 20 states.
Excluding letters sent out to
members of other faculties, notes
have been received in response to
I radio talks, notices in newspapers,
I and in the Saturday Review of Lit-.~
ierature, and to an article by Wil
1 im Ryan Phelps in Scribnersl
magazine.- .
It is of particular note that a
I much larger percentage of the total
inquiries than was normally expect-
ed was received from eastern state,
particularly New York and Penn-
sylvania, P-rofessor Weaver said.
Green Demands Short
Hors for Laborers!
WASHIN TON, Feb. 29-(P) - A
new demand for shorter working'
yours, as "the only fundamental
Solution of unemployment" was
made today by William Green,
president of the American Federa-
tion of Labor.
"At present," he said, "our con-
servative estimate shows that ther'e
aatually is no more than 35 hours
of work a week for each wage earn-
er if all who want work are to have
jobs. From now on we must look
ahead to a long period of high un-
employment unless hours of work
are adjusted."

Associated Press Photo
Gen. Vassily Bluecher, comman-
der of the Soviet's far eastern army,
told government leaders that he is
prepared to defend" the Siberian
frontier against any action by White
Russians or foreign powers.
Naval Wife Bound and Assaulted
by Man Supposedly
a Japanese.
HONOLULU, Feb. 29--(/P)-Tense
excitement which gripped Honolulu
in recent months because of attacks
upon women and an attEndant
lynching was revived Monday by an
assault upon the wife of an enlisted
man of the United States navy.
The victim, Mrs. Kathleen Hope,
wig of John I. Hope, machinist on
the submarine 523 now en route to
San Diego, Calif., was the second
naval wife assaulted here in recent
Her attacker, who he thought
was a Japanese, ontered her home
with a pistol Saturday night. bound
her to a bed with stockings, gagged
her, assaulted her and then calmly
helped himself to cgr on a tUabl!e.
Before he left her threatened to
return and "get her" if she reported
the crime to police. Mrs. Hope
caught but a single glinip.:e of .er
assailaht's face when his mask
slipped off.
He also terrorized Mrs. D. W.
Curry, wife of another elristednaii
on submarine duty, in an adjoining
home. Neither of the women had a
The attack on Mrs. Hope came
scarcely 10 days before the sched-.
uled trial of Lieutenant Massie, Mrs.
Ganville Fortescue, mother of Mrs.
Massie, and two naval enlisted men
accused of the second degree mur-
der of Joseph Kahahawai, young
I Hawaiian and suspected attacker of
Mrs. Massie.

V __. ___®._®_..


"President Robert Angell was the
patron saint of education schools."
That is the unquestionable opin-
ion of Dean Emeritus Allen S. Whit-'
ney of the education school. He
made the statement in an interview
yes'terday, in the course of which he
pointed out that under the late
President Angell's influence the
first permanent chair of education
in any American college was estab-
lished under the professorship of
William -Harold Payne.
Dr. Whitney was commenting on
his recent work, "History of the
Professional Training of Teachers
at the University of Michigan for
the First Half-Century." He speaks
and writes from personal exper-
ience; he was a freshman at Mich-
igan in 1879, the year of the depart-
ment's establishment; and he was
a member of the faculty for the 381
years preceding his retirement.
Dr. Whitney was first put in
charge of the department in 1907.
He had, however, unofficially held
the post for the preceding five
years, because of the failing health
of the incumbent, Prof. purke A.
All shades $20.00
1319 South University

He had come into the department
in 109 with the title of junior pro-
fessor of the science and art of
teaching and inspector of high
schools; with his advent the de-
Ipartment's personnel increased to1
In 1921 the department, aftr a
long struggle with the literary
school toward that end, was elevat-
ed to the status of a full school.
with Dr. Whitney as acting dean;
two years later he became the fli-st
dean of the School of Education at
the University. ,
The early phases of the depart-
ment's existence are recalled with a
good deal of humor by the dean
emeritus. Professor Payne, who
shares the dedication of the book
with President Angell and Profes-
sor Hinsdale, had been notified of
his new appointment.


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