; .
ON '"I I I - I I I lmmmmimmlo
33-1 WIOVE
Daniels Registers 13
Points in Michigan
Court Triumph.
Badgers Held to Four
Goals by Wolves'
Stiff Defense.
By Sheldon C. Fullerton
Paced. once again by N4orm Dan-
iels, who dropped 13 points more
thrqugh the meshes, Michigan's
basketball team r scored its second
victory of the season over Wiscon-
sin by a 33-13 count, last night at
Yost Field House. The game was
one of the ,slowest and most. unin-
teresting that has been held on the
local. court this season, with the
Badgers, hard hit by ineligibility,
proving no opposition at all for the
more experienced Wolverines.
Badger Defense Weak.
While Michigan's tight defense
Was limiting the Cardinals to only
four field goals, all of them coming
in the final period, the Badger
guards were having a hard time in
holding the Maize and Blue scorers
from dropping in more points, the
Wolverine leader especially bother-
ing them with his numerous tries
at under-the-basket shots. If Dan-
iels had dropped in only half of the
shots he tried there would be no
question now as to the man who!
would eventually pace the Confer-
ence in scoring at the end of the
season, bult in spite of the fact that
he caged 13 points, many of his at-
tempts rolled around the hoop and
fell out.
Coach "Cappy' Cappon sent 11
men into the game before the final
whistle blew, but the hapless Badg-
ers were powerless to stop any com-
bination that Michigan placed on
the floor. Captain Mary Steen,
playing at forward, was the out-
standing man for Wisconsin, the
whistle several times robbing him
of brilliant baskets from out past'
the foul circle.
Lead at Half Time.
Michigan jumped into the lead
shortly after the start and were
never threatened afterwards. At
half-time the Maize and Blue had
piled up a 17-5 lead, which was in-'
creased to 22-9 shortly after the
start of the second half. From that'
time on the Wolverine subs enter-
ed the game, but had no more
trouble than Michigan's regulars .
had had previously.
-Assoctated Press
With bayonets drawn Ahese Chinese defenders are shown advancing on the Japanese lines after leav-
ing their dugouts in the Chapei district of Shanghai. They are members of the now famous nineteenth
route army, who have successfully turned back many Japanese attacks. Note the straw hats attached to
their backs. They are used to keep off the snow in winter and affor4i protection from the sun in summer.
Purdue..........9 1 .900
Northwestern .... 9 2 .818
Minnesota .......7 3 .700
MICHIGAN ...... 7 4 .636
Illin'ois.......... 5 5 .500
Ohio State .......5 6 .454
Indiana .........4 6 .400
Iowa ............ 3 8 .272
Wisconsin........ 2 8 .200
Chicago .......... 1 9 .100
Northwestern, Purdue
Iowa Score Victories
COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 29.-(AD)-
Northwestern rallied from a slow
start to defeat Ohio State, 26 to 19,1
tonight, in the Buckeye's final home
game of the Western Conferencet
Michigan (33)
Eveland, If ...-.....
Petoskey, if --.. .. . .
Daniels, rf
Petrie, rf .. . ...
Garner, c --._. .. ... .
Ricketts, c.----...
Allen, c .......
Weiss, Ig .
Shaw, Ig --.-- .... -. .
Williamson, rg ..,-.
Altenhof, rg .._.. _...
After holding the Wildcats 10 to
10, at half-time, the' Ohio State
quintet slowed down in the final
minutes, which permitted North-
western to win. The Buckeyes ex-
tended the Purple team to their
utmost by closely guarding their
sharpshooters, limiting them, to few
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Feb. 29.--(P)
-Purdue continued its leadership
in the Big Ten by swamping Illi-
nois, 34 to 19, here tonight. The
Boilermakers had things their own
way throughout the game.
The victory gave Purdue nine
victories against one defeat with
two more games yet to play. Johnny
Wooden starred for the Boilermak-
ers, leading the attack and keeping
Illinois away from the basket.
CHICAGO, Ill., Feb. 29. - (P)-
Iowa pushed Chicago deeper into
the Western Conference cellar to-
night by humbling the Maroons,
46 to 28. Chicago had a chance to
raise her standing with a victory
but the Hawkeyes went on a scor-
ing spree in the last half and
stepped far; in advance of Chicago.
Weather: Partly cloudy Tues-
day; Wednesday rain or snow, mod-
erate temperatures.
TActual Experience to Replace
Training Period; Expect
50 to Report.
.. Freshmen tryouts for The Mich-
igan Daily will assemble in the staffl
room at 3 o'clock, Tuesday after-
noon, March 8, for preliminary in-
struction and filing of names with
David M. Nichol, '32, news editor.
More than 50 underclassmen are
expected to try out for the editor-
ial staff, while many more will
probably be added to the roll by the
end of the week, Work bn the Daily
will begin at once, the preliminary
training period being used to aug-
ment rather than precede actual
,journalistic experience this year.
Eligibility for freshmen who wish
to try out for The Daily on March 8
consists of a record of no mark low-
er than C and one above C. Soph-
omores, and other underclassmen
wishing to try out on Tuesday, will
have an equal chance with second
semester freshmen, and positions
on the editorial staff are now open
for such prospects. Previous news-
paper experience, while a great as-
set, is by no means a prerequisite.
Several incentives for Daily work
ahve been indicated by members of
the upper staff during the first se-
mester at freshman gatherings.
High dampus -standing, honorary
recognition in campus societies, ac-
tual experience on a daily newspa-
per, and some financial return are
among the facts which have been
stressed. The small number of re-
porters now on the staff gives this
year's freshman an additional op-
portunity to gain a place on the
Additional favors for those who
filed to obtain them at the Soph
Prom will be given out today at
the Union. Ticket stubs must be
presented in order to obtain fa-
Metropolitan Opera Prima Don.
na Scheduled to Appeai
At Annual Festival.
Dr. Oharles A. snK, president of
the School of Music, last night con-
firmed reports that Goeta Ljung-
berg, Swedish prima donna soprano
of the Metropolitan Opera company,
would sing on the May Festival pro-
Arrangements for the Metropoli-
tan star to come to Ann Arbor were
made when she consented to stay
in this country for a few weeks fol-
lowing the close of the opera sea-
The signing of the contract with
Miss Ljungberg adds still another
to the already famous array of art-
ists that will appear on the May
Festival program. Included in this
list are Beniamino Gigli, tenor;
John Charles Thomas, baritone, and
Chase Baromeo, bass.
Miss Ljungberg made her Metro-
politan debut Jan. 20 in New York,
following a series of triumphs at
the State Opera, Berlin, and Co-
vent Garden, London. She wassim-
mediately acclaimed by music crit-
Preliminary Examination in N.
Y. Times Contest Will Be
. Held at 2 p.m.
The preliminaries of the seven
annual New York Times curret
events contest will be held at two
o'clock this afternoon in room 2203
Angell hall. Three hours will be
permitted the contestants to answer
questions embracing the significant1
news of the past year. All under-
graduates in the University are eli-
The examination will consist of
two parts. The first of these, re-?
sembling what is generally termed
a "spot quiz," will be composed of
names, events, and places which the
contestant will identify in a few
words. The second part will consist
of short esays, not less than 250
words in length, on subjects of gen-
eral interest that will be given. En-
trants will have a choice of five
topics from a list of 15 that will be
The winner will receive a prize of
t In nr "lnnn drll m nn -.n %br-r
Appearance of Many
Birds Heralds Spring
Spring is really here, it seems, if
36 species of birds in Washtenaw
county, seen by staff members of
the University Museum, means any-
The March lamb ought to be
pretty frolicsome, if one can base a
conclusion on the first robin sighted
on Jan. 3. Cardinals and bluejays
were seen the same day.
Other early arrivals and heralds
of better weather, indicated on a
chart on the third floor of the mu-
seums"building, are woodpeckers,
waxwings, bob - whites, starlings,
warblers and mourning doves. The
latest recordied arrival was a kill-
Special Meeting of Assemblymen
Called by Governor to
Discuss Measures.
LANSING, Feb. 29-(A)-A formal
call for a special session of the leg-
islature to consider tax relief will
be issued by Governor Brucker tt-
morrow, but he is far from settled
upon the program he hopes to have
The governor announced today
that from now until the session
convenes, he will spend many of his
working hours behind closed doors,
formulating relief plans. He has
invited members of the legislature,
representatives of business, agri-
cultural, finance, industry a n d
property owners to meet with him
here. All speaking engagements
except three or four which were
scheduled some time ago will be
cancelled and no invitations will be
accepted, the governor said.
The call itself, aside from fixing,
the date for the openig of the ex-
tra session, probably March 29, will
give no indication .of what the gov-
ernor hopes to accomplish. It will
simply inform the members that
they will meet here "to consider
such matters as the governor shall
University, AA.H.S.
To Give Comic Opera
A combined chorus of 60 Ann Ar-
bor High School studc:nts, repre-
senting the glee clubs of that school
and nine principals, including for
the 'most part University students,
will present the comic opera, "The
Little Tycoon," the nights of March
4 and 5 in Lydia Mendelssohn thea-
Under the direction of Miss Julia
Higbee, supervisor of music in the
public schools here, and a member
of the faculty of the School of Mu-
sic, the production will be the first
to be given which includes both
high school and University students.
Those who will participate in the.
opera are: Gardiner Smith, '32;
Goddard Light, '35, Justin Cline, '35;
Joseph Conlin, '33SM; Winchester
Richard, '32SM; Martin Waggoner,
George Dodd, Clarence Baylis, Ken-
dall Stuber, Francis. Robinson and
Evelyn Hitchcock, Ann Arbor H. S.;
Gwendolyn Zoller, '32SM, Virginia
Forsythe, '34SM, and Leah Lichten-
walter, '33SM.
United States, Other
Powers Cooperating
in New Peace Move
By The Associated Press.
A proposal for truce at Shanghai and an international confer-
ence to arrange ai final settlement of the Sino-Japanese conflict was
accepted yesterday by the representatives of Japan and China on
the League of Nations Council.
The United States is participating in this new move for peace,
as are Great britain, France and Italy. All four have important in-
terestsin Shanghai.
In hopeful tones both the Chinese and Japanese representa-
tives at Geneva gave their support to the peace plan and promised
to recommend immediate acceptance to their governments.
Both Geneva and Shanghai were optimistic over peace-but
that made no difference to the men in the battle lines. This morn-
ing Chinese infantry men swept across Chapei and broke the Jap-
anese defenses in a surprise attack.
The Japanese called fot help from their big guns, reformed and
put on a counter attack i which they recovered most of the lost
Warfare May be Carried Inland.
Japan gave formal .warning to the Chinese mayor of Shanghai
that if Chinese reinforcements were brought in the warfare would
be carried inland 50 miles by the Japanese bombing planes. Thqi
mayor was informed that both the Shanghai-Nanking and the
Shanghai-Hangkow railway would be bombarded and that all mili-
tary trains would be destroyed.
The Tokyo foreign office was informed that 100,000"Soviet Rus-
sian troops had been massed in the vicinity of Vladivostok in prep-
aration for what is considered in Russia to be an inevitable conflict
with Japan. The Japanese consul at Vladivostok said that an iodine
factory had been converted for the manufacture of pgison gas.
The Japanese government at Nanking decided to launch a puni-
tive expedition against the new Manchurian-Mongolian state
established under Japanese auspices, and to resumediplomatic rela-
tions with the Soviet government which were broken off in 1929.
Enumerate Bases for Conference.
The peace proposal was phrased thus:-
"A conference. would be set up immediately at Shanghaicoem-
posed of representatives of the governments of China and Japan,
together with the representatives of the interested great powers, for
the purpose of bringing about a final conclusion of the fighting and
restoration of peaceful conditions in the Shanghai area. ,
"This conference 'would be undertaken on the basis that:
1. Japan has no political or territorial designs and no intention
of establishing a Japanese settlement at Shanghai or otherwise ad-
vancing the exclusive interests of the Japanese ; and
2. China enters the conference on the basis that the safety and
integrity of the international and French settlements must be pre-
servedundermarrangements which will secure those areas and their
residents from danger; and
3. The meeting of this conference is, of course, subject to mak-
ing local arrangements for the cessation of hostilities. The council
trusts that this will be brought about very speedily.
"It is proposed that. the military, naval and civilian authorities
of the principal powers represented at Shanghai will give all, nossible
assistance in consolidating these arrangements."
[Woman to Get Initial Master's
Degree Here Dies,
KALAMAZOO, IFeb. 29-(P)-Mrs.
Caroline Irene Kleinstueck, 76, first
woman to receive a masters' degree
from the University of Michigan.
died here at her home Sunday aft-
.ernoon after a prolonged illness
She was a pioneer worker in the
state suffrage association; was the
first contributor to the Michigar
League building at Ann Arbor; and
gave to the state the tract known
as the Kleinstueck preserve, a field
for the study and observation of
plant aid animal life by students
of the county public schools and
Totals ...-.... ... 13 7 8 33
Wisconsin (13) G F P T
Steen,If . 1 2 1 4
Oakes, rf ... . ......0 0 2 0
Rewey,rf_. _.... ...0 0 0 0
Nelson, rf.............. 2 0 1 4
Griswold, c-..g ..-.....0 1 3 1
RykaI ..... 0 0 3 0
Miller, lg ...... .....0 0 0 0
Wickman, rg .1..1 2 2 4
Totals ..... ....4 5 12 13
Referee: Feezle (Indianapolis);
Umpire: Travinicek (Notre Dame).
from Presidential candi-
-dates to landlords. There
is a certain advantage to
public proclamation o f
one's wares and contribu-
You; too, will find ad-
vantage in Michigan Daily
Churchill to Lecture Here Tonight;'
Cross Will Introduce Noted Speaker
American Fleet Mobilizes for
Mimic Maneuvers; Deny
Japan Scare.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 29- (P)--
Virtually the entire American navy
is being mobilized in the Pacific.
Under orders disclosed today, ten
warships will pass through the
Panama Canal to join the fleets
which soon will hold maneuvers
in defense of the Pacific coast. This
will bring to 202 the fighting ships
flying the American flag west of
the Canal. The unexpected move
attracted widespread attention.
Asked if there was any relation,
between the sudden orders anct the
Far Eastern' situation, Navy offi-
cials replied their latest reports
showed an easing of tension in the
Orient, and emphasized a statement
by Admiral Pratt, chief of naval
operations, that a plan for such a
ship movement had been "under
consideration since the maneuvers
were first announced.
The vessels that will be concen-
trated in the Pacific are made up
of 12 battleships, 17 cruisers, 33 sub-
marines, :81 destroyers, three air-
craft carriers and 56 auxiliaries.
These embrace the regular Pacific
fleet a2;d the Asiatic fleet, the
Americans threatened in the Jap-
anese-Chinese hostilities.
The task allotted to the two war-
ship organizations is to assist ves-
b i k nawm inh +A L noi 4. i -
Resolution Urging United States
League and World Court Is
to Join
Sent to Hoover
A resolution to President Hoover
yesterday was signed by 70 under-
graduates and faculty members,
urging the United States to "join
immediately" the League of Na-
tions and the World Court in order
to stiengthen "the existing ma-
chinery for peace" and so curb
Japanese "militarism."
The move was made at a lecture
given yesterday in Natural Science
auditorium by Dr. Francis S. On-
tations in curbing Japanese
militarism and the proof that
the Kellogg Peace Pact and the
Nine-Power Pact a r e 'mere
scraps of paper' convince the
undersigned citizens of Mich-
igan that the supreme duty of
the United States is to join im-
mediately the League of Na-
tions and the World Court; only
by strengthening the existing
machinery for peace can we
make onr will for neae anA fo
Labelled the "finest all-around
speaker" on public questions in
England -the best equipped, the
most forceful, the most entertain-
ing, Winston Churchill, "the stormy
petrel of politics," will lecture here
tonight in Hill auditorium.
Mr. Churchill, on a lecture tour of
the United States, will come to Ann'
Arbor today from Detroit. He will
deliver his address at 8 p.m. His
subject, it was said, will touch upon
some topic of the present day.
He will be introduced by Arthur
Lyon Cross, Richard Hudson, pro-
fessor of English, and a personal
friend of the British statesman.
The present visit of Mr. Churchill
I e L. .-- - . . . . .- .