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L. XLII, No. 177. EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1932 WEATHER: Partly cloudy, showers.
1MM i: CrinkIIAlI Wor
den Honored With 7 wo Posts 35BSNROLLED CAMP'S DIRECTOR,
s k E s f S £ C
rJoseph A. Renihan.
d Gould featured the sen-
I elections yesterday in the
Sciwnce auditorium, when
in i- t i+. in t+u nlinin
ns or en.iar ass
'an equal nuhiber of votes for the ATFRESH AIR CMP
office of Smoothest Man.
Proceedings were seriously inter-
rupted during the nominations u r T [S N L K
when John Denler enforced his
refusal to run for Most Effective Funds Raised by 'M' Club Sale
Brunette by erasing his name from
the nominated list, amid cries of Will Provide Outing for
"What is this, Denler?" lis nom- Detroit Children.
ination was declared official, how-
ever, by Joseph Zias, presiding ALDER TO BE DIRECTOR
officer, and in the ensuing election
he lost by a wide margin to Doro- Otdoor Sports and Woodcraft
thy Barnes, Jeannie Cudlip and
Emily Bates also had more votes to Occupy 'ime of The
than Denier. Campers.
Norman Daniels and Maynard
"Doc" Morrison were the over- More than 350 boys between the
whelming choices for Cass Athlete ages of 10 and 1 years, most of
and,9nior Who has Done the Most them from Detroit, will be given a
for Michigan, respectively. two-week outing this summer at
In the contest for Senior Who the University Fresh Air Camp at
has Done Michigan for the Most, Patterson lake, according to an an-
Howard Worden emerged victorious nouncement made yesterday by
ovpr Charles Kline by a narrow George Alder, director-in-chief of
margin of three votes. Rumors that the camp.
Worden came in on a 'river 9f sil- Funds for the operation of the
ver' apparently are unfounded.. camp were raised in an all-ampus
Worden proved to be the only , drive conducted May 11 under the
double victor of the day, however, auspices of the "M" club, under the
when he edged out David Nichol leadership of Norman Daniels, '32
and Richard Tobin for the office Ed., captain of the 1931-32 basket.-
of Most Astute Grade Beggar. ball team. In former years it has
In the election of the Most In- been customary to send approxi-
genuous Blonde, Worden was kept mately 400 boys to the camp but,
from a triple triumph by Eugenie owing to the fact that the drive
Chapel who won by an overwhelm- this year fell nearly $1,000 short of
ing vote. the amount it was .hoped it would
Members of the fairer sex voting raise, it will be necessary to reduce
in the contest for the office of Co- the number of boys who will be
ed's Choice, out-voted the mascu- able to attend this summer.
line element, when- Colby Ryan and Started 12 Years Ago
"Bud" McCormick were decisively The camp was started 12 years
defeated by Beach Conger. ago by a group of University men
Mary Shields was chosen Most and their friends, who wished to
Attractive Girl, and the choice of help underprivileged boys of Ann
Most Popular Girl wentto Margaret Arbor, Detroit, and the nearby
Thompson. ,vicility to have more healthy and
Richard L. Tobin was selected as enjoyable summer vacations.
the Most Literary Senior. The camp program comprises
Harry Benjamin, who was obvi- swimming, boating, baseball, track.
ously shaken by his nomination for hikes, Indian lore,. handicraft
Most Respected Senior, maintained woodcraft, nature lore, campfire
a calm exterior as the ballots were programs, and all the- other usual
counted and he was declared victor occupations and pastimes of sum-
over John Sauchuck and David mer camps. It is situated on a plot
Nichol for the office. of ground of 180 acres, bordering
- ---one of the best beaches on Patter-
T[ 'son lake.
According to the plan that has
been followed in past years, boys
F flatIthe social agency nearest their
N ,n SrLN homes. A "first come first served"
rule has been followed, although
frequent exceptions are made, in
T6 Contain Many Points Sim lar the cases of boys who deemed es-
to Interfraternity Council pecially worthy or especially in
need of an outing at the camp.
Proposal. To Have Four Periods
According to the present sched-
Members of the Policy commit- ule there will be four periods at the
tee of the University of Michigan camp this summer. These will be-
Interfraternity Alumni Conference gin June 27, July 11, July 25, and
met last night to make final deci- Aug. '8, 'respectively.
sions on a rushing plan for next .Leaders at the camp this sum-
fall, which they will present toPres, mer will include La Verne "Kip"
Alexander G. Ruthven today for Taylor, associate director; Lewis
approval. Lemak, '33, swimming and boating
This pain will contain many of director; and Ralph Mueller, per-
the points brought out in the one sonnel director, who are members
drawn up by the Interfraternity of the "M" club; and George Alder,
Council committee, it is understood. director-in-chief; Mrs. George Ald-
The meeting of the /Judiciary er, camp mother; Clarence New-
committee of the Interfraternity man, handicraft director; Walter
Council to consider the t plan ap- Work, health counselor; Richard
proved .by the Council was schpd- Payne, Indian lore; Vernon John-
uled for last night, but was post- son, nature lore; Parke Sager and
poned because Joseph A. Bursley, Ferris Jennings, athletics; and
the points brought out in the one Edward Varnum and. Emanuel
drawn up by the Interfraternity Mathews, campfire programs.
dean of students, could not attend.
Edwin T. Turner, '33, president of
the Council, said last night that E ROBINSON
the Judiciary committee w o u I d
meet before the end of the week. If
this committee approves the plan, n
- : .
George Alder, director-in-chief
of the University Fresh Air camp
for under-privileged children of
Detroit and vicinity to be held at
Patterson lake this summer.
Was Martyr of Michigan-Chicago
Football Game in 1905
SOLEM, Ore., June' 1.-"Denny"-(
"Den Clark, the man who as a
youth shouldered the sole respon-
sibility for the historic 2 to 0 de-
feat of the University of Michigan
football team by Chicago in 1905
is dead. He shot himself in his
hotel room here yesterday.
Registered under his full name of
William Dennison Clark, he was
identified today by Dori Greene, of1
Portland ,a brother-in-law, and by
letters and photographs found in
his room, He was 47 years old.
.Pictured in sports pages for years
as "the goat" of the famous Michi-
gan-Chicago game, Clark's error
came in attempting to make a
safety in order to bring the ball
into play farther down the field.
He was- thrown for a touchback,
causing Michigan to lose its first
game in several seasons.
An air mail letter to his wife.
written in San Francisco, April 18,
told of his intentons as to his n-
During the war, Clark held a cap-
taijcy in the air corps, Spruce Di-
vision. He is survived by his widow
Mrs. Mary Clark, of New , York
'City, and by three children, Eliza-
beth, William Dennison, Jr., and
To Give Informal Performance
for Play Production Today
itLaboratory Theatre,
Patricia Collinge, Martha Gra-
ham, R o b e r t Henderson, Amy
Loomis, and other M9embers of the
1932 Dramatic season company now
appearing at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn theatre will present an in-
formal program before the mem-
bers of the Play; Production classes
this a f t e r n o o n at 4:15 o'clock
in the Laboratory theatre. I
The members of the classes in
play writing conducted by Profes-
sors Kenneth T. Rowe and Bennett
Weaver have also been invited. The
program is open to all interested
students' and faculty members.
As a feature of the program, Miss
Collinge and Henderson will pre-
sent "A Christmas Present" from
Arthur Schnitzler's "The Affair of
Anatol." Without stage sets or cos-
tumes, Miss Colinge will play the
part in this sketch which she did
last winter with Joseph Schild-
kraut.' Miss Collinge is now playing
the title role in "Candida." 1
Five scholarships for American
Indians were approved at a recent
meeting of the Regents of the Uni-
versity, an acknowledgement of an I
age-old debt of the University to
the' Indians of the Northwest Ter-
ritory, who in 1817 generously gave
land to aid in the establishment of
a college in Detroit. This gift was
the first benefice ever received by
sthe University of Michigan.
The. scholarships, which consist
of the remission of all University
fees, will be given to any American
Indian of either sex who may be
recommended by the Secretary of
the Interior on the basis of worth-
1932 Announcements
Are Available Today
Senior announcements have at-
rived ante will be, available to-
day for all literary seniors in
room 4 university hall, accord-
ing to Howard Gould, chairman
of the invitations committee.
Distribution will be from 10 un-
til 4 o'clock today and from 9
until 4 o'clock on Friday.
Ihiplicate slips must be pre-
sented in person and there will
positively be no distribution after
Friday, June 2, Gould said. A
limited number of extra an-
nouncenments are on hand and
will be place on sale for im-
mediate disposal.
Is Proc aimed Gentleman With
Oiliest 'rongtie'; Briggs
Given Cooley Cane.
Prof. A. D. Moore was acclaimed
the "Gentleman With the Oiliest
Ton'gue" after his short impromptu
speech at the "Ttng Oil" banquet
heldjlast night at the Union. Dean
Alfred H. Lovell, of the College of
Engineering, last year's w i n n e r,
presented the crown to Professor
President Alexander G. Ruthven
gave the principal address of the
evening. Other speakers were Prof.
L o u i s A. Hopkins, toastmaster,
Dean Herbert C. Sadler, Prof. Emil
Lorch, Prof. John S. Worley, and
Earl C. Briggs,. '33E-
The Cooley Cane, presented each
year to the junior of Sigma Rho
Tau most valuable to the society
was won this year by Earl Briggs,
president. Presentation of 'awards
to Sigma Rho Tau men was made
by Arthur K. Hyde and Perry A.
Fellows representing the Asociated
Technical Societies of D t r o i t.
Other honor announcemens were
made by Prof. Robert D. Brackett,
adviser to the Stump Speakers' so-
-ciety. -
Representatives of engineering
societies endorsing the work of Sig-
nia Rho Tau complimented the so-.
ciety on its successful year.''
Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven was
inbiated as an honorary member.
Others who were taken in as ac-
tive members were: P r o f e s s o r
George E. Brigham, John C. Worley,
Axel Marin, Jesse E. Thorton, J.
Raleigh Nelson, Clarence F. Kessler,
Chailes H. .,Fessemden, Walter C.
Sadler, W ill i a m H. Egly, and
Messrs. Perry Fellows and Arthur
H. hyde, both of the Associated
-Technical Society of Detroit.
Funeral Services Held
for Berne Gustafson
Funeral services for Berne Thor
Gustafson, freshman engineering
student who died Monday night
from injuries received in the clas
games this spring, were held at the
Beta Theta Pi house yesterday
Gustafson was 19 years old and a
pledge to the Beta Theta Pi fra-
ternity. At the ceremony he was
formally initiated into the chapter.
The Reverend D. E. Mann, of St
Andrews church, officiated.-
Pallbearers were Clarke Andreae,
Donald Black, Wilbur Blair, Daniti
Bryant, Donald Charlesworth, John
Laun, Bruce Peasely, Robert Rouse,
William Smith, and Sampson
Smith, all of whom are freshme)
in the fraternity.
After the funeral the body was
taken to Detroit. for cremation and
froip there will be taken to Mel.
rose, Mass., Gustafson's home, for
dian tribes, "it the falls of the Mi-
ami at'Lake Erie." In this docu-
ment, signed September 29, 1817,
the Indian tribes gave six sections
of land, three to the Church of Ste.
Anne in Detroit, and three to the
"College of Detroit," an institution
not yet organized: The religious
spirit of the Indians inspired the .
gift. Many of the rel men, who
were Catholics, expressed their de-
sire to aid since they foresaw the
day when their posterity might
want to go to college.
Less than a month after this gift
was recorded, the "CGatholepiste-
miad, of University of Michigania,"
was organized in Detroit, the fore-
Mayor Avers Innocence,
Claims Unfdirness
'in Charges. i
Brother Admits Taking
Share of City '
NEW YORK, June .
Evidence which Samuel Seabury
said constituted grounds for the
removal of Mayor Walker was
presented to the Hofstadter Leg-
islative Committee today.
'The committee counsel charged
Walker had violated the City
Charter by holding bonds y in a
compapy whihh received a City
contract for $43,556 worth of
traffic lights.
"And I say it is grounds for re-
moval and has been so held and is
so provided in Section 1533 of the,
City Charter," Seabury told the in-I
quiry board in stern tones.
Walker himself, in Detroit, has
charged Seabury with "unfairnes "
and said the lawyer "well knew"
that the bonds "came into my pos-
session without any knowledge on
my part of the company's bust-
Removal Demandedk
Seabury's statement to thoe com-
mittee was the first in wWch he
has given any intimation he will
file charges against the Mayor and
the first time he has said the Mayor
should be ousted.
It also was the first time Sea-
bury had followed up the introduc-.
tion of evidence againt the Mayor
kith a charge that a violatton had
tbeen committed for whlch -apc-
cific penalty was pr'ovlded.
The section of the City Charter
Seabuky referred to states that
City. official who ii a stockhcein
or is directly or indirectly. inter-
ested In any corporation having a
contract with the City1 can upo
conviction be forced to' forfeit his
office and can be punished for a'
Among the day's witnesses was
Dr. William H. Walker, the mayor's
brother, to whom William J Scan-
lan, who sold equipment to thee City,
said lie paid more than $2,500 for
medical services.
Dr. Walker had been sought by
Seabury's aides since shortly after
Scanlan testified.
Included City Fees.
After first denying that the fees
he shared with four physicians enm-
ployed- by the City to handle work-
men's, compensation cases included
any fees paid by the City, Dr.
Walker testified that in the case of
one of the physicions he did share
fees paid by the City.
Dr Walker said he formerly
shared an office with Dr Harris
Feinberg, one of the four physi-
cians; that lie and Dr. Feinberg had
been shown a considerable number
of eieks dawn by the City to Dr.
Feinberg ad endorsed by both him
and Dr. Walker.
The Mayos brother acknowl-
edged he had received about $50,000
inthe last five years by serving as
a consultant on the call of :Dr.
Thomas J. O'Mara, oneof a group
of physician's designated to treat
injured City employees under the
Workmen's Compensation Act.
Rich, Devises Plan That Will
Prevent Long Vacations.
Disappointment awaits students
who have been expecting to sign up
for a long vacation in February and
an early end to classes in June un-
der the new "know in advance" ex-
ainination plan, it\vas learned yes-
The plan that Prof. Daniel L.
Rich, director of classification, has
devised will enable students to sign
for classes in such a manner as to
preclude conflict at examination
time, but will not enable them to
know at the time of classification
when the examinations will take
Dean Bursley will call a meeting
of the Senate committee on Stu-
dent Affairs early next week, ac-
cording to 'Turner.
Both the Alumni and the frater-
nity groups 'are making a strong
effort to have the system now in
effect altered before next fall.
"The thing most, necessary for a of the play. The second element in
stage setting to have is illusion, ac- theatricalism is simplicity. All but.
cording to Stewart Chaney, stage the absolutely essential details must
.tabe eliminated."
designer for the 1932 Dramatic sea- Chaney, who is only 25, studied at
son. Yale, where he worked in the
Chaney 'contends that the stage George P. Baker workshop under
may have illusion without realism, the direction of Donald Owenslag-
and illustrates this with reference er. His first year out of college he
a the set designed by Robert Ed- spent designing window dsiplays
mnund Jones for "Macbeth," which for Lord and Taylor, and then went
consisted purely of distorted Gothic to design sets for the East Orange
forms that indicated a mood rather Little theatre. Ford the last two
than a place. -seasons he has been designing
"The setting should be a crystal- scenery for the Utida players.
lization of the essence of the play; The scenery for "The Animal
a symbol of what the play is Kingdom" which is now in the pro-
about," Chaney said. "The first cess of construction, consists, in the
task of the designer is to establish first act, of Tom Collier's country
the mood of the play'and then to home. As Chaney has planned it,
provide a good skeleton for the it is to be an early, American farm
actors to work on. -A set must also house room with white walls and
have good composition and color dark beams. An interesting side-
Director of Abbey Theatre iin
Dublin Writes htroduction
to Anual Book.
By Kenneth T. Rowe
Assistant Professor of English
This year's book of University of
Michigan plays has the distinction
of an introduction by Mr. Lennox
Robinson, director of the Abbey
Theatre in Dublin, now the Irish
National theatre, and, author of
"The White Headed Boy," "The Far
Off Hills," and other well-known
plays. Mr. Robinson has made
many friends in Ann Arbor through
several visits here in the past few
years, as lecturer, to direct the stu-
dents of play production in a pre-
sentation of "The White Headed
Boy" and this year is bringing his
company from the Abbey theatre in
a repertory of Irish plays. ~
Mr. Robinson appraises in his in-
troduction the growing place of col-
leges arnd universities in the the-
atrical life of the country. From
his experience of successive .visits
to America since 1911, on'lecture
tour and with the Abbey theatre
company, he has viewed the situa-
#tion of the drama and theatre in
cities and small towns, and in col-