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May 24, 1932 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-24

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24, 19 ?



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Climaxes Track Fame

BRAVES REA CH TOP~ Wolves Aided in Big Ten
fei iN~17RI...nnn Meet by Keller's Injury]

On Winning Relay

! :
F ...

Brown WTins From Sanduisky i
Score Only Point for
Ypsilanti Squad.
Appelt, Waring, Duranid, Root /
and Baldwin WIinla Singles
Ma1tchecs FEasily.
Sweeingy all but one of the sin-
ples matches, the Jayvee tennis
team yesterday swamped the Mich-
igan State Normal freshmen, 3 to 1. ..____________
'lie ol ac n w i teWolverine juniors went clown in do- llarrnall Wolfe, star Michigan
feat was a close, three set affair in milcr, compli tLdhivs collcee raek'
which Brlown defeated Sandusky in career last Saturday in the Confer-
the number three match, 6-3, 3-6, ! ence mile fun b y pac .g, eonl.
8-G, The match was a close battle
throughout, with the Ypsi netman CARDIF SIGNS
hvnaliteteeg.In the ranking singles match, W T IS U I
Appelt defeated Scholz in two WIH M S O R
deuced sets, 8-6, 7-5. In the num-__
ber two match, Baldwin,, Michigan, WsAlAeia urehc
after being forced to deuce gameswaX1-mrcn ?ate :cl
toa win the opening set, in his at Notre Dame; Beaks
match with Arnold, proved his su- Puriduie Contract.
periority by taking the second set
with the loss of only two games. (Soial1 to The ic liiy)
Roat, Ward, Go Threc Sets. LAFAYETTE, Ind., May 23.---Word
Another hotly contested three- from Columbia, Mo., that Frank
-wet batthe came in the fourth rank-
ing between Root, Michigan, and Carideo, backfield coach at Purdue
Ward. Root won the first set, 6-4; University for the past year hadj
lost the second, to his Ypsilanti op- signed as head football coach at
ponent, 3-6; and came back to win the University of Missouri, was re-j
the f1inal by 6-4. ceived with considerable regret;
Waring, Michigan, came through here, although it has been knownj
in the fifth ranking match to do- for some time that Carideo, former
feat Moehorer in straight sets, 7-5,1 all-American quarterback at Notre1
7-5. In the final singles match, Dame, had been seriously consider-
Durand, Michigan, had, a rather ing the offer.
easy time with Pike, winning in! Although Carideo was under cpn-
two sets by identical scores of 6-2.I tract here for another year's serv-l
:In the ranking doubles, Baldwin ice, (Purdue athletic authorities
and Appelt teamed to win over agreed to release him from the
Scholz and Arnold, 6-4, 6-3. In the contract in order to allow him to
number two match, Durand and accept the head coachship., In his
Waring defeated Pike and Moehr- first year as a coach, Carideo :made
er, 6-3, 6-2. Root and Sandusky a.marked success in his duties here
won their'doubles match by default, when he concentrated on. the de-
SUMMARIES: velopment of the backfield.
Appelt (MW) d. Scholz (Y), 8-6, 7-5. No indication has been given here
Baldwin (1V) d. Arnold (Y), 8-6, as yet as to a possible successor of
6-2.1 Carideo as backfield coach as both
Mrown (Y) d. Sand usky (M), G-3,1 N. A. Kellogg, director of athletics,
3-6, 8-6., and Coach Noble Kizer were in
R~oot (MW) d. Ward (Y), 6-4, 3-6,1j Chicago when news of' Carideo's


NilIIUWil L U~ die~o.._ as good or better. Several Michigan
fnses cm thaou betatgreauted
r v n t o g h 9 2 W se n fnsh st a ol eatiue ,)os_,o n Dcfca ts Brooklyni, 5 in 4" Conference track meet became his- Vlnothiing else but a great term pnia1jii. i !
tio }is<; Cubs; Bowiecs tory last Saturday, it still isn't tooi Wolfe Finishes Well. f
Nose Out Detroit. late to jot down a few of the out- One of those to come through in
-- standing feats that marked Mich-I the last minute was Harmon Wolfe. I(
Coming from behind in the sixthl igan's startling victory over the! Wolfe trailed along in third place
inning to tie the sco, e, and then! Scarlet and Gray of Ohio State. Be- most of the way, with Henry Brocek- t
rallying in the tenth to pouea al hEcaer o ih smith of Indiana and H-erbert Sears
poue fore givingalthchrsote of Purdue out ahead of him. Brook-
single run, gave the Boston Braves + Woverines, however, shed a tear for 1smrith wasn't even hard pressed, but
4 5 to 4 victory over the Brooklyn I the Buckeyes. It was tough to lose Sears and the Wolverine were wag;--
Robins and as a result of that win their first championship by a bad! ing a great battle. Coming from2
the Boston club moved into first' break that couldn't be helped., behind on the home stretch, with -i
l~lee n te Ntioal eage. hey The bad break came when Jack most of the crowd yelling their
Keller, who already had beaten one! lungs out for him, Wolfe breas Led
deposed the Chicago Cubs, who were; world's record in' the highi hurdles,± the tape a scant half step ahead of ;< i 1d
idle yesterday. tore a miuscle in the low hurdles the Boilermaker distance marl.
In the only other game played in Icvent. Keller was just approaching Ed Russell's victory in the 440 wats the B"i
the National League the Giants coi-1 the seventh hurdle and was giving, almost as close. Russell was stur- SeC0110
lected nineteen hits to outslug Phil-! everything he had to overcome a prisingly hard pressed all of the
adelphia 9 to 7. five-yard lead by George Saling ofI way by Fuqua, the speedy Indiana 23 N
All of the leaders except New Iowa, star. The distance between the two .
York were upset in the American Would Have Changed Ilesult, was never more than three or four I'0
League. The Yankees staved off a Had Keller come from behind and yards, and often it looked as if tide
late Philadelphia rally to defeat the; wone the race, Ohio State would Hoosiers were going into first place, Ar'nrb
White Elephants 6 to 5. Boston have won the meet by a single! but Russell was still ahead at-,t h i
stopped their losing streak by whip- point, 50 ?,2 to 4912. But the questionf tape and going strong.
ping a surprised band of Senators! arises as to whether or not Keller 1 Dashes Close.
6-2 behind the good hurling of Bob would have won. Saling had a long'(Te10yr ahadte20
Weiland. lead, the race was over half run, ThI0-yrNas nDte20
The St. Louis Browns scored five and Keller was not going any too !yard dash were two-cornered affairs Lou N
runs in the seventh to defeat the well. Scheifley of Minnesota, alsoi between Don Bennett of Ohio St ateI BillyI
Titgers 7 to 6 while Milt Gaston of led Keller, but he wouldn't hlave andththudeHehichgofallintshwnn
Chicago shut out Cleveland, yield-, lasted long enough to nose out the wibthe o the uck e mavns.allte RockI
inonly two hits. Buckeye flash,.ete f h eggeetsIo rade o
Ik i ~The 'Wolverines deserve lots of Renwick of Michigan placed fourth I ith
AMERIAN LEGUE'credit for the fighting spirit they in each event, while Jack Campbell race hi
AMERCANLEAUI~showed in upsetting all the dope. just didn't have the stuff to finish1 The
Cleveland......009O 000 000-0 2 2 While they were picked to be one of if Khelloeyale. ocoetrog al Ds
Chcg.....0020lx- ~the three strongest teams in the i te.o late n oe a fnd!
Hildebrand, Connally, Pear'son meet, most of the scribes were rat- intelw!rlen n a i mileq
and L. Sewell; Gaston and Grube. I igteBcsadIdaaa ut!any hfadurlsevthis shrwing ntetofrn:
St. Louis....010 010 500-7 13 01hg ude vn. hr antrtr
Detroit........ 003 010 020-6 10 2 ________ ____ any question as to his supremacy injury
tStewart, Gray, Kimsey and R.' I -AUESANIG over Saling in this race, but the year's
and Hay- STNDIGS Iowa star was still plenty better 116.686
Ferrell; Hlog-sett, Herring an a-iAmetricanii League. , than the rest of the field. Egleston (the dt
worth. w LVt. o Michigan came in fourth. at 114.
Botn....2 1 0- 51New York ......... 23 9 .719 Turner Hangs On. WUthe
I Washington ... 110 000 000--2 8 0 Washiingtoni........ 22 13 .629 1 The half-mile run showed that two da;
Weiland and Connolly; Burke, Philadelphia ...... 18 15 .545 Homnbostel of Indiana, who won the the dri
Marberry, Crowder, Berg and Maple. Detroit............ 17 15 .531 indoor title, was just as good on the 100 mil
Athletics....... 000 030. 011-5 8 2 Cleveland.......... 19 17 .528 outside track. Turner and Lemon, f y wYr ...for0 0- S.Lus......1 8.0
Ne Yrk....0 02 ~x6 S. ous......1818.50the two Wolverine entries, both had n
Mahaffey, Bowman, Krausse and Chicago......12 21 .364 brake fast,' and consequently did drivers
Cochrane; Pipgras, Ruff ing and Boston....'.........6G 27 .182 not have enough stuff left at the day, Vf
Dickey. - -- end to outsprint the Hoosier run- at 114.
___National League. ner. Lemen tired badly in the home Aspen
NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston ............ 21 11 .656 stretch, while Turner hung on miles;
Broolyn...010110 100 0-4 10 1 Chicago.... ...... 22 12 .647 gamely' to the second position. permit
Brookln.... 00010200151 Cincinnati ......... 21 17 .553 Brocksmith of Indiana had things VMW
otn......000an112o000;15 13 2 St. Louis ........... 16 18 .471 all his own way in the two mile, but
nnhyt,Mhumn antLoez;lCun- New York .......... 13 16 .448 Bill Hill of Michigan won most of
Manum Cntwllan jBrooklyn ..........1.4 20 .414 the. plaudits of the crowd. Hill stay- All
HargravePhiladelphia ....... 14 21 .400 ed in third or fourth place mlosto
New York .. .. 211 100 301-9 19 4 Pittsburgh......... 12 18 .400. the time, but when the final lap
Phillies....... 100 050 100-7 12 2 _________________ came he showed his heels to the
Walker, Luque, Hubbell and Ho _ --- - - other Hoosier entry, Watson, in a
gan, O'Farrell; Hansen, Grabowski, ~ I sensational sprint.
Benge, and V. Davis, McCurdy. _____-
Only games scheduled. [ We knoUWwWhy
e tLast Holdout,me AL
Signs With Pittsburgh m n sm ke

CL r /! (Y /N

k G.#1adin, ruunnIt h'S (a"4t
ichig~i 'lay tanl .at won
g'[ iene-mire :crown :,iwthe
!1 consecutive yed.il
,1( anid Sailspaugh to Lead
Parade of Drivers at
)IANAPOLIS, May 23. -- (P)-
Mo~ore of Hollywood, Calif.,
Arnold of Chicago, the 1930
r, and Bryan Saulspaugh of
Island, Ill., will lead the pa-
of drivers to the starting line
cannual 500-mile automobile
here a week from today.
pole position in the Memor-
ay classic was won by Moore
Saturday with a sizzling 10-1
qualifying run at an average
7.363 miles per hour. Arnold,
ing to the races after his
7on the speedway in last
;race, paced the 10 ;miles at,
6 miles per hour. Saulspaugh,
irt track sensation., qualified
en sundown cnded Lhe first
ays of the speed tests in which
rivers must average more than
iles an hour in order to quali-'
rstartin]g positions, 23 pilots
met the requirements. Two
°s made their last runs yester-
WVilbur Shaw of Indianapolis
.326 miles per hour, and Carl
iof Philadelphia at 108.003
per hour. Forty cars will be
fitdto start the race.
IShades.. $20.00
All Alterations att Cast
.1319 Swoith Univer'sity
V 9'

Hadl Johnntry Reiindl been able to
)ut on just a li ti, le more 1pressure
ti he quarter cfinals (i the cr-
i te I 'li5 n ICi hi l'Thursda:y,
i e vwld ivehd neeln
:hanre l elp IIe :iu'~lesc owil of
nat{ ~ ~ C be-aiit al Denn]1ison,
u~ e ~in~esPL:.yce cfof Oio
it tCe, h ol l I tan% _(il rig avor1ite t o
wvin thli ll'in1 l l'(ra'n. fDennisonl
wias (1ol) ,? l v iii over lihe stocky
wolvo!'i1 o wil h smp atl ra ive case,
but blr h n of thle thr11ee
hour LtY enA hadt almost1
: i i ii it d ttlast yea r's ruzna er-itp.
1~eidelWins First.
TIhe firmt,:et went to the Ma'ichi-
gan netinan, (1-2 and he was lead-
ing in the second set, 5-3, with only
one gain' to go to victory. D-nni-
son, ?.. howee"broke through R fein-
del'se Sevice on tho next game, and
thlen proc-eeded to miake thie st all
square by winning his own delivery,
With the set at 5-5, the two pliayer
battled' for <eigrht more gamiies be--
fore the Buckeesa won the set,
10-8,'Ihe inal et wet tk)enni-
son, -. In the 111na1s, 1)"Innisonl
lost to Lejack, Illinois.
'rho match was probably the
hardest struggle of the entire
championship p~lay. B~oth Reindel
and De nnison are base--line players,
and for almost three hours, it was
a battle of' smoking drives, each
point being hotly contested,. In the
semi-finals, Captain Colby Ryan
lost to be unisoif in straig ht.sets
6-i, 63-4, 6-2,
s sidciti Sm)1;1),- School (co,-
e mrme-:i onal) ji oo( 27 imly .30
C)umy Vren-och t t. :Fec s$"40
mot Imo-ix - - -n limtamry, 1 tcrnue-
diae. A.\ atc'zmcm . \\ril fin,- i i-
tI lr to S cn <t~ury., U c'dclutjaf

of Upset Winl over Irennison1
Ohlio Sing1les Player.


Warig (M) d. Moelirer (Y), 7-5,
Dmrand (MW) d. Pike (Y), 6-2, 6-3.
Baldwin, Appelt. (M), d. Scholz,
&rnold (Y'), 6-4, 6-3.
Durand, Waring (MW) d. Pike,
Moeh er (Y), 6-3, 6- ?.
Root, Sandusky worn by default.
Dayltn and Jolly Also Finish
in First Ten._.'I

departure was %fhnounced.
Heat Attack Fatal

n one short

to Bozeman Bulger
NEW YORK, May 23.--(1l3)--Boze-
man Bulger, a nationally famous
baseball writer;* died suddenly of a
heart attack at his home in :I-yn-I
brook, L.I., yesterday. I-J was 54
years old.
Bulger, or "Boze" as he was
known to the baseball fraternity,
had been in excellent health.


13y playing the most consistent
golf of the seasoni and holding up
under the strain of strenuous tour-
nament golf the Maize-and-Blue
golfers were able to gain the Con-
f erenice championship., After lead-
ing by a margin of one stroke at
the end of the play Friday they
continued their fine golf to lead the
field by a margin of twenty-four
In the play Saturday, Jack Fisch-
er was paired with Ed Bolstad of
IMinnesota, who led the field with
his teammate Earl Larson the first
dlay by a margin of one stroke, and
Uuidy Kepler, star Ohio State golf-
cr, who made the poorest showing
of' the season. This stiff competi-
tiotn served as an incentive for Jack
and 1)0 showed these leaders how
the ga, should be played, finish-
iingine front of the field by five
stiolkes with a total of 303 strokes.
All the Michigan men were
amonig the first ton in the final to-,j
tars, following Fischer, Jack Len- I
festy finishing fifth, Ed Dayton
sixth, and Alex Jolly ninth.
Jack Fischer replaces Martin of
Illinois as individual champion and
wras awarded a medal by President
Coff man of the University of Min-
nesota. Michigan displaced Illinois
as Conference champions and mem-
bers of the team were awarded gold
medals by President Coffman.
According t o Coach Thomas'
Trueblood, the boys performed just
the way he hoped that they would,
and he expects to, present just as
strong a threat again next ,,:ear
when Chuck Koscis, star golfer, will
be eligible for competition.

Exam-inations will be held for
Red Cross certificates in the In-
tramural Pool on Thursday and
Friday from 3 to 6 P.M., and will
be given by J. MW. Powers, special
examiner from St. Louis.
Coach Matt Mann.

H-enry Meino, the last of the
last of the Major League holdouts
has signed a contract. Meine will
,toil for the Pittsburghi Pirates for'
the remainder of the season accord-
ing to Manager George Gibson of
the Bucs.
Meine has been one of the main-'
stays of the Pirate hurling corps for
,:several seasons and although re-
tarded by illness last year he felt
that hie should receive a bettor sal-
ary and refused to sign a contract.
Hie was suspended by Judge Landis,
but now that Meine is on the :Pitts-
burgh payroll the suspension will


Sport Shoes
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W OMEN don't smoke pipes.
They're not the style for wom-
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that, a pipe and
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and universities A pipe is not for girls
Edgeworth is the favorite pipe to-
bacco. Cool slow-burning burley's give
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Try a tin of
Edgeworth your-
self! You can buy
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is sold. Or if you
prefer, you can get
A pipe is areal man's a special sample
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Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burley,
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and exclusive elev-
enth process. Buy
Edgeworth any-
where in ptwo forms ( lj



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Blue Sport Coats
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