-D e__ ___ __
~I~ESTeachers' Children
tAttend Summter}1;
DEANElementary School!I
While their teacher-parents are c _ ai
$72,000 taking advanced work in the Uni-'OTC
I a, versity of Michigan School of Ed- NOKreCE
11 uatontisyerth hidrn fPUBLIC TYPIST-N'o. 3K
tn uatonths ea, hechldenof Bldg. Phone 3139. 650
such students may themselves be ___________
the aver-
attending a special short summer I BRAND NEW 1932 PLYMOUTH-S-
~prx-term in the University high school Just t receiveds shipment a 1ofsan.ur
g his lifer-rn oes o le,:e s
ve earnedorEeetyscol coupes. We will sell these at b: r- 4
tnta~s of This novel plan has been devised gain prices.Rulrnw a
stdy ya- fbecause of the large number of g u warranty and service polio y.
stda-graduate students who come to the IAssociated Mo toyr vic t 311 W. ;1WA
acts which University and bring their families Huron. 22001. 611c _NEEL
er of thei with them, says Dean Edward H.
of lui-Kraus of the Summer Session. Dur- EPO >~'ii'vedya
ing the seven weeks of high school around. Box A34 or ca l <, ,A.
onclusions classes there will be no emphasis on _______
the 'earn- credits, and high quality of work WANTE.D usO"IE S 0"
ssor of a method of study applied in sonme ~TIG ia.t ee p'IV, Q
TYIGCLa.tE ; ? tits highest college classes in order to give M. V. : lartsiifi. 07.'
sixty, and greater freedom between student 526c
practically and teacher.
In the University Elementary WAi:,J--EDUs.'d_ bailing mac'ne
saverage School classes will be held in the i and oc er, te imake baleaou
of the un- new nursery school and first grade 130 by 16 by 1 to 30 inch. Call
Teat othe fo~ir alsix-week term. The classes1 2-3 133 etwveen 6 anid 7 p. mn
r h oa wl lob used for observation Fl bete 12 arnd 1 p. m 633 I WE BOUGHT T11
two types teaching of the education students __.e..__..'
placed at in the University.F {, IEN
spectively. HOUSE FOR RENT---Furnished or;
rputation, lIAfr unfurnishe l. 1324 Ohlia. Ava il- A dwnd
to the un-l fl 11W able June 1. 6141 .
e AN UNUSALLY dosirablC (offi(c for-
hisndmaxi- attorney, d1octor, dentis,, or o-
.t sixty. [1j neer. Now available in First Na-IL
es to work tional Bank Bldg. For in forma-
id reaches 4 tion call bank offie. 560c
of thirty," Plating Tools and Oriental Rug FOR RENT-Furnished apa rtment y
a~mmi' Stolen in New Outbreak with private bath and shox er
tthat this of Petty Robberies. for 3 or 4 adults. Also furnihed ¢z
;h manual1l apartment for two and single
off at the The series of thefts that have room. Steamn heat, shower and
arier, and been bothering the local police for ga rage. Dial 8544. 422 E. W ash-
elow self- some time were continued over the ington. 648~
that more week-end with the stealing of val- ORSL
y 100 un- -~----
endet onuable tools from Barnard Plating, ASHLM IOUA e
ty. Works on West Huron street and of search microscope with Abbe con-r
an Oriental rug from the University! denser. Call 9630. 69
IZTE 'high school. i TRSPHRS- net (i i y=
JVE.T Police who have been working on direct from India, rut besold.N
the thefts from student rooming Write box A35, Michigan Daily
houses and private homes in the fraponmn!ndsoig
-S" ek trbt hmt nogn MAY FESTIVAL TICKETS I
ized gang. Officers yesterday ad- seisorsnl. anfoond
who antsvanced the theory that the gang i Ie ecn.Phn952 64
wasmad upofpety tievs rom--_ -INCLUDES BUSINESS A,
re tcsDetroit who were systematically LOST
tes he buys "working" Ann Arbor. SUTS S
ot preceed- The articles stolen from the Bar- LOST - Wire-haired fox teririer,;
;sues, he is nard Plating works were three white with black back; about fl Ie
investment: motors, three drill presses and an months old. Liberal reward. Call ,t
re regular; adding machine. The Oriental rug , 00*67adwhctlermUnvritihscol-___- ___1]
)ad wethicstoen froaneyrsHhig lschoolLOST-A pair of horn rimmed
itaey betr- had1 beenl oaned by Mr.aHowllsofSaturday. Call 2186,3.
~dePo 61WlsS. It was valued at $90. -
marketing glases
~Unve-. Students IWill Receive PLAIN rimmeda g us. nblecae
tsenior to Reucd lyin R tes Name of St. Louis firm. in side.:
ble for the Redce __ Call Allen, 4917.
ever, says +~an + n. ..4- . K
A'l Crew Memb ers,' Supervisors,
T'm capt.aints a ilidSti dent sub-
ciptioni safaspcople who wish to
.wail. themselves of the opportunity
for fret' scholarship's made possible
throuigh the courtesy of the National
Magazine Publisher's again this year
are requested to apply to the national
organizer M. Anthony Steele, Jr. '
Box 244, San Juan, Porto Rica, stat-
ing qualifications fully.
I i
I I-- -.--....----