4 a1133
udent Council
7otes Revisions
in Constitution
Elect Spphomores
For Three-Year
cal charges in the consti-
of the Student Council, to
or the partial perpetuation
ear to year of membership,
dopted last night by this
articles, passed unani-
by the Council, must be
ed by the Senate Commit-
Student Affairs before they
officially incorporated into
stitution. The Senate Com-
will vote on the proposed
s tonight.
'ee Year Terms Planned.
new, rules provide that four
s be chosen each year from
homore class to serve until
aduation. These men are to
ed by an all campus vote
regular winter elections.
ill serve on the Council dur-
second semester of their
ore year with full privileges
bership but will not be al-
o vote. After the beginning
r junior year, up until the
graduation, they will have
believed by the Council that
members serve a term of
I a half years will result in
ecoming better acquainted
ie workings of the campus
Important Meeting Slated
7:30 Tonight at Union,
Gould Announces.
r, the council will be
minating committee.
minations may be
lidates presenting a
by at least one hun-
es May Serve.
embers returning to
7 to take graduate
be elected by the
embers of the Co n-
Managing Editof of
e president of the
he president of the
Council. These, with
vice-president, and
e Council, shall com-
nating committee.
evolutionary change
article five, section
students of soph-
g, one of whom must
in the Engineering
be ele'cted each win-
Such members shall
hereinafter provided
wo and a half years.
Qll have all the pow-
of other members of
ith the exception of,
power shall 'be at-
thing junior stand-
Important changes in the defer-
red rushing rules and initiation re-1
quirements seemed imminent last
night with the calling of a special
meeting o f the Interfraternity
Council, to be held at 7:30 o'clock
tonight in the Union, by Howard
Gould, -'32, secretary-treasurer of
the Interfraternity Council.
The meeting was caleld directly
following a session of the Judiciary
Committee of the Interfraternity
Council. Gould was given permis-
sion by this body to call the meet-
ing for tonight since President
Howard T. Worden, '32, was absent.
Gould stated that it was abso-
lutely necessary that every general
fraternity have delegates present
at the special meeting as important
changes, directly concerned with
the welfare of Michigan fraterni-
ties, would be voted upon.
'Anthony and Anna'
Praised by Actress.
Relative to Comedy cl fts "An-
thony and Anna" which opens to-
morrow night at the Mendelssohn
theatre, Miss Jesse Bonstelle, direc-
tor of the Detroit Civic theatre
stated in an interview yesterday'
that the work of St. John Ervine
contained as a rule a superfluity of
beautiful language and sparkling
humor. Miss Bonstelle praised the
choice of "Anthony and Anna" and
expressed the hope that she could
get to Ann Arbor for the opening
Box office ticket sale for the show,
which has been in progress for the
past two days has indicated a con-
siderable campus interest' in St
John Ervine's dramas "Anthony and-
Anna" has been called a high com-
edy of bad manners.
Track Stars Passed
by Eligibility Body
in Special Session
Coach Charles Hoyt paraded his
track stars before a special session
of tlhe eligibility committee and had
the pleasure of formal approval of
all of his athletes that were called
before the committee.,
One trackman was refused, but
he has never been eligible in three
years on the campus. His name was
withheld temporarily, and several
were subject to making up incom-
pletes into passing marks. Western
Conference eligibility rules are de-
termined by the. Big Ten officials
but each University has a special
committee to place the stamp of
formal approval on all athletes, if
they have the needed gradds.
Coach Hoyt did not ask those ofj
his squad who he knew to be al-
ready ineligible to report to the
Committee. All of. the regulars and
those who were previously declared
eligible were brought before the
committee however.
One wrestler, whose name is also
withheld, will probably be declared
Scores Dry Fanatics Ritchie Flays
in Talk at
By FrankI
Prohibition; and jobs have bec
presidential carppaign, Albert Cab
told a capacity !crowd of students
noon speaking on the third of th
sponsored by the Union.
Repeating his stand on state
the liquor situation of the country,
perance of our people is impaired
threatened through an attempt to
lation, by putting the question o
where it ought not to be, instead
of leaving it up to the states,
where it ought to be."
Police Power Cited.
He stated that thisputa police
, power in the constitution which
Associated Press Photo had no right to be there since no
Albert C. Ritchie hard and fast ru'le could be univer-
sally applied.
A virtual attack pon the man-
agement of the nation while under
Student Dri ing the regime o f President Hoover
was made by the Governor. "We see
Here Not Jer'Io'us, a government of law, under which
, * men at least know what their rights
Ritchie Discovers are, superseded by a government of
- -commissions, until men do not
By David M. Nichol know whether they have any rights
No "deplorable situation" in con- at all, until, to paraphrase what
nection with the liquor laws of the Selden said, the size of the commis-
United States exists in the colleges sioner's foot seems to be the rule
and universities of the country in of the decision.
the eyes of Albert C. Ritchie, four "Perahps the whole tendency in
times governor of Maryland and government at the present time,"
avowed wet candidate for the Dem- he said, "may be summed up as
ocratic nomination, who was inter-_
viewed following his talk at the History, said. Horatio Abbott,
Union yesterday. member of the national demo-
"I see no evidence for statements cratic committee from Mich-
of this nature although," he ad- igan, in intro ucing the Gover-
mitted, '"my, experience with col- nor of Maryland yesterday, may
egesanduniversities of the present repeat itself.a
day has been rather limited. rpa tef
"But the situation cannot be too Forty years ago, he said, Gro-
bad~ut he addd,"i ave been i ver Cleveland came to Ann Ar-
bad,~,eaddfrIhvebe n bar and, annoiunced his inten-
Ann Arbor for an hour and a half
and have ,not found a drink yet." sion t o run for president.
Thd Gvenor hesidatdr tonk yeTwenty years ago Woodrow
The Governor hesitated to say Wilson came to Ann Arbor and
a'nything definitely about the pre- intimated that he might choose
ent prosperityo President oovunr to run. Today Albert C. Ritchie
He gave as his reason for this hesi- comes to Ann Arbor andto
tancy that "they change their plans speak on presidential issues.
so 'much over in Washington that And, concluded Abbott, they
you don't know what they will do are all good democrats.
"The college student," the Mary- one which aims for the minimum
land governor stated, "will play an of freedom and a maximum of gov-
important role in the coming elec- ernment, instead of a minimum of
tions. I had-not thought of appeal- government and a N maximum of
ing to him on any particular issue freedom."
for as a matter of fact, I will make Liberty, Government Contrasted.
no special appeal to any class." Governor Ritchie traced the po-
He pointed out that this increas- litical problem thrdugh the ages,
ing interest on the part of the stu- pointing out that the greatest dif-
dents .as an "fine thing" but that ficulty has always been to reconcile
it had fit been apparent before'the the powers of the government with
elections of 1928. the liberties of the individual.
"Always," he asid, "the .govern-
I to Sign Crowley ment has overwhelmed liberty be-
owa Cy cause there was no sovereign pow-
as Football Mentor er superior to government which
Dry Laws
Union For
B. Gilbretl
come the major issues of the 1932
el Ritchie, governor of Maryland,
and townspeople yesterday after-
e series of public addresses being
s rights, particularly in regard to
, Governor Ritchie said, "The tem-
and the morals of our youth are
mix up morals, politics, and legis-
of prohibition in the constitution,
Occupation of
by Parthians.
Excavation by the University of
Michigan's expedition at Seleucia-
on-the-Tigris of a third level palace
representing the earliest Parthian
occupation of the city which began
about the middle of the second cen-
tury B. C., was revealed yesterday
by Dr. Leroy Waterman, head of the
party, in the first official reports.
This work, the fourth season at
the excavation, began in September
and ended last month. According
to the report, "the main'effort of
the season was devoted to the 'Pal-
ace Block' in the heart of the city
and resulted in the clearing and de-
fining of a third palace directly be-
neath the two discovered at the
first and second levels, excavated in
previous seasons."
A fourth 'level lying beneath this
palace, which reaches back anoth-
er century and a half and belongs
to the original Hellenistic city, was
probed but nowhere fully explored.
Material recovered this season
consists of epigraphical fragments,
over one hundred new types of
Parthian pottery, and a large col-
lection of Greek bullae. Coins and
jewelry, composed of gold and
semi-precious stones, have been ob-
Dr. Waterman, in discussing the
s , (Continued on Page 2)
Blanchard Likens Big Business
Methods to Capone
Likening the business tactics of
John D. Rockefeller, Bob Stewart,
Eugene Grace, and Harry Sinclair
to the sawed-off shotgun methods
of Gangster Al Capone, Paul
Blanchard,' director of the' New:
York City' Affairs committee, in a
lecture here last night declared;
that racketeering in the higher
circles of business constitutes a
greater menace than the present
t ,:
Japanese Beate
as Chinese For(
T .akes Otes
Chinese Defenders Open Counter - A
Japan . t Double Expeditionary
Strength in Manchuria.
Japanese shock troops, repeatedly repulsed in their c
attempts to break the Chinese line north of Kiangwan, lau
desperate attack in the darkness before dawn this morning.
They were beaten back again, and the Chinese defenders
ly seizing the offensive, made a counter-attack. Heavy shell
laid down by the Japanese to break up this assault.
The Japanese onslaught had been a surprise, as previo
Japanese command had admitted their failure at Kiangwa.
ie S ulletins
vVILLE, Feb. 23-(P)--
here have been closed be-
an epidemic of mild influ-
IOWA CITY, Ia., Feb. 23-(IP)-
The Press-Citizen said today James
Crowley, of Michigan State, would
sign as head football coach at the
University of Iowa within the next
two days.
The paper said three representa-
tives of the Iowa Athletic Board
conferred with Crowley Monday in,
Chicago and that final details of
salary and assistant coaches had
been discussed. Crowley had the
contract, the paper indicated.
Management Closes
Old Whitney Theatre
The Whitney theatre, dark almost
continually since the old Union op-
era adys, was closed again yester-
day when Louis R. Gomberg, '31L,
udner whose management the the-
atre has been showing German-
produced films for the last month,
announced that patronage had
been fnsufficient to permit contin-
ued showings. The last picture on
the Whitney program was "Der Weg
zur Schande," which opened Sun-
. 23-(RP)-Dr. C.
e health commis-
y that increasing
fuenza in many
was not being ac-
increase in pneu-
ibed the contagion
could protect the individual against
an excess of governmental author-
He stated that the United States
undertook to solve, the problem
through a political system whereby
the liberties of the people no long-
(Continued on Page 2)
Dean Will. Talk on St. Lawrence
Project at Sigma Rho Tau
Meeting Tonight.
Dean H. C. Sadler of the engi-
neering school will address mem-
bers of Sigma Rho Tau, engineers'
forensic society, upon the advisabil-
ity of completing the St. Lawrence
waterway, at their Organization
meeting which will be held tonight
in the Union.
Dean Sadler has been active in
matters concerning navigation in
and about the United States for
the past few years andnis ahmuch
quoted authority upon the St.,
Lawrence project.
At the meeting tonight the newly
elected members of Sigma Rho Tau
will be announced and there will
be an eleotion held to fill two
offices recently vacated.
Tonight's assembly is regarded as
Organization night in as much as
the debating teams will be named
and the debate schedule, which will
include Michigan State, Detroit
City College, and Detroit Institute
of Technology, will be formally an-
nounced. The debates will be held
in the latter part of March and in
the first few weeks of April.
Little Flower Priest
C'smmnrnn fin 'ni
Preliminary events in the annual
Interfraternity Swimming cham-
pionships sponsored by the Intra-
mural department were completed
last night with Delta Kappa Epsi-
lon and Lambda Chi Alpha c(ialify-
ing five men each to lead the other
fraternities today, i t was an-
One record fell before the on-
slaught of the swimmers and two
were tied during the evening. Hess
broke the 100-yd. free style record
in 63 seconds. The records tied
were the Medley Relay and the 200-
yd. Relay.
Summary of qualifiers: Delta
Kappa Epsilon, 5; Lambda Chi Al-
pha, 5; Theta Chi, 4; Alpha Kappa
Lambda, 3; Theta Xi, 3; Tau Delta
Phi, 2; Phi Gamma Delta, 2; Sigma
Chi, 1; Pi Lambda Phi, 1.
Randolph Adams Pays
Honor t Washington
A capacity crowd of townspeople
and students thronged Hill auditor-
ium Monday morning to attend'the
exercises held on the occasion of
the 200th anniversary of the birth
of George Washington.
Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director
of the William Clements library de-
livered the principal address, speak-'
ing on "The dignity of George
Washington." Dr. Adams, drawing
from the great fund of information'
concerning American history have
given him, painted a word picture
of Washington that suggested a_
personality of quiet dignity.
corruption in politics.
"Al Capone is condenmed," Paul
Blanchard said, "because of his
control of gambling rackets in Chi-
cago but the worst gambling is car-
ried on in the business center of
the nation, in the heart. of Ameri-
can financial life, Wall Street.
udied at Michigan.
Whe3 I studied Economics here'
at the University of Michigan, they
told me that speculation is onf
thing and gambling another. Since
I have learned speculation is merely,
successful gambling and vice versa
I hope that the Economics depart-
ment has changed its theories since
I left.',
But the greatest rackets, accord-
ing to Blanchard, are those withir
business corporations. He pointed
out that while we revile the politi-
cal racketeer we condone the samc(
practices in the business world
Illustrating his point, he turned tc
the famous Teapot Dome case. Ir
this affair, he said, Denby, Fall and
Daugherty were banished frorr
political life forever, but Sinclair;
and Doheny continue to hold im-
mensely influential positions in
business. Doheny last year receiv-
ing an honorary degree from the
Methodist University of Southern
Man at Top Flayed.
"The only solution," Blanchard
said, "to this situation lies in the
creation of a social order in which
a man may get what he earns and
earn what he gets. We have no right,
to scorn the man at the bottom
who gets his illegal profits with a
sawed-off shotgun unless we cut
out the man at the top who does
the same things with his brains."
Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt could
have swept into the White House
as a great crusader in an over-
whelming landslide if he had chos-
en to do so, Blanchard said in the
discussion which followed his lec-
ture last night.
"The nation," he said, "is looking
for a man who will drive corruption
out of our national system and
'Gov. Roosevelt could have been
that man had he used hisposition
to crush Tammany but he chose to
pussyfoot and now I am afraid it
is too late to alter the error."
had been expected they w
take things quietly pending
arrival of more reinforcern
from Japan. 11
The Tokyo cabinet decide
double the expeditionary
raising its strength to 50,000 n
Kiangwan Threatened.
Repeated attempts were
Tuesday by the Japanese to s
the Chinese line both nort
Kiangwan and at Chapei. Eac
sauld was stopped by Chinese
chine gunners and infantry
with bayonets. There was :
hand-to-hand fighting.
Robert Short, 27, an Ame
aviator, was shot down and
by Japanese airmen over Soo(
Behind their Kiangwan
Japanese engineers worked a
speed to build roads over. the i
mires to keep up their lines of
The decision by the Tokyo
ernment to double its Sha:
army was reached after report
been received telling of the Ch
success in stopping the two
ions already in the field.
Request Refused.
Lieut. Gen. Kenkichi Uyeda,
anese commander at the fron
fused to request reinforcemen
under the Samurai code he
disdain to ask for help. The
anese minister and other aut
ties at the scene took the initi
Robert M. Short, Amer
aviator shot down yester
afternoon in Shanghai by J
anese planes, is 'not a fori
student of the University
Michigan, according to offi
Metropolitan newspapers y
terday stated that Short's se
ice record contained the d
that he had studied civil
gineering at the University.
In reply to the recent Leag
Nations note asking that host
be ended, Japan told the L
that China is not a respo
nation and that it is impossib:
longer to keep up the "fiction
she is.
The Japanese war ministe
Associated Press the army
to withdraw from Shangh
quickly as possible. He denie
plans had been made for a
time occupation. It is up to F
the war minister said, to dete
whether complications result
Japanese military action in
Fighting impended in Mani
once again as Gen Tamon n
his Japanese forces for a
against rebels near the
NTWATER, Feb. 232-
he body of Lyman H. Wayt,
s r ,vered today from Bath
fear here. He had been miss-
ine Monday. Investigators
e apparently broke through
e while about his work as a
'eb. 23 - (-) - Mrs.
an, 38, was acquitted
court jury tonight of
ge for the shooting
['romley, her former
over, in the lobby of
ing last Nov. 5. Her
at she was tempor-
NS, Feb. 23-(OP)-
er, 68, and his wife,
leaded guilty in cir-
%r + foli~ir o Acovil
Robin Hood' Play ,Requires
Changes in Seats, Lights..
A great geren arc fifty feet high
and almost a hundred feet across
the bottom will entirely transfigure
the interior of Hill auditorium
when the annual Mimes union op-
eretta, Robin Hood, opens March
The entire erbuilding of the Hill
auditorium stage for Robin Hood is
the most ambitious of a number of
attempts to adapt the huge audi-
torium for the purposes of drama.
Hill auditorium was chosen for the
Ai m .a -,. u -, h.n.,c. ai
great woodland design, Sainted to
tie in with the woodland sets which
will be used. The conventional
proscenium which will cut down the
stage size will be used.
Three separate sets will be used
for the three acts. Among other
settings there will be representa-
tins of the sheriff's house, the jail,
and a church. The green foliage of
the borders will be used throughout
the opera.
Special lighting effects will re-
quire an extra heavy duty cable
from the outside as well as an ad-
3 -_ __ _ _ __ _ _
Fisher Considers Student
Marriages in Issue.
Forms New Finance Con
Action Stresses "Re
Hoover Rebuff.
special Economy Committe
a quick means for cutti
ernmental expense by at
combining or curtailing
agencies was created toda;
Democratic House.
The action emphasized
Garner's declaration of Sun
the Democrats would nc
President Hoover the unlin
thority to reorganize the
ment that he requested lasi
a special message to Congr
"Everybody agrees that
is necessary," Rep. Miche
publican,- Michigan, said,
hnwver. that thniirh h,
Paternalism, its rise in the Uni-
versity, the harm it has done and
the attitude of both the faculty and
the student body towards it is the
theme of the leading article in this
month's issue of Diagonal, campus
liberal magazine, which goes on
sae tomorrow.
er article discusses the good and
evils of marriage among under-
graduates while the case of com-
prehensive examinations is taken
up by Professor Reed in his article.
Carl S. Forsythe, city editor of
the Daily, is the author of "Colleg-
iate Censorship," the results of an
investigation into the field of col-
lege newspapers undertaken last
semester. In the article Forsythe