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May 07, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-07

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,Y T 1932

trl t n tt 1

join in respectfully urging the judges, in keeping
with the true spirit Avery Hopwood intended, to
judge and award it accordingly.I
Robert F. Yee, '33E.




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l~ithryui Stork
C hire Unrger
Mary Elizabeth Watts


Trial and Error

ethod Brings Results
ZAT RERNITIES have at last found themselves.
After wandering for a year in the morass of
second semester deferred pledging plan, a
petent. committee has worked out a schemei
:h, if' approved by the Alumni committee, thet
ciary committee, and Senate Committee on.
ent Affairs, should provide distinct relief.I
ough it is not, as chairman Kline pointed out,
nacea for all the ills of deferred rushing, it
iates the situation to a considerable extent as1
as both freshmen and fraternities are con-1
ed. c
Ve have held for the past year and a half thatt
semester of rushing was entirely too much for
fraternity or individual to stand. The experi-
t of the past year has proven this to be so. The
rnities, which in the beginning had nothing
art on but the ruling that freshmen might noti
ledged until the second semester, surrounded1
lselves with a mass of intricate rules and regu-
ns because of pure jealousy and fear that somek
r house might gain an advantage. During the
year it has become apparent that co-operationi
ecessary, and the proponents of the new plant
that this will be secured.r
lot-boxing is still avoided to the greatest de-
possible by the provision for the same systemt
edging as this year, namely through the Dean
tudent's office. 'Scholastic requirements fort
ation remain the same, although an added
ision is made for dropping pledges whose
es are not of average calibre for the scholastic
fit of the houses. The rushing period is made1
clude a period of almost two weeks, which, asi
person who rushed or was rushed this year3
admit, is an adequate length of time.
)n the whole, the plan deserves the serious
Ition of all fraternity men and leaders whof
2 to establish a system which in future yearst
work out satisfactorily to students and the
versity. This year's plan did not do this.I
laps the new one will..
Letters published in this coilnnn should not be construed as
pressing the editorial opinion of 'l'he Daily. Anonymous com-
IMications will he disrga rded. The names of com nicants
11, howeve-r, be regarded as confideiiiial upon reqtuest. 'ontrib-
rs are asked to be brief, couinirngthemselves t oless than 300
rds if possile.
Another Hopwood Method Protest
Phe Editor:
Vhen Professor Jones spoke recently on the sub-
of the Hopwood awards, he made the statement
while it would be entirely possible for a single
estant to win all of the eight minor awards, he
usly feared that the judges might fall dead if a
ent were discovered capable of accomplishing
i a feat. On the other hand it is not likely that
i mild surprise will be felt by the judges if a
estant succeeds in winning one of the major
rds. Yet one major award pays a larger prize
I all of the minor awards put together.
But," someone protests, "if there is a writer
id who possesses even a chance of winning all
Lie eight minor awards, surely he will enter the
or contest, where rewards and presumably, com-
tion are greater." On the contrary, no matter

A Socialist Interprets the Dearborn Riot A MODERN HERO, by Louis Brom-
To The Editor: field (Frederick A. Stokes, 1932)
On May 4 the Socialist Club held an open meeting $2.50. (Review Copy Courtesy of
in the Michigan Union which was addressed by Mr. Wahr's bookstores).
Maurice Sugar, a prominent Detroit attorney. There
were approximately 150 people present, which is one A Review
of the largest meetings the club has held this year By John W. Pritchard
at the Union. The subject of the talk by Mr. Sugar, As a study of character, we sup-
was the Ford massacre of March 7, at which four pose the book is all right. The story
workers were killed, and scores wounded by the pistol is woven in a unified fashion, with
and machine gun fire of Dearborn, Ford, and Detroit surprisingly few loose ends, despite
police. Those killed and wounded had been part of the fact that it covers a period of
a hunger march of four thousand men, most of whom thirty years. Also, it presents a*
had at one time been working at factories in and number of people in a number of
around Detroit, and most of whom were part of the interesting (althotgh at almost all
hundred and twenty-five thousand workers and their I times "indecent") situations. In
families had been on the welfare lists of Detroit, fact, it seems to have all the me-
receiving fifteen cents a day for living expenses. The chanical requirements of a good
policeman who searched the fifty or so captured at, novel. But somehow-it does not
the massacre stated derisively that he had not found quite click.
more than a nickel among them. These people had, There is something lacking.
contrary to the reports of such propagandizing forces Perhaps the best way to get at
as the "No Hoarding" campaign, no other sources this deficiency is by a process of
of income, since most of them had lost all their I elimination. Let us start with the
savings wnen practically every bank catering to the element of unity, since that ele-
workers (private banks) had closed their doors in ment seems to be one of the least
one day. These workers gathered peacably under the necessary in a modern novel. Work-
exhortations of their leaders for a peaceful demon- ing on the principle of "all roads
stration,. and marched to the Ford plant for the lead to Rome," Bromfield intro-
purpose of presenting fourteen demands, the tenor duces us to character after char-
of all being: For two fears we have starved. We are acter, and in each case brings the
being thrown from our homes. Those of us who are central figure-Pierre Radiri, an
working are working for wages which at times is less egocentrically ambitious ex-circus
than the carfare needed to reach the plant. For two performer-into the p i c t u r e in
years this has ..been going on. We are starving. startlingly important form. Further,
WE WANT ,BREAD. Whether these demands were these characters continue to appear
absurd or not, and there are some who believe that throughout the course of the story,
such demands presented to the richest man in the And now, the plot. That, of course,
world are not absurd, according to the law of this is another element that is very of-
land, and according to a prior decision of the Michi- ten almost entirely left out of a
gan Supreme court, these men had a right to march, modern novel-but it is here, in
and a right to present these demands. very definite form. It is the story of
The answer given them was bullets and not bread, the aforementioned Pierre Radier,
and the water from Dearborn fire hoses, which ac- selfish, ambitious to a remarkable
cording to such an authority as Harry Bennett, was degree, amorous (or, rather, lust-
"very cold." The killed were buried by their com- ful); a romantic, compelling figure,
rades, at a funeral attended by close to a hundred sharply drawn by the writer. Pierre
thousand workers. As is reiterated constantly, their tires of circus life, seeks something
deaths will not be forgotten. And this despite the more "important"; and, thorugh
tactics of the Detroit papers in publicizing the the helpful agencies of several wo-
slander that the leaders were cowards and had fled men, he reaches dizzy financial
before the parade began. Two of those leaders were heights-only to be thrown down,
killed; another returned with bullet holes in his coat; largely through the offices of the
and a third, for whom "police of a nation were same women, together with a few
searching" addressed a meeting of eight thousand more which he has 'added to his
workers two days later. William Z. Foster, who also string from time to time. There is
"fled," and who also was being "sought by police nothing weak about the plot- ex-
throughout the world" continued a scheduled lecture I cept that it has been done before.
tour by addressing a publicmeeting in Milwaukee the Some fellow or other--to the best
next day. of our memory a Catholic monk of
There are about one million, two hundred and considerable brilliance and renown
fifty thousand workers and their families in Detroit -once made a statement to the ef-
who have pledged not to forget. Their revenge will fect that anything might be copied
take the form which their "Americanism" allows with a clear conscience, if the copy
them to take. They will not take the American was better than the original. Is this
Legion suggestion and say "Please let me carry out the case in the present story?
your ashes." They wil organize under leadership Somehow, we think not. There
which does not make empty promises, under Marxist are a few books of so-called cheap
leadership, whose promises to them in the past have fiction-such as the Alger books
been fulfilled; under leadership of members of their and W. O. Stoddard's "Crowded Out
own class. There is no use hiding from the fact that O' Crofield"-that have done the
their revenge will take the form of creating a new "rise" proposition in equally thril-
society, in which they, as the producers of wealth, ling style, and certainly in as logi-
will not be so many months in a breadline and tar- cal a fashion. And then, perhaps
gets for machine gun fire, we are spoiled by the reading of a
The intention of these millions of men are real- few biographies-true biographies,
ized. A definite opposition :f capitalism and its mind you-which present this same
kept press is forming against them. That there is a story of rise and fall-often largely
"class struggle" in this "classless" American society through the intercession of the
becomes unquestionable when we think of the inter- other sex. Napoleon, if our memory
action, on one side, between press and finance, the serves us, was one such man. Here,
instructions given to National Guardsmen, the activi- then, is one reason why the book
ties of police and Legionaires, and on the other, the fails to click; we have been spoiled
growing solidarity "of the workers. No matter which by previous developments of the
side of the struggle we are on, we must recognize that same plot, versions which are not
there is a struggle. excelled by "A Modern Hero."
To get back home. The legal representative of What of the charactcrs? We can
the million and a quarter people of Detroit on the find no fault with them-except
worker's side of the controversy, the man who is that they are too perfect. Brom-
,onducting their investigation into the murder of field has forgotten entirely the prin-
their four comrades, the counsel of the International ciple . of border diffusion in all
Labor Defense in Detroit, is an important person in things-one gas with another, one
this controversy. Maurice Sugar is this counsel, and trait with another. Good and evil;
Maurice Sugar addressed the meeting of the Socialist ffciency and laziness; brains and
Club referred to above. At this meeting there were stupidity; selfishness and altruism.
over a hundred students. These students are either These qualities have ben segregat-
interested in, or definitely engaged in, the struggles ed, we admit, to a very high degree
of the working class. So on the night of May 4, we -but never entirely. And Bromfield

had the following elements; a world wide struggle makes them so. Put case: Pierre,
based on a philosophic concept of history, the Marx- .whose character has been treated
ist; a speaker prominent in one of the hot-beds of above; Joanna, who perhaps is the
this struggle; and to bring all this to the campus, l 'nnly example of slight diffusion in,
an audience of students active in that struggle. What the book, but who, taken as a whole,
a story for the Daily, what a piece of news. If the is a typical loving farmer-mother,
Daily is a free press, upholding the tradition of de- and nothing else; Leah, the virtu-
tached commentator of events on the campus, it was ous harlot; Homer, the shrewd, cold,
surely. for it, a phenomenon worth reporting. Not scheming financier; C I a i r e, the
one word about this meeting appeared in your col- promiscuous widow with high-so-
umns. This is something which I cannot understand. ciety ennui. How many times have
Saul Friedberg. we seen the characters presented?
dow many times deplored their
O MEa}I and how many times shall we haveH
to be troubled by them again, real-
izing that there is a deficiency



(The choicest of wholesome







Luncheon .
Dinner . .

. . . 30c
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216 South 4th Ave.



Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Frederick B. Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Special Mother's Day Service with
sermon by Dr. Frederick Fisher.
7:30 P. M.-Evening Worship.
Directed by Mrs. Peter F. Stair.
Cor. East University Ave. & Oakland
Rabbi Bernard Heller, Director
Philip Bernstein, Assistant to the
Sunday, May 8, 1932
11:15 A. M.-Services in the Chapel
of the Women's League Bldg.
Miss Jane Cohen, speaker. Miss
Josephine Stern, leader.
3:00-6:00 P. M.-Art Exhibit at the
8:00 P. M.-Open Forum. Prof.
Jesse Reeves will speak on "Cor-
doza-The Law and the Man."
Room 319 Michigan Union.
Conservative services each Friday
evening, 7:30 P. M., at the Foun-
South Fourth Avenue
Theodore R. Schmale, Pastor
o.nn A 1'.u flt.I, es

State and Huron Streets
E. W. Blakeman, Director
Sunday, May 8, 1932
12:00 M.-"The Aim of Jesus"-Dr.
Blakeman and the class are discus-
sing "Group Religion and Our
6:00 P.M.-Guild Service. Mother's
Day Program.
7:00-7:30 P. M.-Fellowship hour.

(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty Sta.
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Sunday, May 8, 1932
9:30 A. M.--Bible School.
9:30 A. M.-German Service.
10:45 A. M.-Preconfirmation Serv-
6:00 P. M.-Student Supper and
Fellowship Hour.
6:30 P. M.-Program by Student

(Cornell Daily Sun)

fingers d

By ardently hacking away at the national budget ;t first, xw
for many a long hour, Congress finally chalked up a leading c:
pa per saving of almost two hundred million dollars not the k
on the books for the coming year. Now the House noted by
has decided that too much lucre in the national that hero
treasury would be very serious, and so set about to meaning,
spend this saving as quickly as possible. This they and seekr
did by passing 313-16 an appropriation for about one Then wh
hundred million dollars for pensions to war widows. left? We]
Since certain other features in the omnibus bill in the se
are now seen to be not quite what the hopeful Con- leading c
gressmen had counted on when they started their the grea

re, but unable to put our
irectly on the difficulty?
the title. It is misleading.
e hunt for courage in the
[haracter; it is not there-
ind, at least, that is con-
"hero." Then, recalling
o, in a novel, has anotherI
we drop the courage tack
modernity. It is not there.
at, in heaven's name, is
ll, we at least have a hero,
ense that the book has a
character. And we thank
t Allah for sendinv us I

Washington Street and 5t Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Sunday School Lesson
topic: "Choosing the Best Things
in T1:fp"n tPr -:cn :ri, of Mnr a'

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