.. THE MIV1 xCkI.A1N iDAILY I sATMYDAY, MA ,Y T 1932 trl t n tt 1 join in respectfully urging the judges, in keeping with the true spirit Avery Hopwood intended, to judge and award it accordingly.I Robert F. Yee, '33E. BOOKS 'o 1I led eyery morning except Monday during the University e Board in Control of Student Publications. er of the Western Conference Editorial Association. Associated Press is exclusively 'entitled to the use for re- iaof all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ithis paper and the local news published herein. d at the Post Office at Ann Arbor Michigan, as second er. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant General. iption by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 : Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Phones: Editorial, 4925; Buainess, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN tr............................... David M, Nichol r ......... ........ Carl Forsythe Director ........................... Beach Conger, Jr. tor ........................... Sheldon C. Fullerton Editor .......................... Margaret M. Thompson News Editor........................... Robert L. Pierce NIGHT EDITORS Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis oland A. G eoodman Jerry . Rosenthal 1Karl Seiffert Georgie A. Staiterr Sports Assistants Jones John W. Thomas REPORTERS . Arnheitn Ilaroll F. .lute . Blankerta buhn 5. Marsihall (;ampbiell P(Llnd Martin! onnellan 111iry ]Meyer Deutsch Albert H. Newman Huber i, lerome Pettit arve Prudente Foster Collins Alice ,Gilbert andal irancees anchester Iman IElizabeth Mann Charles A. Sanford jobn W. Pritchard Joseph Reihan C. h-art Sciraaf Brat: d -y Shaw Parker Snyder Glenn R. Winters Margaret 0'lrien Bteverly Stark Almuia \ sworth Josephine Wou'lhams BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 N S T. XLINS................ ......l usinesm' Manages I'. JOH-NSON .. .................. Asiistant Manager Department M anagers g ...............................Vernon Bishop ig Conntracts .......................... flarry I2. [Be ey Rg Service........Byron C. dd1r MS ................................W illiam '. Brown ..e..................Richard Stratrnir ltusiness Manager.................... Ainn W. Virnor Assivtants nson Arthur F. Kohn Buraley Bernard Sohnacke -k 01raton W. Sharp IBecler 1isch grund llmeyer e Jackson Laylin Virgtinia AM eComh ('ayoline Mosher 1