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May 05, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-05

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Published every morning except Monday during the University
rby the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
ication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ited in this paper and the local news published herein.
IEntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor Michigan, as second
s matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
tmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
kigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Buyiness, 21214.
Telephone 4925
s Editor ................................... David M. Nichol
F Editor................................. Carl Forsythe
orial Director" ............ . .......... .......Beach Conger, Jr.
its Editor.............................. Sheldon C. Fullerton
ren's Editor. .......................Margaret M. Thompson
stant News Editor ...........................Robert L. Pierce

I. (Gildreth J. Cullen Kennedy Janes
R land A. rGrman Jerry E . .Rosenthal
k'~al Seil i ;t Geor ge A. st altcsr



Sports Assistants
n W. Jones Joli V. Thomas
ev W. Arnheim Harol VE1. TKlte
d F. Blankertz lmn S. Marshall
ii-4L C.CanIpe Bolanl Mai Iin
'as Connellan I l1ry I eyr
rt S. IUeulsch Albert 7. Newman
A. Huber l . lerome Pitit
m Carver ProTlenc e Foster
ice Collinv Alice (Gilbertt
sr. 'ruaridallirnces Maiwhester
Feldman Flizabeth Mamnn

Charles A. Sanford
Joln W. Pritchard
Joseph Retlihan
C. II art Schaaf
Brac( y Saw
Parker Snyder
Glewi R. Winters
Margaret O'Brin
lleverly Starkc
\ia \Wa ,sworth
Josephine \Woodhama


Telephone 21214
IARES T. KLINE......................Business Manages
ORRIS P'. JOHINSON...................... Assistant Manage
TDepartment Managers
:vertising.....................................Vernon Bishop
Ivertisiog Contracts ............................ITarry R. Igley
:evertising Service.............................Bron C. Vedder
Sications..................................William T. Brown
ccoint9.................... ...............Rilihrd Straleineir
omen's ilusinesMAali~ ger..................... Arn W. Vernor

the other parts were not as tangible to their pro--j
taganists. Frances Johnson made an extremely ac- E
ceptable "Lady Bracknell," which part, though not
particularly unusual from the average run of society
inclined matrons, is one which contains an element WHY DON'T WE
of satire and cleverness not easy to portray. Miss HAVE SWINGOUT
Johnson, by reason of her ability to carry these EVERY DAY?
qualities out to a goodly extent, thus achieved an We could tell as early as one
excellent performance. o'clock yesterday afternoon that
John Doll and Martha Scott were not bad in any Swinout wsgoy teaobigthut
sense of the word but one was inclined to feel at Swingout was going to be a big su-
es.Everybody was walking around
times that they were not "Jack" and "Cecily" but , .
merely attempting to play these parts instead of with big bulky packages and black
pars isted o Isuitcases, which are always auspi-
acting them. Before considering "Gwendolen" the sucioussnwhingout.lTyeaep-
other parts were played with more than average cious signs for swingout. The e-
thusiasm exhibited may be attn-
ability. "Gwendolen," by far the most difficult and:buted to the tight-fitting flat-to -
subtle role of the show, was done well by Eugenie
Chapel. It was not perfect (extremely few women ped caps which could raise sweat o-
can do it perfectly), but it was an apt illustration any brow, no matter how intellect-
that there is a chance that sophisticated parts, how-
tever difficult, can be portrayed by student actresses.
Although Miss Chapel did not give the part the diffi- NOTICE TO SENIORS
cult farcial English interpretation that one associates
it with, her attempt was sincere and worthwhile, and Sobriety and normal conduct
for a good attempt at really difficult acting, one can being necessary to the contn-
only grant applause. uation of the swingout tradi-
Space does not permit the indulgence into other tion, the Rolls Sobriety Com-
remarks about the play but one can say that the mittee and the University re-
scenery and costuming, done in modern style, was questthat members of the class
excellent and; in no way, incongruous to the dialogue of 1932 who did not act as
or action. The play, as all Play Production presenta- gentlemanly a n d ladylike as
tions, was free from the multifarious backstage noises possible during the ceremonies
so characteristic -of amateurism and, on the whole, yesterday afternoon do n o t
the entire thing was most enjoyable. mention said conduct or brin
To conclude, "The Importance of Being Earnest" the glorious name of our Uni-
was not the most successful presentation which Play versity to shame.
Production has attempted but it was, at least, one
of the most ambitious and enjoyable, and these, in The honor guard was right in
themselves, make the show worthwhile. step with the traditional conduct
laid down years ago by that first
* -- - honor guard. (Just think. The old
...____-- -boys must have gray heads by now.
AMU Ira j Irq pIts a sad, sad world. It was tool-
SC lEEN RE LECT bad, though, that Tom Cooley had
_______________________________________to end up his four years of higher
AT THE MAJESTIC learning without a robe. We un-i
derstand that he borrowed a cap
"This Is the, Night" from Harvey Rasmussen. Good old
Avery Hopwood did a most commendable thing
when he left his alma mater a sum of money for the *
furtherance of intellectual stimulation among under-
graduates interested in writing. He also did a very Some thoughtless senior went
commendable piece of work in writing a play upon and tossed a lot of dirty old
which the curent movie at the Majestic is based. gum wrappers onto the pros-
Spicy lines, unusual and surprising circumstances, cenium before Dr. Ruthven got
clever quips, and the usual sort of thing which one started on his speech. Stigma!
expects to find in a Hopwood play-all are there. stigma! This certainly reflects
Paramount, for a change, is to be congratulated o he escutcheon of the class
for giving those lines to persons most capable ofo '
handling them-namely, Charles Ruggles and Roland ; *<
Young. Need more be said? If so, then it can be
disposed of in the statement that Lily Damita also Dr. Ruthven's speech was swell.
has a part, one suited to her typ.e, in which she wears He won the hearts of his audience
Parisienne gowns well selected for the time and the right from the start by telling them
place. Thelma Todd and Gary Grant shine along (or it) that they had not yet reach-
with the others. The action occurs in Paris and ed the age of discretion. Then with-
Ralph Ranger, in the first real opportunity offered out more ado he got right down to
him, has provided some excellent accompanying the important idea of the whole
scores. To say anymore would be simple elaboration. address, which was, that if we wish
The picture can stand it however. Lines cleverly to protect our comfort, success and
written, placed in the hands of a good director, who happness we must guard against a
has at his command stars for whom the lines seem demoralizing fear of the unknown.
to have been composed, are all that is necessary, in This lofty idea was received with
the final analysis, to make any picture a success. much enthusiasm by the seniors,
"This Is the Night" is a success. It is lively, sparkling and the applause was deafening
as champagne (the real kind), colorful as Miss when the president urged us to go
Damita's gowns, and as modern as a three-cornered out and operate the mAchinery of
piece of furniture. E.J.P. civilization.
I emers pnldi..ied in this column should not a constned as
expressin the e itn l opinion of The aily Anonymonu i-
mniciations will he d i egarded. The names of coninowicants i
wi ,how eer, he cgar ed as confidental upon rqnuest. (on rib- 1
"tors ae asked to be "i, confining themselves to less than loo
wrils if possible.


,il Aronson
Bert H. Buraley
n Clark
et Finn

Artiur F. Kohn
it ern iil S hmacke
;r attoIt eW. Sharp

Ionald A. Johnson, I11
Dean Turner
Don Lyon
Bernard I. Good


onna Becker Virginia McComb Hfelen Spencer
axineFisclhgrund Caroline Mosher Ratbeyn Spencer
an Gallineyer helen Olson Xathryn Stork
atherine Jackson lelen Schmode Clare Uinger
orothy Layfin M\ay Seefried M 1ry Elizabeth Watts


ifts Exercise a

.ittle Forethought
OW that the time for Cap Night approaches,
we sincerely hope that no revengeful sopho-
ores will undertake this year to burn materials
)r the fire before the scheduled time. Although
e sophomores think the freshmen are the only
nes that suffer inconvenience from such rmis-
Luided attempts, a little forethought will convince
tem that such preliminary burning detracts from
te pleasure of many more people.
The Freshmen build the bonfire not for them-
4ves alone but for all other classes. This weekend
ill be Home Coming weekend. Alumni from all
ver the country, as well as parents of many of
ie students, will be in town to attend the various
mctions scheduled for them. One of these func-
ons is Cap Night. The Freshmen are performing
duty which has been delegated to them on
ehalf of all the classes in the University, and by
urning the pyre before type ceremonies, although
may be considered smart and collegiate, the
>phomores would spoil the evening for all con-
The leaders of last year's burning admitted
tat they had not seen the other side of the ques-
on ,and acknowledged the fact that preliminary
utrning had been actuated by revenge which
light have been placated in some other manner.
1 the light of these circumstances and the interest
' many more students, faculty, townspeople and
arents in the affair, we feel sure that the sopho-
tores wil turn their spirit for class rivalry into
tore restricted channels, and permit us all to
Ijoy the Cap Night bonfire.




A Review
by Jerry E. Rosenthal
Perhaps Play Production attempted something a
tle beyond its actual capabilities or perhaps Oscar
ilde has a certain subtle quality which makes any
rformance of his works a more than usual task
t, at any rate, despite the fact that the acting, on
whole, was some of the best seen this season and
at the direction and staging was equally excellent,
st night's performance lacked an intangible some-
ing which is necessary to a perfect understanding
id enjoyment.
"The Importance of Being Earnest," which, no
ubt, is generally agreed to be not only one of the
st comedies written by Wilde but actually one of
e subtlest and most elusive farces in the last 50
ars, is certainly not an easy piece to present. It is
t a fare which laboratory players such as the
tors and actresses connected with Play Production
e familiar with nor have had a great deal of suc-
ss in presenting. Most professional companies, in
ying to give it with all the firm understanding and
mpathy neecssary to its successful presentation
ave found it unordinary, thus it is no insult to the
pabilities of Windt or his charges that they did
3t succeed to the utmost.
They did succeed, however, in giving a play ex-
llently and thoroughly acted. Instances on the
age and effects received by the audience all bespoke
more than a little talent and finish, seldom seen
local productions. Not once did one feel that he

Socialists Want Democracy in Education
To The Editor:
In a time when hysterical legislators are slashing
public appropriations with little deliberation, it is
indeed appropriate that the more healthy traditions
of the state be reasserted. Across the front of Angell
Hall stands a great declaration of principle-for state
education. Every Michigan school child learns the
history of the Northwest Territories, and that "edu-
cation shall forever be encouraged." The Michigan i
Socialist Club subscribes to this principle and is s
working for its extension. 1
The editors of the Daily, however, don't seem to
be very sympathetic with such radical democracy.
That would not be so bad if they refrained from
misrepresentation. President Ruthven and Dr. SmithE
were in no way criticized in the Socialist platform,
neither expressly nor by implication. In fact, the
Presidents of the University have always been among
the foremost defenders of state education, have often
upheld that institution before the state legislature.
The editors may have been mislead by the specific
application of the principle in the Socialist platform
-we too had some debate on that point. To a great
many students the question bf financing an educa-c
tion is a matter of a very bitter struggle; the great 1
principle demands concrete application-financialr
assistants to deserving students, the Socialists thinkt
to be achieved by abolition of their fees and exten-
sion of the admirable scheme of scholarships. What
do the editors find so funny in these socialistic
proposals? At the risk of being facetious may I
suggest that life in the big house on the hill and
the monthly check from Dad do not stimulate a ,t
sympathetic consideration of the great problem oft
half of the students. May I ask the boys to go intot
the kitchen once and get acquainted with the fellow-1
students who wash their dishes.t
The idea of putting a socialist on the student{
council, while not calculated to accomplish all of our
aims toward democratic education, does suggest an
interesting parallel between campus and national
politics. It would be more reasonable to vote for a

Machinery of Civilization.
Yes, it certainly is, and at this
uncture we wish to change the
subject a bit. We are sure that you
have all noticed the issue of the
Michigan Daily for Wednesday, May
1. It bids fair to be the prize issue
of the year. It fairly scintillates
Exhibit No. 1:
12. Business Administration
school students will follow the
"Thanks to some fancy fielding
on the part of Kenny Manuel and
to an equally single that sent two I
runs scurrying across the plate by'
that same player " enough!
"All McNeal had to do was to re-
tire three more State batters and
the game was in. Four men faced
the Wolverine hurler in the ninth.
He retired three of them without
trouble, but he made the mistake
of groving the ball for the fourth .
This just goes to show how
thickwitted either McNeal or
the guy who wrote the story is,
and we favor the guv who wrote



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