-.--- - - -- ____
Golf Team Defeats
Tartar Squad, 13 to
TO 'B'
Cats Hubbrd' s Mark ,
Nisen-Appelt Doubles Team Fall
4 to Moss-Spathelf for Only
Detroit Point.
The University of Michigan Jay-I
vee tennis tcam won their first I
match of the year when they
trounced Detroit City College Var-j
sity squad yesterday afternoon on
the home courts, 11 to 1.
* The Jayvees made a clean sweep
in the singles, taking all eight
matches. In the doubles Nisen and
Appelt fell before Moss and Spath-
elf of Detroit for the only Michigan
lThe feature match of the after-
noon was between Clint Sandusky
of Michigan and Sy Kaplan of De--
As:> ctate ! ress P ? no troit, the play was close during the
entire match and the result was not
John Brooks, star negro broad- certain until the last ball was serv-
jum~per from the University eChi jed and the last point scored. San-
cago, who shattered an eight yearC dusky finally won out after threeI
old mark in the jump event at the' hours of grilling play, 9-7; 7-9; 7-5.
Drake Relays, with a leap of 24 feet, The Jayvees will meet Albion Col-
8 2-8 inches. The previous mark loge here, Saturday afternoon and,
was held by DeHart Hubbard, for- according to Coach Johnstone, if
mcr Michigan track lumnary. the boys continue to play the cali-
_____ber of tennis they displayed yester-
BRILLIANT" RUN day afternoon they should have
BILLIAT RUN imore than an even chance to em-
RAISES CHANCE erge victorious.
Nisen (M) defeated Spathelf (D,)
One of those last minute work- 2-6; 6-4; 8-6. Appelt (M) defeated
outsthatsesmjooerso-Moss (D), 1-6; 6-1; 6-2. Sandusky
outs that spells joy to all lovers oV (M) defeated Kaplan (D), 9-7; 7-9;
horseflesh indicated tha Adobe 7-5. Root (M) defeated Stein (D),
Post would enter the historic Ken- 8-6; 6-1. Baldwin (M) defeated'
tucky Derby. Although the Knebel- Singer (D), 6-0; 6-3. Corey (M) de-
kamp and Morris entry had pre- feated Wolczynski (D), 6-4; 7-5.
viously looked quite dismal in a ser- Waring (M) defeated Garrison (D),
ies of practice runs, and his owners 4-6; 6-4; 6-1.
were debating the possibility of a enihan (M) deeated Cook (D),
scratch the brillian form flashed 6-3; 6-0. F
by Adobe Post in th e Preparation DOUBLES: )
Purse, a pre-derby race run on Moss and Spathelf (I)), defeated
Tuesday assured him of a, starting Nisen and Appelt (M), 6-3; 6-0.
The owners had already released Singer and Kaplan (D), 6-0; 0-6;
their jockey Charley Landolt from 6-0. Durand and Corey (M), de-
his contract in order that he might feated Stein and Wolczynski (D),
ride the Leiter Estate entry, Prince 7-5; 6-2. Schnap and Baldwin (M),
Hot-spur. After Tuesday's showing defeated Garrison and Cook (D),f
Shnwever the ownrs nf Arlnh Poe 7-5; 6-4.
Washington .........14 4
DETROIT ..........12 6
New York .
St. Louis ......
Philadelphia ..
Chicago ......
Boston ........
.14 7
10 6
.8 12
.5 13
...... 3 13
Boston ............
Chicago ...........
St. Louis ..........
Cincinnati ........
New York .........
.12 4
.13 5
.9 9
.9 10
9 11
7 12
. 5 10
Quintet of Michigan
Will Enter
Tourney at Chicago
Five University of Michigan
students will leave for Chicago
today to enter the Intercollegiate
Boxing Championships tomor-
row and Saturday. They will notN
represent the University as spe-
cial sanction from the Board in
Control of Athletics was not ob-
tained. They now plan to enter
as students attending this col-
lege, not as official representa-
Harvey Bauss, Harry Peterson,
Gus Kalonic, Joe Oakley, and
Whitey Larsen are the five fight-
e r s. Special arrangements so
that Jack Slater could fly from
New York, where he boxed in the
National Amateur Champion-
ships last night, to Chicago to
attend the tournament have notL
materialized to date.
The chances of these boxers
are slim as the best fighters of
all of the Big Ten schools and
several outstanding men from
other colleges , are e n t e r e d.
Whitey Larsen, lightweight, has
the best chance with Joe Oakley
not far behind.
Ernesto Lombardi, big catcher
with the Cincinnati Reds, has three
stolen bases to his credit despite
his bulk.
VU1111UU1 1forsecondplaceiitAmerican t Louis ....003 000 000- 3 6 1
#----League standings yesterday by Cleveland ..020 320lx- <8 15
Competition in Two Meets Gives coming from behind with a lateC
jinning rally to sxvccp the Chicago Gry1erl n eet rw
Illinois Squad Slight Edge series, winning 8 to 7. and Myatt.
Over Wolverines. Clint Brown held St. Louis in NATIONAL LEAGUE
check while Cleveland scored 8
Longer workor ; as the result of runs to 3. Weak defense cost Pi ts- Clflcgo.. ....011 000 002- 4 8 1
the warm weather will be on the burgh a pitching deul between Piwsburgh . . .000 100 000-- 1 6 3
bill for the remainder of the week Warnecke and French as the for- Warneke- and llartw'eil; French
for Michigan's varsity track squad ,mer's Chicago Cubs won 4-1. hack, and Breizel.
in prparation for the scheduled Il- flashy third baseman for the Cubs. Cincinnati . .000 30() 000 0 0 1
linois invasion here on Saturday. stole home in the third for the one Louis . . . .110 050 004-- 7 12 0
The mec t, which will mrs 'k the bright spot of the game. . l.go, ..x1y, Wysi0g4-nd7M1n-
Wolves' seconOd competition of the Huck Betis won his third straight gdon, Rixey W ngan Man-
year, is the only dual event carded game for the Boston Braves, and ion.; Rhem and. Ma-cso.
for the present season. shutting out the Phillies, 3 to 0. Boston......002 010 00 - 3 4 0
Injuries have handicapped the Mancuso and Blades aided the St. Pmila.. .000 000 00 - 0 4 2
Wolves in their campaign so far, Louis Cardinals with homers as Game called. H Collins and
but several of the stars, including Flint Rhem scattered six safeties Betts and argraveC
Renwick, are expected back in the I and shut out Cincinnati, 7 to 0.1McCurdy.
lineup and probably in the scoring ---- -- YESTERDAY'S HOME RUNS
sheet this week-end. Renwick, sen- Michigan Trounces Gehringer ................Tigers
sational sprinter, is one of the vic- J3 Walker....................Tigers
tuns of the early-season weather, Japanese Nine, 13-9 Stone . . ..................Tigers
and he is engaged in loosening up a I ---- I Worthington .......... . .... Braves
I pair of badly sri .,isd legs. * (Continued from Page 1) ! Mancuso .... ...........Cardinals
Coach Gill's Illini do not appear ed the fireworks hitting the first of Blades.................Cardinals
to have the strength possessed by ;his two four-baggers over center! --
them in former years, but they field with the bases loaded and two Jess Batterton. Puento, Cal.,
have the additional advantage of out. Artz brought in the fifth run.fyouth, is a professional baseball
having competed in the Kansas re- with a single to right completing player with the Columbus, 0.,
lays as well as the Mid-west event the circuit when Kunitomo let the I American association club, though
at Drake attended by the outstand- hit get by. Di Ley ended the scor- he is only 18 years old.
ing members of the Maize and Blue ing spree with a long fly to left.
squad. Competition in former years Theevithrs ong;hrlyuto
The visitors scored t hre runs on
has been fairly close, with the three Michigan errors. In the
Wolves taking the Indians in their furth the Wolves tallied sx :.uns. p..
home camp last season by a scant Waterbor and Petoskey both clout-
six points. Balanced against the ed out homers in this frame.
Illinois graduating list last year, One hit anc an error gave St.
Michigan has a long tally of injur- Paul its last run in the fifth. Mich-
ies and other bad early-season ian scored two more, one in the
Individual stars, xather than team sixth and one in the eighth. Artz
srengthidl fture the Ihan t collected a circuit drive in the sixth.
strength, will feature the Illini at-
tack. Frank Purma, chief of the In-M te'
dians, is a discus thrower of wide
fame in the middle west. Other well Cardw
known, names on the Iiiini list are
Hellmich, Hollingsworth, Dick Nelle, Besidcs rminy styles of beautiful
and Roy Etnyre. Etnyre competes cards for one's own mother,
in the high hurdles, and he comes there are also many in our stock
from a successful indoor season well for "My Other Mother."
pVhmed to carry on his career of the .You will derive much pleasure in
Norman Daniels, three-sport star
at the University of Michigan, is
trying for his ninth "M".
All Shades . . $20.00
All Alterations at Cost
l1319 South University
and his orchestra at
Friday 9 till 1
Friday 9 till 1
. .
7 Formal Style
We are devoting this w e ek- e n d exclusively to
Spring or Summer formal displays in our windows,
also several complete displays in the store - It may
prove of utmost interest to you just to sii . come in
and view this large selection.
Formal wear for the (Senior Ball) spring dances
and house parties consist mainly of white flannel or
New Arrivals
'The Clothes Beautiful'
By Schloss Brothers.
150 spankling new Spring
Suits. - Quality - Style-
Workmanship beyond com-
parison. Fine new worsteds
of Australian wool, tweeds,
and flannels in grey's and
tan's. A truly remarkable
All $40 Suits
$45 and $50 values
Topcoats Cut to the Bone
Get yours now
New Flannel Slacks
By Schoeneman
Imported Linen Slacks
Sport Coats
New Spring Hats
By Paragon
serge trousers-blue or dark grey sport coats.
or black and white shoes-This will be
an unusual
opportunity for you to make your selection.