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May 04, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-04

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VOL. XLII. No. 153.




WEATHER: Mostly cloudy.


- ... r v ..._

Darkness Ends Contest
With Teams Tied

nrminr am r na r



Senior Swingout,

Gargoyle's "College Tumor" issue,
complete even to its "Book for
Greasy Greeks," its account of the
activities of "Goodness Gracious
Rho" fraternity, its "Burp" contest,
and a section of interesting colleg-
ians under the title "The Collegiate
Whirl," will make its apeparance on
the campus today.
"Down the Hatch" is the lead ar-
ticle by Mickey Mouse Powers, who
is incidentally responsible for the
cover and for a number of the car-
toons. It is the answer to a moth-I
er who vacillates between sending
her son to the University of Illinois
or to Michigan and he answer
"As a matter of plain fact, drink-,
ing at Illinois, now that the rom-
ance it possesed under the Clark
regime is faded, has become a sadly
prosaic and unsatisfactory busi-
In another place the article


at 3-3.





Against McNeal,

By Sheldon C. Fullerton
Michigan's "Tireless Wonders"
and the equally long winded nine
from Michigan State played a ball
game yesterday. In fact, they al-
most played two ball games, and
when. the shades of night fell on
Ferry field they were still trying to
go through their paces for the
handful of fans that turned down
their dinners just to see which team
could last the longest. Finally, con-
vinced that neither side could do
anything about the situation, the
umpire called the game on account
of darkness, with the score knotted
at 3-3, and nothing gained for an
aftcrnioon of hard work.
All in all, it was an afternoon of
some of the most nerve-wracking
baseball that has bean. on tap at
Ferry field in many a day. Charley
Griffin, one of those left handed
twirlers that usually can weave a
pell over the Wolverines each and
every time he takes the mound
against them, was on the mound
for the Spartans..Opposing him was
the bespectacled H a r 1 e y McNeal,
who had already turned in a victory
over Illinois on the home diamond.
Single Scores Two Runs.
Thanks to some fancy fieldng on
the part of Kenny Manuel and to
an equally single that sent two runs
scurrying across the plate by that
same player, Michigan was very
much in. the ball game when the
iinth minning rolled aiound. All Mc-
Neal had to do was to retire three
more State batters and the game
was in. Four men faced the Wol-
verine hurler in the ninth. He re-
tired three of them without trouble,
but he made the fatal mistake of
groving the ball for the fourth. Abe
Eliowitz, who also does quitq a bit
of footballing for Michigan. State,
caught ahold of the cripple and
when he stopped runnng he had
left first base, second base, third
base, and the plate behind him.
From the twelfth inning to the
finish Jack Tompkins took over the
hurling duties for the Maize and
Blue. The shift was made in the
eleventh when Douglas was sent in
to hit for McNeal. Griffin went the
(Continued on Page 3).

Name Captain for Spring Games
at Meeting; Freshmen to
Convene Tonight.
A handful of sophomores, sole
upholders of Michigan's waning
college spirit among the second
year men, gathered last night in
the Union and named William Mc-
Roy, '34E, to captain the class in
the traditional Spring Games Fri-
day and Saturday.
Freshmen will select their leader
tonight when they meet at 7:30
o'clock in the Assembly hall of the
Union. T. Hawley Tapping, secre-
tary of the Alumni association, will
address the first year men, and a
smoker will follow.
The small assembly of sopho-
mores last night was addressed by
Prof. John H. Muyskens, of the
speech rdepartment, who described
the underclass contest as a "safety
valve" for the energy that is re-
pressed by University life.
Professor Muyskens urged the
students to be individual and stand
by themselves. "Education is just
an addition, of so many facts," he
declared, pointing out that the Uni-
versity is inclined to "muzzle cour-
age in expression."
Joseph F. Zias, junior member of
the Student council, outlined to the
group a change in the rules for
the Spring Games this year. Under
the new regulation, a class that
does not appear at the Huron river
by 4 o'clock Friday afternoon will
forfeit all the points for Friday's
A rule against the kidnapping of
class captains was also presented
by Zias, as well as a requirement
that the winning team be responsi-
ble for the safe return of the rope.
Sweeping through five of the six
singles matches and one of the
doubles, the Wolverine netmen won
their second intercolegiate start of
the season by defeating Michigan
State in East Lansing yesterday,
Extreme cold handicapped players
of both teams.
Colby Ryan, captain of the Mich-
igan racquet wielders had Weitz,
Spartan number one player, to
match point twice in the final set,
but lost 6-3, 4-6, 9-7. Bob Clarke,
Johnny Reindel, Dick Snell and
Hank Pendell, however, all came
through to win the other singles
Pendell and Rollin Clark ac-
counted for the one doubles win
of the day, triumphing 6-4, 6-2.
The following have been selected
from the dentistry school for the
Honor guard today: Louis H. Mey-
ers, Raymond A. McCarthy, Henry
Walkotten, Bert H. Roberts, George
Siersma, and Knneth Ryan.
Final 'Ensian Sale
Takes Place Today
The final campus sale of Mich-
iganensian subscriptions will be
held today and tomorrow in the
new Press building and at points
on the Diagonal, Harry S. Ben-
jamin, 132, business manager for
the publication, announced yes-
terday. There will be no books

states by way of introduction to
Andrew J. Volstead that he "is re-
ported to be directly responsible fcr
the fact that the statue of justice
is blind from consuming Govern-
ment-poisoned alcohol."
"The Book for Greasy Greeks" is
the catalogue of the "Burp, Atter-
son and Old Co, Manufacturers of
Fraternity Junk," and contains a
long list of suggestions for party
favors, fashions in jewelry, and fra-
ternity pins.
"Les Gage" Fuoss writes on "Hot
Sports and HotsShots" for the is-
sue and there is an article under
the title "Majoring in Fashion" by
"Frances Lee Chuck."
"To Boo or not Tabu"' is the title
of the campus drama review by "W.
W. Haneman" F e t t e s. "Comedy
Club," the article states in connec-
tion with the plays that will be
produced in the immediate future,
"has most of the headline material
through a freak of chance which is
worth-while retailing to the col-
legiate world at large." Fette ss
also responsible for the "Goodness
Gracious Rho" fraternity and its
"The Collegiate Whirl," with pic-
tures and stories of four of Michi-
gan's well-known undergraduates,
together with a large number of ex-
changes and cartoons, completes
the May issue of the Gargoyle.
Importance of Being Earnest'
to Commemorate Theatre's,
'Third Anniversary.
In recognition of the fact that
Michigan has more and better
equipped dramatic stages than al-
most any other university, with the
possible exception of Yale, Play
Production will open a four-day
run tonight with a performance of
"The Importance of Being Earn-
est" dedicated to the third anniver-
sary of the opening of the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre.
At the performance tonight of
Oscar Wilde's well-known farce the
entire play committee composed of
Profs Herbert Kenyon of the rom-
ande language departmentDean
Alice, Lloyd, Prof. John Winter of
the Latin department, Prof. O. J.
Campbell of the English depart-
ment, and Prof. James O'Neill of
the speech department, will be
The Mendelssohn theatre, ac-
cording to Valentine B. Windt di-
rector of Play Production, has re-
ceived the praise of almost all the
visiting professional actors and pro-
ducers. "The splendid use to which
the Mendelssohn theatre has been
put is gratifying and proves its
utility," Windt said.
John Doll, Grad., will play the
lead role in "The Importance of
Being Earnest," Jack Lauren Gil-
bert, Grad., willplay Algernon; Eu-
genie Chapel, '32, will do Gwendo-
lyne; Martha Ellen Scott, '32, will
play Cecilie, Herbert Milliken, '33,
will take the part of Dr. Chasuble;
Glad Diehl, '33, will play Miss
Prism; and Francis Bille Johnson,
'32, will play Lady Bracknell.
Other parts will be taken by Ray
Suffron, Grad., and Herbert Hirsch-
man, '34. Melvin Benstock, '32, will
be stage manager for the produc-
tion. The two sets for the play have
been designed and constructed by
James V. Doll, '33 and Oren Park-
cr, '33.
Joint Dinner Meeting to Be Held
at Union Next Tuesday.

The monthly meeting of the
Washtenaw county medical society
will be held in conjunction with a
meeting of the dental society when
the two groups gather for a dinner
at the Michigan union. at 6:30,1
Tuesday, May 10.
Dr. Chalmer J. Lyons, professor
of oral surgery, will deliver a pap-,r,
"The Relation of the Mouth to Dis-
ease." This paper will be discussed
from the dential standpoint by Dr.
U. G. Rickert. professor of mater-
ia medica, and Dr. W. A. Cook of
Dr. Charles Brown, department
of internal medicine, University
hospital, will give the medical dis-
Empire State Erection
to Be Shown in Movies,
"Building the Empire State Build-
ing" will be the topic of a lecture

Supreme Court in Southwestern
State Declares Fraternity
Free From Taxes.
An opportunity to achieve the aim
of long years of agitation against
localtaxation of fraternities ineAnn
Arbor was seen last night when it
was revealed that the Beta Theta
Pi chapter here had been recently
incorporated for perpetual existence
which condition would probably ex-
empt the organization from all tax-
ation due to a state act covering
such associations.
Shelby J. Shourtz, Grand Rapids
attorney for the fraternity, stated
last night that it would be possible
for all Michigan fraternities to be-
come reincorporated under the act
and thus make themselves exempt
from the property taxes which so
long have threatened the existence
of many houses.
Follow Oklahoma Example.
The Michigan .statute, which is
believed to exempt certain organ-
s izations from the payment of taxes,
provides that all library, benevolent,
charitable, educational or scient-
I et institutions incorporated under
Sthe laws of Michigan owning and
operating on rural property sahll
be exempt from taxation. Since
Beta Theta Pi filed affidavits to the
effect that it was included in the
above group, it is believed that it
'will also be exempt.
Motivation for the articles of in-
corporation under the act was the
fact that the Oklahoma chapter of
Beta Theta Pi was declared exempt
by the Supreme Court in that state
after having filed under an exact
replica of the Michigan statute. The
Oklahoma court held that all prop-
erty belonging to scientific, educa-
tional, and benevolent institutions,
colleges or societies and devoted ex-
clusively to the appropriate objects
of such institutions, and that Beta
Theta Pi is incorporated in Oklaho-
ma to promote the educational,
moral and social culture and bene-
volent welfare of its members, and
its property being devoted and used
solely for the promotion of educa-
tional, moral, charitable and public
welfare, is exempt from taxation.
One Requirement Needed.
The only requirement needed for
Michigan frattrnities are that they
be incorporated under the state
laws and that they be occupying
the property for the purposes of
the corporation's creation. It is
considered likely that the Michigan
Supreme court, in view of its own
past decisions upon the tax exemp-
tion statute, would follow the Ok-
lahoma decision when the same so-
ciety is incorporated in the two
states for the same purpose under
tax exemption statutes which read
identically alike, especially as the
State of Michigan has given the;
Beta Theta Pi chapter here perpet-I
ual existence.I
Ralph W. Imlay, Grad was nam.
ed last night to the presidency of
Phi Sigma for next year. At the
election meeting, E. a. Martell, of
the forestry department, addressed
the society on "Some Observations
on a Spruce Plantation."
Other officers selected were: Jean
E. Davidson, Grad., vice president;
Elizabeth B. Shull, '33, secretary;
and Josiah L. Lowe, Grad., treasur-
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
honorary president of Phi Sigma,
will speak at the annual banquet
of the organization May 25. The
new officers will be installed at the

Subiect of Discussion
Is School of Religion
The desirability of a school of re-
ligion as a branch of the Unversity
of Michigan will be discussed to-
iiight at a dinner meeting of the
Council of Religion. Representa-
Lives of the university will take part
in the discussion. President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven and Vice-Presi-
dent Clarence S. Yoakum will be
among those present.

First Time; Traditional Procession
Will Make Campus Circuit.


A ctivities

Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of the polit-
ical science department, will deliver
the honorary Henry Russell lecture
for 1931-32 on "The Codification of
International Law," at 4:15 Friday.
At the same time the Henry Russel
award for 1931-32 will be an-
Lack of Proper International
Machinery Is Obstacle,
Director Says.
Lack of proper international ma-
chinery has been the stumbling
block in obtaining world peace,
according to Philip C. Nash, na-
tional director of the League of
Nations association, who addressed
a group of Ann Arbor people last
night on "Our Interest in the Peace
Machinery-Disarmament and the
Far East."
The League, Nash said, is quickly
becoming the center of all organ-
izations working for world peace.
The strong arm of the League lies
in its machinery to igather facts
and publish them.
World peace machinery must be
able to do four things, according to
Nash. First, it must make it possi-
ble to attack, on a world-wide scale
the fundamental problems of life,
such as economic and financial
Second, it must make it possible
to solve disputes betwen nations by
Disarmament is the third prob-
lem with which such a machine
would have to deal, according to
Nash. Nations are afraid to cut
down on their arms now, as they
fear war with some other country.
Last, Nash said, there must be
some sort of machinery to act as
a fire engine to put out any flames
of war which is liable to blaze
forth in any part of the world.
Poetry Prize Awarded
Professor Burklund
The $50 free verse poetry prize
presented by the Gypsy poetry
magazine of Cincinnati, was award-
ed to Dr. C. B. Burklund, professor
of English in the engineering col-
lege, of the University of Michigan.
Professor Burklund last year won a
similar award.
AE (George Russell), the Irish
poet, was the judge of this year's
contest. "Dilemma" was the title of
Dr. Burklund's poem.7


Incorporation of Beta Theta
Under State Law Believed
to Be Exemptory.


Class of


Swinging out in academic procession, seniors will inaugurate the
graduating exercises of the class of 1932 at 3:30 o'clock today when,
wearing for the first time their caps and gowns, they make a com-
plete circuit of the campus and finally gather in Hill auditorium for
the formal meeting.
Dr. Alexander Grant Ruthven will deliver the charge to the
graduating students. He will be the only speaker on the program.
As is customary, classes for seniors will be dismissed at 3 o'clock so
that all may attend the affair.
The procession to Hill auditorium, which will be led by the
Varsity band, will take the following route: down the diagonal in
'__a northwest direction, South on
State street, east on South Uni-
Glee Club Chooses versity avenue, north on East
Steino President University, and west on North
T4.List Marching Order.

1932 to

Wear Caps and Gotdwns for

J. Truman steinko, '33, was
elected president of the Varsity
Glee club for the coming year at
an election held last night in the
Union. He succeeds Gayle A.
Chaffin, '32.
Other officers named by the
organization include Gilbert H.
Palmer, '33, vicepresident; Philip
T. Lincoln, '33, secretary; and
Ronald W. Duncan, '34, record-
ing secretary. Appointments for
student manager, student direc-
tor, librarian and for assistant

manager will be made




Plan to


Purchasing of Tickets '
for Senior Dance.
Beginning today, tickets for the
class' annual dance set for May 27
in the Union-will go on sale. They
are priced at five dollars.
But, by special arrangement, all
that is needed to hold a ticket is
one-dollar, an amount sufficient to
place it in safekeeping until May 16.
Then, if the remainder is not paid
on that date, the down payment is
automatically forfeited.
Depression? That's one reason.
Another-and the main object of
the plan-is to keep the dance lim-
ited to seniors. Not only will an
identification c a r d be necessary
when a ticket is purchased, but the
time between now and May 16 will
be utilized on checking up on those
who plan to attend.
Tickets will be placed on sale at
two places on the campus. Seniors
from all schools other than the col-
lege of Engineering can obtain
them in Angell Hall lobby. For en-
gineering students, a box office will
be located in Room 306 of West En-'
gineering building.
Committee c h a i r m e n for the
dance, which is to be summer for-
mal, have been announced by L. C.
Whitsit as follows: Music, Howard
Gould; Favors, Stanley Chase; Dee-,
orations, Howard Baldock; fl o o r,
Cullen Kennedy; invitations, Janice
Gillette; publicity, F. M. Welch; as-
sistant chairman, Kenneth McCal-
lum; tickets, Ralph Hardy.

The Honor Guard, a body of
picked students from every college
of the University will march direct-
ly behind the pand. Members of the
senior class will parade by colleges
in the order given below:
1. Seniors of the literary
college, who will meet on the
walk extending from the med-
allion to Waterman gymnasium.
2. Engineering school seniors
will meet on the diagonal south
of the Library.
3. Students in the arch~itec-
tural school will gather directly
behind the engineers on the
same walk.
4. Medical school seniors will
meet on the walk extending
toward University hall.
5. Law students meet at the
rear of the medical students on
the same walk.
6. Dental students on the
walk east of the Pharmacy
7. Seniors of the pharmacy
school will folow directly be-
hind the dentists.
8. Graduate students will
meet on the walk extending
southwest toward the Romance
Language building.
9. Education seniors will
Follow directly behind the grad-
uate students and meet on the
same walk.
10. Forestry Seniors will fol-
low Education graduates.
11. Nurses behind Forestry
12. Business Administration
school students Swill follow the
Members of the senior honorary
societies and the Honor Guard will
assist in the fomatlon of the ranks,
Sobriety and normal conduct
being necessary to .the continua-
tion of the Swingout tradition,
the Swingout committee and the
University request that members
of the class of 1932 act as gentle-
manly and ladylike as possible
during the ceremonies this after-
Richard L. Tobin, Swingout chair-
man, said last night. They will also
attempt to keep the marching as
orderly as possible.
In case of rain, the assembly will
meet directly at Hill auditorium at
3:45 o'clock.

Diffley, c

, f ........7 0 1 1 0
ss ........ 8 1 2 2 7
3b .........5 0 2 1 5
........... 7 0 2 8 3
,y If . .. . .. .. 5 .0 0 0 0
rf ........ 7 1 1 531
2b.. ... . 61132
lb .... .. 7 0 2271
p .......... 4 0 0 0 7
..2 .... 0 1 1 4
1 0 0 0 0
s, p ..... . ..20 312483
.gs . . . . ." V 0 0 0 0
. . . . . . . .60 3 12 48 30


Madonna, s..... ...
Cuthbertson, 2b
Fawcett, rf ......
Morse, c ............
Eliowitz, lb ........
Griffin, p ...........
Kircher, if ..........
Gafner, cf.........
L~anger, 3b .......

6 0
6 0
6 0
6 1
5 1
6 0
7 0
5 0

2 5
1 1
2 2
2 11
2 21
0 1
1 2
3 3
1 2



To tL as...........54 3 14 48 18
*Batted for McNeal in the 11th.
*Ran for Tompkins in the 16th.
* "Batted for Ferguson in the
Score by innings:
State... 000 011 001 0000000 0--- 3
Michigan 001 000 200 000 000 0- 3
Game called on account of dark-
Errors-1Madonna, Morse, Eliowitz,
Griffin 2, Kircher, Waterbor, Braen-
dle. Two base hits--Gafner, Diff-
ley. Three base hit-Superko. Home
run-Eliowitz. Stolen b a s e--Ma-
donna. Sacrifice hits-Cuthbertson,
Eliowitz, Griffin, Kircher, Langer,
Superko. Stmek out-by McNeal 7;
by Griffin 7. Bases on balls-off
imffilt 4: off Tomnkins 2. Hit by

Conditions in India under the
British repression regime are de-
scribed in vividly graphic terms in
a letter written from India by Mrs.
Kamaladevi Chattopadhya, a lead-
ing native political light, to Rajul
Shah, Grad., a relative at the Uni-
Mrs. Chattopadhya, sister-in-law
of Mrs. Sarajina Naidu, the noted
poetess and political leader, pro-
tests in the course of the letter
against the extremity of the police
measures forced upon the natives
at Ahmednagar. The protest, how-
ever, is not a despairing one, but is
tempered by the hope that the
I n d i a n idependence movement
"must meet success," although the
fight is likely to be *"very long
"Things are very different now,"
she writes, "from what they were
last time. The repression is fearful
Everyone of us was locked up under
the Ordinances even before the


that. Failing this, to be re-arrested
and convicted for anything ranging
from a year to three ears. Thik
time we have broken no law, done
nothing, and why, like habitual
criminals, we should be asked to
sign the police register is more
than I know. I
"The press is also very' badly
gagged. They are hardly able to re-,
port things so there isn't sufficient
publicity. Half the things that hap-
pen are never known.
"Many more women have come
torward this time and the number
)f women convicted is much larger.
That is a very welcome feature and
the government resents it deeply.
"I am afraid this is going to be
a very long drawn-out fight. There
isn't much chance of a pact or
peace in the air. There is a dull,
heavy sense of sadness hanging
over the land. It is all terribly sad.
In very many cases husband and
wife have both been convicted with
the result the homes are broken.

Scarface' to! Be Removed From
Center of Operations to
Split up Gang.
CHICAGO, May 3.-.()-In a last
ninute shift of plans "Scarface Al"
'apone tonight was consigned to
.he Federal prison at Atlanti, far
xrom the city whose underworld he
tuled, and far from fellow gang-
Aters in other prisons.
The Government, with its three-
jear objective of putting Capone
behind prison bars in sight, de-
cided to remove the gangster as
far as possible from the center of
his operations and to split up still
more the powerful gang it has
crushed with income tax prosecu-
The change was made only a few
hours before Capone was to have
started for Leavenworth, Kan.
It was in accordance with the

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