Retain Positions; Senatorsea
Purdue Win Shows
Wolverines' Power
Aeet with Detroit City College Pipgras Says Gomez' Success
Carded for Wednesday. Due to Confusion on Part
The decisive 17-1 victory record- of Everyone in Park.
ed by the Wolverine golf team in b Brian Bel
by :ra .eyl
last Saturday's match stamped it as Associated Press Sports Writer
one of the strongest combinations Leo Diegel was talking of golf,
In the Conference. Purdue with a and golf lessons:l
veteran team was unable to gain a j "When I get off my game," he'
single hole victory although Bas- said, "I try to go right to the two
settandRoueaumanaed o pay estgolfers in the world and ask
3ett and Rouseau managed to play them what is wrong with me. Their
.n even terms for nine holes with i names? Walter Hagen and Bobby
Fischer and Root. Jones, of course."
This is real praise for the great
The most gratifying, and at pair, for Diegel, while not the most
the same time the mst puzz- consistent player in the world at)
ling aspect of the situation is. . times is the most brilliant.
Of course, this freewill testimon-
that all of the six Wolyerines tai will not greatly enrich either
that competed played on almost Walter or Bob, for the golf lesspns
even terms. Varsity c o a e h they give are few and far between.
Thomas Trueblood has three WVhen they do turn instructor they
more zmees scaeeduie before do not charge for their advice.'
the Big Ten meet rolls around. Leo turned the talk to women
Cn Wednesday of this week, Dc- "If Virginia Van Wie had 6ne
roit City College will send a team Ihing," hesaid, "she could beat any
)ut to Ann Arbor to engage the vwoman golfer in the United States,
Xlichigan linksmen, but unless they Glenna Collett Vare and Helen
7e stronger than last year, they Hiks notwithstanding. Allthat
re conceded little chance against' V gfnia needs is confidence.
;be powerful Wolverines. 'Trueblood "I could hardly believe my eyes
will try to give as many men as when I saw her playing in Lo An-
>ossible a chance against the De- geles. Her game has improved mar-
troiters. velously. Her pivot is perfect. I
understand that she is inclined to
Next week is the most crucial give credit to Ernest Jones for this
on the dual meet schedule fro new pivot. I think she is the best
the Wolverine stand po ion player in the country."
Northwestern will be met on Guided By Impulse.
Monday, May 9, while on Sat- Leo has no plans at this time to
rday, T ay ,oo whilo take C play in the British open and he says
urdyoTrueblood'willtakehis Gene Sarazen feels the same way.
men to Columbus for a meet This does not mean that Larruping
with thio State. The meet with Leo and the great money player,
'Ohio State shold extend the ( Sarazen, will not be at Ssandwich.
Wolverines to the lmit, since Both are creatures of impulse. If
Bob Kepler, one of the finalists either or both should be playing
in last year's intercollegiate great golf just before time to sail,
meet,' and Johnny Floro, a they would hurry off to a boat. Sar-
semi-finalist in the same event, tzen decid.ed on the spur of the
are both back in schooli moment to jump from Florida to
Mexico to play in the first Agua
The Big Ten championship will Caliente open and all he did when
be decided over the new University I__
of Minnesota links May 20 and 21. -.-
It is this meet that-is causing True
blood the greatest worry, because
by that time he will have to decide
definitely on the four men that
will represent the Maize and Blue.
With nine men of just about equal
ability this bids fair to be a tough
Joe and Clinton Baty, Greenville,
S. C., boys, put 10,500 pieces of wood
together in making a small table.
(For you)
H ER name is Ruth. She's a popualr
co-ed on a famous campus. Yes,
she'll have a cigarette, thank you (and
smoke it very prettily). But for you she
likes a pipe.
That's one smoke that's still a man's
smoke. (And that's why she likes to see
YOU smoke a pipe.)
There's something
t clmel ow ..w
it cleairs your mind, "17
puts a keen edge on
your thinkin
Arnd you sound~ 1
the depths of true
smoking satisfaction
RUTH when you fill up its
bowl with Edgewvorth.
There, men, is a REAL smoke. Choice
mellow hurleyS. cut especially for pipes
-blended for the man who knows h
fine tobaccos. it's cool, dry. satisfying V P
-and you'll find it
first in sales, first
choice of smokers, .I j WT
in 42 out of 51 lead-
ing colleges.
We'd like nothing
better than to ', '
drop in tonight
and toss our own
private tin across !
your study table. V
But since that can't
be, just remember YOUR smokc-
that you -can get -pipe
Edewft a yurdealer's-or send 4' A
Edgewofth at your wish. AddressAr
Larus & Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St.,
SRichmond, Va. A
Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burleysAA A to
with its natural savor enhanced by Edge- I'
worth's distinctiveI tC0%7\ AM
and extiusive elev-
enth process. Buy
he reached the west was win the
event with its prize of $10,000. I
Leo has more than once d ided
not to go abroad, but when the last,
ship sailed there was Diegei with
40 or 50 golf clubs with him. Diegel
and Sarazen have threatened to
win the British open, but neither
has been able to crash through.
They may yet.
Gomez theBaffler.
Ball players were intcrrstad in a
wise crack by Geo-:ge Pipgras at
St. Petersburg, when he said that
Vernon Gomez, the Yankees' sens" -
tional southpaw. is successful be-
1Cause when he throws a ball th'e
catcher doesn't know what is com-
ing, fast ball or curve, the batter is
equally confused, Gomez doesn't
know where it is going and the
umpire doesn't know what to call
( the pitch.
Some of the players say Gomez
cannot always read the catcher's
signs correctly which makes more
or less of a guessing contest be-j
I tween the pitcher and catcher. Bi11
Dickey, they say, may signal for a
curve but have one foot free so he
can catch the ball if it happens A
be a fast one.I
The answer would seem to be
that a set of signais might be rigged
up which could be seen.
U. S. Davis Cup Team
Sweeps Opening Tilt
'ew York.......
A theic.s..... ..
St. Lquis........
Chicago ..........
New Ann Arbor Nine Will Play
in Michigan-Ontario Loop
This Sunmer.
oton......... 3 12 .200 Ann Arbor, for some years past
--_without the welcome sight of a
NATIONAL LEAGUE semi-pro baseball club, will be in
the ranks of the newly formed
WV L Pet. Michigan-Ontario circuit, along
Boston ......... 10 4 .71q with seven other entries from
Chicago - -........ 11 5 .688 Ypsilanti, Grosse Point, Pontiac,
Phillies ....-... 9 74 .563 Windsor, Dearborn, Highland Park
Cincinnati ....... 9 9 .500 and Mount Clemens, it was all-
Pit "burgh.........7 10 A.412 nounced. The club will be com-
St. Louis......... 7, 10 .412 posed mostly of local talent, gath-
Brooklyn --.......5 9 .357 ered from teams which formerly
New York ...... 5 9 .357 [represented various factories and
stores of the city.
A schedule of 42 games will be
played off by the local tean, in-
ALL-CAMPUS GOLF eluding regularly scheduled con-
MEETS TO START tests each Saturday and Sunday,
ST---- and doubleheaders on the boom
days which will draw bigger crowds
Intramural Department Finishes than' usual, Memorial Day, the
Plans for Faculty Tourney. Fourth of July, and Labor Day.
. ~~ The Labor day games will close the
All Campus and Faculty golf season. The opener is carded for
tournaments, sponsored by the In- next Saturday, when Ann Arbor
trouram ets, meponc*willbyteun- takes on ihe Dearborn nine here at
Pramural Department, will get un- 1West Iark. As the majority of the
der way at once. In each of these teams arc either newly formed or
meets each entrant will have to new to Southern Michigan base-
turn in a certified qualifying score ball circles,, advance dope as to
strength and prospects has been
by May 15th i order to gain a place lacking.
in the play. The Bell Telephone Company,
The All Campus is open to any Cook Spring, Eoover Steel Ball, and
student except Varsity and fresh- Daily News are prominent among
man squad members, and g6flet-those former city league teams who
mansqud embrsan gof lt-have mecn pra cticing dalyily with the
termen. Each man may turn in as new club.
many qualifying scores as he de-
(Continued from Page 6) t
team will engage in exhibitions to
keep in trim for the forthcoming
match with Mexico in New Orleans I
in the second round of the Ameri-
can zone play. The two reserves of
the American squad, Sidney Wood,
last year's Wimbledon singles cham-
pion, and Gregory Mangin, winner
of the indoor championship thisj
winter, may get a chance to demon- i
strate their ability in the sopthern.
sires until Sunday, May 15th. These
.core cards must be turned in at
the golf course office with name,
date, score, address, class, and
phone recorded.
Drawings will be made May 16th
and the various flights are. carded
to stagt the next day. Last year's
All Campus spring tournament was
Iull of interest and won by Ed Rice.
Schedules for Faculty soft ball
will be made up the latte part
of this week. If any department
is interested in entering a team
please call 22101.
Earl Riskey, I. M