: _ _
_ .
4cNeal to Hurl Against
ns in Effort to End
of M.S.C. Victories.
° A7e
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. ____ - - - - - -- -_ ____ u
First- Outdoor Meet of Season
is Saccessful, AccordingI
to Coach Hoyt.
No matte:r .what "he summaries
ccAained Coach Charlie Hoyt was j
entirc y satis=-ed with tile silowin
which his WoIverine thimelads made
rine Varsity Undergoes
ng Hitting Practice in
Pre-Game Workout.
a John Kobs will, bring a
. baseball team to Michi-
iamond this afternoon in the
me of the series between the
an State and the Wolverines'"
les Griffin, star left-hander,
arry the pitching burden
Coach Fisher's nine. Grif-
i two games from Michigan
ir to win the series for the
Sschool and expects an easy
is afternoon on Ferry field.
Held Iowa Nine -
gan State played two games
iday aid Saturday against.
iversity of Iowa, winning
andily. Coach Kobs used
in the first gdme and'he al-
nly three runs, two of them.
ed. The Spartan star has
ree days of rest and will be,
o start today.
igan's fast fielding diamond
as not hit their stride at bat
es .:. I 2 1.000
sIC GA N........1 0 1.000
.Ovwa..............1 0 1.0490
. :i'.:Enesta........ 1 0 1.0(0
~nin..........2 1 .667
.. _ _ ..... 1 1 .500
IL' Oi S.............. 1 *2 .333
103,10stan.e........1- 2 .333
Northwestern .... 1 3 -.250
Th... - ..... 0 2 .000I
oves to Fly Next I
Weck at Windy City
C _iatc Towey
Shatte;"s Rc cord
e If.
-e, Gries.
Michigan State
Madona ss.
Cuthbertson 2b
Fawcett rf.
Morse c.
Elioiitz 1b.
Kiircher If. .
Langer 3b.
Gafner cf.
Griffin p.
' this season and Coach Fisher
the whole squad through\ a
tour batting practice yester-
n an effort to improve their
k Tompkins, centerfielder and
er, had been forced out of the
today and tomorrow. A com-
rest was ordered by the Doc-
after examining his pulled
e that extends from his knee
groin. The loss of Tompkins
Ferguson a change to play the
r field position.
guson was selected over the
candidates because of his
ior hitting. Fisher has been
than satisfied with the team's
ng to date and does not. want
pped fly ball to demoralize the
Are Hard Hitters
higan State's basebil team
1 rather win from Michigan=
any other team on their
ule. Captain John Madona,
ist-fielding short stop, is the
s leading, batter, batting to the
of .432. Abe Eliowitz, first
ian, is batting .341, while four
hitters. are boasting of aver-
of over .300.
i slugging shortstop, Captain
na, has fallen off his .500
ge during the spring season
ill belts the ball hard. Pitcher
(Continued on~Page 7)
. __.s.AasckI... a_
Wes Ferrell, the Cleveland In-
dians' fine right-hianGer,' who ap-
pears to be among the best pitchers
in either league in the light of past
and," present performance. Ferrell1
i leading the American league at
this time with an impressive record
of Aivgs victories in as many starts..
Freshman Nine Takes
Second Practice Tilt
In the second of two practice
games, the fr'ehman varsity de-
feated a slightly inferior scrub
team, collecting but one run yes-
terday afternoon. The strength of
the yearling sluggers to 'date lies
not in their slugging ability but in
their two pitchers, Patchin and
Hosler, both promising material.
Coach Benny Oosterbaan an-
nounced yesterday a tentative first
team lineup, which cities either
Patchin or Hosler on the mound,
-Paulson, excellent infield material,
at first, Roerhig to hold down third
sack, Teitlebaum performed at
short, and Dunnaback, Graenstone,
and possibly Eitner covering the
outfield. Baker, Bachman, a n d
Randoon are fighting it out for
catching duty, and Mayfield or Par-
ker may make the first squa- 6 at
Of the newer finds, Oosterbaar,
cited Graenstone, Mayfield and Par-
ker as players worth watching, and
declared that six or seven of hi,,
proteges should make the Varsity
aggregation neat season.I
The yearling outfit, well pared
down by a cut last week, will be
further slashed in a few days.
at the twenty-third annual running
Cf the relays at Drake university
layt Saturday. C 'rnsidering the
facts that this was the first per-
formance of the Michigan men and
that the Ann Arbor prreparato::y
situation and the condition of the
track at Des Moines were against
the Wolves, Michigan's record z1 as
highly satisfying to the mentor. I
Michigan started the week eff
with a bang yesterday afternoan
with preparations going speii;y.
forward tor the annual *meeting
with Illinois this Saturday on Ferry
field. A large crowd is expected to
witness the affair J*cause of the
horenocoming activities and coaches
meeting this week-end.
Weather Handicaps Wolves.
Michigan entered {he Drake re-
lays facing teams that had alrealy
been tested and proven in compc.i-
tion this spring, as practically all of
them had- participated in the Kar-
sas relays a week earlier. In adli-
tion to the Iowa classic being the
opening meet fo the Maize and
Blue, they were handicapped by 'he
large amount of poor weather p -or
to the event which proved det A-
mental to their training prepa a-
Rod Cox t'ossed the hammer 1V-.-
83 feet which is usually a first p1. :'.e
distance, but this time it was g : od
enough for only a second. Bidd a-
gtr of Indiana threw the weir;ht
152.80 feet to step in as the best
in the Big Ten and displace Co, a,
former champion.
Hill Runs Best Race.
In the two-mile r'un Bill Hill n v
the best two-mile race he har eier
run in his life for a fourth place.
The Wolverine distance star was up
against Brocksmith of Indiana,
who broke the relay record with a
time of 9:13.6 bettering the old
mark set by Chamberlain of Mich-
igani State in 1931.
in the relays Michigan was nosed
out by a yard in the one-mile evcut
by Notre Daime, in the two-mile :-
lay the Wolverine foursome was ck-
ly about two yards behind the w n-
nors, Notre Dame, for a third. No:re
Dame's time of 7:48.8 breaks t:ie
former Drake record set by Micii-
gan irk 1925. In the halt-mile evit
the Wolves were just behind the
victorious Marquette quartet.
Hawley Egleston ran into a pi ce
of hard luck in the 120-yard h 4
hurdles, hitting a soft spot in ihe
track which threw' him as he vas
ready for the third barrier.
Metealfe of Marquette was h :i
other outstanding star of the O'ay
in addition to Brocksmith. The
Marquette sophomore ran the 100
in 9.5 to tie the Drake mark a d
Eddie Tolan's accepted world r_ c-
graduation oft he' star atdnecTey-..
[day and $aiuday. The tourney is and finished in last position in th
being conducted by the American itsstandings.Associated Press Photo
Legion (p-ost in the mid-west met- iutstadg.
L rion There will be team and individu- -
al awards which will be announced f
Entries are being received from the Intramural Department 1ar Stc Ciernia 44 yard
all over the country. Plans call for in the year. strhoanti cntl
16 bouts eacli night, and indications InThe results of the swimminthe te of 4.7 seods aaist
point to the fact that these bouts Tsare: Staord last Saturday.
will be hotly contested. Individual 50-Yard Free Style: (1) Haughey, -
winners are to receive gold medals,; (C); (2) Nigg, (C); (3) Simon, (G. D0r s B6 'a D ire s
land the team. with. the highesti Time :27.
!number of pointwill receive a 50-Yard BreastStroke: (1) Mc- ' _ d Ckanp p
team trophy for the school they Dougal, (F); (2) Edson, (D) ; Fo3) Fothe se ond causecutivy
represent. Silverg(). Time :35 4-5. , Foh rsed wonste yc
Many ames prominent n the 50-Yard Back Stroke: (1) Klimek, a Jhhn torey mon Saturday,do-
annals of college boxing appear on (G); (2) Shaw, (C); (3) Fahey, (D). fea Daniels three games to one.
the entry list. The Illini are send- Time :47 3-5. Ti maes three-tme win-
ing five representatives including' Divin (1) Mintz (C) and Par- This makes him athree-tim hvin-
Chris Chibucos, 147 pounds. Tom ker (E) tie (3) Kline (G). ner in tte faculty sports, nhaving
Lynch, 160, Fleischle, bantamweight, tak (1) Company C; (2) Com- ien last year's tennis honors. He
Geoige Bichanich, light-heavy, and pan : G. Time 2:05 2s-5set again
Jack Scully, lightweight. Each on; Totals..Conepany C, 23;.Corn- this year.
of these contestants has an envi- pany G, 14; Company F, 5;.Con- Dorsey captured the first of the
(Con 7any 4;and CompanyF,; m final games, 21 to 13 after a hard
_ _ontinued -n Page - - any D, 4m E___. 3. match, arid was hard pressed to
Swimming Meet Decides Annual
Title; Company G' Trails
by Twenty Points.
Company C of the ResE-:ve O{i -
cers Training Corps won the all-
event championship by winning the
swimming meet, making their an-
nual total 440 points. placing first
in swimming, basketball, and b;wl-
ing and gathering second places i
track and the relays. Company G
was a close second, trailing by only
20 points winning the track mcet
and the relays, and placing sccond
in basketball, swimming, and bowl-
Company B. last years winner
made a poor showing, due to the
Glcues w il fly and the Chicago
Stadium Willi resound to the thuds
of blows as America's finest univer-
sity and cllege boxers come to-
gether with a crash at the Inter-
college n thbe Windy City next Fri-
Four matches have been carded
for the varsity and jayvee tennis
teams during this week, with the
iegnlars participating in two out-
of-town matches with Michigan
State and We tern State, and tho
'B' squad defending the home
record against the challenge of City
College of Detroit and the Metho-
dists from Albion.
Today, Coach Joimstone will take
six varsity players to East Lansing
where the scheduled match, which
was postponed last Saturday due to
wet courts, will be played. The six
men who will' make the trip are
Captain Colby Ryan, Bob Clarke,
Johnny feindel, Dick Sneil, Hank
Pendell and Rollin Clark who will
defend the singles honors in the
order named.
May 'Change Doubles Teams
Although Johnstone had contem-
plated. some 6hange in the doubles
line-up in order to determine the
best pairs for competitive'maJches,
the combinations will probably re-
main the same as determined by
last weeks ranking matches with
Ryan and Bob Clarke pairing at
number one position, Reindel and
Snell at number two, and Pendell
and Rolin Clark playing at num-
ber three.
The Spartans will present a for-
midable array of tennis talent,
gathered mostly from western
Michigan, but the Wolverines, by
virtue of their performances in the
opening matches, have a decided
'edge over the State aggregation.
Jayvees to Meet Tartars.
On Wednescay, Lhe jayvee squad
will meet City College of Detroit in
the match which was also postponecd
Saturday. The Tartars will bring
six singles players and three
doubles teams to test the qualities
of the 'B' netmen. Appelt will head
the list of singles players at num-
ber one, with Nisen, Baldwin, San-
duskey, Corey and Root completing
(Continued on Page 7)
PostpouF, Saturday Will
Held at East Lansing
This Afternoon.
Allison and Vines Lead Mates in straight sets, but also played#
to Easy Victory. brilliantly to defeat Rainville in the
singles play of the opening day.
By Roland L. M~artin The convincing manner in which
As was confiedtially expected by the American pair turned back the
the experts, ,ndlt'ose who think Canadians is assrance that the
they are experts, the United States two stars have not lost the form
Davis Cup team swept with com- that won them the world's cham-
parative ease through the opening pionship at Wimbledon. Pals off
play of the American .Zone, win- the courts, as well as partners in
ning all five matches from the Can- competitive play, they are so per-
adian team of Dr. Jack Wright and fectly synchronized on the court
Marcel Rainville. ns I that some of the antics of Wright
Led/ by the brilliant' tennis of and Rainville on the Chevy courts
Wilmer Allison and Eilsworth Vines, last Friday were pitiful in c-ompari-
the American youngsters lost only son.
three sets in five matches against The work of the ranking singles
the Canadians. Vines, in the open- player, Vines, is still far from the
ing day's play, was forced to five standard- that won him the national
sets before he was able to break singles title last fall. In the zone
through the furious d'efense of the play, the youthful Californian
Canadian ace, Dr. Jack Wright. In found considerable trouble in
the final match on Saturday, Frank elevating his shots over the net, the
X. Shields, who was substituted for ,barrier apparently looming as high
Wilmer Allison for the last singles to him as the Chrysler building.
matches, dropped a set to the His drives, however, were carrying
Toronto player before crashgin terrific power, the force even being
through to victory to make it five detrimental to his racquets.
straight. Shields showed to better advant- I
The most gratifying play of the age against Wright.than Vines did,
entire match was the form dis- his play being considerably' im-
played by America's premiere Iproved over his game in the
doubles team, Allison and John Van earlier tournaments where he was I
Ryn. The Texas youth not only a consistent loser.
aided the black haired Van Ryn in During the next two weeks the
turning back Wright and Rainville (Continued on Page 7)
Lake the scond 21 to 17 after trail-
ing most of the game. Daniels then
stepped in to take the third game
for himself, 21 to 12, but Dorsey
came back in the fourth encounter
to win the tournament with a 21 to
15 game.
This brings the faculty Intramur-
al sports activities up to their base-
ball tournament, which proved last
year to be the most interesting
event on their card-
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