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April 27, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-27

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VOL. XLII. No. 147 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1932 WEATHER: Cloudy, cool, with rain.


SWINCOUT TO MARK Pollo" c alls Prus%
ST9HT OF -9NU91Most Vital in'
START UANNUA Elections last Sunday to the Prus-I
sian Lautag were the most im-
portant in the history of the young
r'epublic. surpassing in their noten~ '

sign Elections
History of Coi

un try


Losing in East

Al Smith Leadin
Roosveltin T

Ruthven Will Deliver Address;
to Dismiss -Classes at
3 o'Clock.
Varsity Bapd. to Lead Procession
Around Campus; to Meet
on Diagonal.
Beginning the traditional round
of ceremonies marking the end of
their college careers, seniors of the
University will assemble at 3:30 o'-
clock next Wednesday in the center
of the campus for the annual
Swingout exercises in Hill auditor-
ium. Classes for graduating stu-
dents will be dismissed at 3 o'clock
as is customary, in order that all
may attend.,
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will deliver the only address to the
seniors, The Swingout committee,
headed by Richard L. Tobin, '32,
has decided that in the past, the1
ceremonies at Hill auditorium have
been too long.,
Band to Lead March.
The procession to Hill auditorium,
where the exercises will begin
promptly at 4 o'clock, will be lead by
the Varsity band. The route of
the march will be down the diag-
onal in a northwest direction, south
on State Street, and around the
entire campus to the Auditorium,
where entrance will be made
through the west side doors. Sen-
iors entering first will take the
seats in the rear of the building
while those entering last will take
the seats at the front.
The classes are to assemble on
the diagonal in the following man-
ner: Senior literary class on the
walk extending from the medal-

1 iU1l, p g 1lab~l 1 11Clpub
tial effects even the presidentialI
election of a few weeks ago, declar-
ed Prof. James K. Pollock of the
political science department in an
interview yesterd:y.
Professor Pollock pointed out that
the importance of these elections
was due to the fact that Prussia is
the most powerful German state,
and, as has so frequently been stat-
ed, whoever controls Prussia con-
trols Germany. Since 1920, Profes-
sor Pollock said, Prussia has been
controlled by what is called the
Wiemar coalition, which has been
headed by Otto' Braun, the out-
standing German Social Democra-
tic leader.
It is not generally understood, ac-
cording to Professor Pollock, how
great a transformation has beent
brought about in Prussia as a re-
sult df Braun's leadership.
"The fact is," said Professor Pol-
lock, "that Prussia today has un-
dergone a change of almost as re-
volutionary a nature as has taken
place in Russia. The Junker influ-
ence has gradually been replaced
by the progressive influence. If Hit-
ler had been able to secure com-
plete control of the Prussian Lau-
tag, he would have been in a posi-
tion to undo all that Otto Braun
has accomplished; and, by virtue of
his influence in the Reich, he might
h a v e caused the overthrow of
Bruening and intrenched himself

throughout the length and breadth11VflUd1L dI11 I=1i1III
of Germany.
"The preliminary election re-
turns," s a i d Professor PoiiocIN
"demonstrate a most striking gain,_____
by the Hitlerites; but, what is more
important, they also show that the Officer's Defense Insufficient
Hitlerites have failed, even with the to Clear Him, Ulrich
help of several smaller parties hold-'Tellsjurors.
ing somewhat similar views, to take Tells Jurors.
Professor Pollock pointed out that
the present government can still be Leisure, Defense Lawyer, Pleads
vote out of office, and, will, in all frAqitl tak
probability, resign as soon as the for Acquittal; Attacks
Lautag meets. However, the legis- Prosecution.
lative rules provide that an abso-
lute majority is necessary to con- HONOLULU, April 26. - (P) - A
stitute a government, and the Hit-
lerites, even with such allies as they prosecution hint that it had won
have among the other parties, lack an important point against the;
this majority. The Communists, insanity defense of Lieut. Thomas
Professor Pollock stated, might vote H. Massie marked the territory's
with the Hitlerites against the pres- arguments before the jury that will
ent government, but would certain-
ly not do so to put them in power. determine the fortunes of a navy
Until a majority government is con- pfficer and three others accused of
stituted, the present one will, of killing Joseph Kahahawai.
course, continue. Barry S. Ulrich, associate prose-
Professor Pollock said that he cutor, told the jurors they would
thought the e was a bare possibility be instructed by Judge Charles S.
that the Catholic party, which now Davis that the defense showing
makes up part of the government, Massie insane the moment he fired
will see fit to combine with the Hit- the shot -which killed the native,
lerites to form a coalition govern- would not be sufficient to clear the
ment of the Right. naval officer.
"Whether the present government Ulrich continued by asserting
continues, or such a Right coali- that the insanity plea is not to be
tion succeeds," concluded Professor tse n less thde e
Pollock, "the Hitlerites will not be considered unless the defense has
able to control the policy and ad- shown Massie mentally unbalanced
minstration of Prussia, and Ger- through every step of the tragedy.
many has therefore been saved For the defense, George S. Leis-
from an Extremist government." ure, associate of Clarence Darrow,
asoirate A rCarsi"aala

i- - - - - - - - - -

Primary Electio2



Zeta Phi Eta Team
Wins Athena Debate;





Associated Press Photo

Today and tomorrow
st days that ordersi

are the
may, be

placed ror senior announce-
ments and invitations, accord-
ing to Howard Gould, '32, tn-'
vitations chairman. Literary
students may do this at a table
which will' be placed in the lob-
by of Angell hall. Students of
other colleges should consult
their respective bulletin boards
for information.
lion to Waterman gymnasium; en-
gineers on the diagonal south of
the Library; architects directly be-
hind the engineering class; medi-
cal students on the walk extend-
ing towards University hall; law
students at the rear of the medicall
students on the same walk; dental
students on the walk east of the
Pharmacy building; pharmacy stu-
dents directly following the dental
students; graduate students on the
walk extending southwest toward
the Romance Language building;
education students directly behind
the graduates; nurses and busin-
ess administration seniors follow-
ing the education students.
To Name Honor Guard.
Members of the senior honorary
societies and the Honor Guard,
which will be named in the near
future by the Swingout committee,
will assist in the formation of the'
procession, according to Tobin.
Seiffert Elected Head
of Journalistic.Group

Walter Fishleigh, Former Ford
Official, Speaks Before
Engineers' Smhoker.
Condemnation of modern finance
methods, a virulent attack againstI
the stress laid in engineering col-
leges upon matters of detail, and aI
stirring challenge to engineers toj
assume their deserved leadership
in world affairs marked the ad-
dress which Walter t. Fishleigh,
consulting engineer of Detroit, de-
livered before the annual All-en-'
gineering smoker which was heldj
in the Union last night. I
"One of the blots upon modern in-
dustry," declared Fishleigh, "is the
corporation which hires thousands
of men and pays them wages in
good times, while executives pock-
et huge surplus profits, dividends
and bonuses, and then turns them
out jobless in the first sign of a
depression, to shift for themselves.
"I know whereof I speak," said
Fishleigh, who was director of pro-
duction with the Ford motor com-
pany for four years.
Previously in his address Fish-
leigh had pointed out that in order
to avoid becoming mere mathemat-
ical gymnasts and intellectual au-
tomatons, engineers must branch
out into broader fields of education;
conscientiously steer clear of over
emphasis of technical aspects, and
prepare themselves to take a place
by the sides of lawyers and busi-
ness men in managing industries,
and serving their country.

'Ballyhooing' of Stocks Claimed;
Financial Scribes Given
Over 250,000.
WASHINGTON, April 26.-(/)-
Payment of more than a. quarter
of a million dollars Lo New York
financial writers for "ballyhooing"
stocks in which brokers were "rig-
ging the market," was charged by
Rep. La Guardia today, a surprise
witness in the Senate Banking
Committee's investigation of the
stock market.
ThemNewYork Republican laid
before the committee a trunk load
of documents and newspaper clip-
pings to support his charge that
$286,279 was paid by one publicity
agent to newspaper financial writ-
ers, for boosting various stocks.
Almost the full membership ofI
the committee and a packed room
of spectators were present for La
Guardia's testimony, which had
been described by Chairman Nor-
beck as "a big surprise."
With vigorous gestures, the color-
ful New Yorker drew out of his
mysterious trunk, which had been
under police guard for a week, a
number of cancelled checks en-
dorsed by New York financial
writers back in 1924 and 1925.
Frank Lee, former vice-minister
of foreign affairs of the Chinese
Nationalist government and now
special envoy to the United States
will speak to the Chinese StudentsJ
club at 4:00 this afternoon in Lane

att c but vuuroscution arument
and some of its testimony, and
asked that Massie, his mother-in-
aw, Mrs. Granville Fortescue, and
E. J. Lord and Albert O. Jones, navy
enlisted men, be cleared of the
second degree murder charge.
Although Judge Davis will not
deliver his instructions until after
the closing arguments, he did not
challenge Ulrich's statement, nor
did the defense do so. In its testi-
mony the defense set up the claim
that Massie was insane only from
the time Kahahawai admitted at-
tacking Mrs. Thalie Massie, wife of
'he accused officer, until.Massie
was arrested less than two hours
Although attorneys on both sides
expressed a desire to get the case
to the jury tomorrow, the argu-
ments of Darrow and public prose-
cutor John C. Kelley and Judge
Davis' instructions to the jury re-
mained to be delivered. Darrow
said hie would require about three
hourshbeginning tomorrow morn-
Kelley, a native of Montana, was
graduated from the University of
Michigan Law school in 1912.
Schoolmasters' Club Will Open
3-Day Session; Many
Events Planned.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, who late{
last night appeared to have been
falling behind Al Smith in the race
for the Democratic delegates in the
Pennsylvania and Massachusetts1
Ruthven Also to Be on Program
at Union; Abbott to Act
as Toastmaster.
Justice Louis H. Fead, of the Su-
,preme Court of Michigan, will be'
the principal speaker at the fathers'l
and sons' banquet, to be held atJ
6:15 o'clock, Saturday, May 7, in
the Union, as a special feature of
Spring Homecoming.
President Alexander Grant Ruth-
ven, will also speak at the dinner
and Prof. Waldo M Abbott, of nthe
English department will act as
On the same day, the League will
hold a mothers' and daughters'
luncheon at 1 o'clock, for the re-
turning alumnae who have children
in the University. Spring Home-
loming, which has been plannedin
order to give returning graduates
an opportunity to see the Univer-
sity under normal operating condi-
tions, will take place on May 6, 7,'
and 8.
Local Attorney Seeks
Prosecutor's Office
Harold D. Gold, '23, practicing
dttorney in Ann Arbor for the last,
two and a half years,yesterdayI
formally announced that he will
eek the nomination for prosecut-'
ng attorney on the Democratic
ticket for the county elections to
je held in September.
After serving with the Marines j
during the war, Mr. Gold returned
to become a Federal Vocational

That fraternities and sororities
form a invaluable bond between
the university and the individuals
of the student body, was brought
out in a debate between Zeta Phi
Eta and Athena, women's speech
societies last night.
Zeta Phi Eta, who won the critic
decision of Mr. Floyd K. Riley, of
the speech department upheld the
negative side of the question "Re-
solved that all social fraternities
and sororities at the University be
abolished." Thenegative team, El-
va Pascal, Maribel Smith, '34, and'
Ethel Howard, '35, proved that the
organization is a definite aid tc
greater unity and spirit on campus.
They insisted that, far from being
unfair to the independents, the fra-
ternity system has fostered for un-
organized students such benefits as
the League and the Union, and
denied t h a t fraternities control
campus politics.
Athena, represented by Lucille
Oldham, '32, Elinor Blum, '35, and
Carol Hart, Grad., affirmed the se-,
lectiveness, the unfairness of the
fraternity system. This team argu-
ed that the fraternity system de-
feats the aim of education, which
is to help the greatest number oI
students to self-development, be-
cause it selects its members accord-
ing to artificial and unfair stand-
They submitted also, that the
fraternities comprising twenty four
per cent of the entire student body
control the political, monetary and
social positions.

President Chase of
of Illinois Will


at Honors Meeting.

Butler Trailing Davis
in Pennpylvania
(By the Associated Press)
With b47 precincts heard ' from
out of 1,685, Alfred E. Smith, seek-
ing election in the Masachusetts
primary for delegates-at-large to
the Democratic convention polled
an average lead of three to one
over Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt of
New York in returns early this
morning. The vote was 27,695 for
Smith and 9,350 for Roosevelt.
In the Pennsylvania presidential
.ontest late reports in 75 districts
>ut of 8,181 gave Smith 11,226 votes
tgainst 9,661 polled. by Roosevelt.
;n the Senatorial contest of the
same state Sen. James J. Davis led
tlge retired general of Marines,
Smedley Butler, 133,551 to 56,851.
BOSTON, April 26.-(/P)-Candi-
lates pledged to Alfred E. Smith,
seeking election in the Massachu-
setts presidential primary as dele-
sates-at-large to the Democratic
rational convention, forged far
thead of a slate pledged to Gov.
{ ranklin D. Roosevelt of New York,
n early returns tonight.
In two of Masachusetts 15 con-
dressional districts, the Smith
)ledged district delegates had piled
ip substantial leads over Roosevelt
ixadidates. In the 15th district,"
iowever, the Roosevelt delegates
ed their Smith opponents,
Returns gave an average vote for
he 12 Roosevelt pledged candi-
Sates for delegates-at-large of 12,-
34 as compared with an average
ote of 3,463 for the Smith-pledged
A light vote was cast, despite
whirlwind campaign finishes oby
oth sides, James M. Curley, mayor
)f Boston, championing the cause
>f Rosevelt in this state, one of the
wo in the north to go for Smith
n 1928, was opposed by the regular
)emocratic organization,,. led by
xov. Joseph B. Ely, Senator David
Walsh and Marcus A. Coolidge,
nd John F. Fitzgerald, a former
nayor of Boston.
PHILADELPHIA, April .26.-(P)-
3en. James J. Davis led the fiery
:etired marine, Smedley D. Butler,
'or the. Republican senatorial nom-
nation in returns tonight from 142
)f Pennsylvania's 8,181 precincts.
More than half of the districts
'eporting were quickly tabulated
)recincts in Philadelphia w h e r e
)avis had the support of the Vare
rganization. The standing was:
lDavis, 18,097; Butler, 6277.
This included 80,districts in Phil-
.delphia which gave Davis 11,674,
Sutler 2,072.
-o Celebrate Their Anniversary
of Opening of the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The third anniversary of the
pening of the Mendelssohn the-
itre will be marked by a special
Viother's day performance of Os-
ar Wilde's comedy, "The Import-
mce of Being Earnest" which Js
ieing produced by play production.
The cast for this presentation, as
knnounced yesterday by Valentine
3. Windt, includes: Lauren Gilbert,
-rad., who will play the lead role
>f Algernon; John Doll, Grad., who
*vill play Jack Worthy; Eugenie
Chapel, '32, who will take the part
of Gwendolyn Fairfax; Martha
Scott, '32, who will do Ceciley Car-

dew; and Frances Bille Johnson,
'32, who will take the part of Lady
Other parts will be played by
Glad Diehl, '32, Herbert Milliken,
'32, and Ray Suffron, '32. Doll,
Miss Scott, Miss Johnson, Milliken
and Suffron have been in other
play production shows this year,
while Miss Diehl Milliken and Miss
Johnson have been in comedy club
work as well. Frances Johnson has
been in every campus production
this year.

President H. W. Chase of the Uni-
versity of Illinois, and formerly of
the University of North Carolina
will address more than 500 Univer-
sity honor students Friday morn-
ing. Approximately 200 seniors, al
freshmen and sophomores w h c
have maintained a half A, half E
average, and students who have re-
ceived special scholastic a w a r d
here will meet in Hill auditoriurr
for the ninth annual Honors Con-
According to Dean of Student'
Joseph A. Bursley, chairman of the
committee in charge of the convo-


Karl Seiffert, '33, was elected ---- R
president of Sigma Delta Chi, hon- Will Take on Detroit Business
orary journalistic society, at a
meeting yesterday noon at 'the Men Saturday at Prison.
Union. Other officers chosen for
next year were: Vice-President, The Eighteenth Amendment will
James H. Inglis, '33; Secretary, be the subject of a debate within
John W. Thomas, '33; Treasurer, C. the walls of the Michigan State!
frt S sa nh, dh. prison at Jackson next Sunday
Seiffert is a night editor on the night, but, by a strange turn of
Daily staff and a member of the fate, the amendment will be upheld
Sphinx, junior honorary society. by three of the inmates.
Inglis is also a night editor while The debate will be held in 'the
Thomas is on the sports staff and prison chapel, and the team thatI
Schaaf on the editorial staff. will ask for its repeal will be com-
posed of three members of the
Adelphi Hears Brown University extension division class
in practical public speaking, con-
Comparing national elections to ducted by Prof. G. E. Densmore, of
a big league baseball game. Prof. the department of speech, in De-
Everett S. Brown gave his views of troit.
the real workings in the capital For the affirmative side, the de-
in his address on "Politics and Poli- baters on the question, "Resolved,
ticians" before the Adelphi house that the Eighteenth Amendment
of representatives last night. Should be repealed," have been
Citing instances from the 1928 chosen from a class of 35, which
campaign of President Hoover to numbers among its members law-
prove his points Professor Brown yers, bankers, doctors, engineers,

The debate is believed to be one
of the first ever to be held between
inmates of a penal institution and
business men from outside the
The Detroit debaters represent-
ing the extension class are Roy C.
Goodwin, owner of the Michigan
Magnesium Co.: Roy E. McFee, a
civil engineer for the Grand Trunk,
railroad and a Phi Beta Kappa at
Bowdoin college; and Loren G.
Stauch, a retired real estate oper-
The Detroit class is held weekly
by Prof. Densmore in the assembly
room of the Detroit public library.
Each member of the class speaks
before his group on various sub-
jects that relate to his business.
The class at Jackson is conducted
by Prof. Densmore as a private
class for which he receives no re-
muneration. It is conducted upon
the same basis as the Detroit class.
The debate will begin at 7:151
o'clock. At 6 o'clock, however, those

Noted educators from all parts of Soard student at Michigan. He was cation, the seniors invited to the
Michigan will gather in Ann Arbor also a member of Delta Sigma Phi function comprise the upper 10 pej
tomorrow for the opening session here. cent of the class of '32, while stu-
of the three-day 67th meeting of He has been active in Democratic dents having less than a B average
the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, circles for several years, being a have been invited. Those invitee
the oldest organization of its kind member of the Jefferson Club, an for scholastic awards include stu-
in existence. organization of younger Democrats, dents who have been awarded fel-
"An appraisal of Current Opinion and a candidate for Justice of thel lowships, scholarships and other ci-
of our Secondary Schools and the Peace last spring. tations.
Higher Institutions" will be the --- Other members of the committe
theme upon which the discussions CHEERLEADER TRYOUTS in charge of the affair are Registra
will be based. The "forum" method Ira M. Smith, secretary; Prof. A
of meeting will be stressed in order All freshman who planto tryout L. Cross, of the history department;
to simplify expression of opinion; for cheerleading are to meet at the1 Prof. A. H. White, of the engineer-
less time will be given to formal Field house at 4:30 p. m, this after- ing college; and Dean Henry M
papers and more to free discussion, noon. Bates, of the Law school.-
it has been announced.
For the first time in recent years COLUMBIA HEAD ASKS LIBERALITY
the meetings have been extended to
Saturday morning. A number of > IN REGULATING UNIVERSITY DAILIES
corollary meetings and events will ---
occur simultaneously with the con- Butler Sees Danger in Too Much as any well-conducted newspaper
ference proper, including Honors in the selection and publication of
Convocation, the final contest of Freedom for College Press. inth election and puliation od
the tat Hig Scool ebaing .-its news and in the formulation and
the State High School Debatingof its editorial oinions
league, a teacher-training confer- Students publishing college peri- exmrss of tse aediti ohns.
ence sponsored by the School of odicals should be allowed freedom It must,o course, acceptp the same
Education, a meeting of the Michi- to express editorial opinion but they aresponsibility for abuse ofptsland
gan Association of the Collegiate should likewise be responsible for thatevery citizen accepts in his
Registrars, and an exhibition of abuse of the privilege, Dr. Nicholas daily life among his fellows. s
high school text books in the Uni- Murray Butler, president of Colum-
versity High school library. bia university, declared in an article "The Columbia Spectator is the
The Schoolmasters' club, founded published recently in the Spectator, natural and indeed almost necess-
in 1836 at Ann Arbor by a group of undergraduate newspaper of Co- ary organ and reflection of under-
University and state educators, has lumbia. graduate interest, undergraduate,
served as a model for similar socie- This article, it was believed, was sentiment, and undergraduate loy-
ties in various states. Its total intended to clarify the president's alty. The academy of its support,
membership now includes more views on the censorship issue that the character of its news and the
than 3,000 educators. has split the Columbia campus into judicious restraint and objectivity
-__two opposing factions within the of its opinions are therefore mat-
S r Editor H nrd last month. Although no direct ref- ters of general importance and con-
Snor orHonored erence was made to Reed Harris, cern. y

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