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con omy
OVERNOR BRUCKER, no doubt, has seen
the. light, or ,at least has found that there is
other way out, by cutting .down his highway
struction program: this year in order to save
ey. Speaking at the Highway Engineers con-
nce Thursday night, the Governor told his au-
ice that the legislators would return for a spe-
session determined .to save money and cut
n on road building.
t has been a common idea in the past for gov-
rs of states to endear themselves to the vot-
public by liunching a vast road building pro-
n. Comparatively few residents in any state
these roads but the idea ;,has been successful
has always been a tangible something which
executive can point to.
the state of Michigan already stands high in'
ranking of those states with good roads. The
enditure of millions of dollars for more roads
.ld be foolish and unnecessary and apparently
cker has realized this.
What the special session of the legislature will
s problematical as far as economizing is con-.
ed but at least the members will not be mak-
asses out of themselves which is so easy to
n these days.
Already in this session Congress has appro-
ted money for roads which has been widely
cized because of its futility and utter waste-
ess. Because the national governent has
i fit to draw attention to itself by spending the
>ayer's money for something which is unnec-
ry at a time when the money could be put to
nuch better use is no reason for state legisla-
s to follow the example especially when they
closer to the people's pocket book.
[he legislature, when it convenes for its spe-
session, will have many problems facing it in
matter of saving money. One of the ways in
:h it will do this 'is to cut down on the road
ding which is, all will agree, a wise move. We
e that it will be just as sane when it considers
r expenses.
Fears of silence since the advent of talking pic-
s have finally been broken-by Anna May Wong,
ninent for her work in the silents, with the pro-
ion of "Der Weg zur Schande" (The Road to
me), scheduled to open at the Whitney Sunday
he latest offering under its German all-talking
bundant press notices assure us that "Der Weg
Schande" is dramatically of the highest charac-
attained by German-produced, films, Miss Wong
ng the part of a Chinese dancer in a Russian
near the Russo-Chinese border. Miss Wong is
to speak German with equal facility as English
'he story, which is laid about the year 1912, deals
the attempt of the dancer, Hai Tang, to pre-
the execution of her brother for his attack on
Russian governor-general of the province in re-
From The Japanese Viewpoint
It is unfortunate that students who ought to
' study international problems with a spirit of con il-
iation, should engage in airing irrd ponsibie opdiois'
which not only becloud the real Issues but arouse I
feelings of antagonism. Mr. Robert Suez's artcles
are a case in point. Some time ago, inan artiler
which appeared in the Ann Arbor Daily NWs, he
* put forth the claim that Japan's occupation of Main-
churia was the result of a calculated policy of terri-I
torial aggrandizement launched without provoa-
tion at a time when China was suffering from the
effects of flood and the rest of the world from the
ravages of economic ills. Such an account presents
a picture grotesque in its bias. It produces no good,
and reveals no truth save that prejudice and imag..
ination can easily out run one's intelligence.,
Yet when Mr. Miwa, a Japanese student, comesc
forth with a reasonable allegation that Japan is mis
understood and that Chinese carry on a propagandat
to spread a "lot of misinformation," he is at once
confronted with a deluge of ire. Though I have re.:
mained silent to the present under the conviction
that heated arguments are productive only of' ilt
feelings, I feel it incumbent upon me to answer some
of the grossly unfair charges.:
To Mr. Wilfred Smith, who inquires of Mr. Miwa
whether his knowledge "has been gained solely from c
a religious reading" of the Japanese press, I wouldr
like to :point out that he, Mr. Smith, is himself aa
shining example of those who have received a "lot
of misinformdation." Mr. Smith says that the Man-
churian "tangle" seems to be similar to the "trainP
of events" which led to the annexation of Korea by i
Japan, Mr. Smith is not only misinformed but im-t
pertinent. He would have been at least less impolitec
had he said that the Manchurian situation resemblesI
American punitive expeditions into Mexico or inter-. n
vention in the internal affairs of Nicaragua. Con-.
ing more directly to the cruial issues, Mr. Smith .
writes that Japan is "ethically wrong in attempingS
to acquire from her weaker neighbor interests to I
which she has neither historical nor moral claim." F
If Mr. Smith would take a little trouble to readJ
the modern history of the Orient-a far more profi-d
table avocation than that of consuming "a lot of
misinformation"-he would find that as a result of
the Sino-Japanese War, the Liaotung Peninsula waso
ceded to Japan in perpetuity. but Russia, Germany,.
and France intervened, "advising" Japan to return t
the territory to China within fifteen days. Soon af.,o
ter the return of the peninsula to China, it wasC
leased to Russia. This led to the Russo-Japanese f
War, as a result of which the unexpired portion of V
the twenty-five year Russian lease on the Liaotung v
Peninsula was ceded to Japan. The lease was ex-
tended to 99 years as a result of the Twenty-One De- C
mands of 1915. If the trety of 1915 was. signed by '
China under duress and therefore invalid, then by 1
the same argument, the formal Convention of Nov w
8, 1895, under which Japan was compelled by Russia; o
Germany, and France, to return what she rightly
regarded as the fruit of war, must also be invalid. t
We must then go back to the Treaty of Shimonoseki e
under the terms of which the Liaotung Peninsula 1
was ceded in perpetuity to Japan. What bettet "his. a
torical claim" could there be? But perhaps Mi;Sinit L
weuld stress moral claims and disoite the validity t
of all treaties signed as a result of war. If so, then
as a matter of good manners, let him start by advo- je
cating the return of Philippines on the part of the J
United States to Spain. So long as the Versailles and t
other treaties signed as the result of wars are held c
to be valid by the nations of the world including the J
United States, so long has Japan more than a "his- o
torical claim to the lease and other rights on the o
Liaotung Peninsula. t
Turning to Japan's rights in southern Manchuria, o
we find that her rights are based on "historical a
claims" equally substantial. At the time of the Rus- p
so-Japanese War, China was a secret ally of Russia. m
pledging herself to support Russia "by all land and m
sea forces against any aggression directed by Japan e
against Russian territory." Had this fact been t
known, Japan would have obtained much norethan k
what she did receive as a result of the treaties of C
1905 and 1915. u
Mr. Suez, unlike Mr. Smith, cannot be ignorant B
of these historical facts. Unless he is an American- o
born Chinese, he ought to possess a fairly accurate s
knowledge of the major issues and events in the o
present situation.. Yet in his article which appeared i
in this Daily (Jan. 23), he denies the charge of Mr. h
Miwa that Chinese have been engaged in propa- bi
ganda, and quotes from the New York Times and u
others to show that Japan has maintained a strict g
censorshi in Manchuria and that there were no b
bandits i Manchuria prior to the present Japanese f
occupation. Mr. Suez must realize himself that it is k
possible to quote the New York Times or any other y
paper in such a way as to present a very favorable f
case for Japan. The whole matter depends on selec-
tion, and when Mr. Suez carefully selected only those a
which gave accounts favorable to China, he must h
have known that he was engaged in the very propa- o
ganda which, he denies, is being carried on by s
To employ Mr. Suez's tactics and confront him t
with an overwhelming amount of quotations which c
would flatly deny his statements, is indeed an easy i
task. The following are given as examples, confinedE
more judiciously to articles and reports which carry t
a greater degree of reliability than those quoted by1 c
Mr. Suez. (Mr. Suez's quotation from the New York 1i
Times of Nov. 10, for instance, is really a quotation + r
from an Ameridan-owned but very anti-Japanese A
Shanghai Post-Mercury). The New York Times in t
its editorial of Jan. 31, while deploring-the Japanese A
measures in Shanghai, says: "No impartial person t
who has followed the Japanese course in China since e
the sudden seizure of Mukden last Autumn can fail u
to conclude that Japan has lacked what .is called e
good publicity." In a situation like the present, it is w
obvious that propaganda be carried on by b6th s
Chinese and Japanese. But if Mr. Suez would count r
the number of articles by Chinese and compare it s
methods which have brought he
into controversy with the Leagu
of Naticnis and the Briand-Kellog
pa t poWers, but it has also beer
unfortunate that China, while un-
derning one set of treaties, was
permitted to claim the protectio:
of a different set." The Mail and
Empire, Tdronto, of October 27
says: "The provocation attitude
of th Chinese is too well known to
the British colonies in that part of
the world to admit of a doubt that
the Japanese, too, have had to suf-
fer from it." (The same dispatch
appears in the New York Times of
Oct. 26).
The most tenatiously followed
policy of the Chinese authorities
to haibass the Japanese to the lim-
it, to dry up the South Manchurian
Railway, and to curb the whole of
,Japan's economic life in Manchur-
ia, is a matter of public record. The
Nationalist party of China came
into power on the crest of a wave
of anti-foreignism. F i r s t, Great
Britain was the victim. Next, the
Chinese Eastern Railway was the
source of conflict. And then, with
a degree of persistence surprizing
even among Chinese, the Na-
tionalist party in co-operation with
Shiang-heuh-liang who, unlike his
crafty bandit father, could play
tennis and talk English' but who
could understand no diplomacy, di-
rected the policy of extermination
against Japan, using all methods
short of actual warfare. A railway
was built parallel to and in com-
petition with the S. M. R., in flag-
rant :violation of treaty stipula-
tions; the harbour at Huutao was
constructed anew to compete with
Dairen, and discrimination in the
matter of import duties was insti-
tited against the latter port which
is the southern terminus of the
S. M. R.; a new export duty was
levied on coal coming from the
Fushun mines. The right of the
Japanese subjects to lease land was
denied, and thousands of Koreans
were forcibly evicted from their
farms. These are but few examples
of the way in which the Chinese
authorities blazenly violated the
treaty rights of Japan. The list
of anti-Japanese decrees issued by
Chinese authorities at Mukden, in
force in Sept. 1931, numbered over
three hundred. Japan protested in
The story in Shanghai is no ex-
ception to the rule. The New York
Times of Jan. 29 carries a dispatch
rom London by Chas. A. Selden, in
which it is stated: "In the killing
f her nationals by Chinese and
>ther violence in con ction with the
boycott, Japan consiiers she has
exactly the same grievance Eng-
and had in 1926-1927. Evidently
.teat Bhitain thinks so too." The
London Times in its, editorial on
he Shanghai situation s a i d:
Doubts about the expediency and
fficacy of measures taken by the
apanese must not obscure the fact1
hat they have had serious provo-
ation in the shape of attacks on
apanese subjects and the boycott]
f Japanese goods." The recent
ccurences in Shanghai are regret-;
able, but the Japanese are not the
nly ones to be blamed. The Jap-
nese marines were proceeding to;
osts assigned to them by arrange-o
ment with the International Settle-]
ment authorities. But they were fir-
d upon by Chinese soldiers.. It was
hen a choice of letting the Chinese
ill Japanese or of attacking the
,hinese. The latter course was nat-
rally followed. Stanley Baldwin,
3ritish prime minister at the time
f anti-British outbreak in China,
aid in aHouse of Commons debate
on Feb. 7, 1927, that "the danger
s not only from the mob in Shang-
hai. If it were only that, it might
be that such forces as have accum-
lated there internationally, to-
gether with the local forces, would
e sufficient; but there was the
earful possibility, shown at Han-
kow, that if bloodshed was begun
you might have Chinese- troops
ighting with the mob."
That some of the Japanese policy
at the present in China is high-
handed isnot denied. But the crux
of the whole situation is that what
she has, done is no more than what
ny other dpower in identical situa-
ion would do. Why should Ameri-
cans who lose their head on hear- #
ng that Japan has violated the
Kellog pact, and who have no hesi-
ancy in advocating a warlike boy-
cott, accuse the Japanese for tak-
ng measures to safeguard her
ights in Manchuria? Why should
Americans who reveal willingness.
o go to war when they hear of an
American consul being beaten by
hree Japanese, accuse the Japan-
ese for taking high-handed meas-
ures to protect the lives of Japan-
ese after more than forty of them
were killed by the Chinese? Why
should those Americans who are!
eady to fight when their flag is in-
sulted, accuse the Jananese for
Music I/
Among mediocre pianists certain
ly the honest ones are the more
distinguished. A good, honestly
drab mediocre pianist gives one a
fairly impartial view of the music
and the purity of his drabness sets
l into relief the qualities which dis-
tinguish the supreme pianists. A
mediocre pianist who thinks him-
self rather delightfully colorful is
lgenerally something of a nuisance;
for if he is confident ei'ough he is
liable to convince a good many that
he is one of the supreme pianists.
* * *
Percy Grainger-technically one
of the most competent of the me-
diocre pianists on the concert stage
-is one of the nuisances. He is
quite fond of the dashing qualities
which have given him the title of
"playboy"; and always satisfied to
find and exhibit the great compos-
ers as "playboys" too. His favorite
composers,by public statement, are
Bach and Greig (which sort of rad-
icai electicism would seem to indi-
cate insanity); he validates this
unthinkable position undoubtedly
by relating them both to himself.
* * *
Last night it was Bachand
Brahims who suffered in this pro-
cess. The Toccata became for
Grainger a piece oftfairly dazzling,
rather amusing bravura. He plays
it with a lively, inconsequential
vigour which carries it through. He
is utterly indifferent to whatever
lyrcal earnestness there is in the
melodic lines, whatever gravity
there is in the harmonic progres-
sions. Similarly in the Fugue,
whole portions of it were just
"played," in no sense comprehend-
ed. The climactic points he pound-
ed out rather effectively. But the
whole significance of the climactic
points (their significance as points
where the accumulating richness of
the ordered compleity suddenly
becomes most apparent) was lost
because he played the progressions
to them so insensitively.
* * *
But Grainger's really amazing
sterility (which his bounding vig-
our occasionally conceals) came out
more clearly in the smaller pieces
of the first Bach Partita. The fact
is, apparently, that he has no feel-
ings to direct his performances.
That is, I submit that in the Sara-
bande, Grainger with confident in-
difference, perhaps made more mis-
takes of feeling (or, if you like, of
phrasing) than there are notes in
the composition. And that is an
achievement any playboy could be
proud of. (Harold Samuels' record
is the point of reference for; this
judgment.) The second iflhuet
Grainger distorted into a sort of ad\
lib intermezzo by 'ignoring .the
dance-pattern. Bach's achievement
in such things is to have got,. so
much feeling into a rigid pattern
of movement; Grainger ignored the
pattern and went after the feling,
so that he wasn't really playing the
second Minuet At all. Similarly, in
the Gigue, the rigidity of the type-
movement was ignored and retards
were indulged. Also, he had little
feeling for the quality of that long
suspension in the middle of the
second section. The conclusion is
that Grainger lacks both the intel-
lect and the sensibility to play Bach
and that it is surprising that his
fund of "dash" gets him through
Bach so well.
Grainger was right in announc-
ing that the Brahms F Minor Son-
ata is romantic music. But, as a
local pianist remarked, it was es-
pecially silly to make that an-
nouncement and then precedeato
play it with such dullness, such un-
inspired monotony. Such an unfeel-
i n g, unintegrated performance
from a supposedly "major" pianist
should have been hissed; but the
few loud and nimble spots and then
the fact that he is playing all the
notes are, I suppose, deceptive.
How rash and empty his dash really
is may be understood if one can re-
call Horowitz's incisive, finely tem-
pered performance of the Scherzo
and compare with it Grainger's
silly lunges at it.
/ * * *
One would have liked to have
stayed for the "Ramble." The
"Ramble" is Grainger's invented
form. He is evidentlr fond nf thpm
A 'Review.