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April 20, 1932 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-20

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all rpembers
of the University. Copy received at 'Ihe office of the Assistant to
the :President until 3:30; 11:30 a. mn. Saturday.


j Medical School: On Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m., the*usual exer-. Poetry Reading Contest: The- first preliminary for the* poetry inter-
cisiee fothe t Senittor andzt Junior students will he Isutspended in order that oretatlon contest to 1),i, e by teinf 1terp~retive Arts:, Geiety dill b
lh~; e~ys- my ten he clinics liven that hour by Doctor !Dona ld held in TRoom 202 !Mason 11i 1lai, Wednesda tly eveiniing', Aplril '_''l, 'd
ilat10 a 51t OSibly b} Doctor Flary iiln (' f Westerxn 1 scve FXki oItAyt11 .will hi ;t llu 4<v i 1l\tl ye iiih lYIIIwhith [1 tlk4 bo:itt
M eie~l£i I e i~ttiul #i t ive (. i;tii it tx, 1Mted l it:t S uool. ;I i li w 1I~, 8'0111 fIal,Iuy Will) U I orlyric", or (Othd I' sll-(rv p' Ioe'lis
of lhi XVI I 7iicowsi rlfg.~Tse xv ishing to cuter ttiscottlest shotilId confr [i
Medical School: A public address on "Fifty Years' Progress inIn with 1Mr. lHollister niotjater than Monday, Ap ril 25.
ternal Medicine," will be given in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, in
:Michigan League building, on Thursday, April 21, at 8 p.m., by Doctor S~honr,.wiradSno nier:Mdsmse eot o
Lewellys F. Barker, Professor Emeritus of Internal Medicine, Johns Hrop- grades below C arre now on file and open to insl)ection in the office of
kins Universit y Medical Schaal. The,( speaker will be introduced by the Alssistat D ean1, iaom° 259 West Enginee ring; building.
Pres-iden~t ,uth ivot. The ujeetirig is open) to all mnedical students, to thle A. II. Lovell, A1ssista ut fica.
ritdic~a1 profess ion and to those inter-estuld. Executive- Commitee, I




No. 141)

NOTICE TO SEIOR S! ---(.4'fi1 l)U~fTE Stl UY)FN:NtS I
Di)plomia Fees, Payable Now!
Eat rly :sett[lemenxt is IreCessaIry for the preparation of diplomas. lI)))no
case will the University confer at degree= at Commencement upon any
stuident who fails to pay this fee before 4 o'clock, p.m., May 25. In caseI
the Fa' culty does not recommend any payor, the fee will be refunded on
-urr-ender, of receipt for payment. The above applies also to fees for all
Candidates for degree or certificates should AT ONCE fill out card
at oifooe of the Secretary of THEIR COLLEGE or SCHOOL, pay the
Casb ier' of the University and have card receipted, and file indicated
,section of this receipted card with the Secretary of THEIR COLLT,EE
or 91CHOOL. (Students enrollend in the Literary College, Colleg'"e of
Arc i(-c!tureand School of Music please note that blank forms shouplld
beob, iedanid reeecl ted cart]I, filed in the Retorder's Office, RI ~ )ni r1,
Un iversity !fall.)
1'Cae O no( t dh y till the last motient, but attel,(nd to this iiatter
at ne We must letter, sign, and seal approximately 2,500 diplomas
and, ccertificates, and we shall be greatly helped in this work y early
payment--W of the fee and the resulting longer period for preparation.
Shirley W. Smith, Vice--President and Secretary of the I
University of Michigan.
*Thie Cashier's Office is closed on Saturday afternoons.
Autoinobile Regulation : Students who have recently brought cars to
Ann i Arbor with the intention~ of storing them until the close of' the
pre 11nt semester are requested to register the make, type, license numn-
ber, and location of storage of these cars at the Office of the Dean of
Studefnts. Failure to comply with this requirement will be interpreted
as a< violation of the automobile ruling. W. B. Rea,
Assistant to the Dean.
TO the Members of the University Council: There will be a special
rne)tig o the University Council (on Monday, April 25, in the Alumni
h.1,norial hall, Room "B", at 4:15 p.m., to consider the reports of the
C omm.iittee on Que,,stionnaires and the Standing Committee on Student
Ir]eaions. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Faculty Concert: Nell B. Stockwell, Instructor in Piano in the School
of Musi t ic, will give the following program in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
tlunicav, April 24, at 4:15 o'clock, to which the general public, with the
exepJon of small children is invited:
1.h:1_ Fantiasia in C Minor; Scarlatti: Capriccio; Paisiello"-Becthov -
n : Vrain on "Nel cod pia non rni lsento"; Brahms: Capriccio Op.
76, No, 2; Cin~t: Prmlude Op. 45; Nocturne Op,. 55, No. 1; Polonaise Op.
2?r, No . 2-;CaGri lles: The White Peacock; V illar : "Danzas Montanesas>"
lao. ^4; Debussy: FEt Ia lone diescend sur le temple qui fut; Wagner-Bendel:
Walter's; Prize Sngfrom 'Die rMeistersinger"; Paganini-Liszt: La Chasse.
NiotiQ-v The Electoral Board of the Michigan Union will hold its
metng forl the appointment of the President and Recording Secretary
01f the Michigan Union on May 14.
Eact(h applicant for a position is requested to file seven copies of
his letter of applicatign at the office of the Michigan Union not later
'thian Apriil 22 for the use of the Members of the Board. Carbon copies
on itit ini, ppr, if legible, will be satisfactory. Each letter should state
ti. i fact, s as1o the applicant's experience in Union and other Campus
act ivities., and any other facts which the applicant may deem relevant.
A. J. Palmer, '32I1Lit, Seecary, Electoral Board of the
Michigan Uniuon.

MlIedeajh elcol
IV14 (('al School: The two public addr-esses will b.e given in the_ Lydia
iMendelssohn Theatre, Michigan League building, on Friday, April. 22,
beginning at 2:30 p.m. Doctor W. TI. Park, Director of the Bureau of
Laboratorics of New York Board of Health, will give an address on "Fifty
gears' Progress in the Control of Communicable Diseases"; and Doctor
iDonald C. Balfour of the Mayo Clinic will deliver an address on "FiftyI
YMars' Po ,rssin Surgr.
'Thee meeting )is Oren to all medical students, to the medical profes-
s.ion and to thoseit(et. Executive Committee, Medical School.
lctdival I school : (On 4'riday raorni ug, April 22, at, 10 a .m., the usual
execiesIho .1 he Sfti s Ind)1a 11Juiorh studernts will be suspended in order
thi. 1 Uhl se cla ;ses may alt athIle clinics given at that houir by Doctor
L. Io. I:arklei:, of Johns hopkins University and by Doctor Joseph L. Miller'
Clinical Professor of Medicine of University of Chicago.
All afternoon exercises in the Medical School will be suspended on
Friday at 2 p.m., in order that all medical classes may attend the ad-
dresse,,s to be fgiven beginning at 2:30 p.m. Executive Committee,
ai Medical School.
I Preliminary Examinations for the candidates for the Ph.D. degree
in E~nglish will he given this spring as follows:
April 23-Nineteenth Century Literature
April 30--English Literature from 1660 to 1798
May 7-English Literature of the Renaissance
May 14-Mediaeval Literature
May 21-Literary Criticism or American Literature
May 28 --L.ingiistics
E anninations will take place in Rooni 3227 A.ll., from 1) to 12 a.m.
C oniinencenient Invitations and Programns will be on sale up to
Friday, Apiril 22 inclusive, in all the schools and colleges of the Uni-
versity with the exception of the Medical department. The placards
posted on the bulletin boards of-the individual schools will give informa.-
tion with regard to the taking of orders for these articles, and the
committeemen in charge of,this work have been provided with samples,
prices, and other 'necessary details. All members of the senior classes
are uirged to place their orders promptly with the representatives of
their respIct,ive clas :es. WA. fB. Rea, Auditor of Student Organizations.
School oft' Education--Senior : Orders for announcemlents of thle
grad uation oIf the Senior Class of the School of Edu~catioIn will be re-
ceived this week only. See member of Invitation Committee at table
on second Iloor iiunction (If University High School and University Ele-
mentary School, between f) and It any day this week. Have money to
cover purchase with yoIu. ~~__--___
University Students: All men and SUMMER "WORK
women students interested in Bridge For several Michigan Stdents, to
lessons are asked i sign up in the start ,June 15. Call at 306 Michigan
otfice of the Dean cf Women at Unioni, Wednes ~y P. M. 2 to 8, or
once. There will be no charge. cal4; tielins

All 'Stniors Who i 1 v('ili t)l, 111 etir (a ord r o 1f~ip'al iid !g,'(wns
sllori Id (10 so)at tilice. (%illericr at Iie' Moo Sport SI uop or Vani 13o yen 1 ile.
hIfllel Foundation : All students desiring reservations for the Pass-
over Seder tonight or tomorrow evening, and who have not already made
arrangements, are requested to call 3779 before 5 p.m. The sedlers will
be held at 605 Forest, starting Jat 6:45 p.m., sharp.
Cliccrih'adini, Tryouts for Fireshnu Wednesday and Friday, at
4:30, Field D-ouse.
rTvniiis Players: On the afternoons of Varsity baseball games Ferry
Field Teniiis players inust enter through the Main gate, showing both
idei ti lealion e tI-(Is anld coupoi bookjis.
(Jrzat Recital: E. William Doty, Instructor in Organ at the School
of Music, will give the recital Wednesday afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock in
dill Auditorium, on the Frieze Memorial. Organ, taking the place of
Palmer Christian, who is unable to appear on account of the serious ill-
ness of his Mother. Mr. Doty will play the following program:
Maitland: Concert Overture in A; Humphreys: Nocturne; Bach:
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor: Weaver: The squirrel; Schubert: Ave
Maria; lBoenann: Ronde Francaise; Russell: Up The Saguenay.
Geolo y 128: The students in Pleistocene Glaciation will meet Sat-
urday, April 23, at 8:30 a.m., at the east entrance to the Natural Science
building. Each student is to bring a map of the city of Ann Arbor.
(lcolrrgy It:.iBluebook Friday, and first field trip Saturday tt11am.
History 48, Mlake-Up Examination will bie heldl Friday, Apr-il 22, at
3 o'clock, in Room 1021 A.HI.
Sociology 153 (I. 1L.IHolmes) : Consult bulletin boards after noon
today for change of assignment.
"Fifty Prints of the Year": Now being shown in West Gallery, Alumni
Memorial Hall Until April 28. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art Association.

"Lat'iica il i ,iiti"ifeex'iin: lna
Mr. ~ l, :-~~fc '.IliiatiNvwill 1);,thii;
~~~~~~ ii ftwi i oo r 3201 F F u g l g , o h
subjec-t, "Con tribultio I.,;1 th tud Bly
ofI Cast I-on."
lcsaa'cl Club: Annual Memorial
nie'ting a. 8 p.m ., in the ballroom
of the Mic'higanl League. Paipers on
"Spiinoza," by Professor DeWitt
Ca,- l tV. Weller-, will be lv (-eIited
1CI'll Citi IeI ilt f Jh nren1{.'(e-
(1111 are oi-(ilinvihd to attenld.
Ger-mani Dclar'tment: 1Regu,,tlar
monthly luncheon at 12:15, ini the
Michig'an Union.
Mathematical Tea in Room 3201
Angell Hall at four o'clock.
University Girl's Glee Club: Im-
portant meeting at 7:30 p.m., in the
League. Election of officers for the
(Continued on Page 2)
802 Packard St.
Today, 11:30 to 1:30
Macaroni and Cheese with Meat Loaf
Breaded Pork Chop, Mashed Potatoes
Shredded Lettuce
Potato Salad with Cold Meats
Pineapple Rice Pudding
Coffee, Milk
5:30 to 7:30
Pot Roast of Beef with Vegetables
Sausages and Eggs
Breaded Veal Cutlets
Leg of Lamb, Mint Jelly
Roast Pork, Apple Sance
Mashed or- French Fried Potatoes
Vegetable Salad or Peas
Bran Muffins
Orange and Banana Desert, Vanilla
Custard with' Raspberry Sauce
Ire Cream, Cake
Coffee, Tea, Milk



~Iii - ____________________________ -- __________________________________ .- _________________________ -. ___________ -filll



For all departments


a lewLow Prices
SlUITS .. $35.oo0o 60.00
TOPCOATS. .. $45.OO to, $90.00O
HATS.... $5.00TIES....$1.50
SIT.. . $.i50 HOSE .. t..$1.00
i ~WEA TE~RS$3.50I
;I FLA NNELS ...........$6.50 to $10.00LI E S I S . .. 15 02 .0, 3 0 C
Ann ArborDetroit, 41 East Adams !

WAH. 195

r(1 I ' E XSITY


_____ _._._._ _ TA _ _._. ., ___ _ _ _



Tihos. Heath
We're going to be very candid
... everyone will not wear Flannels.
They are loungy and will not hold
a press as long as some oither fab~-
rics . . . but
..the young man who appre-
ciates something.d ifferent ,
something that is smarter than
serviceable . . ."more stylish than
practical then it's DEL V ILLE
FLA4NNELS every time.


4.z3u anct tp4a.ou
Ties-Hanel-made, 95c


__ __'

arrNr r w

___w ____.V..__ ___ ._ _-_ . _.,




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