.......... . .
WEATHER: Fair today.
- ..
This mass meeting on the steps of the Columbia university library
was called to urge a student strike in protest against expulsion of Reed
Harris, editor of the Spectator, student publication. Reed was ousted by
school authorities because he failed to prove to their satisfaction the
truth of gditorial statements attacking athletics, food at the University
dining halls, and other school activities.
Michigan Schoolmasters' Clubl
Planning 67th Annual
hirty Conferences in All Fields
of Instruction to Be 1
Carried on.
Plans for the sixty 6eventh an-
nual meeting of the Michiganl
Schoolmasters' club, to be held here7
April 281, 29, and 30, have been com-
pleted, according to officers of the
Informality of discussion will be
stressed, with the conference func-
tioning to the fullest possible ex-
tent as a forum, when the session,
whiich for the first time i recent
:year s is to be continued util Sat
utrday morning, eonvenes. T ht e
Schoolmasters' cub is the o1ldet
organization of its type in the
According to officers of the or-
ganization, 30 conferences of edu-
cators in every field of instruction
will be under way during the con-
ven tion.,
Reduce Formal Papers.
An attempt is to be made, it was
said, to reduce to considerable -ex-
tent the amount of time to be given
over to the reading of formal pa-
pers, while sessions will be given
over to discussion of current school
trends and problems, in conformity
with the keynote around which the
meeting is to center, "An Appraisal
of Current Opinion of Our Second-
ary Schools and Higher Institu-
tions." More than 100 teachers,
however, will read papers and re-
Parents, Teachers to Attend.
Members of the Parent-Teacher
association will attend, as last year,
the second annual Parent Educa-
tion institute, which is to meet on
April 2ion to
speakers on this program will in-
clude D. W.Stewart, pr sldent of
the Michi#ga Cogress of' Parents
and Teachers, Mrs. Hugh Bradford,
president of the National Congress
of Parents and Teachers, and Miss
Florence Hale, president of the Na-
tional Education association.
Ruthven to Talk.
Among other events pn the pro-
gram for.the convention will be an
address by Pres. Alexander G.Ruth-
ven and the annual University
Honors convocation. Finals in the
Michigan High School Debating
league will also take place during
the meeting, as will a teacher-
training conference to be sponsor-1
ed by the School of Education-
Concurrent with the Schoolmas-
ters' convention will be the annual
meeting of the Michigan Associa-
tion of College Registrars, which
will convene April 30, while a col-
lection of high school text books
will be on exhibition in the Univer-
sity High school library during the
Sigma Rho Tau Gains Audience
Decision Over Detroit
City College.
Sigma Rho Tau, engineering de-
bating society, defeated the Detroit
City college in their debate last
night at the Union. The teams de-
bated on the question, "Resolved:
That the Immediate Coippletion of
the St. Lawrence Waterway Is Feas-
The Michigan team was compos-
ed of Edward L. Fairchild, '32E;.
Byron C. Coats, '32E; and David F.
Bleil, '32E. City college was repre-
sented by Carl Turnquist, Donald
Davis, and Edwin Barrows.
Michigan took the negative side
and successfully sustained its op-
position to the project, although
the decision was gained by only a
narrow margin.
Prof. Rufus to Attend
Rittenhouse Ceremony
Prof. W. Carl Rufus, of the astro-
nomy department, left for Phila-
delphia yesterday to attend the bi-
ceutenary celebration in honor of
Lindbergh Agents A wait Kidnappers'
Message; Expect Mysterious Trips
HOPEWELL, N.J., April 7.--(A)-
A call which might send one or
more of them on a trip to a destin-
ation known only to themselves was
awaited tonight by three Norfolk
men seeking to bring about the re-
turn of Charles Augustus Lind-
bergh, Jr.
John Hughes Curtis, one of the
trio, returned yesterday after a
four-day absence and reported he
had made a contact and received
assurance that the kidnapped baby
was well. He also said he had seen
Col. Lindbergh somewhere on his
Today Rear Admiral Guy H. Bur-
rage, making the only additional
statement for Mr. Curtis, the Very
Rev. Dean H. Dobson-Peacockrand
himself, added that Col. Lindbergh
Flier Lifted Unconscious From
Wrecked Plane; Injuries
Not Serious.
WORCESTER, Mass., April 7. -
(IP)--Capt. Frank M. Hawks, noted
speed flier, was injured today in .n
attempted take-off from the Wor-
cester Airport. A soft field prevent-
ed Hawks' plane from picking up
enough speed to take to the air,
and it crashed through under-
growth, .over rocks and into a stone
Hawks was unconscious when
lifted from his wrecked plane and
it was first believed he had been
critically hurt. His face was badly
cut and bruised and X-ray pictures
disclosed nose and jaw fractures
which doctors said might result
in facial paralysis.
Hawks, who set a number of
American speed records within the
last few years and who also went
to Europe to establish numerous
records, was taking off for New
York after a lecture here last night.
His arrival yesterday was marked
by a mishap when an escort plane
piloted by John Whitin LaSelle, of
Whitinsville, nosed over to one side
of the central runway while leaving
a clear field for Hawks.
Lectures to Scouts.
Flying here from St. Louis,
Hawks lectured last night under
the auspices of the Worcester
Council, Boy Scouts of America.
After breakfast this morning he
went to the airport, planning to go
to New York to complete plans for
a flight to Porto Rico next week.
Finding the field soft, he decided
on a take-off from a dirt road cut-
ting across the airfield. This proved
unsatisfactory, so he took off across
1 the field. It was necessary for his
plane to gain a speed of 70 miles
rf hour in order to take off. The
soft dirt held down the speed and
the plane failed to rise while going
50 miles an hour.
Hawks' wife was at Fort Worth,
'ex., when she received news of
the accident, and she immediately
communicated with Worcester by
telephone and made plans to fly
here if her husband was critically
Wife Leaves by Train,
She was assured the flier's condi-
tion was not alarming, so she left
by train.
The quick hop of Col. Charles A.
Lindbergh from New York to Paris
prevented Hawks from realizing
his ambition to be the first man to
make this flight.
He began his flying career as an
impostor. He posed as a newspaper
reporter to get passage with a
barnstorming aviator and after he
had confessed his role he was made
ground assistant. During 1929, he
began his assault on records in
the United States and then went
to Europe and Canada to set many
informal records for flights between
Salaries for Hoover,
Curtis Are Approved
WASHINGTON, April 7. - (IP) -
The $75,000 salary for President
Hoover and the $15,000 salary for
Vice-President Curtis in the next
fiscal year was approved today by
the House in the Independent
offices supply bill. Including the
salaries, a total of $429,380 was
allowed the executive department
for 1933. This is $113,000 less than
the amount allowed for this year,
as recommended by the budget.
A*Iln n Af )s A ..
had requested the negotiators here
to continue their efforts. Admiral
Burrage said they were holding
themselves in readiness to leave at
any time on another such mission
as that undertaken by Mr. Curtis
over last week-end.
Col. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, the
state police head, disclosed the
nation-wide hunt for Harry Flei-
scher, a known kidnapper, had been
identified by reports he had been
seen several times under suspicious
circumstances since the Lindbergh
baby was stolen from his crib.
Sol. Schwarzkopf eliminated spec-
ulation about an automobile seen
in Featherbed Lane, near the Lind-
bergh estate, last night, by saying
"its operations had nothing to do
with this case."
Bill to Reduce University Funds.
Reported Out Favorably.
LANSING, Mich., April 7.-
(/) -Bills proposing reduction
in the mill tax appropriation'
for the University of Michigan
and Michigan State college
were reported favorably by the
Senate finance and appropria-
tions committee today. They
have passed the house. The
measure would cut the Univer-
sity appropriation from $4,928,-
852 to $4,182,724, and that for
Michigan State from $1, 640, 284
to $1,394,241.
Senior Invitation Sale
to Begin After Recess
Invitations for commencement
exercises will go on sale April 18,
with the resumption of classes, and
will continue throughout the week
until April 22, according to Walter
B. Rea, assistant to the dean of stu-
Rea said yesterday that informa-
tion regarding orders for the invi-
tations will be available in various
schools and colleges, and that the
senior class dues must be paid be-
fore the invitations may be ordered.
The invitations, which are pub-.
ished by the various individual
senior classes, are leather-covered
books. Each will contain new pic-
tares of prominent campus build-
ings, including Angell hall, the Lib-
rary, the Hospital, Legal Research
library, and the Clements library.
Auto Ban to Be Lifted
at Noon for Vacation
The automobile regulation will be
lifted at noon today to permit stu-
dents to drive home for the Sprng
vacation, Walter B. Rea, assistant
to the dean of students, said yester-
day. The ban will be in force again
at 8 o'clock Monday morning, April
18, when classes are resumed, he
Senate Leaders Agree to Push
Billion-Dollar Measure
Through at Once.
To Circulate Petitions Seekin
New Trial for Expelled
Columbia Student.
Brumm Deprecates Columbia
Action in Firing Harris
Without Fair Trial.'
Following a speech in which Pro
John L. Brumm, of the journalls
department, deprecated the actic
of the administration of Columb
university in expelling Reed Harri
editor of the Columbia Spectato
the Micligan Socialist club Ia
night determined to circulate f<
signatures a petition requesting a
immediate investigation into tU
facts of the case, and a fair tri
'or Harris.
"Every right thinking person
declared Professor Bruimm, "w:
condemn the way in which ti
expulsior was made, and I thi
the students of Columbia universi'
are right in the action they a;
taking to secure a fair hearing fe
this case."
Copies of the petition, to whk
members of the Socialist club w
attempt to obtain as many signi
tures as possible, will be submitt
to students today at various spo
on the campus. Its text follows:
Pres. Nicholas Murray Butler
and Administration,
Columbia university:
' "We, the undersigned stu-
dents and faculty members of
the University of Michigan, un-
ferstanding from press, reports
that Reed Harris, acredted
editor of the Columbia Specta-
tor, has been expelled from
Columbia University without a
fair and proper hearing, do
protest such action and re-
spectfully request that
ough investigaton wit
to his re-instatement be '.
ducted immediately.
Although Professor Brumm ai
members of the Socialist club we
virtually unanimous in decryi
the seemingly unfair manner
which Harris was expelled, coni1
crable conservatism was evined
discussing the justice that lay
of the action, especially whe
became apparent that no one pr
sent possessed more than sup
cial knowledge of the facts ud
lying the case.
"A college newspaper," said
fessor Brumm, "is by its very
ture differet from a pro
publication, nd should b .
by principles conducive toth
oral welfare of the studentbd
Editors Not Conser vt.,
"Too often," Professor tr
pointed out, "the college editor
to realize this. Sometimes, y
ing to an inordinate desire to
up a rumpus,' and bring hisl
to the general view of the p
he will run far astray f th
sponsibilities that h i ~ po
should hold for him,"
Professor Brumm seemed t
the opinion that although the
derlying facts in thb,case were
yet at the disposal of those pre'e
at the meeting, still one woul
b far wrong in assuming, tha
least a part of the activity le
to the recent expulsion had b
;rue to such a desire for pubi
Riots Are Over, Btt Protets
Pour Into Spectator
NEW YORK, April 7.-1P)--a
ceased on the Columbia campu
day, egg-stains were cleane off A.
lilt statue of "Alma Mat 7'
tudents went back to ls.,
tests continued against, the e
sion of Reed Harris, ditor
co lege daily, the Spectator.
Harris remained expelled, follo
lng his editorial charges that t
dining hall was run for person
profit, but the Spectator editorial
claimed victory. "Further rioti
on the campus," it stated, "can
best be only anticlimactical
whether or not the battle will
carried on in the courts is anothi
A stream of protests began
pour in from other college edito
but a counter-movement gain
momentum with the statement
W. N. K. Gray, a junior stude:
that "five members of the facu
(Continued on Pae 2)
on May 3, according to Charles N. TradeUnion c s atMo
Staubach, of the Spanish depart- in 1921.
ment, who, with Gordon Farrell, of He has been editor of the Detroit
the same department, will be in Labor News, the Industrial News of
charge of the production. Lansing, and the Saginaw Valley
The plays will be "Sin Palabras" Journal. He was a member of the
by the Quintero brothers, and "Ro- executive committee of the Michi-
sina es Fragil," by G. Martinez I gan Safety congress and was ap-
Sierra. Tentative casts have already pointed by Governor Green as a
been selected and rehearsals are member of the commission on Ol
under way. 'Age Pensions.
WASHINGTON, April 7.- (/P) -
Enactment of the billion-dollar tax
bill with a minimum of delay toddy
was declarecI the common objective
of both Republican and Democratic
Senate leaders.
The Democrats held a party con-
ference and decided to support the
measure. Soon afterward, Chair-
man Smoot of the Finance Com-
mittee, speaking for the Repub-
licans, joined in the determination
for prompt action.
The Democrats reached no agree-
ment on the controversy over in-
_lusion of new tariff duties in the
Lax bill, but one obstacle was re-
moved when the sales levy, rejected
ily the House, was ignored.
Senator Robinson, of Arkansas,
the party leader, said:
"No proposal was made in the
conference to revive the sales tax.
Apparently the action of the House
on the subject is regarded as con-
Senator Harrison, ranking Demo-
crat on the Finance Committee,
i sued a formal statement.
Senator Harrison said: "There
will be no unnecessary delay in the
consideration of the tax bill. The
Finance Committee has set the time
to hear witnesses on each of the