verine Star Beats Crabbe in Medley Race;
Kojac Betters own Backstroke Time;
Degener Outscores Riley.
EW HAVEN, Conn., March 31.-(IP)-U-Two. world's records
d today before the onslaught of a crack field of swimmers
ting in the national senior A.A.U. championships in the Yale
hn Schmieler, of the University of Michigan took the world's
in the 300-yard medley race from Clarence (Buster) Crabbe,
Los Angeles A.C., pre-tournament favorite.
he Michigan undergraduate replaced the old time of 3:38.6!
new mark of 3:36.8.
ianother brilliant performance George Kojac, of the New York
wam- the 150-yard backstroke in 1:37.4 to clop three-fifths of
id from his own mark made j - - ---
Wickersham Favors ~llfP ~fI rrirIII~AN A A
States Into League iIIT[FlPYatt Mann, swimming coach of
Criticizinlul the United StatLes sent- uthe University of Michigan, has
Cnh n d tsbeen elected president of the Col-
ate severely for not acting n the td a-000 Court Action Dropped All Stock Transactions to Be legiate Swimming Coaches Associa- i "
league of nations compromise for ' When Ex-President Pays Taxed One-Fourth of tion, a society that includes every
more than two years, George W. Insurance Agent. One Per Cent. college in the United States. Mann,
Wickersham, speaking yesterday in M 3who has turned out five Conference
Angell hall,'said that "if the United ST. LOUIS, March 31.--(A)-An WASHINGTON, March 31.-UP)- championship teams and four na-
States doesn't have enough courage apology and a check for $2,500 re- The House today adopted amend- tional titleholders in his eight years
to t onthae nco e d fr Calv Coolid toda ments to the new revenue bill to- as head Varsity tank coach, suc-
league, s i he ightjst a s wellf st oped a $100,000 d mge s t taling $255,500,000, bringing the es- ceeds James Reilly, of Rutgers, as
league, she might just as well build stopped a 100,000 damage sui timated yield to $999,0000,000 which, president of the association.
a wall around herself and live off against the former President by with $272,500,000 expected savings------
her own fat." Lewis B. Tebbetts, St. Louis insur- in expenditures, totals $1,271,500,- Bowling Championship
Mr. Wickersham pointed to the ance man, who claimed his busi- 000, to meet an estimated treasury b A-
fact that we are living in an age ness reputation was injured by one Deficit of $1,241,000,00 nextyear. etained by lpha Chrs
Hesrptto a nue yoeof easy communication between Determined to end three weeks of
nations and that the isolation of Mr. Coolidgels radio utterances. labor over revenue measures by to- Alpha Chi Sigma, defending title-
which the United States Senate In a speech last October, Mr. morrow night, the House rushed its holder in the fraternity bowling
supports is completely outdated. Coolidge said: approval on numerous levies. tournament, succecssfully retained
Following the Wickersham lec- "Beware of the so-called 'twister' Striking hard at Wall Street to its championship last night on the
tore, Prof. Francis S. nderdonk Ber ftemake it carry an additional share Union alleys when it defeated Phi
of the Prciera Oderdonk- and abstractor, or any agent who of the cost of operating the Fed- Delta Phi, 2774 to 2257.
mthed up the points in favor of offers to save money for you by eral Government, it approved a tax The 2774 score rolled by the title-
United States participation in the replacing your policy in another of one-fourth of one per cent on all holders was the highest mark that
league and called for opponents to company." stock transactions. This was esti- has ever been run up in the frater-
voice their objectins. Tebbetts said that his reputation mated to yield $75,000,000. The vote nity tournament over a period of 10
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, head of the as "the leading advocate in the was 207 to 39, with the opposition years.
political science department, con- United States of the so-called term coming mostly from Tammany Hall
cluded the meeting with a plea to life insurance policies" was injured Democrats and Eastern Republi- ------
those present to get in touch with by the address. cans.
their senators and urge them to J. Porter Henry, his attorney Although the House rejected an DROP IN
back up public opinion on the ques- said Everett Sanders, the former' amendment by Rep. Blanton, Texas
tipn of joining the league. 'One of President's attorney, conferred with cen rt, tadopte oe b Rep La
the foremost duties of the Amer- Tebbetts last month and it was Guardia, New York Republican, to-THE SAAR BOWL IS
ican citizen is to pester his.senator agreed to drop the suit if Mr. Cool- impose the one-fourth of one per. --
and congressman" Professor Reeves idge would apologize and reimburse cent levy on orders of persons in ALWAYS OPEN, AFTER
said. Before the meeting broke up the plaintiff for his legal expenses. this country for sale or purchase DANCES -- DELICIOUS
Prof. Onderdonk announced that Today the check was received with of stocks on foreign exchanges. The
he would draw up a resolution stat- the letter from the former Presi- La Guadia amendment is designed TOASTED SANDWICHES,
ing that the meeting was in favor dent. Mr. Coolidge's letter follows: to prevent brokers from going to F 0 U N T A-I N SERVICE
of United States' entry into the "Since making my radio address Canada or to other foreign coun- THAT'S AMONG THE
league. He called for a vote, and the of Oct. 6, 1931, in which I advised tries to evade the tax.
result was an almost unanimous regarding the substitution of new This tax, to become effective 15 BEST --ARE FOUND AT
showing of hands in favor of the life insurance for old, facts have days after enactment of the bill,
resolution. come to my attention which indi- is to terminate on July 1, 1934, as
cate that you think some of the lare L th bill's excise levies. K K I. 'tF
I statements which I made might be
EDITOR'S NOTE construed by your friends and ac-
All articles appearing on Pages quaintances as reflecting upon you R iGIHT SPO T
2 and 6 of this issue of The Daily and the plan of insurance you are 109 So1th M
are legitimate news dispatches or advocating." 802 Packard St.
local stories. None of the articles Tday,_1_:3__to 1:3_
appearing onihlSe patges are lodlay, 11.30 to 1:30
burlesques.-The Editors. Fried Perch
Cre ited Saftmon on Toast
------- R tWN- R E$ M Zt ioa w.l NhMushroom Gravy
Breaded Pork Ciop, Peas
7s Frehch Fried Potatoes
Ginger Cake with Whipped Cream
TOBE JOBLESS Coffie, \tl
Operations to Stop at Midnight SECURITIES Soup
in Unionized Coal Fields. Baked Lake Trout
CHICAGO, March 31.-(AP)-Ap- Veg tabi ePlaFte with Eggs or
proximately 75,000 members of the hanme, Aunts orrTd Roast ref Are the best shoes made fn
s oenmsrvativ margin.
1Wspho 23277
Lamb Chops, al a Creole
Baked Ham, Raisin Sauce
French Fried or Mashed Potatoes
Veal Chop Suey with Rice
Vegetablc Salad er Scalloped Corn
Bread and Butter
fcc Cream, Fruit Dessert, Cake
Coffee, Tea, Milk
Ra,.dlo Service
By a large staff of skilled radio men
221 East Liberty St.
Phone 3694
_._ _
Lovers may 5iss...
yan Tashman
- I