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March 22, 1932 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-22

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AARCtI 22, 1932

Zoology Professor Voices Fear
for Forests in North
Central Michigan.
Relative of Grasshopper Known
as atling Stick'


Oak forests of north central
Michigan are being menaced by a
surprise attack from a new enemy, w, '*
"the walking stick" insect, whichf
in the last few years has increased 8
from a curiosity in the insect world
to a serious pest whose eggs lit- , .. i .t .. M.F-.
erally shower the ground in infest- .>
ed areas, according to a report by "
Samuel A. Graham, professor of
economic zoology in the School of This is -an air view of the rescue by coast guardsmen of 17 fisher-
Forestry and (onservation. men, who were marooned on an ice floe in Lake Erie near Buffalo, N.Y.
The walking ,tick insect, a wing- They were carried out into the lake when the ice floe broke away from
less relative of the grasshopper, J shore.
gets its name from its angulai -
shape and. brownish color, which A HN O T A E I
gives it the appearance of ananniWASHING TON SAW TRATEGIC VALUE
mated twig. Ordinarily it is a OF DETROIT IN_1784, NOTE PROVES
rarity and because of its excellent' _______
disguise is seldom seen by the cas- George Washington said in 1784, ing Northwest territory available
ual wanderer in the woods. "Detroit is a point thro' which the by convenient water routes.
Infest Central Portion of State. trade of Lakes Huron and all above To support his plan Washington
In the present unusual outbreak, it, must pass, if it centres in any carefully computed the distances
however, the insects are so num.- State of the Union," according to from Detroit to points which were
erous in some areas of the north one of the notes published by the then or were likely to become im-
central portions of thestate that Michigan Bicentennial commission, portant distributing centers: Phila-
one can scarcely walk with com- material for which is gathered delphia, Richmond and Alexandria
fort where they are feeding, and in from the original documents in the in Virginia; Albany in New York;
some places they are so numerous Clements library or owned by citi- and Montreal in Canada.
in late summer that they have eat- zens of the state. Washington's vision of the com-
en all the available leaves and are At that time Detroit was a fron- mercial future of Detroit led him
found wandering around in search tier village with a few hundred to propose that it be included in
of food, according to Graham. inhabitants and little resembled the first state to be carved out of
One reason why this insect is us- the modern center of travel and the old Northwest territory. This
ually a rarity is found in its care- commerce which vindicates Wash- state was planned to include ap-
less habits with its eggs which are ington's judgment. proximately all that is now Ohio,
simply dropped by the female, with Firm in his conviction, Washing- but was to extend northward to
the result that the.young may die ton advocated the connection of include the area around Detroit.
before they find food or may be the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Washington realized that this would
devoured in the egg by other in- by a system of waterways, the note make a state of awkward shape,
sects or birds. The eggs, which re- continues. Since he could not fore- but believed that the town should
semble tiny beans, now lie in sonrme see the perfection of the railroad be made a part of an independent
a as asrnumerous as 30 to 100 to as a means of transportation, he state as soon as possible.1
declared f concentrated his attention on mak- This did not come to pass as he
dcae._-- _-wished, but the later development
Forestry School to Make Study of the state of Michigan more than
Strangely enough, the Michigan Ntw Rushing System verified his predictions.
walking stick eggs do not hatch the Adopted at Illinois
first spring after deposit, but lie _ r. i
over two winters and a summer be- (Special to The Daily)
fore hatching. The forestry school URBANA, Ill., March 21.-A new
is now engaged in a thorough study p
of the problem to discover the pan of fraternity rushing has been
caue bhin ths uusul otbrak.formulated by the rushing commit-
..Ibehind this unusual outbreak. tee and the assistant dean of stud-J
I, ents at the University of Illinois.
Carrothers Is Chosen Those incoming freshmen who
New AssociatixinHead have definitely decided upon the I American Association of Dental
______ house they would like to pledge will Schools Is Held at
Prof. George E. Carrothers; of thebe asked to hand their choice to an Columbus.
edcto col bcm himnimpartial member of the facultyICoubs
eduation school, became chairn immediately after the president's
of he committee on secondary address of welcome, Sept. 14. Dean Marcus L. Ward, of the
schools of the North Central asso- dentistry school, accompanied by
ciation of Colleges and Secondary
Schools on March 18, during the PhiDelta Kappa Will many of the school's faculty, has
assoiatin'sannul covenion t (been attending the meetings of the
asociaton's annual convention at Hold Education Forum International Association for Den-
The committee on secondary tal Researoh and the Americant
schools is one of the three standing "Educational Effects of the' De-!Association of Dental Schools at
comm'Vttees of the association. By pression" will be discussed at an Columbus, Ohio.
virtue of this office, Professor Car- open forum meeting of Phi Delta. The international society meet-
rothers is a member of the execu- Kappa, men's educational society, ng was held Saturday and Sunday,
tive committee. at 7 o'clock tonight at the Union. while the meeting of the American
Prof. G. E. Carrothers, of the di- association will take place Monday,
Ht Ohi Stat vision of high school inspection, Tuesday,and Wednesday of this
ot1SeS at ' hio Stae will lead the forum. All men inter-,week
Give Charity Donations ested in education have been in- Dean Ward is a member of the
vited. Dental Educational Council of
(Special to The Daily)_ _ _ America. Among the members of
COLUMBUS, March 21. - While the dental school faculty at the
many of Michigan's fraternity men LAWRENCE COLLEGE meeting is Prof. Russell W. Bunt-
are, as a result of this year's rush- OPENED TO JOBLESS ing, eminent authority on the rela-
ing system, wondering where their tion of diet to the care of the teeth,
next meal is coming from, Ohio (special to The Daily) - who delivered papers before the in-
State's fraternities are going in for APPLETON, Wis., March 21. - ternational association Saturday
charity by supplying food for needy Lawrence College has thrown open and Sunday.
Columbus families. Fourteen Ohio its classes, free of charge, to per-
State houses are c-operating with sons out of work so that they may
'local welfare societies to bring re- profit by attending college in their EASTER
lief to the needy. idle time.
Sunday, M

Action Against Houses
Flayed byProf. Miller
(Continued From Page 1.)
sity has never accepted the respon-
sibility for any fraternity's finan-
cial obligations and I am equally
sure that it never will accept any
Although critical of the univer-
sity's present policies toward fra-
ternities, Miller cited several forms
of supervision which he considered
properly within the province of the
Dean's office such as the right to
make inspections o f fraternity
houses to insure proper sanitary
and general living conditions. In
the way of scholarship regulations
Professor Miller indicated that in
his opinion the relation should be
between the university and the in-.
dividual rather than between the
university and the Greek letter or-
ganizations. He said, "The univer-
sity has a perfect right to decide
which students may remain in the
university and which may not."
In regard to what the fraternities
adopt for the future, Professor Mil-
ler expressed the hope that the ob-
jectives sought would be clear cut
and would spring chiefly from the
initiative of the fraternity men
themselves, both alumni and active
With reference to the objectives
sought, he said, 'Theyshould be
discussed widely and their value
accepted. We should be sure like-1
wise that our regulations are not
put into force at a time when they
can so easily cause trouble or at
such a rate as to cause distress."
A plea for a radical simplification
of the whole mass of administra-
tive detail was summed up by Pro-
fessor Miller, who said, "I cannot
see why a student who has the pri-
vilege of remaining in the univer-
sity may not have the privilege of
selecting his own friends and his
own living place."
Hoover, Thomas Top
List in Straw Vote
Held on West Coast,
(.Specia to The Daily)
BERKELEY, Cal., March 21.-
With a plurality of 32 votes, Herb-
ert Hoover was declared winner of
the presidential straw vote held
here on Friday. He received a total
of 124 votes.-
The second highest number of
votes was accorded to Norman
Thomas, Socialist candidate. He re-
ceived 92 ballots.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, one of the
six members of the Democratic
party whose name appeared on the
ballot, came third with. a total of
29. The total number of ballots for
the entire group of Democrats was
Following is the list of the re-
mainder of the candidates and the
votes received: William Z. Foster,
Communist, 28; Newton D. Baker,
Democrat, 25; Alfred E. Smith,
Democrat, 25; Owen D. Young,
Democrat, 10; John N. Garner,
Democrat, 9; William H. Murray,
Democrat, 7; Albert Ritchie, Demo-
crat, 5.
The-distribution of seats in the
House of Representatives under
proportional representation would
be as follows: Republicans 151,
Democrats 133, Socialists 112, and
Communists 39.

"Unpublished Letters of Samuel includes 400 letters, dating from
Taylor Coleridge, Including Certain Coleridge's entrance to Cambridge
Letters Republished from Original in 1791 to a fewr hour s before his
Sources," is the title of a collection death in 1834.
edited by Prof. Earl L. Griggs, of Professor Griggs, a student of
the English department, to be pub- nineteenth c e n t u r y . literature,
°lished in May or June by Constable started work on the collection ftwo
or six years ago. In May, 1930, he
received the Lloyd fellowship for
ican edition, published by Smith l1^-31 and spent last year in Eng-
and Long, is to follow shortly. land collecting the letters rcm var-
The work is in two volumes and ious sources, incuding libraries and
- private collections.
! 'The unpublished letters of Col-
Purdue Plans to Help eridge are significant from thr-:
# ! Hitch-Hikers points of view," Professor Griggs
stated. First. as refdectg is, cri-
ical powers; second, a. giving a
(AFAYETE Ind r. 2 -fairly connected account of th
LAFAYETTE. Ind., M\ar. 21. - progress of his piooTia n
Purdue students who leave the city teogical thoushp;iandoespecial-
- theological thought; ,and especial-
- for week-end visits need no longer ly as illuminating his life and char-
zesort ,o t he t i me - honored acter."
"thumbing" methods of transpor Professor Griggs has previously
:.: .;; : itation, it plans for the new Student published a series of articles on
Union "Travel Bureau" are success- Coleridge and his contemporarni s
in various scholarly journals. s
The plan will make the student life of Hartley Coleridge wa pub-
office of the Memorial Union a cen- lished in 1929 by the University of
I ter of information. Those who have London, where Professor Griggs re-
r ~-~cars and want extra passengers to ceived his doctor's degree in 1927.
,A help defray the expenses of their He hopes to edit a compete edition
: " - trips merely notify the bureau in of all Coleridge's letters, a work
advance, giving their destination, which will run into several volumes
time of starting, and number of and require several years to corn-
passengers desired. plete.
Those who have the "will butE
way"n maythen obtain this
. information by calling the same (criI[F' I
bureau, which will merely make the
exchange of names, but leave the
finalarrangements up to the driv-
er and passengers. __
Morris Rosner, known to New _____
Jersey police as the "Mystery Man" BR HT S )T NTE
in the Lindbergh kidnapping; was TYPING-Grad, theses a specialty.
thought to have been the enmissaryTYIG-r. hesapcaty
who appointed Irving Bitz and 802 Packard St. M. V. Hartsuff. 9087.
Salvatore Spitale as "go-betweens" '526c
with the underworld for the Colo- Today, 11:30 to 1:30 L A U N D R Y-Soft water. 21044
nel's family. He has remained silent Liver and Bacon Towels free. Socks darned. 271c
throughout concerted attempts on BreadedaPork Chop ~~ r 2
the part of officers to find out how LambStew with Biscuits MOE LAUNDRY
much he knows about the circuftr- Roast Beef 204 North Main Phone 3916
stances of the kidnapping. Mashed Potatoes Men's shirts are our hobby--try us
Cold Slaw and see. 200c
Philosohical GroCarmel Pecan Pudding - -
HoldU Coffee, Milk FOR SALE
to Hold Meeting Here . 30cR O S C -R- -

Philosophers from various uni-
versities of the western part of the
United States will gather in Ann,
Arbor Thursday for the annual
congress of the western section of
the United Philosophical society.
Papers will be read by members
of the association at meetings onj
Thursday afternoon, Friday and
Saturday morning. The annual din-
ner will be held Thursday evening
at which the presidential address
will be given by Prof. A. P. Brogan
of the University of Texas.

5:30 to 7:30
Chicken Pies
Baked Ham, kRaisin Sauce
New England Boiled Dinner
Swiss Steak
Roast Beef and Pork
Mashed or an Gratin Potatoes
Cauliflower, Spinach, Lettuce Salad
BaaaBran Muffins
Banana Cream, Butterscotch Pie
Jello, Cake
Coffee, Tea, Milk


l 'e-'dlenial Summer School (co-
dlucational) . une 27-July.30--
(n -"ch z isken. Fee $140
inclusive ]icentary, Isnterme-
I 4e. ..dx- 11cnced.\Vrite for cir-
(111-toScruetary-. R-esidentiaul
Frencl) Summfler School.

- - - --

Student Re zds Byron
When Sent to Priso
(Speial to The DailY)
COLUMBUS, March 21.-"Whe
you find it hard to concentrate, t
the city jail," says Merritt Ruhlei
Ohio State student. Ruhlen, wh
is serving a three day sentence f
driving through a Columbus sign,
light, finds it a simple matter 1
grasp the purport of Byron's "Prit
oner of Chillon," in his new su
March 27th

For College Man to-
n Work Way Through School
A splendid exclusive sales opportunity
on a fast selling line of popular,
r well-advertised merchandise is now
ny open for a man prominent in college'
n, "activities. Good commissions : paid.
10 ;Average earnings about $20.00 or
Or more per week. This sales agency
al :offers year round work, both during
to .schooi months and summer in your
S- .own home town. Write for complete
r information, giving your home town,
year in school, age, college and ath-
letic activities; clubs, fraternity, and
~ otherqualifications as salesman.
31Limited time makes imperative an
-immediate application forthis Posi.
tion. Address correspondence to W.
H. Loomis, Jr., 21 West 10th Street,

At Dearborn Inn, old New
England recipes are followed to
the very "bit of bay leaf" pre-,
! scribed' for the savory meat
dressing. This real New England
Inn provides a background of
Colonial charm and hospitality
for dinners, luncheons, bridge
r parties and teas! Faculty guests
are especially invited.
Choice of two delicious lunch-
eon menus served noondaysat
$1.25 and $1.00 a plate. Dinner,
$ 1.50 a plate. A la carte service
in the English Coffee Shop.
Space in the beautiful Colonial
Lounge for as many tables of
bridge as desired. Recreation
Room for ping-pong and other
indoor amusements. Transpor-
tation for groups furnished.
'Phone Dearborn 1810 for de-
tails and reservations.



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